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304 · Fonds · [1932-2005]

This fonds consists of approximately 51.64 meters of textual material, 18 photographs, 24 drawings, 46 posters, 14 maps, 4 audio reels, 14 audio cassettes, 5 sound CDs, three 16 mm film reels and approximately 395 videocassettes in Betamax and Umatic format.

The textual material created and/or managed by the Directorate of the Department of Renewable Resources between 1974-1993, include correspondence of the Minister, Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy. In addition, there are divisional reports, minutes of meetings, briefing notes, decision papers, Land Use Planning records, Management Steering Committee records, copies of submissions to environmental review boards and copies of agreements between the Federal Government and the GNWT. There is also a copy of an operational review of the department that was conducted between 1990-1991, a subsequent report and appendices of a departmental organizational review, and files related to enforcement issues and development of hunting regulations in the Liard/Mackenzie Corridor. Additionally, there are three files from the department library that relate to forestry and game officers from 1950-1969.

The records from the Finance and Administration Division consist of files relating to Departmental Organization and Priorities. These records are dated between 1984-1986.

The records from the Policy and Planning Division relates to Departmental reviews and responses and an overall Government of the Northwest Territories Functional Inventory.

The records from the Yellowknife Division relate to amendments to the operational manual, regulations, and legislation.

The fonds also contains records relating to the transfer (devolution) forestry and fire management from the federal government, including correspondence, work plans, asset inventories, organizational charts, job descriptions, and meeting minutes.

The fonds also includes records relating to forest management, including the 1987 Forest Resources Transfer Agreement, “Forests for Tomorrow: Forest Management in the Northwest Territories A Public Policy Discussion Paper” and related feedback, timber licensing and inspection, forest utilization, timber export, integrated resource management (Liard/Nahanni Valley), and forest fire response, including protection of communities.

The fonds also includes general records relating to trapping, seal hunting and marketing, the Furbearer Management Program, compensation, incentive and income support programs, trap exchange, and the Natural Resources Conservation Trust Fund (NRCTF).

The textual material from the Wildlife Services Division consists of several oversize ledgers documenting Hunting and Trapping Reports and Fur Export Tax Reports from across the Northwest Territories. There are also general correspondence files, minutes of meetings, memorandums, strategic planning, and policies relating to the division's activities, programs and workshops delivered and files relating to the transfer of responsibilities for forestry and fire management from the federal government to the Government of the Northwest Territories. In addition there are records dealing with wildlife regulations, enforcement, devolution of land and water, and outfitting, individual trapping records, harvest reports, outfitter harvest statistics, reports on the monitoring of different wildlife species, Convention of International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) files, human resources files, Game Office files, caribou and moose surveys, fisheries data, fur dealers records, registered trapping areas, Trappers Association records, export permits, trappers assistance records, organized hunts, buffalo/caribou hunter data, trapper and hunter kill statistics, anthrax control and emergency response planning, humane trapping, community freezers and bison ranching. There are also annual reports for the division, 1990-1992.

There are also files that were created by the Forest and Wildlife office in Rae and Fort Smith. This material contains Robert Douglas' monthly patrol reports and correspondence from between 1951-1955. The reports include summaries of the warden's duties, weather reports, wildlife observations, hunting, trapping and fishing activities, lists of game taken and licenses issued, as well as the monitoring of animal species, particularly caribou. The remaining material from Fort Smith dates between 1987-1996 and contains files relating to Administration, Personnel, Policy and Directives, Finance and Budget, Training, Lands and Properties, Associations, Committees and Boards, Native Organizations, Wildlife and Habitat Management, Research and Field Studies, Resource Development, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation and Enforcement, Licenses and Permits, Conservation Education and Pollution Control. In addition, there are approximately 35 maps from this division that concern animal trapping in the Northwest Territories.

The textual material from the Pollution Control Division dates between 1975 - 1991. The records consist of air quality reports, water quality reports, and information about solid waste management, hazardous waste management, waste oil, chemical disposal, anti-litter campaign, and minutes from the Pollution Control Division meetings and Yellowknife Anti-Litter Committee meetings. The records also include a copy of the "Truth North" #2 comic book.

The material generated or managed by the Field Services Division between 1961-1986, consists of correspondence, minutes from Regional Superintendents and Regional Hunters and Trappers Associations meetings, field project reports, reports from regional and community wildlife officers, fur records, forms and reference material kept by the division. The records relate to a variety of activities such as: hunting, trapping, enforcement of regulations, animal studies, fisheries, training and organizational structure. Reports from the five administrative regions of the Government of the Northwest Territories (Fort Smith, Inuvik, Keewatin, Baffin and the Kitikmeot, which was once part of the Fort Smith region) have been kept in an effort to document regional activities and responses.

The records from the Environmental Planning and Assessment Division date from 1971 to 1991 and consist of land use planning evaluations, correspondence, policies, minutes of meetings, social impact studies and records relating to water management and planning, Inter-jurisdictional Water Negotiations and Environmental Impact-Assessment of Oil/Gas and Mineral Exploration.

The three 16 mm film reels contain two films produced by the Department of Renewable Resources in conjunction with the Department of Culture and Communication. The first film is entitled "Koukdjuak Crossing: Caribou Tagging on Baffin Island." The film is available in English and Inuktitut. The second film, "Two Have Forever: Hunting the Bathurst Caribou Herd" was produced in 1986; it illustrates the importance of the Bathurst herd to the Inuit, Dene and non-natives. This film is available in English and Innuiaqtun. The accession containing approximately 395 videocassettes was produced by or for the Conservation Education and Resource Development Division of the Department of Renewable Resources. The videocassettes contain informational programming about wildlife management, trapping, fur handling, oil spill containment, hunting safety, firearm safety, information about Renewable Resources officers and projects, land use planning and wildlife conservation.

Part of the fonds is comprised of a series of posters produced the department for the annual National Wildlife Week Poster Contest; another series warns of the dangers of bears; a third series relates to Wildlife Regulations in relation to hunting and the export of animals/pelts/meat outside the Northwest Territories. The sound recordings consist of 3 audio reels and 6 DAT audiocassettes that contain recordings from a conference entitled "Fish, Fur and Game for the Future" held in February 1981. The remaining sound recordings, which consist of 14 audiocassettes and 1 audio reel, contain programs and radio ads that were produced by the department between 1985-1990. These programs and ads were aimed at teaching northerners about caring for the environment, educating them about the role of the department and raising awareness about new wildlife regulations. The audio reel contains the proceedings from a Fur Symposium held in Fort Resolution from 1986.

The remaining material within the fonds is comprised of published studies, reports, and brochures from the Department of Renewable Resources; the majority of material relates to its Wildlife Service subdivision between 1976 and approximately 1997. There are also reports and indices of scientific research licences issued 1974-1982. There are also approximately 5 cm of reports created by the Science Advisory Board of the Northwest Territories. The reports date from 1979-1982 and include the objectives of the Board as well as multiple topics including population studies, imported foods to the N.W.T., wind energy, aquatic resources, arctic marine mammals, dietary habits of native populations and animal management.

Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources (1979-1997)
357 · Fonds · 1921-2009

This fonds consists of records from the Directorate, Policy, Legislation and Communication division, Wildlife and Fisheries division, Parks and Tourism division, Investment and Economic Analysis division, Industrial Initiatives division, Environmental Protection division, Minerals, Oil and Gas division, Fort Smith region, the Energy, Mines and Resources Secretariat and the Energy Secretariat of the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development dating from 1926-2007.

The records from the Policy, Legislation and Communication division primarily consist of project report files related to a variety of departmental programs and initiatives including resource management, the Protected Areas Strategy, hunter and harvester assistance programs, Land Use Planning committees; legislative initiatives; strategic planning, oil and resource development strategies; parks and tourism; departmental operational review and organizational reviews; policy and legislation development committees, senior management committees and working groups. There are also records relating to the development of Forest Fire Management and Species at Risk legislation, amendments to the Wildlife Act, regulatory changes to the Forest Management Act and Territorial Parks Act, and protocols and regulations in regards to land claims agreements with Indigenous groups as well as feedback from the public, as well as records related to the development of the Business Development and Investment Corporation Act. Also included in the records are four signed agreements, the environmental agreement with BHP, the Environmental Agreement with DeBeers Canada regarding the Snap Lake Diamond Project, the Socio-Economic Agreement with DeBeers Canada regarding support of the secondary diamond industry in the NWT, as well as a Cooperation Agreement with the federal Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development respecting the Giant Mine Remediation Project. The records also document RWED's participation in the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board and preliminary screening of water and land use applications. The records also include a draft internal Use of Internet Policy, copy of the Thelon Game Sanctuary Management Plan, forest management policy development, a review of historical records relating to reindeer, and material relating to Metis harvesting rights. The records also document the Department's involvement in the processes of devolution of natural resources from the federal government and division between the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Records from the Forest Management division include meeting and workshop records, regional year-end reports, records relating to the negotiation of forest management agreements, fire effects camps messaging and reports, public education program planning, excerpts from the operations manual, and informational guides and pamphlets.

Records relating to Wildlife Management include those on the subjects of disease, endangered species, land use, predator control, trapping, hunting, fur production and harvesting data, fur marketing, support for harvesters, hunting and trapping associations, outfitting, environmental protection and conservation, environmental assessment and monitoring, land claims, trapper taxation, trapping standards, animal sightings, game management reports, registered trapping areas, pipelines, sport fishing and lake stocking, fisheries management, conservation education, business opportunities, national parks, territorial parks, preserves, sanctuaries and refuges. Records also include federal committees and studies, manuals, permits, licenses, newsletters, annual reports, strategic plans, and administrative records (ie. Staffing - GNWT policies), mandate documents, and staff chronos relating to the operation of the Division. The wildlife management records include studies or records relating to falcons, gyrfalcons, geese, duck, swans, bears, bison, beaver, sheep, caribou, fox, reindeer, wolf, muskoxen, muskrat, marten, mink, lynx, wolverine, moose, hare, waterfowl and arachnids (spiders). Policies and programs covered by these records include the Guiding and Outfitting Policy, Fire Management Policy, Firearm Safety Instructor Course Program, Bathurst Management Planning Committee, Trapper Treeline Program, Trapper Training, Harvesters Assistance, Trapper Compensation, Community Freezer Program, Fur Program, trap exchange, fur marketing, Biodiversity Working Group, interaction with COSEWIC, and the Fish and Wildlife Service Policy. Each region of the Northwest Territories is represented. The records also include Wildlife Act revisions, consultation records (audio cassettes) for the new Wildlife and Species at Risk Acts, Senior Management committee material and briefing notes for 1999-2004.

The textual records and slides relating to the Parks and Tourism division date 1979-2006 and include Economic Development Agreement (EDA) files (contribution files), interpretive centre and display project files, signage and design files, map planning and development, campground reports and statistics, public image documents, records relating to the development of the Explorers' Guide, tourism promotion planning, and tourism studies. They also include capital project records relating to historic sites and properties, territorial parks operations and development, events such as Expo '86, and structural objectives of the Division. There are also minutes and planning documents from internal Tourism meetings, Tourism Marketing Advisory Committee, the Protected Areas Strategy, NWT Arctic Tourism and a file related to the NWT Tourism Industry Association Review that was prepared by a consultant for the department. There are also ministerial, deputy minister and assistant deputy minister chronos.

The files from the Investment and Economic Analysis division date from 1990-2006 and include records on the marketing and promotion of northern arts in crafts in North America, Japan and Europe, egg marketing, the role of the department in the development of the Master of the Arctic exhibit, establishment of the Business Development and Investment Corporation, arts and culture strategy, Northern innovation, the diamond industry, and manufacturing strategy. The majority of the files consist of strategic planning materials concerning public relations for the department, business planning files related to arts and crafts development in the communities, briefing notes, agreements, reports, Decision papers, meeting material, and reference material. There is also Deputy Minister correspondence concerning the relationship between Economic Development and Tourism, Business Credit Corporation and NWT Development Corporation, as well as briefing notes, files from senior management meetings and Premier Panel Meeting, files regarding the Arts and Crafts Committee and internal newsletters. There are also files generated by intergovernmental committees and commissions, including the Business Incentive Policy review and the Banker's Commission.

The records from the Directorate primarily consist of Ministerial and Deputy Minister chronos and briefing books. There are also departmental planning files including records from a Departmental Review Committee related to consolidation of the following departments: Economic Development and Tourism, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources and Renewable Resources, as well as minutes and materials from departmental Senior Management meetings and workshops. There is also a file for 2004 meetings of the Legislation Committee to review alterations to legislation and regulation for the Department. In addition, there are files related a variety of issues from several divisions within the department, including records related to wildlife management, forest and fire management, including annual forest fire operations reports, the development and privatization of NWT parks, marketing strategy for tourism in the NWT, the operation of the NWT Business Credit Corporation and NWT Development Corporation, records regarding the Economic Development Agreement (EDA), records from the Deputy Minister's Committee on the Devolution of Lands and Resources, as well as records relating to RWED's co-lead role in the development of a National Diamond Strategy. Records also include deputy minister's files on the Arctic Energy Alliance, from when the deputy minister sat on the Board of Directors.

The records from the Minerals, Oil and Gas division relate to the "Increasing the Number of Northern Workers in the NWT Mineral Industry - Impacts and Strategies" study, mineral sector annual reports, Project Rocks educational resources, mining and exploration surveys, mineral royalty and mining taxation options, a draft Mining Income Tax Act, website development for the Coronation Gulf Mineral Development Area and the Mackenzie Valley Mineral Development Area, and mineral exploration projects. The records also include maps showing mineral deposits and petroleum resources. Records from the predecessor department of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources are also present in large quantities.

This fonds also consists textual material comprised of publications from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. The reports date from 1997-2006 and relate to animals and flora, specifically caribou, wood bison, muskox, dolphins and black spruce trees. Topics cover wildlife management, migration, calving grounds, population distribution, wildfires and seasonal movements and migration.

This fonds also consists of files related to the Trade and Investment Division and Economic Planning Division. This material consists of three files relating to mining industry winter road access, one file with varied material regarding NWT investment and trading strategies, including a brochure and report. There is one file on the Aurora Fund, a venture capital fund related to the federal Immigration Investor Program. Finally, there is one file containing a consultant's report on household expenditure cost differentials between the NWT and southern communities.

The fonds also includes files from the Industrial Initiatives division. This material relates primarily to diamond mining and gas pipeline projects and includes committee material, briefing notes, speaking notes, reports, and grants and contributions policies and procedures.

The fonds also includes records from the Fort Smith Region, including job descriptions, organizational charts, meeting materials, correspondence, site assessment forms, and records of the 1997 Fort Providence Prescribed Burn project.

The fonds also include records from the Inuvik Region relating to community economic development.

This fonds also consists of files related to the Energy, Mines and Resources Secretariat. This material includes correspondence regarding energy alternatives as well as natural gas power feasibility for Inuvik and Hay River, mineral development, strategy and northern hiring practices, Development Impact Zones (DIZ's) and major project preparedness for full-scale hydrocarbon development of the Northwest Territories.

This fonds also consists of files related to the Energy Secretariat, tasked with drafting an energy strategy for the NWT. Materials include workshops, meeting minutes, public consultations, stakeholder responses, correspondence and a discussion paper, "Towards an Energy Strategy for the NWT."

This fonds also consists of files related to the Environmental Protection Division. This material includes correspondence, meeting minutes, society formation and workshop proceedings of the Arctic Energy Alliance, created in concert with four other Government of the Northwest Territories organizations and the NWT Association of Municipalities.

Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (1996-2005)
410 · Fonds · 1985, 1987-2012

This fonds consists of 9.89 m of textual records, 2 drawings, 16 CDs, 1 zip disk, and 1 USB flash drive, including records from the Directorate, Corporate Management division, Policy, Legislation and Communications division, Environment division (and earlier from the Pollution Control division), Wildlife division, Protected Areas Strategy Secretariat, and Inuvik Region.

Records from the Directorate include ministerial and deputy minister chronos, briefing materials, meeting materials of the Senior Management Committee, Managing This Land Strategic Initiative Committee, Deputy Ministers' Land Use Steering Committee, Joint Climate Change Committee, Energy Coordinating Committee, Deputy Minister's Subcommittee on Science, Arctic Energy Alliance, as well as terms of reference of the Gwich'in Forest Management Steering Committee and correspondence and briefing notes regarding the forest management component of the Gwich'in Land Claim agreement. Records also include meeting materials of the Giant Mine Oversight Committee and the Informatics Steering Committee, land and water framework working groups, meeting materials regarding the restructuring of ENR's predecessor, the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, into ENR, material relating to the Territorial response to the Dehcho Land Use Plan, and workshop materials for the Development of a Land Use Framework workshop and a Water Strategy workshop. The records also include a memorandum of agreement with the Canadian Wildlife Federation and records relating to an amendment of the Wildlife Act.

Records from the Corporate Management division's Policy, Legislation and Communications unit (known for a time as the Policy and Strategic Planning division) include policy committee meeting materials, Senior Management Committee materials, Deputy Ministers Land Use Steering Committee materials, Natural Resources Conservation Trust Fund material, plans for organizational change in the early days of ENR, protocols documenting shared resources with the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, and records relating to enforcement of legislation, land use and protected areas, caribou management, the Mackenzie Gas Project, forest management, and department-wide training. Other records relate to the revision of the Wildlife Act, creation of the Species at Risk Act, and amendment of the Forest Management regulations, including meeting materials, reports, drafts, discussion papers, and records relating to public consultations. Records also include preliminary screening of land use permits, land lease applications, and water licence applications that were reviewed by the department and its predecessor, the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, as mandated by the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA). Records also include IRMA (Interim Resource Management Assistance) files, as well as Interim Measures Agreement files (IMA) as managed by DIAND and copied to RWED, who later became the lead on such files after devolution in 2014. Records also include communications on department programs and initiatives, agreements and memoranda of understanding, policies and directives, and records relating to human resources and a possible job action.

Records from the Environment Division include proceedings of the utilities management committee, program results from partnership with Ecology North, and legal opinions on environmental issues and case files in conjunction with the Department of Justice. Records also include agreements related to spills in the NWT.

Records from the Wildlife Division include files from the revision of the Wildlife Act, Species at Risk Programs, various publications, study information, briefing notes (2005-2006), and committee material for the Deputy Ministers’ Sub-Committee on the Science Act, Seismic Guidelines Steering Committee, and West Kitikmeot/Slave Study Society Board.

Records from the Forest Management Division relate to timber supply and NWT Forest Industry Conferences and Workshops (2005-2006).

Records from the Protected Areas Strategy Secretariat include material from the Implementation Advisory Committee, Steering Committee, working groups, Secretariat, funders, forums, and workshop, material related to activities in the Akaitcho, Gwich'in, Sahtu, and Deh Cho regions, agreements, and communications materials.

Records from the Inuvik region include RWED Operations Manual, ENR Field Operations Manual Standard Operating Procedures, Summary of Hunting Regulations July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, and material for a 2007 Research Day.

Northwest Territories. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (2005-)
300 · Fonds · 1950-1980

This fonds consists of 119 photographs in print, negative and slide formats and approximately 8.5 meters of textual material. The photographs depict sites along the Canol Trail, such as chapels, warehouses and repair shops. There are also images that document the construction of the styrofoam igloo in the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, images of the Nahanni Butte region and photographs of the Museumobile, which was a touring exhibit from the National Museum of Canada. In addition, there is a group picture showing participants of the 1977 Fish and Wildlife Convention held in Yellowknife.

The bulk of the textual material is from the Wildlife Services Division and its predecessors. These files consist of correspondence, reports of regional and community officers, minutes, field project reports, reports recording information on polar bear and musk-ox kills and fish landings. The records relate to a variety of activities such as: hunting, trapping, quota enforcement, animal studies and fisheries.

There are also records generated by the Recreation Division of the department. These records deal with Community Recreation Centres, NWT Youth Services, Northwest Territories Centennial in 1970, Arctic Winter Games and the Northern Games. The remaining textual material was generated by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre between 1969-1979. There are files containing correspondence, promotional material, polices and procedures, and material relating to traveling exhibits and story lines.

There are also files of correspondence from the Northwest Territories Historical Advisory Board, Northwest Territories Heritage Council and records pertaining to the Territorial Central Museum.

Finally, this accession also includes approximately 7 cm of reports, guides and brochures, consisting of fishing guides, hunting regulations, reports on caribou and wildlife ordinances. It also includes summaries of archaeological resources and an overview of the Territorial Central Museum layout and use before it was constructed.

Northwest Territories. Department of Natural and Cultural Affairs (1975-1979)
278 · Fonds · 1937-1950

This fonds consists of 24 black and white photographs, approximately 5 cm of textual material, one illustration and 2 handbills generated by the federal Department of Mines and Resources, dating from 1937 to 1950. The records include of a compilation of 18 reports, dated 1948 to 1950, on forestry and wildlife management in Wood Buffalo National Park and the southern and northern Mackenzie Districts. These reports focused on a variety of issues including: numbers and locations of forest fires; the transfer and introduction of various animal species such as beaver, elk and marten; fishing operations and fish levels; buffalo hunts; and the general status of forests and wildlife in these regions. The reports contain 24 black and white photographs and 1 drawing documenting the transfer of beaver and elk to Wood Buffalo Park. Other records include telegrams and correspondence concerning the construction of a landing strip at Wrigley in 1938 and 2 oversize cloth public notices. One warns of the dangers of forest fires; the text is in Dogrib and written in syllabics. The second identifies a native hunting and trapping preserve. An annotation on the front indicates that the Royal Canadian Mounted Policed (RCMP) schooner "St. Roch" may have located this notice in 1944. On the back there is an annotation: "Robert G. Fulton and Gerald Klondike Helicopters on Board M.V. Theta [1931?] Calgary Alberta." In addition, there is a RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) Bulletin entitled "A Brief Outline of the History, Customs and Laws Relating to the Indians and Eskimos of the Canadian Arctic and Sub-Arctic" which was produced by the Department of Mines and Resources and a pamphlet of general information about Yellowknife.

Canada. Department of Mines and Resources
Terry Lines fonds
402 · Fonds · 1966-1976

This fonds contains photographs of a variety of northern communities, landmarks, activities and wildlife encountered by Terry Lines during his career as Game Officer and Superintendent of Fish and Wildlife between 1966 -1976. All photographs are colour, the mastercopies are slides.

Lines, Terry
Norm Simmons fonds
154 · Fonds · 1960 - 1980

This fonds consists of 163 photographs (47 colour and 11 black and white copy negatives and 105 copy colour transparencies), 111 maps and map fragments and 20 cm of textual material. The 58 copy negatives and Simmons's journal document the construction of a mooseskin boat and its use. The boat was constructed between May 22 and 28, 1968, on the Gravel (Keele) River and taken down to Fort Norman (Tulita). People identified in the images include George and Vivian Pelissey, Gabe Etchinelle, Madeline Karcaji, Fred Andrew, and Jonas McCauley. The 105 colour transparencies date from 1967 through 1980 and depicts aboriginal life in the Mackenzie Mountain region including: caribou hunting, work on a moose hide boat, drying meat, fishing, camps, and Simmons's work with Dall's Sheep. The images includes views of the Moose Horn (Mountain) River, Caribou Flats by the Gravel River, Drum (Wrigley) Lake, and Punk Mountain. Included in the images are views of Gabriel Etchinelle, Jonas McCauley, Vivian McCauley, George Pelissey, Perry Linton, Leon Andrew, Jimmy Mendo, Maurice Mento, Cecile Hatchelle, Madeline Karkagie, Stella Mendo, Joe Blondin, David Yallee, Alfred Lennie and Gordon Yakelaya.

Also included in this fonds are a handwritten and typed English translation of the French article "Les Chitra-Gottineke" by Jean Michea, published in the National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 190, "Contributions to Anthropology, Part II", 1960. Muriel Cooper, wife of Steve Cooper, Park Warden at Nahanni Butte, did the translation. The 111 maps and map fragments feature communities, lakes, rivers, canyons and mountain ranges from Fort Simpson up to the Mackenzie Delta region, and including the Yukon - NWT border. The field notes that accompany the maps include a 32 page typewritten gazetteer, as well as the handwritten notes for the gazetteer. There are also handwritten lists recording information about traditional place names of features in the Mackenzie Mountains. Simmons informants included Gabriel Etchinelle, Madeline Karkagie, George Pellissey, Vivian McCauley,and Maurice and Stella Mendo. The place names were written in a 'folk' phonetic form but a few are written by the elders are in syllabics. Files include research notes, field notes, drafts of papers and correspondence related to his studies of Dall's sheep in the Mackenzie Mountains in the 1970s, and correspondence with anthropologists such as Beryl Gillespie.

Simmons, Norm, 1934-2016