Records include chronos generated by the offices of Jackson Lafferty as Minister of Education, Culture and Employment; Dan Daniels as Deputy Minister (January to May); Gloria Iatridis as Acting Deputy Minister (May to August); and Gabriela Eggenhofer as Deputy Minister (September to December).
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include chronos generated by the office of Jackson Lafferty as Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, as well as records of the Residential Schools Interagency Committee, including minutes, presentation materials, correspondence, and documentation of travel and hospitality expenses.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include two briefing binders containing briefing notes for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment for the 16th Assembly, 3rd Session.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Policy and Planning divisionRecords include ministerial chronos and a file from the Residential Schools Interagency Committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include deputy minister and ministerial chronos and files from committees, including the Education Leadership Council Science Research Deputy Ministers' Committee, Residential Schools Interagency Committee, and Maximizing Opportunities Strategic Initiative Committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include ministerial and Deputy Minister's chronos and meeting materials from the Education Leadership Council.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include chronos for January through December 2005 from the offices of the Minister (Charles Dent) and Deputy Minister (Mark Cleveland).
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include funding agreements and other material related to student assistance programs, including the Northern Student Education Initiative, University/College Entrance Preparation Program, and Canada Millennium Bursaries.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Income Security divisionRecords include a funding agreement for the University/College Entrance Preparation program and amendments to the Social Assistance Regulations.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Income Security divisionRecords consist of Ministerial chronos (Jake Ootes and Charles Dent) and Deputy Minister chronos (Loretta Foley and Mark Cleveland).
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include agreements related to the Northern Student Education Initiative.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Income Security divisionThe records document amendments to regulations under the Archives Act and the Public Colleges Act.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Policy and Planning divisionRecords include minutes and planning materials from the Senior Management Committee (SMC), minutes and correspondence residual of Executive meetings, meeting minutes and planning materials from the Aboriginal Educational Leaders Institute, and chronos from the minister and deputy minister from January to December 2002.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords relate to the Social Agenda of the GNWT and include meeting minutes, correspondence, reports and presentations.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. DirectorateRecords include Ministerial chronos (Minister Jakes Ootes) from 2001 as well as meeting minutes and presentation materials from the Ministerial Council on Literacy.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateThe records include a departmental directive on student assessment and related materials.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Policy and Planning divisionRecords include Minister and Deputy Minister chronos from the Department of Education, Culture and Employment dating from January-December 2001.
Records consist of Deputy Minister chronos (April 2000-February 2001) and Ministerial chronos (January-December 2000).
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include Ministerial chronos and documents related to amendments made to the Student Financial Assistance Act.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Income Security divisionThis accession consists of records from the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs' School of Community Government, relating to training programs, occupational standards and certification, and the Community Development Fund. The records include course delivery records and reports, course outlines, student manuals, instructor guide, occupational standards and DACUM charts, briefing notes, speaking notes, and community development reports.