Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité
Titre propre
Dénomination générale des documents
- Document textuel
Titre parallèle
Compléments du titre
Mentions de responsabilité du titre
Notes du titre
Niveau de description
Zone de l'édition
Mention d'édition
Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition
Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents
Mention d'échelle (cartographique)
Mention de projection (cartographique)
Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)
Mention d'échelle (architecturale)
Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)
Zone des dates de production
1942-1945 (Création/Production)
- Producteur
- Hemstock, Russell Alexander
Zone de description matérielle
Description matérielle
4.2 cm textual records
Zone de la collection
Titre propre de la collection
Titres parallèles de la collection
Compléments du titre de la collection
Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection
Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection
Note sur la collection
Zone de la description archivistique
Nom du producteur
Notice biographique
Mr. Hemstock was born in Hanna, Alberta in 1921. After graduating from the University of Alberta with a BSc in Mining Engineering in 1943, Alex Hemstock began working for Imperial Oil on the Canol project in Norman Wells. In 1945 Alex Hemstock met Emily Keeley, who was also working in Norman Wells for Imperial Oil at the time. They were married soon after. As an employee of Imperial Oil, Alex Hemstock was tasked with doing an assessment of the CANOL infrastructure in 1944 when the project was shut down. Following his time on the Canol project, Alex Hemstock returned to the University of Alberta and obtained a MSc in Soil Mechanics in 1947, and continued to do work related to geology and environmental studies for the remainder of his life. He passed away in 2010 in Calgary, Alberta.
Historique de la conservation
Portée et contenu
Records consist of a copy of "The Canol Pictorial" by P.A. Harris (1944), correspondence sent by Russell Alexander (Alex) Hemstock to his parents and siblings during his time on the Canol Project between 1943-1945; a letter from Guy Blanchet dated March 1945 describing the routes between Norman Wells to the Canol pipeline; and two letters from Emily Keeley (Hemstock's wife) addressed to her parents from August 1945. This accession also includes six published academic works of Alex Hemstock, on the subject of permafrost and arctic conditions, produced between 1949-1978.
While working for Imperial Oil in 1945, Alex Hemstock produced a report for Imperial Oil titled Operations on the No. 1 Canol Pipeline. His paper from this period is the only first-hand document on the operations of the Canol pipeline. A copy of this manuscript is in the PWNHC reference library.
Zone des notes
État de conservation
Langue des documents
Écriture des documents
Localisation des originaux
Disponibilité d'autres formats
Restrictions d'accès
No access restrictions.
Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication
Instruments de recherche
AIMS records
Éléments associés
Possible copyright restrictions.