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Norm Simmons fonds
154 · Fonds · 1960 - 1980

This fonds consists of 163 photographs (47 colour and 11 black and white copy negatives and 105 copy colour transparencies), 111 maps and map fragments and 20 cm of textual material. The 58 copy negatives and Simmons's journal document the construction of a mooseskin boat and its use. The boat was constructed between May 22 and 28, 1968, on the Gravel (Keele) River and taken down to Fort Norman (Tulita). People identified in the images include George and Vivian Pelissey, Gabe Etchinelle, Madeline Karcaji, Fred Andrew, and Jonas McCauley. The 105 colour transparencies date from 1967 through 1980 and depicts aboriginal life in the Mackenzie Mountain region including: caribou hunting, work on a moose hide boat, drying meat, fishing, camps, and Simmons's work with Dall's Sheep. The images includes views of the Moose Horn (Mountain) River, Caribou Flats by the Gravel River, Drum (Wrigley) Lake, and Punk Mountain. Included in the images are views of Gabriel Etchinelle, Jonas McCauley, Vivian McCauley, George Pelissey, Perry Linton, Leon Andrew, Jimmy Mendo, Maurice Mento, Cecile Hatchelle, Madeline Karkagie, Stella Mendo, Joe Blondin, David Yallee, Alfred Lennie and Gordon Yakelaya.

Also included in this fonds are a handwritten and typed English translation of the French article "Les Chitra-Gottineke" by Jean Michea, published in the National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 190, "Contributions to Anthropology, Part II", 1960. Muriel Cooper, wife of Steve Cooper, Park Warden at Nahanni Butte, did the translation. The 111 maps and map fragments feature communities, lakes, rivers, canyons and mountain ranges from Fort Simpson up to the Mackenzie Delta region, and including the Yukon - NWT border. The field notes that accompany the maps include a 32 page typewritten gazetteer, as well as the handwritten notes for the gazetteer. There are also handwritten lists recording information about traditional place names of features in the Mackenzie Mountains. Simmons informants included Gabriel Etchinelle, Madeline Karkagie, George Pellissey, Vivian McCauley,and Maurice and Stella Mendo. The place names were written in a 'folk' phonetic form but a few are written by the elders are in syllabics. Files include research notes, field notes, drafts of papers and correspondence related to his studies of Dall's sheep in the Mackenzie Mountains in the 1970s, and correspondence with anthropologists such as Beryl Gillespie.

Simmons, Norm, 1934-2016
June Helm
N-2002-014 · Accession · 196-?-1999
Part of June Helm fonds

The textual records date primarily from 1967-1990 and relates to June Helm's work regarding the Indian Brotherhood, Caveat '73 and the Berger Commission or Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, with some annotations dating from 1999. The records related to the Indian Brotherhood consists of material from the land use mapping project including documentation of trails, routes and animal resources. This project was undertaken by June Helm for the Indian Brotherhood. The Caveat '73 material consists of documents related to the Caveat filed by the Northwest Territories Chiefs on March 24, 1973. In addition, there are copies of June Helm's testimony at the Caveat hearings. The Berger Commission (Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry) material consists of newspaper clippings, press releases and transcripts of the hearings. The blueprints, maps and charts date from the 1960s. The two blueprints consist of versions, some with annotations, of a Synoptic Chart of Contact Events. These diagrams illustrate first contact between Aboriginal peoples and the Europeans, development of missions, highways, railways, significant government buildings and the impact of disease within the Northwest Territories, as well as other locations. The four annotated maps show the Camsell River, Marian River, Hardisty Lake and the Yellowknife and Rae (Behchokǫ̀) area. The remaining item is a hand-drawn chart.

June Helm
N-2002-021 · Accession · [1880]-1971
Part of June Helm fonds

The material dates between 1880-1971. This material includes copies of Department of Indian Affairs Annual Reports from 1880-1968; copies of treaty reports and general information about Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, copies of Royal Canadian Mounted Police patrol reports from the Mackenzie and Athabasca Districts (1919-1921); copies of relief policies; Band Rolls from the Yellowknife Agency (1959-1961), and Mackenzie District (1971), and a household survey conducted at Lac La Martre (Whatı̀) in 1959. In addition, there is a copy of an article written by Bishop Breynat called the "Blackest Blot" which appeared in the Toronto Star in the 1930s, several articles related to the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches in the Northwest Territories, and miscellaneous articles related to game laws and restrictions, land reserves and disease. The maps indicate the location of missions in the Mackenzie/Athabasca regions circa 1800s.

