Records include meeting minutes and correspondence of the Public Records Committee (PRC) and Recorded Information Management Committee (RIMC).
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. Corporate Services divisionRecords date from 1993-1994 and is entitled Records Management Policy and Procedures File.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. Systems and Communications divisionRecords include administrative/operational manuals related to records management, records services and policy and procedures. Records also include meeting minutes and correspondence of the Public Records Committee (PRC), the Recorded Information Management Committee (RIMC), and one legal opinion file related to retention of health records.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. Corporate Services divisionRecords include minutes from the Recorded Information Management Committee (RIMC) and a Facilities Management Action Plan and Public Relations plan.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. Corporate Services divisionThe records include minutes and meeting materials from the Public Records Committee, Records Management Tips, and Records Management Bulletins.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. Records Management unit