This fonds consists of one photocopy of a typed manuscript written by Gwendoline Tremain-Runyard between 1976 and 1988 and 89 copy negatives that were reproduced from an album compiled by Lottie Tremain, during her stay in the Northwest Territories between 1914 and 1919. The photographs document the three Anglican Missions that Reverend W.S. Tremain worked at: Fort Norman, Fort Simpson, and Hay River. The images relate primarily to the mission buildings in each community, and the staff and pupils of St. Peter's Anglican Residential School at Hay River. Some photographs depict Anglican missionaries who visited these communities. In addition, there are images of the "S.S. Mackenzie River", and some of canoes, scows, mooseskin boats, and tugs that plied the Mackenzie River. There are also some images of Dene camps. The manuscript gives a brief history of her family, however, Gwendoline has advised the NWT Archives that later research has made her aware of inaccuracies in that history.
Tremain (family)This fonds consists of 163 photographs (47 colour and 11 black and white copy negatives and 105 copy colour transparencies), 111 maps and map fragments and 20 cm of textual material. The 58 copy negatives and Simmons's journal document the construction of a mooseskin boat and its use. The boat was constructed between May 22 and 28, 1968, on the Gravel (Keele) River and taken down to Fort Norman (Tulita). People identified in the images include George and Vivian Pelissey, Gabe Etchinelle, Madeline Karcaji, Fred Andrew, and Jonas McCauley. The 105 colour transparencies date from 1967 through 1980 and depicts aboriginal life in the Mackenzie Mountain region including: caribou hunting, work on a moose hide boat, drying meat, fishing, camps, and Simmons's work with Dall's Sheep. The images includes views of the Moose Horn (Mountain) River, Caribou Flats by the Gravel River, Drum (Wrigley) Lake, and Punk Mountain. Included in the images are views of Gabriel Etchinelle, Jonas McCauley, Vivian McCauley, George Pelissey, Perry Linton, Leon Andrew, Jimmy Mendo, Maurice Mento, Cecile Hatchelle, Madeline Karkagie, Stella Mendo, Joe Blondin, David Yallee, Alfred Lennie and Gordon Yakelaya.
Also included in this fonds are a handwritten and typed English translation of the French article "Les Chitra-Gottineke" by Jean Michea, published in the National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 190, "Contributions to Anthropology, Part II", 1960. Muriel Cooper, wife of Steve Cooper, Park Warden at Nahanni Butte, did the translation. The 111 maps and map fragments feature communities, lakes, rivers, canyons and mountain ranges from Fort Simpson up to the Mackenzie Delta region, and including the Yukon - NWT border. The field notes that accompany the maps include a 32 page typewritten gazetteer, as well as the handwritten notes for the gazetteer. There are also handwritten lists recording information about traditional place names of features in the Mackenzie Mountains. Simmons informants included Gabriel Etchinelle, Madeline Karkagie, George Pellissey, Vivian McCauley,and Maurice and Stella Mendo. The place names were written in a 'folk' phonetic form but a few are written by the elders are in syllabics. Files include research notes, field notes, drafts of papers and correspondence related to his studies of Dall's sheep in the Mackenzie Mountains in the 1970s, and correspondence with anthropologists such as Beryl Gillespie.
Simmons, Norm, 1934-2016This fonds consists of 96 copy photographs and slides taken by Bill Stewart of the Mooseskin Boat Project in 1981. The photographs were selected out of 180 of Bill Stewart's photographs. The images include the different phases of the boat under construction, the people involved in the project and views of the boat's trip from the point of construction at the head of the Keele River to Fort Norman.
Stewart, BillThe fonds consists of 353 sound cassettes (items :0001 to :0353) generated during interviews with 17 elders; 19 black and white negatives (items :0354 to :0372); 20 cm of textual material consisting of English transcripts of the interviews (box\file 1-8 to 1-18 and 2-1 to 2-6); and other textual materials related to the planning, funding, and administration of the project (box\file 1-1 to 1-7). The fonds has been divided into four series: 1) sound recordings; 2) administration files; 3) transcripts; 4) negatives. The 181 sound cassettes are in Chipewyan and the remaining 172, (which are verbatim translations of the original Chipewyan cassettes) are in English. Subjects covered in the interviews include Chipewyan stories and legends, spiritual beliefs, traditional medicines, child-rearing, child birth, attitudes to alcohol, family histories, hunting and fishing techniques, traditional forms of self-government, attitudes toward southern forms of government, the Roman Catholic Church and the Residential School in Fort Resolution. The photographs depict the staff and pupils of the Roman Catholic Mission School in Fort Resolution, and elders in the community - some of whom were interviewed during the project. The fonds also contains a copy of the questionnaire, which was used as a basis for each interview and a copy of the publication "That's the Way We Lived."
Fort Resolution Community Education CouncilThis fonds consists of two identical posters titled "Our Land, Our Life", and 2 cm of textual material. The material is made up of two copies of the "Dene Declaration: Statement of Rights" on broadsides, and one "Public Notice" from the Chiefs in Council. There is also one illustrated calendar produced by the Dene Nation for the 12-month period from May 1979 to April 1980. Included are chronologies of important events in the history of the Dene, descriptions of Dene culture and images of Dene people.