231 · Fonds · [196-? - 1981], 1988

This fonds consists of two maps, 465 photographs, 43 DAT audiocassettes and 17 audio reels. The majority of the material consists of a collection of oral histories and photographs accumulated by the Fort Good Hope Community Council via their Dene Language and Historical Research Project. The oral histories were created because of the Dene Language and Historical Research Program. The photographs, collected from individual photographers, represent an artificial collection of historical photographs. Photographers include: Mr. Cassien Edgi, Brother Mahe and Alphonsine McNeely. The maps consist of town plans dealing with land use and development in the municipality of Fort Good Hope. One plan contains the text of the Fort Good Hope Community Plan. The second plan indicates zoning and focuses on the Jackfish Creek Redevelopment.

Fort Good Hope (NT)
G-1979-048 · Accession · 1925-1927
Part of Canada. Department of the Interior fonds

The textual material comprises an incomplete copy of L.T. Burwash's report entitled, "The Eskimo, Their Country and Its Resources: Economic Survey of the East Coasts of Hudson Bay and James Bay from Richmond Gulf to Rupert House, Including the Belcher and Other Adjacent Islands," Ottawa, Dept. of the Interior, 1927. (Typewritten.) The report contains a diary of the trip taken by Burwash, descriptions of Inuit life, food supplies, clothing, health, the influence of trading posts, housing conditions, and mineral and animal resources in the region. Much of the report focuses on the Inuit in the regions around Little Whale River and the Belcher Islands. Included in this report were photographs of communities along the eastern coast of Hudson Bay and James Bay and eight maps. The mounting of the photographs in this report suggests that this copy was a draft produced before its final publication.

279 · Fonds · 1920-1978

This fonds consists of approximately 51 meters of textual records, approximately 116 photographs, and 31 maps created and accumulated by the Northern Administration Branch and its various predecessors, from 1920 to 1978. The material was generated by the Federal government's activities in administering the Northwest Territories. Most of the records (over 34 m of textual records) are composed of files transferred from Ottawa to Yellowknife beginning in 1967, and include administrative and operational files. The majority of these files date between 1949 and 1967 and incorporate: correspondence, reports, vital statistic information, financial data, minutes, and a wide variety of reference material kept by the department. The files were classified via a numerical block system. The block system consisted of primary, secondary and tertiary levels such that a composite file number (for example 311-105-93) would represent a progression from general subject matter to a specific subject and/or location. The following primary blocks arrange the files:

100 - Administration;
200 - Economic and Industrial Development;
300 - Engineering Projects;
400 - Forests and Game;
500 - Public Service;
600 - Education;
1000 - General files on settlements, associations, companies, provinces, foreign countries, Inuit affairs, and resources;
20 - Individual case files;
3 - Personnel and organizational files.

None of the 700, 800 or 900 block files were forwarded to the NWT Archives. Moreover, at the time of transfer from Ottawa, it appears that other records from the file blocks brought to Yellowknife were culled in Ottawa. In addition, not all government functions were transferred in 1967, and some files contain records generated after 1967 from the continued administration of a function either by the federal government or from the use of the files by the new Territorial Government. A small number of photographs were located in the files during processing, however, these images have been left in their original files.

Additional accruals to this fonds make up another 10 meters of textual records and include the Northern Administration Branch records from the Fort Churchill district office dating from 1960 to 1970, and Western Arctic education records from 1964 to 1969. Another accrual of 7 meters of textual records documents the administration of trapping and hunting in the Northwest Territories, including correspondence, Superintendent of Game daily journals, game officer daily diaries and monthly reports, meeting minutes and materials, wildlife publications and reports, procedures, registered trapping area files, licence applications and licences, hunting and trapping returns, and fur export tax returns.

Other records of this fonds consist of: four ledgers kept between 1920 and 1967 documenting fur trapping and fur trading activities, four ledgers documenting fur and game take and value on registered trap lines, various licensing, and scientific research work; budget papers including estimates, expenditure statements and capital substantiation reports for 1966 to 1969; 2 supplementary readers, "Nuna" and "The Story of Papik an Eskimo Boy" compiled by the Curriculum Section of the Education Division from the journals of young Inuit children; and a 1954 report produced by C.C. Johnson, a Resident Engineer from Fort Smith. This report, entitled "Preliminary Report, Mackenzie Highway - Mills Lake Road" includes 31 corner mounted photographic prints and 16 black and white negatives. The report discusses plans to build a road to Mills Landing. In addition, there are copies of the Eskimo Bulletin dated from 1953-1959. The Eskimo Bulletin was produced by the Northern Administration and Land Branch in order to teach Inuit the English language.

Canada. Northern Administration Branch
N-2003-005 · Accession · [1992]

This accession consists of one map of the Gwich'in Settlement region.