Records document Beryl Gillespie's work with the Mooseskin Boat project. The textual records are comprised of an account of the Mooseskin Boat project as it was observed by Beryl Gillespie. The photographs document the Mooseskin Boat project, including the preparation of the moosehide, boat construction and campsite activities. There are also images of the boat as it travelled down the Keele River, and of George Pelissey and Madeline Karkagie who worked on the project. In addition, there are several images of the mountains near Tulita (Fort Norman).
The photos were created between 1927 and 1930. Most of the images depict the day-to-day life of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers in and around the communities of Fort Norman (now Tulita), Fort Good Hope, Fort Franklin (now Deline), and Fort Simpson. There are also a number of images of scenery along the South Nahanni River.
Textual records consist of a copy of an adoption order, a baptism certificate, and newspaper clipping of the Duke of Edinburgh's visit to Yellowknife in 1956. The photographs are of the Wyss family and their home in Yellowknife; in addition there are images of Jock McNiven, a women's curling team, Con Hydro and Negus Mine.
Wyss, JohnThe three films document movement on the Mackenzie River, as well as activities in the Beaufort Delta and in Tsiigehtchic (then Arctic Red River). Footage includes airplanes, boats, maktak drying, pingos, sled dogs, fishing, creating stick fish, sawing ice, running dog teams, spring break up, the NWT Mace, and the transportation of a dead body (not available online).
This fonds consists of 3-16 mm films and 649 photographs depicting the years Mr. Knights spent in the Northwest Territories. The footage on the videocassettes includes a boat trip down the Mackenzie River, dog team journeys and the removal of a body from the bush. Among the 649 photographs are images of buildings and surrounding areas of Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River), Sachs Harbour, Inuvik, Arviat (Eskimo Point), and Rankin Inlet. Many pictures show friends, Royal Canadian Mounted Police personnel and family at dances, parties, parades, water skiing and family gatherings. Hunting scenes are also included as well as Indigenous community members.
Knights, Robert C.This fonds consists of 1,207 photographs, including 852 predominantly black and white negatives and prints, and 355 colour slides.
The majority of the images were taken by Erik Watt between 1950 and 1995. These images fall into two broad groups: those that Erik Watt took during his career as a journalist in the 1950s and 1960s, and those Erik took primarily in the 1980s and 1990s while he was employed in various capacities. The majority of the 1950s-1960s photographs are black and white and show locations within the Northwest Territories, however, images from northern Alberta, northern Manitoba, and northern Quebec complement the overriding theme of Canada's north. A wide range of subject matter is represented in these photographs, including: DEW line operations; educational activities; views of northern communities and people from both the eastern and western arctic; Aboriginal reserves; mining operations; church work in the north; road construction; and special functions such as the official opening of public buildings. The 1980s-1990s photographs are colour slides and primarily document mine sites and infrastructure.
The remainder of the photographs were taken by Erik's father, Frederick Watt, and date between 1929-1933. These images include the first air mail flight to Aklavik, images of floatplanes and pilots, prospecting and staking activities and the establishment of the Cameron Bay settlement and mine. Some of these images were used in Frederick Watt's book "Great Bear: A Journey Remembered".
Watt, ErikThis fonds consists of 597 col. slides. Slides feature Thomas Donnelly's travels throughout the Northwest Territories as a meteorologist. The communities highlighted in these slides include Yellowknife, Fort Smith, Inuvik, Fort Franklin (Délı̨nę), Lac La Martre (Whatı̀), Fort Good Hope, Norman Wells, Colville Lake, Rae (Behchokǫ̀), Cambridge Bay, Coppermine (Kugluktuk), Holman (Ulukhaktok), Hay River, Artic Red River (Tsiigetchic), and Fort Reliance.
The content of the slides features Donnelly's travels throughout the north but heavily favours aerial views of the Mackenzie River and surrounding communities, weather stations, airports, air and float planes, churches and significant events such as the construction of the Dempster Highway and the visit of Governor General Michener to the community of Holman (Ulukhaktok).
Donnelly, Thomas AlbertThis fonds consists of prints and negatives, including cellulose nitrate and one glass negative, formerly owned by Archibald Lang Fleming, as well as a program for the opening of the All Saints' Hospital in Aklavik in 1937, attended by Governor General Lord Tweedsmuir (John Buchan). The photographs include the communities of: Aklavik, Baker Lake, Cambridge Bay, Cape Dorset, Chesterfield Inlet, Clyde River, Coppermine, Eskimo Point, Lake Harbour, Pangnirtung, and Pond Inlet, among others. Images feature the portraits and daily activities of Inuit and Dene and Anglican churches and missions.
Fleming, ArchibaldThis fonds consists of 261 photographs (19 black and white slides; 242 colour slides) taken by Terry Garvin between 1954 and 1982. Many of the images were taken during Garvin's work as a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer, although some were taken during trips he made after leaving the RCMP, including while working for the Arctic Pilot Project. Subjects include community views and buildings, scenic views, mines, people, Tlicho hand games, aircraft, and boats. Locations include but are not limited to Yellowknife, Behchoko, Arctic Bay, Grise Fiord, and Fort Smith.
Garvin, TerryRecords include prints formerly owned by Ethel Coates, documenting her experience living and working in Norman Wells. The photographs feature the portraits and daily work and recreation activities of Imperial Oil Ltd employees, including hiking, camping, and dances. Most of the images appear to have been taken in and around Norman Wells and Camp Canol, but it is possible that some were taken elsewhere.
Photographs 0052 through 0102 are arranged according to their order in a scrapbook that was created for Ethel Coates' memorial service, with captions written by her niece.
Coates, EthelIncluded are images of buildings and surrounding areas of Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River), Sachs Harbour, Inuvik, Arviat (Eskimo Point), and Rankin Inlet. Many pictures show friends, Royal Canadian Mounted Police personnel and family at dances, parties, parades, waterskiing and family gatherings. Hunting scenes are also included as well as Indigenous people and their lifestyle.
Records include photographs which are reproductions of federal government issues. Originally, a collection of over 2,000 lantern slides reproduced from various federal departmental sources, the majority of slides did not relate to the Northwest Territories and consequently they were forwarded to the National Archives of Canada in 1990. These colour images document the scenery, town sites and local people, including Dene and Inuit, of the Northwest Territories and includes many images of the Harry Snyder Canadian Expedition (1937).
The textual material includes correspondence from Albert Faille's son, a Nahanni Safaris brochure, and certificates belonging to Albert Faille. The photographs include images of the Nahanni Region, Albert Faille, Jean and Hal Bennett and Faille's son.
Faille, AlbertThis fonds consists of 391 colour slides taken by Dr. Sylvester Drabitt, 150 colour negatives that were copied from slides loaned to the NWT Archives by the donor, one videocassette and one audio cassette. Dr. Drabbit was a physician who traveled on medical trips in the eastern arctic. The images include views of people, scenery, flora, fauna, people living on the land, snow houses, medical staff and facilities, transportation methods such as dog teams and aircraft, living conditions, and images from a medical patrol on the ship, C.D. Howe. The videotape also contains scenes from the C.D. Howe and the audio cassette is entitled "Victory at Sea-Last Patrol of the C.D. Howe.
Drabitt, SylvesterThis fonds consists of slides, photographs and maps. The slides, taken by Joseph Tyrrell, include images of northern Alberta and Saskatchewan; the Dubawnt River and Lake region, and the west coast of Hudson Bay near Chesterfield Inlet. There are also 19 black and white photographs of Yellowknife, mining camps around Yellowknife, Fort Resolution, Fort Smith and survey crews around Yellowknife Bay. The photographs appear to have been taken by members of survey teams including: A.W. Jolliffe, C.S. Lord [Clifford Symington Lord] and J.F. Henderson. There are 24 maps in total in the fonds. Map subjects include the Mackenzie, Pelly, Taltson, Slave and Peace Rivers and Ungava Bay. One map indicates the route taken by the southern party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913-1918, another illustrates the "Cruise of DGS Neptune to Hudson Bay and The Arctic Islands in 1905". There is also a series of nine separate map sheets for the Mackenzie and Yukon Basins, issued in 1880.
Geological Survey of CanadaThe slides are divided into three series. Series A consists of items :0001 to :0034, which were taken in the Nahanni Butte area in 1970 possibly by Norman Simmons. Series B consists of items :0035 to :0050 which show the construction of a styrofoam igloo by Erik Anoee and David Akkoekotak at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. Series C consists of items :0051 to :0068 which show sites of the Canol Project. The photographs from Series C were taken in the winter of 1977, possibly by the Curator of Collections from the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. Included in these images are buildings such as chapels, warehouses, repair shops, power plants and hangars.
Northwest Territories. Department of Natural and Cultural Affairs. Museum and Historical Programs divisionRecords include photographs taken during Corporal D.C. Martin's investigation into the death of Phil Powers. The photographs show views of Phil Power's Cache, Corporal Martin and views of the South Nahanni River.
Included are images of communities; buildings; indigenous animals; landmarks; Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line sites; people; special events; Anglican and Catholic Missions; schools; Dene and Inuit involved in traditional activities; and landscapes. The images would have been used in government publications and displays.
Records include video recordings containing oral history interviews with prominent citizens of Fort Simpson including Albert Faille, Ted Trindell, George McPherson, Marguerite and Baptiste Squirrel, Red Thomason, and Joe Squirrel. In addition there is also footage of the breakup of the Mackenzie River. The footage was shot in 1972.
Many of the photographs are postcards mounted on scrapbook pages. The photographs were taken in the 1920s and depict Fort Simpson, New Chicago, riverboats, Arctic Red River, the ramparts and Fort Norman as well as other scenes from around Great Slave Lake and along the Mackenzie River as far north as Aklavik.