Affichage de 41 résultats

Description archivistique
1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Suzanne Paré collection
N-2023-009 · Collection · May-September 1985

This collection includes photographs of a fish camp near the Frank Channel, a community feast and drum dance, and a collection of images of people and places in the community of Behchoko.

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Ken Roberts photo collection
N-2024-001 · Collection · [ca. 1945]-1989

This collection primarily includes photographs of fishing activities in and around Great Slave Lake, mainly in summer. Records also include photographs of the community of Hay River, fishing activities in Manitoba, and various other activities and locations in the NWT. There is also one postcard in the collection.

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Peter J. Usher fonds
434 · Fonds · 1960-2010

Included are research material, reports, land use studies, correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, maps and plans. This material was produced in the course of Peter Usher's academic research, as well as research projects undertaken for a variety of clients.

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299 · Fonds · [1938]-1975

This fonds consists of 5 photographs, 74 cm of textual material and 48 reels of microfilm from the Department of Industry and Development. The bulk of the textual material is from the Central Registry filing system and contains records from the following program areas: Economic and Industry and Industry and Commerce Series (62 block) which includes records relating to Arts and Crafts and Industry Projects; Game (63 block); Fisheries (65 block); Administration (68 block). The 48 microfilm reels contain records dated 1970-1973 from the Central Registry file system and contain records from the following program areas: Directorate (60 block); Tourism (61 block); Economic and Industrial (62 block); Game (63 block); Forestry (64 block); Fisheries (65 block); Administration (68 block); and Loans and Grants (69 block). The textual material wildlife management records such as game officer reports, trapping area listings, general hunting license listings, and a binder related to a Game Officers Conference held in 1969. The photographs depict the Northwest Territories float that was entered into the 1967 Grey Cup Parade in Ottawa, Ontario. Emmeline Curley, Georgina Blondin and Jean Anne Hartley are featured in the photographs. The remaining textual material contains information releases by the Northwest Territories Tourist Office relating to the Grey Cup Parade and newspaper clippings, correspondence and notes relating to Grey Cup Activities. There are also four reports dated from 1966-1973 dealing with tourism development in the Northwest Territories and publications from 1970-1971 on community data and settlement reviews.

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W. D. Addison Nahanni collection
N-2022-003 · Accession · 1821, 1834, [ca. 1895]-2017

This accession consists of W.D. Addison's collection of material related to the Nahanni area, including his own photographs, trip journals, and maps, the annotated bibliography and literature review he compiled, oral-history interviews he conducted, transcripts and catalogues he compiled and edited, photographs, documents, and maps he gathered from various sources, and correspondence he conducted with Nahanni old-timers and others.

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John Andrew Paterson collection
N-2015-002 · Accession · 1913-1946

The textual records include a diary and a notebook written by John Paterson, a letter from Jack Stark to John Paterson and a pamphlet of the Northern Transit Service. The diary recounts Mr. Paterson's time as a trapper and fur trader in the Snowdrift (Lutselk'e) area from the fall of 1924 to the summer of 1925. The notebook describes Mr. Paterson's arrival in Canada and how he came to be in the North.

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Ephemera Collection
N-1999-065 · Accession · [192-?, 1970]

Records are comprised of three separate and unrelated items. 1) A sample of a permit to shoot muskrats for food purposes during open season with a .410 gauge shotgun (issued by the North West Territories and Yukon Branch (date: 1920s or1930s ); 2) Dinner menu for a dinner given by Jean Chretien for the Queen at the YK Inn on July 8, 1970; 3) A Programme for the official opening of the Bristol Memorial Park and the Unveiling of the Bristol Plaque in Yellowknife - August 28, 1970.

Simeon, George
N-1992-173 · Accession · 1982-1984

The textual records are comprised of a transcript of an interview by George Simeon with George Washington Porter. The transcript was produced in 1984 when the Commissioner's office borrowed the tapes from the NWT Archives.

