Records include chronos generated by the offices of Jackson Lafferty as Minister of Education, Culture and Employment; Dan Daniels as Deputy Minister (January to May); Gloria Iatridis as Acting Deputy Minister (May to August); and Gabriela Eggenhofer as Deputy Minister (September to December).
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateThe textual material dates from 1978-1988 and consists of Exhibit Storyline and Exhibit Content Plans for the North and South Galleries at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. In addition, there are Exhibit scripts for Chapters in Our History, The North before People, Greenland Kayak Exhibit, Dene Women's Art Exhibit and the traveling exhibit about "The Land." The textual material also includes two Pilot's Log Books from 1928 and 1946 that belonged to Walter James Beaumont. The sound recordings contain interviews with J. Davids and H. Hollick-Kenyon, Denny May, Cam Jordheim and Mark Dodd. The content of the material focuses on aviation in the north, bush pilots, and Wop May. It is likely that this material was used in developing the aviation exhibit at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The 2 videocassettes are in Umatic or Betacam formats and consist master copies of "Trapline Lifeline" and "Wings of Change." "Trapline Lifeline" was a traveling exhibit that examined the history and modern-day realities of fur trapping. The exhibit contained an audio-visual section that included video footage of interviews with trappers and an overview of life in northern communities. "Wings of Change" is the video component from the aviation gallery at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre.
The records, relating to the Museum of the North, include a 1973 inventory of museum collections and an instruction manual of recording, documentation, and loan authorization procedures for the Museum of the North and Historical Advisory Board artifacts.
Records include the original agreement between the Yellowknife Museum Society and Commissioner S. M. Hodgson to transfer all museum artifacts to the Government of the Northwest Territories. Schedule "A" includes an itemized list of artifacts and records transferred. Schedule “B” lists furnishings and supplies.
Records include two briefing binders containing briefing notes for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment for the 16th Assembly, 3rd Session.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Policy and Planning divisionRecords include chronos generated by the office of Jackson Lafferty as Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, as well as records of the Residential Schools Interagency Committee, including minutes, presentation materials, correspondence, and documentation of travel and hospitality expenses.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateAccession consists of a 1978 draft detailing plans for exhibits at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. There is also a collection of documents outlining the beginning stages and development of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre including its purpose, policies and procedures.
Accession consists of an unofficial consolidation of Liquor Regulations, 1977 from 1986 and an unofficial consolidation of the Liquor Act from 1985. It also includes "Community Museums Policy of the Northwest Territories," a discussion paper written in 1982 by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre Museum Advisor, Nicholas Tuele. A letter written by Bob Stevenson, Vice President of the Metis Association of the N.W.T is attached to the paper discussing the involvement of the Metis Association in the museums' operations and development. An interim report from the Dene Community Council on the Dene Language and Historical Research Project is also attached.
Accession consists of a pamphlet of The Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge exhibit that was displayed at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in 1998. There is also a guide published in 1995 by Education, Culture and Employment on how to properly conduct oral traditions research. Additionally, there is a report on the Northwest Territories Heritage Training Needs Analysis Study in 1993.
Accession consists of news releases by the Department of Culture & Communications about events in 1986, particularly the NWT pavilion during Expo 86. Other news releases include The Hunters' and Trappers' Association receiving funding under the Canada - NWT Special Rural Development Agreement to help purchase a vessel, and the announcement of a seven-week series of "Amazing Sundays" at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. Another news release announces a meeting at Arctic Bay to discuss shipping in Admiralty Inlet and Strathcona sound.
Records include Minister's and Deputy Minister's chronos, files related to interdepartmental initiatives, materials from the department's Executive Committee, and a report on a review of the Official Languages Act.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords date from 1986-1991 and consist of brochures, newsletters and publications. Records include three Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre pamphlets, 3 Baffin Bulletin newsletters, 2 spousal assault newsletters, a report on spousal abuse, a report on the traditional knowledge working group, and a directory guide of Northern cultural and arts performers.
Records date from 1980-1997 and consist of minutes of meetings from Section Heads Staff Meetings, Cultural Affairs, Collections Committee, Exhibit Committee and Senior Management Committee (ECE). Records also include an annual report from the Public Records Committee and a file from the Records Management and Deputy Ministers Committee that includes comments from the NWT Archives. There are also promotional and development files from Education Services for events such as Heritage Day, Amazing Sundays and Open House, as well as files from the Geographic Names program including a decision paper about the program, as well as material concerning the transfer of the toponymy program from the Federal Government. Records also consist of a Heritage Training Assessment from the Museum Advisory Management section, a file concerning the reorganization of Culture and Heritage Division, strategic planning files and an Audit Bureau report on the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, as well as the response from the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre to the report.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Culture and Heritage division (1992-1997)Records include photographs of exhibits in the North and South Galleries of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. In addition, there are photographs of stone carvings on display and some office areas within the museum. These photographs were taken in the 1980s and document the first exhibits in the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre.
Images depict the interior, exterior and exhibits of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The images were taken by Wally Wolfe of the Exhibits section.
Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage divisionThe posters advertise either public lectures or the opening of new exhibits at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre (PWNHC). The lectures were sponsored jointly by the PWNHC and the Science Advisory Board of the Northwest Territories.
Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage divisionIncluded in the images are pictures of events and exhibits at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, such as a visit from Prime Minister Trudeau, a travelling exhibit, and a doll exhibit. Also included in this collection are images showing traditional Dene activities at Willowlake, archaeological work at Fort Alexander and Dealy Island, communities such as Yellowknife, Wrigley, Fort Simpson, and Pine Point, and ships such as the "St. Roch" and "S.S. Distributor." These photographs were collected by Bob Janes, Director of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre.
These records document the museums and heritage activity of the Government of the Northwest Territories. They provide evidence of the functions of the Northwest Territories Historical Advisory Board, the Northwest Territories Heritage Council, and the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. Included are documents from the Archaeological and Historic Sites program, Education and Extension program, Territorial Plaquing program, Exhibits program, Museum grants, NWT Archives, and Archaeological Permits. The records consist of correspondence, reports, minutes, policy, procedures, regulations and a few photographs that remain in the original files. Also included are files on various conferences such as the Canadian Conference on Historical Resources, the Northern Museums Conference, and Committees such as the Interdepartmental Committee on Archaeology, the Canada-NWT Consultative Committee on Parks and the Museum Advisory Committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications. Museums and Heritage divisionMany of the records were created when the division was part of the Department of Justice and Public Services, and some date back to earlier predecessors such as the NWT Historical Advisory Board. Records include files related to archaeological and land use permits, minutes of staff meetings, reports and publications, museum policies, support for community heritage related efforts, and special projects such as the Trapline - Lifeline exhibit.
Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications. Museums and Heritage divisionRecords include photographs documenting the construction of the Aviation Gallery at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, May 1987. The photographs document the pouring of concrete, levelling of the ground site and the creation of the foundation walls.