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Archival description

Records include files from the Employment Division series (67 Block) of the Central Registry filing system and include committee records, community employment files, liaison with local industry files, liaison with other government agencies, local initiatives program files, Inuit relocation files, apprenticeship program files, Manpower Needs Committee files, Employment of Native Northerners files, training programme files and monthly regional reports.

Northwest Territories. Department of Local Government (1967-1986)
Arctic and Eskimo Affairs
G-1979-003-S02 · Series · 1947-1970
Part of Canada. Northern Administration Branch fonds

Please note that the Inuit are referred to as "Eskimos" in these records.

The 200 block covers aspects of federal involvement with the Inuit not covered under the other designated subject areas (such as education). The material is primarily from the 1960's. Within this block are two series:

  • Arctic [200-209]
  • Eskimo Affairs [250-259, 270]
Morisset, Jean
N-1985-503 · Accession · [1980]

This accession consists of a typed manuscript collected by Jean Morisset between the years 1974 and 1978. The manuscript represents the life story of Ted Trindell of Fort Simpson. The manuscript, entitled "Ni blanc - Ni Indien" (Neither White - Nor Indian) and compiled from letters, tapes and conversations was edited by Jean Morisset and Rose-Marie Pelletier and contains the words of Ted Trindell. This manuscript was later published in 1984 under the title "Ted Trindell: Metis Witness to the North".

Please note that the manuscript uses a derogatory term to refer to a person with mixed heritage. We have reproduced this term in the digitized document because it is a part of the original historical record.

June Helm
N-2002-014 · Accession · 196-?-1999
Part of June Helm fonds

The textual records date primarily from 1967-1990 and relates to June Helm's work regarding the Indian Brotherhood, Caveat '73 and the Berger Commission or Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, with some annotations dating from 1999. The records related to the Indian Brotherhood consists of material from the land use mapping project including documentation of trails, routes and animal resources. This project was undertaken by June Helm for the Indian Brotherhood. The Caveat '73 material consists of documents related to the Caveat filed by the Northwest Territories Chiefs on March 24, 1973. In addition, there are copies of June Helm's testimony at the Caveat hearings. The Berger Commission (Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry) material consists of newspaper clippings, press releases and transcripts of the hearings. The blueprints, maps and charts date from the 1960s. The two blueprints consist of versions, some with annotations, of a Synoptic Chart of Contact Events. These diagrams illustrate first contact between Aboriginal peoples and the Europeans, development of missions, highways, railways, significant government buildings and the impact of disease within the Northwest Territories, as well as other locations. The four annotated maps show the Camsell River, Marian River, Hardisty Lake and the Yellowknife and Rae (Behchokǫ̀) area. The remaining item is a hand-drawn chart.

Morse, Bradford W.
N-1992-081 · Accession · 1979

Records consist of one unpublished paper "Indian Tribal Courts in the United States: A Model for Canada?" The paper is 66 pages long, and was produced for delivery at the Native Law Centre. It was written by B.W. Morse, a professor at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law in 1979.

Morse, Bradford W.
Tsaitcha, Noel
N-1989-507 · Accession · [1984]

This accession consists of stories about the Tlicho (Dogrib) chief, Edzo and is entitled "Edzo's work to make peace".

Tsaitcha, Noel
Haley, Susan, b. 1949
N-1988-505 · Accession · [1987?]

This accession consists of an incomplete translation by Susan Haley of Father Emile Petitot's journal. Documented are Petitot's observations around Great Bear Lake and Fort Franklin.

Please note that the text includes discussions of violence, as well as outdated and disrespectful terms to refer to Indigenous peoples. We have reproduced these terms in the digitized document because they are a part of the original historical record. If you have questions or feedback please contact NWT Archives.

G-1979-003-S07 · Series · 1963-1970
Part of Canada. Northern Administration Branch fonds

The 1000 block covers general information about settlements, Indian, Metis and Inuit, and associations representing them, sensitive or confidential material, federal government operations not under Northern Affairs Branch, and miscellaneous subjects. The block contains the following series:

  • [1000-1009] General
  • [1010-1019] Miscellaneous Subjects

This accession consists of records from the Language Bureau library. Most of the records were created by ECE and its predecessors, the Department of Education and the Department of Culture and Communications, but the accession also includes records created by the Department of Information, the Department of Justice, and various workshops and literacy programs hosted or coordinated by ECE and its predecessors. Records include reports on bilingual education, the curriculum from the Inuit perspective, interpreting in the NWT Courts, and literacy and language projects, including the Dene Standardization Project, the Arviat Language Research Project, and the Rae-Edzo Literacy Project; an operational review of the Language Bureau; curriculum guides, teacher’s manuals, kits and posters for K-12 language teaching, including the Dene Kede curriculum and other materials in Inuktitut, Gwich’in, North Slavey, South Slavey, Dogrib (Tłı̨chǫ), Chipewyan, and Cree; a classroom assistant training manual; the Language Bureau’s newsletter, Dene Yati; teacher’s and student’s manuals for the Language Bureau’s Cree Language Program; a syllabus for teaching Dene languages literacy; audio cassettes and a course outline from a North Slavey course produced by Arctic College; training manuals, terminology lists, and program review materials from the Interpreter/Translator Program; Chipewyan and Dogrib (Tłı̨chǫ) language lessons from the Teacher Education Program; and training materials for legal interpreters.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Language Bureau
G-1999-089 · Accession · 1969-1976
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Social Services fonds

Records primarily include Inuit disc lists, Project Surname lists, and general lists of community members from Baker Lake, Eskimo Point (Arviat), Akudlik, Whale Cove, Sanikiluaq, Repulse Bay (Naujaat), Rankin Inlet, Coral Harbour, and Chesterfield Inlet. Records also include guidelines, correspondence, and memos related to social assistance appeal procedures, correspondence and requests for a group home in Rankin Inlet, and correspondence and service contracts of the repatriation agent for the Keewatin region.

Canada. Census Branch
N-1992-260 · Accession · 1872

The record is comprised of a handwritten one page census report for 1871 'Statement of the Indian population of the Mackenzie River District', listing total numbers of Indian (Indigenous) residents by Men/Women/Children (boy/girl). Posts reported include: Youcon [Yukon], LaPierre's House, Peel River, Fort Good Hope, Fort Norman, Bear Lake, Fort Nelson, Fort Liard, Fort Simpson, Fort Providence, Hay River, Fort Resolution and Fort Rae.

Canada. Census Branch
June Helm
N-1996-010 · Accession · [1955-1971] copied 1996, 2002
Part of June Helm fonds

Records include audio recordings that June Helm and her research associates - including Nancy O. Lurie, David M. Smith and George Tharp - made with a number of northern aboriginal people. The recordings are of Tlicho (Dogrib), Slavey and Chipewyan people, and include notable leaders such as Chief Jimmy Bruneau and Naedzo the Bear Lake Prophet. The recordings include stories, personal messages, songs, interviews and linguistic data. The recordings also include an interview of June Helm that was recorded and aired on CBC in 1965. The dates of the other recordings are 1955, 1962, 1967, 1969, 1970 and 1971. The 23 original master audio reels and 10 original master audio cassettes were reformatted to CD (24 bit SDII files) in 2002.

G-2003-008 · Accession · [1971]-1983
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Education fonds

Records include a booklet for prospective teachers, school calendars, and stories told by Tlicho and Chipewyan elders. The calendars include organizational charts, staff lists, and lists of Local Education Authorities. The booklet "Teaching in the Northwest Territories" was used to recruit teachers and contains information about the people, government, education system and living conditions in the North, as well as how to apply for a teaching position. The stories were likely used as a classroom resource or in developing curriculum material, and include Dogrib (Tlicho) legends and Chipewyan oral history stories, all handwritten in English. The Tlicho legends were told by Elizabeth Mackenzie, Nicholas [?] and Madeline Pea'a, translated and written by Virginia Football, and include legends about the bear, the mountain, Yamozaha, sign of a massacre, moon boy, Monla Jeezon, flint stone, Na-sy-dae, mother's story and Old Fort. The Chipewyan stories were told by John Jm. Beaulieu, Napolean Lafferty, Johnny Nataway, Francoise Nataway, Pierre Freezie and Helene Unka; they were written and translated by Dora Unka and include stories about the Metis, illness, war with Akaitcho, treaties and hunting.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education. Education Programs and Evaluation division
G-1992-020 · Accession · 1973-1980
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Education fonds

Records consist of curriculum material and are divided into two series: 1) material generated by the Programme Development Division and later the Linguistic Programmes Division of the Department of Education and 2) material generated by other sources. Series 1 consists primarily of workbooks, dictionaries and readers in Dene and Inuit languages. Some of the workbooks and readers are the result of work undertaken in 1974 to establish a common alphabet for the Dene languages. The material has been arranged chronologically to show the relationships between workbooks and readers whenever possible. Series 2 consists of a small portion of material gathered by the Department of Education from other sources including the Council for Yukon Indians and the Summer Institute of Linguistics Inc. in Calgary.