Records are comprised of the original English and French bound copies of the Tlicho Agreement. This agreement constitutes a land claims and self government agreement between the Tlicho (Dogrib), the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada. Both copies were signed and dated August 25, 2003 in Rae-Edzo, Northwest Territories.
Canada. Department of Indian and Northern AffairsRecords consist of briefing binders prepared for the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations.
Records include correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, plans, and other materials related to the implementation of the Nunavut Final Agreement and the creation of the territory of Nunavut. Many of the records relate to boards and agencies involved in the implementation of the agreement, including the Nunavut Implementation Panel, Nunavut Implementation Training Committee, and Transition Teams for the Nunavut Planning Commission, Nunavut Water Board, and Nunavut Impact Review Board.
This accession consists of "Self Government Negotiations Framework: Negotiated Primarily Through a Partnership Government" and "Self Government Negotiations Framework: Negotiated Primarily Through an Aboriginal Government", which were developed, distributed, and updated by the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs.
Records include an annual report, legislation files, and self-government files. The annual report is from the Fort Smith Health and Social Services Authority. The legislation files include details regarding the drug interchangeability formulary, grandfathering under the Social Workers Act, and a discussion paper related to the Health and Social Services Professions Act. The self-government files document the role of the Department of Health and Social Services in self-government negotiations, including but not limited to presentations given by the department during self-government discussions, and actions taken by the department related to implementation of the Tlicho Final Agreement.
Northwest Territories. Department of Health and Social Services. Policy, Legislation and Communications divisionThe records were created by the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat and the Ministry of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs during the negotiation and implementation of the Nunavut claim. There are files related to the development of the agreement-in-principle and planning for the establishment of Nunavut, as well as the establishment and operation of boards and agencies involved in the implementation of the agreement, including the Nunavut Implementation Panel, Nunavut Implementation Training Committee, and Transition Teams for the Nunavut Planning Commission, Nunavut Water Board, and Nunavut Impact Review Board.
Records date from 1974-1988 and relate to land claims, including the Inuvialuit (COPE) land claim, the Dene/Metis land claim, and the creation of Nunavut, from the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat of the department. Also included are records relating to the creation of the Western Arctic Region Municipality (WARM). The records in this accession consist of primarily correspondence, meeting minutes, and copies of reports from federal government, territorial government and Aboriginal government representatives.
Northwest Territories. Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development SecretariatRecords include Ministerial and Deputy Minister's chronos; decision papers, correspondence, briefing materials, drafts, and reports related to negotiation and implementation of land, resources, and self-government agreements, devolution of responsibilities from the federal government to the Government of the Northwest Territories; meeting materials from departmental senior management meetings; reports and plans related to the Intergovernmental Forum; and drafts and correspondence related to the negotiation of a socio-economic agreement with BHP Diamonds.
Northwest Territories. Ministry of Aboriginal AffairsRecords include decision papers, briefing notes, Minister's speeches, mostly related to land claims and self-government negotiations and agreements; correspondence between the GNWT and the Aboriginal Summit, much of it relating to the development of electoral boundaries after the creation of Nunavut; files from interdepartmental and intergovernmental committees, including the Committee on Aboriginal Rights, the Intergovernmental Forum, and the Economic Development Advisory Forum; and drafts and correspondence relating to an early version of the Ministry's website.
Northwest Territories. Ministry of Aboriginal AffairsThis accession consists of textual records relating to the Aboriginal (Indigenous) affairs function of the Department of the Executive. The records document Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) involvement in various land claims, including those with the Dene-Metis, Sahtu, Gwich'in, Inuvialuit (COPE), Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut (TFN), and Makivik organizations, intergovernmental interactions on the federal/provincial/territorial level, and the interactions of the Aboriginal Relations and Constitutional Development division with other GNWT departments. The records include policies and directives, agreements (including drafts), comments and responses, legal opinions, implementation worksheets and plans, briefing material, financial records, Financial Management Board submissions, meeting materials, correspondence, proposals, applications, discussion, decision and option papers, land use planning records, records of recommendation and decision, court documents, reports, communications plans, a job description, maps, speaking notes, news releases, and reference material.
Records include correspondence, reports, and meeting minutes on topics related to constitutional development and land claims, including devolution of powers from the federal government to the GNWT, GNWT participation in First Ministers' Conferences, the Northern Energy Accord, the Dene/Metis land claim, the Committee for Original Peoples Entitlement (COPE/Inuvialuit) land claim, and Division of the NWT.
Northwest Territories. Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development SecretariatRecords date from 1979-1991 and include Dene/Metis Land Claim files, Tungavik Federation of Nunavut (TFN) Land Claims, minutes of the Capital Cities Liaison Committee, goals and objectives of the Division, and community planning files.
Northwest Territories. Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. Community Operations divisionRecords include files related to the delivery of health and social services programming under land claims and self-government agreements, Senior Management Committee (SMC) meetings, various internal health and social services committees, family violence intiatives, work on the social agenda of the GNWT and files from the Social Lens Working Groups.
Northwest Territories. Department of Health and Social Services. Policy, Legislation and Communications divisionRecords include files related to Commissioner's tours, departmental reorganization, goals and objectives, reports from the regions, reports from specific communities on Public Works projects and maintenance of public buildings such as schools. Additionally, there are records concerning land claims, the Business Incentive Policy (BIP), capital assistance, lease and contracting policies, the Capital Site Planning Committee, decentralization and privatization efforts.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Highways. DirectorateRecords include deputy minister's chronos and reports on activities related to land claims.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. DirectorateRecords include policy development, workshop and conference materials, Senior Management Committee records, and reports on performance measurement, asset maintenance, and activities related to the implementation of self-government agreements.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. DirectorateThis accession consists of records relating to Deputy Ministers Meetings, Senior Management Meetings (PWS), as well as the interdepartmental Drinking Water Management Committee, Devolution Properties, Assets, Records and Contractor Committee, and Refocusing Government Strategic Initiatives Committee. Also included are records arising from the following projects and initiatives: Petroleum Products Privatization, Expansion of Cell Phone Service, Apprenticeship Reviews, Inuvialuit Land Access Arbitration, Gwich'in Memorandum of Understanding, and Norman Wells Natural Gas project.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. DirectorateRecords are comprised of nine volumes of transcripts from the Supreme Court documenting the proceedings of an application by Chief Francois Paulette, who lodged a caveat with the Registrar of Land Titles, Northwest Territories in 1973. The volumes consist of Books One through Four (inclusive) and Books Nine through Thirteen (missing Books 5-8).
Records include files related to aboriginal self-government, the GNWT Social Agenda and work on homelessness in the Northwest Territories.
Northwest Territories. Department of Justice. Policy and Planning divisionRecords date from 1977-1986 and contain correspondence, reports, meeting minutes and position papers concerning the draft of land claims involving groups including the Dene and Metis, Committee for Original People's Entitlement (COPE), the Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut (TFN), and the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada. They were originally housed within the Department of the Executive.
Northwest Territories. Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat