Journalists and journalism

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  • Here are entered works related to the job of collecting, writing, and publishing information about current events.

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  • PAASH 2020 edition

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    Hierarchical terms

    Journalists and journalism

      Equivalent terms

      Journalists and journalism

      • UF Newspapers
      • UF Newspapermen

      Associated terms

      Journalists and journalism

      12 Archival description results for Journalists and journalism

      12 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      N-1993-015 · Accession · 1958-1959

      This accession consists of two newsletters entitled "Norman News" which were published by the students at the Federal Day School in Fort Norman (Tulita). The newsletters (dated October 1958 and February 1959) contain school-related items and items pertaining to the community. There are lists of community events for the upcoming months, birth announcements, stories, crossword puzzles and a column titled hunting news. The reporters listed in the October issue are: Richard Hardy, Randy Stowell, Faye Eliason, Sandra Clement and George McDonald.

      Federal Day School (Fort Norman, NT)
      N-1992-011 · Accession · [1931]

      This accession consists of radiotelegraphs from Edmonton to Fort Simpson. These telegraphs provided brief bulletins of international, national, and regional news. The bulletins date from March 30 to June 22, [1931], and usually included a Commercial Airways Log.

      Erik Watt fonds
      113 · Fonds · 1929-1995

      This fonds consists of 1,207 photographs, including 852 predominantly black and white negatives and prints, and 355 colour slides.

      The majority of the images were taken by Erik Watt between 1950 and 1995. These images fall into two broad groups: those that Erik Watt took during his career as a journalist in the 1950s and 1960s, and those Erik took primarily in the 1980s and 1990s while he was employed in various capacities. The majority of the 1950s-1960s photographs are black and white and show locations within the Northwest Territories, however, images from northern Alberta, northern Manitoba, and northern Quebec complement the overriding theme of Canada's north. A wide range of subject matter is represented in these photographs, including: DEW line operations; educational activities; views of northern communities and people from both the eastern and western arctic; Aboriginal reserves; mining operations; church work in the north; road construction; and special functions such as the official opening of public buildings. The 1980s-1990s photographs are colour slides and primarily document mine sites and infrastructure.

      The remainder of the photographs were taken by Erik's father, Frederick Watt, and date between 1929-1933. These images include the first air mail flight to Aklavik, images of floatplanes and pilots, prospecting and staking activities and the establishment of the Cameron Bay settlement and mine. Some of these images were used in Frederick Watt's book "Great Bear: A Journey Remembered".

      Watt, Erik
      N-1994-018 · Accession · 1972

      Records are comprised of the first issue (volume 1 number1) of a 1972 newsletter, "Think News", which was published by students and staff at the Gordon Robertson Education Centre. The newsletter contains items of news about students at the school. It also contains stories, letters to the editor, and some news pertaining to the community.

      Gordon Robertson Education Centre (Frobisher Bay, NT)
      N-1993-023 · Accession · 1967

      This accession consists of one newsletter entitled "Echo 1967" which was produced by the students at the Federal Day School in Norman Wells. The newsletter (dated January 13, 1967) contains school-related items and items pertaining to the community. There are lists of community events for the upcoming month, birth announcements, a cartoon, an extract from the Liquor Ordinance, and community residents' opinions on Confederation and the future of Canada. The newsletter was originally created as part of the school's contribution to the NWT Centennial celebrations.

