Showing 192 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Traditional lifeways

Use for: Traditional lifestyle, Life on the land

  • Here are entered works related to activities and ways of life that have been practiced by Indigenous peoples since time immemorial, including ways of being on the land and traditional practices such as traditional harvesting, preparation of hides, making traditional clothing, traveling on the land and waterways, camps and traditional structures.
48 1
Transportation (6)

Use for: Transportation industry, Transport

  • Here are entered works related to the movement of humans, animals, and goods from one location to another.
80 30
Trapping and trappers

Use for: Animal traps, Trapper

28 10

Use for: Numbered treaties, Treaty 8, Treaty 11, Indigenous peoples -- Treaties

  • Here are entered works related to Treaties 8 and 11 as well as other treaties between Indigenous peoples and the Crown.
5 0
Tungsten mines and mining 1 0
Uranium mines and mining 6 0
Voyages and travel

Use for: Journeys, Travels, Trips

  • Here are entered works related to the act of going on a trip or journey.
76 9

Use for: Whale hunting, Commercial whaling, Hunting, Whale, Whale fisheries, Whale harvesting

  • Here are entered works on the harvesting/hunting of whales
4 1
Wildlife conservation

Use for: Animal conservation

  • Here are entered works on the protection of wildlife, as a matter of public policy.
101 20

Use for: Status of women, Women's rights, Women's issues

  • Here are entered works related to women's issues or women's rights, as well as works with a special focus on women as a group.
28 11
Yellowknives Dene

Use for: Tetsǫ́t'ıné, Copper Indians, YKDFN, Yellowknives Dene First Nation

1 0
Zinc mines and mining 3 0