McAvoy, passport [Employee? Portrait of man in dirty striped coveralls, not Jim or Chuck McAvoy.]
[Ted Horton, editor and publisher of News of the North newspaper, composes type in a form. He stands in front of a job case in his print shop in Yellowknife.]
P[ost] C[ard] Sports [Dene men drum and play handgame while a crowd watches. They use matches as tallies. Yellowknife.]
YK Beach [Men, women and children sit on the sand and play in the water at McNiven Beach on Frame Lake. Yellowknife.]
Store with customers, Kay Boffa, Hospital girls [Four women look at photographs at the counter of Yellowknife Photo Service. Yellowknife.]
YK Taxi [A Yellowknife Taxi is in a snowbank in front of the A.S. Hodgson building, possibly a car accident. The water tower is visible on the rock in the background. Yellowknife.]
YK Taxi [Men and women walk on a Yellowknife street. The Boyles Bros Drilling building is at right. Yellowknife.]
Imperial Oil, Cat Trains [Two men stand next to a caterpillar tractor by the tank farm on Jolliffe Island. Paul Vincent stands on the left, and Mr. Ted Cinnamon, an Imperial Oil agent, stands on the right. An Imperial Esso truck and fuel tanks are behind them. Yellowknife.]
Slim Argue, Party [A man laughs during a New Years party in a living room. Two men talk behind him, and two women are in the back of the room. Yellowknife. January 1, 1951][Horace “Slim” Argue on the left front]
Slim Argue, Party [Four men and a woman raise their drinks at a New Years party in a living room. Yellowknife. January 1, 1951][Horace “Slim” Argue on the left front]
Rita in Store [Rita Pede, woman sits looking at photographs at a desk at Yellowknife Photo Service. Yellowknife.]
Studio, Little Ricky [A young boy reaches into a cookie tin on a kitchen counter while a woman watches. Yellowknife.]
Scouts [Group portrait of fourteen Boy Scouts and two leaders, in uniform standing in a semi circle. L-R: 1. Unknown, Ed Mandeville, Gordon Berg, Joe Ellan, David Douglas, unknown leader, Melvin Erickson, Bill Knutsen, Pat Balsillie, Sandy Loutitt, Leader Linc Steffanson, Bill Rudd, Don Grey, Brian McDonnell, Bill Berg, Jed Desjarlais. Yellowknife.] April 15, 1950
T. Earl [View of Con Mine site on the shore of a lake from a canoe. A woman is partially visible at the stern of the canoe steering an outboard engine. July 15, 1949]
Fire, Boyles Bros [Men, women and children on an Old Town Yellowknife street. The Cabin Court building is at left. Yellowknife.]
Fire, Boyles Bros [Men, women and children on an Old Town Yellowknife street. The Boyles Bros Drilling building is at right, and a Yellowknife taxi and a Cinnamon truck are parked on the street. Yellowknife.]
Children at play [Children play in the snow on a rocky outcrop. A wooden tripod is on the top of the hill. Yellowknife.]
[Men and women stand in front of the Territories Exploration and Drilling building, which also houses Yellowknife Photo Service. Women step into a car on the road. Yellowknife.]
[View of a man, possibly Tom Reed, standing inside a horse-drawn wagon, pitchforking straw onto the road. Fuel barrels and a dog are in the foreground. Yellowknife.]
[View from behind a fence of a man, possibly Tom Reed, standing inside a horse-drawn wagon, pitchforking straw onto the road. In the background is the Yellowknife Laboratories building. Yellowknife.]