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279 · Fonds · 1920-1978

This fonds consists of approximately 51 meters of textual records, approximately 116 photographs, and 31 maps created and accumulated by the Northern Administration Branch and its various predecessors, from 1920 to 1978. The material was generated by the Federal government's activities in administering the Northwest Territories. Most of the records (over 34 m of textual records) are composed of files transferred from Ottawa to Yellowknife beginning in 1967, and include administrative and operational files. The majority of these files date between 1949 and 1967 and incorporate: correspondence, reports, vital statistic information, financial data, minutes, and a wide variety of reference material kept by the department. The files were classified via a numerical block system. The block system consisted of primary, secondary and tertiary levels such that a composite file number (for example 311-105-93) would represent a progression from general subject matter to a specific subject and/or location. The following primary blocks arrange the files:

100 - Administration;
200 - Economic and Industrial Development;
300 - Engineering Projects;
400 - Forests and Game;
500 - Public Service;
600 - Education;
1000 - General files on settlements, associations, companies, provinces, foreign countries, Inuit affairs, and resources;
20 - Individual case files;
3 - Personnel and organizational files.

None of the 700, 800 or 900 block files were forwarded to the NWT Archives. Moreover, at the time of transfer from Ottawa, it appears that other records from the file blocks brought to Yellowknife were culled in Ottawa. In addition, not all government functions were transferred in 1967, and some files contain records generated after 1967 from the continued administration of a function either by the federal government or from the use of the files by the new Territorial Government. A small number of photographs were located in the files during processing, however, these images have been left in their original files.

Additional accruals to this fonds make up another 10 meters of textual records and include the Northern Administration Branch records from the Fort Churchill district office dating from 1960 to 1970, and Western Arctic education records from 1964 to 1969. Another accrual of 7 meters of textual records documents the administration of trapping and hunting in the Northwest Territories, including correspondence, Superintendent of Game daily journals, game officer daily diaries and monthly reports, meeting minutes and materials, wildlife publications and reports, procedures, registered trapping area files, licence applications and licences, hunting and trapping returns, and fur export tax returns.

Other records of this fonds consist of: four ledgers kept between 1920 and 1967 documenting fur trapping and fur trading activities, four ledgers documenting fur and game take and value on registered trap lines, various licensing, and scientific research work; budget papers including estimates, expenditure statements and capital substantiation reports for 1966 to 1969; 2 supplementary readers, "Nuna" and "The Story of Papik an Eskimo Boy" compiled by the Curriculum Section of the Education Division from the journals of young Inuit children; and a 1954 report produced by C.C. Johnson, a Resident Engineer from Fort Smith. This report, entitled "Preliminary Report, Mackenzie Highway - Mills Lake Road" includes 31 corner mounted photographic prints and 16 black and white negatives. The report discusses plans to build a road to Mills Landing. In addition, there are copies of the Eskimo Bulletin dated from 1953-1959. The Eskimo Bulletin was produced by the Northern Administration and Land Branch in order to teach Inuit the English language.

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304 · Fonds · [1932-2005]

This fonds consists of approximately 51.64 meters of textual material, 18 photographs, 24 drawings, 46 posters, 14 maps, 4 audio reels, 14 audio cassettes, 5 sound CDs, three 16 mm film reels and approximately 395 videocassettes in Betamax and Umatic format.

The textual material created and/or managed by the Directorate of the Department of Renewable Resources between 1974-1993, include correspondence of the Minister, Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy. In addition, there are divisional reports, minutes of meetings, briefing notes, decision papers, Land Use Planning records, Management Steering Committee records, copies of submissions to environmental review boards and copies of agreements between the Federal Government and the GNWT. There is also a copy of an operational review of the department that was conducted between 1990-1991, a subsequent report and appendices of a departmental organizational review, and files related to enforcement issues and development of hunting regulations in the Liard/Mackenzie Corridor. Additionally, there are three files from the department library that relate to forestry and game officers from 1950-1969.

The records from the Finance and Administration Division consist of files relating to Departmental Organization and Priorities. These records are dated between 1984-1986.

The records from the Policy and Planning Division relates to Departmental reviews and responses and an overall Government of the Northwest Territories Functional Inventory.

The records from the Yellowknife Division relate to amendments to the operational manual, regulations, and legislation.

The fonds also contains records relating to the transfer (devolution) forestry and fire management from the federal government, including correspondence, work plans, asset inventories, organizational charts, job descriptions, and meeting minutes.

The fonds also includes records relating to forest management, including the 1987 Forest Resources Transfer Agreement, “Forests for Tomorrow: Forest Management in the Northwest Territories A Public Policy Discussion Paper” and related feedback, timber licensing and inspection, forest utilization, timber export, integrated resource management (Liard/Nahanni Valley), and forest fire response, including protection of communities.