Dene NationThis fonds consists of two maps, 465 photographs, 43 DAT audiocassettes and 17 audio reels. The majority of the material consists of a collection of oral histories and photographs accumulated by the Fort Good Hope Community Council via their Dene Language and Historical Research Project. The oral histories were created because of the Dene Language and Historical Research Program. The photographs, collected from individual photographers, represent an artificial collection of historical photographs. Photographers include: Mr. Cassien Edgi, Brother Mahe and Alphonsine McNeely. The maps consist of town plans dealing with land use and development in the municipality of Fort Good Hope. One plan contains the text of the Fort Good Hope Community Plan. The second plan indicates zoning and focuses on the Jackfish Creek Redevelopment.
Fort Good Hope (NT)This collection consists of copies of 282 photographs in print and negative format, 107 audio recordings and one folder of textual material collected by the Gwich'in Language and Cultural Project in 1983 and 1984. The photographs were loaned to the project by Fort McPherson residents: Effie Thomas, Doris Lester, Mary Wilson, Laura Firth, Mary Jane Kunnizzi, Mary Francis, Louise Snowshoe, Tabitha Nerysoo, and the Chief Julius School. The original images appear to date from the 1940s to the 1970s and feature people and locations in the Fort McPherson area. Most of the audio recordings are from the Committee for Original Peoples' Entitlement (COPE) collection, except for 18 recordings identified as "Land Research Series." All recordings date from 1972 to 1977. The two items of textual material were collected from the Chief Julius School, and along with photographs, made up part of a booklet produced for a class history project. The items are a copy of a 1918 letter from Reverend Alfred J. Vale, and a copy of the poem "The Mackenzie River Band." A photocopy of the booklet is available
Gwich'in Language and Cultural ProjectThis fonds consists of 368 colour slides taken by Dr. Hunt between 1948 and 1956. The images were taken in the communities he visited in his capacity as a dentist. Communities depicted include Aklavik, Fort Rae, Fort Resolution, Fort McPherson, Fort Simpson, Tuktoyaktuk, Wrigley, Fort Smith, Coppermine and Old Crow. The images depict residents and buildings in these communities. Buildings depicted include Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachments, Hudson's Bay Company posts, Anglican Churches and Roman Catholic Churches. The fonds also includes images of Gwich'in, Dogrib, Inuvialuit, and Slavey peoples. There are some images of Inuvialuit dancers and drummers. A number of images were taken in Dr. Hunt's dental office and include close-ups of his dental equipment. There are also a number of images of reindeer herding and reindeer corrals in the Mackenzie Delta, and a buffalo hunt in Wood Buffalo National Park.
Hunt, TerranceThis fonds consists of 94 black and white interpositives copied from the original negatives. Most of the images depict scenes in and around Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River) and Aklavik. There are also photographs taken in Tuktoyaktuk, Hay River, Reindeer Station, Fort McPherson and Fort Simpson. The fonds contains images of Nap Norbert's children, his brothers and sisters. In addition, there are images of community buildings in Tsiigetchic, the hospital and school at Aklavik, and the community dance hall in Fort McPherson. There are also a number of images of barges and tugs, including the "Pelican Rapids" that operated on the Mackenzie River.
Norbert, NapThis fonds consists of 69 black and white photographs that were either taken, or collected, by Reverend T.J. Marsh between 1893 and 1907. There is also a photocopy of a monograph entitled "Historical Sketch of the Origin and Work of the Hay River Mission, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories." Most of the images are stored in two photograph albums. The first album contains images taken by Reverend Marsh between 1893 and 1907. The second album contains photographs taken by C.W. Mathers, a professional photographer from Edmonton, who toured the Mackenzie River communities in 1901. There are also some loose images taken by Reverend Marsh. The images depict traditional Dene and Inuit lifestyles in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Subjects include mooseskin boats, scows, dog teams, skin tents and kayaks. Many of the images document the development of St. Peter's Anglican Mission at Hay River. There are photographs of the church, boarding school, mission staff and the students who attended the school. A number of images depict Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) posts and the steamers and scows that were used by the Hudson's Bay Company to transport goods in the north. Locations include Fort Good Hope, Fort McPherson, Fort Norman, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, Hay River and Peel River. The records have been arranged into three series: Series I - Reverend T.J. Marsh photograph album; Series II - C.W. Mathers album; Series III - Reverend T.J. Marsh.
Marsh, ThomasRecords include photographs of Dene women and Inuit camps. The images were collected by the NWT Historical Advisory Board as part of its mandate to acquire archives on behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories.
The material has been divided into three series. Series A (sound recordings) has been subdivided into 3 sub-series. Series A, Sub-series 1 - consists of eight recordings (:0001 to :0008) of an alcohol workshop conducted by the Dene Nation at Snowdrift in 1980. Series A, Sub-series 2 - consists of three sound recordings (:0009 to :0011) of Dene fiddle, drum dance and hand game music recorded in Snowdrift in 1980. Series A, Sub-series 3 - consists of seventeen interviews conducted in 1980 (:0012 to :0028). Series B (text) consists one of administrative file on the Oral History Compendium and one file with summaries of three interviews. Series C (photographic) is a colour print (:0029) of Frank Tetcho and his wife Madelaine at Trout Lake.
Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage division. NWT ArchivesThe recordings, often referred to as the Dene Music Project, were made at four different Dene communities and each performance consisted of numerous songs. For identification purposes, each performance or recording session has been given a unique item number regardless of the number of physical tapes or songs it may incorporate. Included among the recordings are the master reels (:0009) compiled from a selection from original recordings. These reels were to be used in the production of the published record. Reference cassettes for most of the recordings are available. The textual records consists of documentation on each of the recording sessions. The black and white photographic negatives and corresponding contact sheets were taken during the recording sessions. Final appraisal and selection of the photographic negatives (items :0010-:0088) was completed in March 2013. Items :0004, :0006 and :0008 - original masters are cassettes. All other items have reel to reels as original masters.
Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage divisionThe moving images document a project to build a mooseskin boat. The text consists of copies of the daily journals of the project kept by Beryl Gillespie and a copy of her final summary report. The 17 photographs were taken by Beryl Gillespie.
The images were taken at Fort McPherson, Fort Smith and Fort Franklin. Featured in the photographs are elders, traditional games and activities. They are not identified beyond geographic location. There are also images of the Perry Expedition and what appear to be Department of Interior - Yukon and Northwest Territories Branch photographs. In addition, there are images from throughout the arctic, with the majority appearing to be of the Keewatin Region.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education. School Programs divisionThe records document the (Tlicho) Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge Project, which began in 1997 and was completed in 2000. The 73 slides are dated June 18, 1998 and document a Feeding the Fire ceremony that celebrated the return of Bear Lake Chief's Caribou Skin Lodge from the University of Iowa. The ceremony took place at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The images depict drumming, hand games, and the exhibit at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. In addition, there are electronic records in MS Word and Excel related to the project and the trip Tom Andrews, Archaeologist at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, took to Iowa and to the Smithsonian Institute. The remaining records document the construction of two replica lodges for display and educational purposes. This part of the project was completed in partnership with the Dogrib Community Services Board, Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre and Dogrib Treaty 11 Council. The are also electronic records in MS Word and Excel containing videotape logs and interview transcripts, as well as approximately 379 digital images documenting the Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge Project. The audio material consists of the narration for the video by Margaret Mackenzie. The remaining video and textual records consist of hard copies of the video narration script, video voice over scripts with annotations, transcripts of videotaped interviews with Adele Wedawin, Bernadette Williah, Edward and Melanie Weyallon and Joe and Mary Champlain, video logs for reels 1 through 30 which includes a description of the content of each reel, a web page transcript of the project, basic program layout for the Skin Tent Program, a script outline for the project and an overview of the Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge Project. The video material consists of 30 Betacam copies of raw footage of the Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge project, one Betacam master and two VHS copies entitled "The Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge," two VHS copies entitled "Return of the Tent" from the University of Iowa Natural History Museum, a VHS tape containing footage of a tipi ceremony that took place at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in September 1997, three VHS tapes containing unedited footage of the outdoor ceremony for the Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge and an interview with Tom Andrews about the project, a VHS tape from the University of Iowa entitled 1996 Powwow, a VHS tape of the program No Name Youth Show from October 19, 1998, produced by TVNC, containing footage from the tipi ceremony and one Betacam tape marked 'tea dance.'
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Culture, Heritage and Languages division. Archaeology sectionThis accession consists of 1 colour photograph of Chief Alexis Arrowmaker at the "Treaty Days" celebration in Rae-Edzo, in 1975. His jacket, made by Francis (Erasmus) Richardson, was patterned after Tlicho (Dogrib) jackets from the 1880s.
Ten of the photos appear in Schwarz's book "Elik: and other stories of the Mackenzie Eskimos" and are portraits of the storytellers. These include Archie (Headpoint) Erigaktuk, Kenneth Peeloolook, Sarah Raddi, Jessie Olorgrak, Susie Tiktalik, Felix Nuyaviak, William Firth, Elizabeth Blake, Alik Alubuk Stefansson, and Alex Kakianen. Other images are of Herbert Schwarz and the gravemarker for Constable R. O. H. Taylor of the "Lost Patrol."
Schwartz, Herbert T.Records within this accession include six photographs of the Vittrekwa family, and includes people from Fort McPherson and Aklavik. These include Enna's parents William Vittrekwa and Mary Vittrekwa, as well as sister Catherine and brother-in-law Alfred Semple.
Vittrekwa, EnnaRecords include photographs documenting the construction of a mooseskin boat, the construction of a spruce bark canoe, and the tanning of a moose hide and a copy of Gloria Fedirchuk's proposal to film aboriginal adaptations and their relationship to the boreal forest environment of the Fisherman Lake Slave, including ethnographic practices, ethnobotanical information on use and taxonomy of flora, ethnozoological information on use of fauna, activities done in various seasons of the year, and the construction and creation of ethnographic items.
Fedirchuk, Gloria