28 page carbon copy of paper by William and June Davidson on Tłı̨chǫ (Dogrib) phonemes, "Data check form for phonemics".
[File consists of tourist guides, maps, and postcards from a trip to Spain.]
[File consists of a B'di Kath Chometz Kit received from Mesifta Beth Shraga in New York.]
[File consists of brochures promoting tourism in the Northwest Territories and Yellowknife, informational booklets about Giant Mine, a Vacation Guide to Canada's Northwest Territories (issued by the Ministry of Northern Affairs and National Resources], an angling guide, guides for Prelude Lake Lodge, Arctic Adventure Cruises (Arctic Cruise Lines Limited), Indian Mountain Fishing Lodge. Some booklets are issued by the Yellowknife Board of Trade and Northern Frontier Visitors Association. Also included is a brochure for the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre.]
[File consists of canoe trip brochures for Tibbitt Lake Loop, Tartan Rapids, Powder Point, and the general Yellowknife area, distributed by the Northern Frontier Travel Association.]
One folder consisting of correspondence, draft materials and a final copy of the NWT Protected Areas Strategy.
One file containing correspondence and reports related to Recommendation #10 of the GNWT's Social Agenda related tosupport approaches that emphasize prevention.
Letter from John Franklin dated October 25, 1830.
One copy of "An Act to Make Further Provision for the Regulation of the Trade with the Indians, and for the Administration of Justice in the North-Western Territories of America", Bill 104, session 2 (House of Commons, 1 August 1859).