The fonds also includes general records relating to trapping, seal hunting and marketing, the Furbearer Management Program, compensation, incentive and income support programs, trap exchange, and the Natural Resources Conservation Trust Fund (NRCTF).

The textual material from the Wildlife Services Division consists of several oversize ledgers documenting Hunting and Trapping Reports and Fur Export Tax Reports from across the Northwest Territories. There are also general correspondence files, minutes of meetings, memorandums, strategic planning, and policies relating to the division's activities, programs and workshops delivered and files relating to the transfer of responsibilities for forestry and fire management from the federal government to the Government of the Northwest Territories. In addition there are records dealing with wildlife regulations, enforcement, devolution of land and water, and outfitting, individual trapping records, harvest reports, outfitter harvest statistics, reports on the monitoring of different wildlife species, Convention of International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) files, human resources files, Game Office files, caribou and moose surveys, fisheries data, fur dealers records, registered trapping areas, Trappers Association records, export permits, trappers assistance records, organized hunts, buffalo/caribou hunter data, trapper and hunter kill statistics, anthrax control and emergency response planning, humane trapping, community freezers and bison ranching. There are also annual reports for the division, 1990-1992.

There are also files that were created by the Forest and Wildlife office in Rae and Fort Smith. This material contains Robert Douglas' monthly patrol reports and correspondence from between 1951-1955. The reports include summaries of the warden's duties, weather reports, wildlife observations, hunting, trapping and fishing activities, lists of game taken and licenses issued, as well as the monitoring of animal species, particularly caribou. The remaining material from Fort Smith dates between 1987-1996 and contains files relating to Administration, Personnel, Policy and Directives, Finance and Budget, Training, Lands and Properties, Associations, Committees and Boards, Native Organizations, Wildlife and Habitat Management, Research and Field Studies, Resource Development, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation and Enforcement, Licenses and Permits, Conservation Education and Pollution Control. In addition, there are approximately 35 maps from this division that concern animal trapping in the Northwest Territories.

The textual material from the Pollution Control Division dates between 1975 - 1991. The records consist of air quality reports, water quality reports, and information about solid waste management, hazardous waste management, waste oil, chemical disposal, anti-litter campaign, and minutes from the Pollution Control Division meetings and Yellowknife Anti-Litter Committee meetings. The records also include a copy of the "Truth North" #2 comic book.

The material generated or managed by the Field Services Division between 1961-1986, consists of correspondence, minutes from Regional Superintendents and Regional Hunters and Trappers Associations meetings, field project reports, reports from regional and community wildlife officers, fur records, forms and reference material kept by the division. The records relate to a variety of activities such as: hunting, trapping, enforcement of regulations, animal studies, fisheries, training and organizational structure. Reports from the five administrative regions of the Government of the Northwest Territories (Fort Smith, Inuvik, Keewatin, Baffin and the Kitikmeot, which was once part of the Fort Smith region) have been kept in an effort to document regional activities and responses.

The records from the Environmental Planning and Assessment Division date from 1971 to 1991 and consist of land use planning evaluations, correspondence, policies, minutes of meetings, social impact studies and records relating to water management and planning, Inter-jurisdictional Water Negotiations and Environmental Impact-Assessment of Oil/Gas and Mineral Exploration.

The three 16 mm film reels contain two films produced by the Department of Renewable Resources in conjunction with the Department of Culture and Communication. The first film is entitled "Koukdjuak Crossing: Caribou Tagging on Baffin Island." The film is available in English and Inuktitut. The second film, "Two Have Forever: Hunting the Bathurst Caribou Herd" was produced in 1986; it illustrates the importance of the Bathurst herd to the Inuit, Dene and non-natives. This film is available in English and Innuiaqtun. The accession containing approximately 395 videocassettes was produced by or for the Conservation Education and Resource Development Division of the Department of Renewable Resources. The videocassettes contain informational programming about wildlife management, trapping, fur handling, oil spill containment, hunting safety, firearm safety, information about Renewable Resources officers and projects, land use planning and wildlife conservation.