      Federal Day School (Norman Wells, NT)
      McMeekan family fonds
      250 · Fonds · [1930-1960], [1975-1984], 1985

      This fonds includes records of the McMeekan family, including John "Jock" McMeekan, his wife Mildred (nee Hall) and niece Helene Acikahte (previously Giles, Henderson), dating from the 1930s to 1960, as well as an audio recording of Helene from 1985. The records consist of 5 reels of 8 mm film, 7 Umatic videocassettes copied from the films, 22 photographs, 3 DAT audiocassettes copied from the four original audiocassettes and 6 cm of textual records. These materials document their family and professional lives, including records relating to Jock's publishing and Mildred's teaching activities. The films probably date from 1939-1949, and feature family members, scenes of Yellowknife and environs and subjects such as treaty days, prospecting, and school events. The films were originally on 23 separate reels, however the Public Archives in Ottawa had the footage consolidated on five reels and copied onto 3/4 inch Umatic format videocassettes in 1986. The sound recordings consist of an interview with Helene (Giles) Henderson conducted by NWT Archivist David Rudkin on March 19, 1985 and Helene providing narration for the films. The 4 original cassettes were copied onto DAT cassettes in 1997 for preservation purposes and the audiocassettes are retained as original masters. The photographs show Jock McMeekan, Mildred Hall and other family members. The textual material consists of a typed early draft for a manuscript on the history of Yellowknife, a 325 page photocopied typewritten draft version of the book "Jock McMeekan's Yellowknife Blade", entitled "The Yellowknife Blade & other jottings" and a typed draft manuscript on material published in the newspaper "The Prospector", both written by Jock McMeekan.

      McMeekan (family)
      175 · Fonds · 1971-1994

      This fonds consists of about 200,000 photographic negatives (mostly black and white with some colour) produced by the Native Press and its successors between 1971 and 1993 and contact sheets produced from the negatives.

      The fonds also includes six C-60 audiocassette recordings containing samples of the Native Communications Society's (NCS) Indigenous language programming. In 1992-1993 and 1993-1994, NCS successfully applied to Community Programs for financial assistance to develop Indigenous language radio programming. Dene language lessons and elders telling stories and legends over CKNM radio were part of the radio programming.

      Also included are 11 posters produced by NCS circa 1981-1982. One series of five posters is titled 'Our Elders Speak' and depicts traditional lifeways (hunting, fishing and attending a Dene feast), while a second series of posters features text and images that describe the history, objectives and functions of six Indigenous organizations in the NWT: NCS, NWT Metis Association, Dene Nation, NWT Native Women's Association, NWT Native Court Worker's Association, and the Tree of Peace Friendship Centre.

      Native Communications Society
      N-1997-018 · Accession · [1992]

      The sound recording contains examples of recordings broadcast by the Fort Liard Communication Society radio station CHFL. The recordings include local reports, elders' stories, interviews with Members of the Legislative Assembly, local musicians and Christmas messages.

      Fort Liard Band Council
      N-2004-021 · Accession · 2004

      The video, which first aired nationally in early-2004, was produced by Force Four Entertainment of Vancouver, British Columbia for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation series 'Life and Times'. It describes Nellie Cournoyea's rise to prominence despite difficult times, including her experiences in radio broadcasting, business, and politics, first in the Mackenzie Delta Region and later as a member of the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly. She was the first woman to hold the position of Government Leader of the Northwest Territories.

      Records include Deputy Head Chronos (1996), correspondence and planning documents relating to Education Act and Student Financial Act Amendments, planning and correspondence for the Minister's Forum on Education, Executive Committee minutes and correspondence, Memorandum of Undertanding between the GNWT and the NWTTA and YK School District #1, minutes from the Constitutional Affairs Committee, correspondence and planning documents regarding the South Slave Divisional Education Council, correspondence and planning pertaining to the Pension Plan, and correspondence and meeting minutes from the Inuvialuit Communications Society Committee Meetings, the Native Communications Society, the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, and the Advisory Committee on Educational Television.

      Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Strategic and Business Services division
      Edmonton Journal (newspaper)
      N-1992-164 · Accession · 1976-1979

      This accession consists of photographs taken by Edmonton Journal photographers from 1976 to 1979, of persons, places, and events in the Northwest Territories, including Pierre Burton presentation at YK Golf Club, Stuart Hodgson, Charles Prince of Wales, North Pole, passenger train, drill ships in the Beaufort Sea, Nahanni Park, RW Patterson and Albert Faille.

      Edmonton Journal