This accession consists of records relating to safety promotion campaigns and programs operated by the Department of Transportation. Also included are records of promotion campaigns for airport openings, as well as license plate and driver's license programs.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation (1989-2017)A portion of the material dating from 1992-1996 deals with the Northern Management Program (NMP) administered by the Department of Transportation in conjunction with Arctic College. The files consists of general correspondence and materials explaining the origin and purpose of the Northern Management Program.
Also included in this fonds are records from the Planning and Policy division, including Minister's Briefing Notes, Senior Management Committee meeting files, correspondence, decision and discussion papers and draft agreements concerning the negotiation between the Department of Transportation and Tulita District Land Corporation for the exchange of land at Canyon Creek.
As well, this fonds contains files from the Airports Division relating to the transfer of the Arctic Airports from the Federal Government to the GNWT. Included in these files are copies of agreements, decision papers, briefing notes and material from the Transfer Management Committee. There are also two items, a brochure celebrating the completion of highway 3 from Yellowknife to Frank's Channel, and a Department of Transportation strategy report, dated 2006 and 1990 respectively, files relating to airport safety, and electronic records regarding the management and operations of the CARS program.
Records from the Corporate Services division include files on departmental organization, personnel policy, staffing policy, an information technology strategy and a review of the department's finance and administration functions, internal publications and Senior Management Committee records. DOT submissions regarding the NWT Public Service Vehicles Act, the National Transportation Agency Review Commission and the Royal Commission on National Passenger Transportation are also included. Also, Briefing Books for the Deputy Minister for Main Estimates and the Standing Committee on Finance, as well as Briefing Notes and Options Papers are included. Departmental publications are also present in these accessions.
Records from the Directorate consist mainly of Minister and Deputy Minister chronos, as well as files relating to Senior Management Committee minutes, Transfer Management Committee minutes, the transfer of GNWT airports to communities under the Community Transfer Initiative, policies, Briefing Notes, Northern Roads Policy, Negotiated Transportation Contracts Policy, transfer of responsibilities from the federal government to the GNWT, transfer of responsibilities from the GNWT to Nunavut for division, and department strategies.
Records from the Environmental Affairs section include environmental projects and studies and reports for airports, roads, industrial projects, and contaminated sites.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation (1989-2017)This accession consists of Minister's briefing notes and associated records from the Directorate of the Department of Transportation. Records include briefing notes, presentation slides, status reports, memoranda of understanding, decision paper, schedules and agendas, speaking notes, summary of legislative amendments, draft bills, drafting instructions, legislative proposal and assessment report, correspondence, and financial records.
This accession consists of records of the Directorate of the Department of Transportation including a user fees review, meeting material from Department of Transportation Senior Management Meetings, a Deputy Ministers Senior Management Committee Meeting, a meeting of the Alberta-NWT MOU for Cooperation and Development Co Chairs, and an agreement with Prophead Productions regarding use of airports for filming of Buffalo Air.
The records include Minister's chronos, Deputy Minister's chronos, and briefing books.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation. DirectorateThis accession consists of records of the Corporate Services division of the Department of Transportation, including an Airport Runway Study, Community Access Program agreements, and reports and lists from the Math and Science Awards program.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation. Corporate Services divisionThis accession consists of records relating to Minister's visits to the regions and attendance at special events and Transportation policies. The records include correspondence, agendas, briefing notes, and policy documents.
The records include Minister's Chronos from 2005 to 2007 and Minister's Briefing books from 2009 to 2010.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation. DirectorateRecords include Department of Transportation Engineering Recruitment Plan, issues files relating to distracted driving and airport taxi services (including a petition signed by Yellowknife taxi drivers), meeting materials, briefing materials for the Deputy Minister (topics include City of Yellowknife Bypass road, Dettah Access Road, YKDFN Economic Development Opportunities), records relating to a review of the Business Incentive Policy (BIP), records relating to the development of P3 (Public Private Partnership) guidelines, and the Deputy Minister's briefing books for presentations to the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure on Air Market Development and Runway Issues.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation. DirectorateAccession consists of records from the Road Licensing and Safety Division of the Department of Transportation, including policies and procedures, reports and reviews, program material, promotional and educational material, publications (manuals), and agreements.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation (1989-2017)This accession consists of records of the Petroleum Products Division of the Department of Public Works and Services, including meeting materials for the Senior Management Committee, a report on All Weather Roads in the Tli Cho Region, records of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Fuel Working Group, fuel supply and pricing management, and management of a memorandum of understanding with the Canadian Coast Guard.
Records are dated from 1995-2007 and include two departmental publications.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation. Corporate Services divisionRecords consist of a brochure celebrating the completion of Highway 3 from Yellowknife to Frank's Channel in 2006, and a Department of Transportation strategy report published in 1990.
The photographs (227 colour slides and 7 b&w negatives) document Pi's life on his trapline around the Oulton Lake area north of Fort Smith, including building construction, travel by dogteam and by boat, trapping and hunting activities. Also included are photographs of activities in the town of Fort Smith, including parades, sports and dog races. The Super 8 films document animals out on Pi's trapline, life in his camps, as well as dog races. The textual material includes documentation of fur pelts sold, expenses, as well as calendars kept on the trapline. The maps are of Pi Kennedy's trapline area north of Fort Smith and include annotations of trails and cabin sites.
Kennedy, PiRecords include operational manuals, operational directives, implementation plans, regulations, policies and procedures, meeting minutes correspondence and contract agreements.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation. Airports divisionThis accession consists of the production "Great Slave Lake". The video was produced by Good Earth Productions Inc. in 2004.
Good Earth Productions Inc.Records include promotional materials and correspondence related to the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Dempster Highway.
Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. Parks and Tourism divisionRecords include Ministerial and Deputy Minister chronos, and one file regarding an airports conference.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation. DirectorateThe accession consists of records from the Environmental Affairs section of the Department of Transportation, including environmental projects and studies and reports for airports, roads, industrial projects, and contaminated sites. Records relate to general departmental responsibilities in the Mackenzie Valley Review Resource Management Act review process, environmental review of the Ulu Gold Project, environmental assessment and remediation work at the Tuktoyaktuk, Norman Wells, Fort Liard, Rae Lakes (Gameti), Snare Lake (Wekweeti), Fort Resolution, and Arctic "A" airports and Ptarmigan Mine Tailings, Mackenzie Valley Highway Extension environmental scoping, and Yellowknife Highway realignment.
The records include correspondence, reports, studies, meeting materials, presentation slides, requests for proposal, proposals and assessments, plans, terms of reference and comments, contracts, financial records, briefing notes, legal opinions, legal descriptions of airports, reviews, test results, spill response plans, spill reports, reference material, photographs and maps of airport sites, and maps of road routes.
Specific records and reports include Environmental Guideline for Site Remediation (RWED), draft GNWT/Canada Arctic "A" Airports Transfer Agreement, Schedule "J" Environmental Baseline Study Reports to the GNWT/Canada Arctic "A" Airports Transfer Agreement, Petroleum Products Storage Tank Systems Inventory and Management Program (Transport Canada), preliminary environmental audit results on Arctic "A" airports, Emergency Spill Containment Plan Inuvik Airport, draft Transport Canada Workplan Environmental Remediation N.W.T. Sites 1995/96, Preliminary Remediation Plan Status Report, Remedial Action Plan Follow-Up Norman Wells Airport, Environmental Review of the Norman Wells Airport, Asbestos Disposal Guidelines, Initial Environmental Evaluation for Rae Lakes Airport Relocation, Airport Site Selection Rae Lakes report, Initial Environmental Evaluation of Airport Construction at Snare Lake, Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Fort Resolution Airport, Draft Report Phase III Environmental Site Assessment and Remediation Plan Ptarmigan Mine Tailings, draft Transportation Infrastructure in the Liard/Mackenzie Valley, draft Description of the Regulatory Regime and Environmental Impact Assessment Process for an Extension of the Mackenzie Valley Highway, Evaluation of a Request to Construct an All-Weather Road to Nahanni Butte, drawings for winter road crossing technical report, Yellowknife Highway (No. 3) km 154 to km 308 Proposed Realignment, Phase III Remedial Excavation Report Fort Liard Airport, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and Remedial Excavation Report Fort Liard Airport, and 2001 Project Report Remediation of Contaminated Soil at the Tuktoyaktuk Airport.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation. Environmental Affairs divisionThis accession consists of records from the Environmental Affairs division of the Department of Transportation. Records include environmental reviews and assessments, in particular soil and groundwater monitoring and remediation of Arctic 'A' airport sites. Also included are environmental reviews and workshops relating to winter roads, ice roads, and prospective resource extraction (mining) projects.
Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation. Environmental Affairs division