Records are comprised of the original English and French bound copies of the Tlicho Agreement. This agreement constitutes a land claims and self government agreement between the Tlicho (Dogrib), the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada. Both copies were signed and dated August 25, 2003 in Rae-Edzo, Northwest Territories.
Sans titreThe records are comprised of a booklet entitled "Alphabetical List. Yellowknife Indian Agency" from 1962. This index lists the names, date of birth, band and official number of Dogrib in the Snowdrift, Yellowknife and Dogrib Rae Bands.
This accession consists of stories about the Tlicho (Dogrib) chief, Edzo and is entitled "Edzo's work to make peace".
Sans titreRecords include sound recordings from the Parish Council of Rae-Edzo's Dogrib Literacy Workshop, also known as the Dogrib Writer's Project, held in late August and early September 1992. The recordings were created as part of the reporting requirements for funding received under the Language Enhancement Program. The purpose of the project was to bring together Tlicho (Dogrib) literate people from the six communities of the North Slave Region to discuss the present state of the Tlicho written language and to develop ways to strengthen culture and identity through the Tlicho written word. Another aim of the project was to bring young people, who use Roman orthography, and elders, who use syllabics, together to identify those words not in common use and to ensure that they are recorded. The original proposal also called for the development of scripted stories to be read on local radio in Tlicho. One of the cassettes identifies Joe Erasmus as the interviewee.
Sans titreThis fonds consists of 14 audio cassettes and 2 VHS videocassettes containing interviews with elders that resulted from the Snare Lake Education Committee's efforts to gather information for a handbook on cultural programming for use in the school. The elders interviewed during February 1992 were: Harry Kodzin, Margaret Lafferty, Marie Simpson, Jimmy Kodzin, Rosa Fish, Celine Wanazah, Rosa Pea'a, Alexis Arrowmaker, Madeline Judas, Louis Whane, Joe Pea'a, Roger Arrowmaker, Leonard Fish, Charlie Eyakfwo and Joe Dryneck. Activities and topics discussed include: Easter in the past, survival in the bush, making camp, Tlicho (Dogrib) food preparation, Tlicho (Dogrib) social life and customs, hunting and butchering caribou, traditional tools and constructing a drum. Some interviews with John Pea'a on cultural inclusion and religious instruction were conducted in 1989 and collected for this project.
Sans titreRecords include photographs of Fort Rae (Behchoko). Topics include paying treaty, people of Fort Rae including Naomi Murphy and an Oblate priest Father Amoreaux.
Records consist of the Tlicho Constitution, a 39-page booklet describing the political workings of the Tlicho (Dogrib) people. The second item is 'Recognition Day: Effective Date for the Tlicho Government'. The final item is a schedule of events for the Dogrib Treaty 11 Council and Tlicho Government Annual Gathering.
This accession consists of 1 colour photograph of Chief Alexis Arrowmaker at the "Treaty Days" celebration in Rae-Edzo, in 1975. His jacket, made by Francis (Erasmus) Richardson, was patterned after Tlicho (Dogrib) jackets from the 1880s.
This fonds consists of approximately 35 cm of textual material comprised of correspondence and field research related to Nancy Lurie's ethnographic research with the Tłı̨chǫ (Dogrib) in Behchokǫ̀ (Rae) and Wha Ti (Lac La Martre), NWT. The correspondence dates from 1959-1963 and includes letters to and from June Helm, Susan Messerly and Nancy Lurie regarding fieldwork in Lac La Martre and Rae, as well as correspondence between Nancy Lurie and her husband Edward Lurie, written while she was doing fieldwork in 1959. In addition, there are letters from Alexis Nitsiza and Elsie Simpson that were written to Nancy Lurie while they were attending residential school in Yellowknife and in Fort Smith, as well as several handwritten notes requesting items such as sugar, tobacco and flour that were delivered to Nancy Lurie and June Helm by children in Lac La Martre. The remaining textual material consists of Lurie’s field notes and research papers from her ethnological research that was undertaken in Lac La Martre and Rae in 1959 and 1967. There are also index cards arranged by subject containing handwritten notes and observations made during Lurie’s field research.
Sans titreThis fonds consists of materials related to a project undertaken by the Lac La Martre Senior Room for the 1978 Explore Our Northern Heritage competition. Under the guidance of elders from the Lac La Martre Community Education Council, the students made a bush canoe and a caribou skin jacket and documented the process for the competition. The material in this fonds consists of 1 cm of textual material, 31 photographs, 1 DAT audiocassette, two original master audio cassettes, two 8mm films and 1 Betacam videocassette. The textual material and the photographs (:0005 - :0035) are part of a book created by the students entitled "Picture Book on Making a Bush Canoe." The DAT audiocassette contains a recording of Francis Moosenose interviewing Joe Zoe Fish on "How to make a Bush Canoe (:0001) and a recording of Eva Nitsiza's interview with her mother Dora on "How to Make a Fancy Caribou Jacket" (:0002). The original two audiocassettes were reformatted to DAT in 1993. The DAT audiocassette is now the archival master. There are two 8mm films and one Betacam copy of the films, which is the archival master. The films document "Making a Bush Canoe" (:0003); "Making a Fancy Caribou Jacket" (:0004).
Sans titreThe fonds consist of 48 Betacam videocassettes, 6 audiocassettes and 6 cm of textual material. The videocassettes contain stock footage documenting the construction of a birchbark canoe for the Dogrib Birchbark Canoe Project, which took place in May-June, 1996. In addition, there are 2 professionally produced Tlicho (Dogrib) language (English subtitles) broadcast versions of the project; one version is 0:29 in length, the other 0:40. The broadcast versions were completed in early-1997. The 6 audiocassettes contain Tlicho (Dogrib) language interviews conducted at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, as well as corresponding typed transcriptions. The textual material also includes proposals, project reports, logs for the videocassettes and letters of support.
Sans titre