Part of the fonds is comprised of a series of posters produced the department for the annual National Wildlife Week Poster Contest; another series warns of the dangers of bears; a third series relates to Wildlife Regulations in relation to hunting and the export of animals/pelts/meat outside the Northwest Territories. The sound recordings consist of 3 audio reels and 6 DAT audiocassettes that contain recordings from a conference entitled "Fish, Fur and Game for the Future" held in February 1981. The remaining sound recordings, which consist of 14 audiocassettes and 1 audio reel, contain programs and radio ads that were produced by the department between 1985-1990. These programs and ads were aimed at teaching northerners about caring for the environment, educating them about the role of the department and raising awareness about new wildlife regulations. The audio reel contains the proceedings from a Fur Symposium held in Fort Resolution from 1986.

The remaining material within the fonds is comprised of published studies, reports, and brochures from the Department of Renewable Resources; the majority of material relates to its Wildlife Service subdivision between 1976 and approximately 1997. There are also reports and indices of scientific research licences issued 1974-1982. There are also approximately 5 cm of reports created by the Science Advisory Board of the Northwest Territories. The reports date from 1979-1982 and include the objectives of the Board as well as multiple topics including population studies, imported foods to the N.W.T., wind energy, aquatic resources, arctic marine mammals, dietary habits of native populations and animal management.

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Michel Sikyea collection
N-2004-016 · Accession · 1970, 2002

The textual records is comprised of a funeral program for Michel Sikyea from December 2002. The photographs, taken by Bill Braden, depict Michel Sikyea cutting fish in a camp setting.

Robert C. Knights fonds
24 · Fonds · 1956-1964

This fonds consists of 3-16 mm films and 649 photographs depicting the years Mr. Knights spent in the Northwest Territories. The footage on the videocassettes includes a boat trip down the Mackenzie River, dog team journeys and the removal of a body from the bush. Among the 649 photographs are images of buildings and surrounding areas of Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River), Sachs Harbour, Inuvik, Arviat (Eskimo Point), and Rankin Inlet. Many pictures show friends, Royal Canadian Mounted Police personnel and family at dances, parties, parades, water skiing and family gatherings. Hunting scenes are also included as well as Indigenous community members.

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A Fishing Tale
N-1988-034 · Accession · 1983

The film is entitled "A Fishing Tale," and was produced in 1983 by Yellowknife Films. The film is in colour and is 27 minutes in length; it depicts the commercial fishing culture on Great Slave Lake and documents fishing operations in both the winter and summer months and shows how the difficult environment affects the lives of those employed in the fishing industry. Chipping ice holes, setting fish nets with a jigger in winter is demonstrated by Wilfred Smith. Bombadiers, West Channel in Hay River, winter fishing, the Wool Bay outpost station operated by Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation, Wilfred Smith's private fish business, and Clifford Smith's summer boat operations are featured.

Narrated by Bob Backhouse. Featuring Gester Gudmundson, Alex Morin, Wilfred Smith, Dominique Montgrand, Clifford Bird, Edwin Morin. Funded by CBC North, The Metis Association of the Northwest Territories, the Canada Council and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

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Goldi Productions Ltd.
N-1992-195 · Accession · [1980, 1981], copied 1986

Records include two films, "They Fish the Great Slave" and "Dene Family". "They Fish the Great Slave" was produced in 1980 by Arctic Films; produced and directed by John Goldi and narrated by Mick Mallon. The subject of the film is commercial fishing on the Great Slave Lake, and features Clifford Bird, Johnny Nault, and Jane "Total" Mayo. "Dene Family" is a Goldi Productions Film from the Northern Lifestyle Series and was produced with the support of the NWT Department of Education and Canada Council Exploration in 1981. The film is narrated by Elizabeth Marlowe and depicts the lifestyle of the Marlowe family of Łutselk’e (Snowdrift).

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Outcrop Audio Recordings
N-2008-014 · Accession · [1978-1980]

Records include:

  • 7 cassettes related to a sealing conference from 1978 (:0001-:0007);
  • 9 cassettes from the Legislative Assembly Special Committee on Education entitled Learning: Tradition and Change in the NWT (appear to be the same tape in various Indigenous languages) (:0008-:0016);
  • 1 cassette marked Laco Hunt Interview (:0017);
  • 7 cassettes related to a Nunavut Mining Symposium held in Cambridge Bay in 1998 (:0018-:0024);
  • 9 cassettes that appear to related to an Economic Prospects Conference held in Hay River in 1978 (:0025-:0033);
  • 1 cassette marked Former Commissioners Sept. 1979 (:0034);
  • 1 cassette marked The Drums – Jim Greene (:0035);
  • 1 Reel labelled: CBC Drumming / Peter Liske Drumming (:0036);
  • 1 Reel labelled Master Mixed Impulse version (:0037);
  • 1 Reel labelled: Recreation 1980 (Box says moose hide tanning) (:0038);
  • 1 Reel labelled: Expo Walk (:0039);
  • 1 Reel – no label but box marked: Travel Arctic – Explore Canada’s Arctic duplicate pulsed soundtrack (:0040).
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Binder film collection
N-2011-001 · Accession · [195-? - 196-?]

The films were largely shot by Otto Binder and depict life in the Beaufort Delta region, and the community of Reindeer Station in particular. Footage of travel by water, as well as reindeer herding activities feature prominently. Shots of family and community life are also within the collection.

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Fougere, Robert
N-1992-021 · Accession · 1951-1954

The photographs depict Wood Buffalo National Park, Yellowknife, Hay River, Fort Resolution, Jean Marie River and the Great Slave region. The photographs include images of park wardens and their stations, forest fire monitoring and control, an abattoir for butchering bison, and fishing operations in the Great Slave Lake area. The fishing vessel 'Peter Pond' is featured prominently. Many of the pages of the first album that originally housed the photos were stamped with 'Conservation and Management Services' which appears to be a federal government division responsible for renewable resource management and conservation enforcement in the area.

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Norman Robinson fonds
356 · Fonds · 1919-1940

This fonds consists of 709 black and white photographs and approximately 20 cm of textual material relating to Norman Robinson's travels in the Northwest Territories, British Columbia and Ireland between 1919-1940. The photographs are mounted in nine journals which contain narrative about Robinson's work in the Northwest Territories as a trapper and guide; his work in British Columbia as a Game Warden and two years spent in Ireland. In addition, there are two original letters that Robinson wrote to his mother while he was guiding a Survey Party in the Northwest Territories in 1924, two notebooks which contain transcribed letters that Robinson wrote to his family in Ireland between 1919-1922 and transcriptions of three narratives written by Norman Robinson.

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Bern Will Brown fonds
381 · Fonds · 1940-1999

This fonds consists of 0.6 cm of textual records, ca. 13,000 photographs (col. slides, col. negatives, and b&w negatives), and 31 reels of 16 mm film.

The textual records comprise two newsletters produced by Bern Will Brown and a series of letters written by Capt. C.T. Pederson. The newsletters give a brief overview of life in the community of Colville Lake during 1991 and 1992, including items of interest relating to various members of the community. The Pedersen correspondence is autobiographical, including reminiscences of C.T. Pederson of some of his activities in the north; the majority are addressed to Father Brown of Our Lady of the Snows Mission in Colville Lake, but one letter is addressed to Commander Ransom.

The photographs include images of a wide variety of subjects, particularly activities of the Catholic Church and traditional activities of the Dene, Inuvialuit and Inuit, including hunting, trapping and transportation. There are photos of many locations throughout the NWT as well as some locations in Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

The films and videocassettes include footage of dog teams, life at Colville Lake, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Aklavik, Husky Lakes, Whitefish Station, Tulita (Fort Norman), Nahanni Butte, Fort Simpson, Bern Will Brown, various Catholic priests and bishops, fishing, children at play, aircraft, construction of the mission, reindeer, whaling, trapping, hunting, church services, many local families including: Kochon, Codzi, Masuzumi, Cotchilly, Oudzi and political visitors such as Governors-General.

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Parks Canada fonds
255 · Fonds · 1972-1982

This fonds consists of photographs documenting commemorative plaques at Port Radium and Fort McPherson, a visitors book from the Parks Canada cabin at Virginia Falls (Nahanni National Park), and photographs documenting the monument to Sir John and Sir James Ross at Taloyoak, Nunavut.

The fonds additionally includes materials relating to a Historical Resources Inventory of the Nahanni region. Parks Canada commissioned W. D. Addison and Associates in a series of four contracts to document Nahanni history. During the summers of 1974 to 1977, oral history interviews were conducted with 43 people associated with the Nahanni Park region. Several of the interviews were published in an internal Parks Canada document, "Manuscript Report Series No. 196: Nahanni National Park Historical Resources Inventory."

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