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Description archivistique
279 · Fonds · 1920-1978

This fonds consists of approximately 51 meters of textual records, approximately 116 photographs, and 31 maps created and accumulated by the Northern Administration Branch and its various predecessors, from 1920 to 1978. The material was generated by the Federal government's activities in administering the Northwest Territories. Most of the records (over 34 m of textual records) are composed of files transferred from Ottawa to Yellowknife beginning in 1967, and include administrative and operational files. The majority of these files date between 1949 and 1967 and incorporate: correspondence, reports, vital statistic information, financial data, minutes, and a wide variety of reference material kept by the department. The files were classified via a numerical block system. The block system consisted of primary, secondary and tertiary levels such that a composite file number (for example 311-105-93) would represent a progression from general subject matter to a specific subject and/or location. The following primary blocks arrange the files:

100 - Administration;
200 - Economic and Industrial Development;
300 - Engineering Projects;
400 - Forests and Game;
500 - Public Service;
600 - Education;
1000 - General files on settlements, associations, companies, provinces, foreign countries, Inuit affairs, and resources;
20 - Individual case files;
3 - Personnel and organizational files.

None of the 700, 800 or 900 block files were forwarded to the NWT Archives. Moreover, at the time of transfer from Ottawa, it appears that other records from the file blocks brought to Yellowknife were culled in Ottawa. In addition, not all government functions were transferred in 1967, and some files contain records generated after 1967 from the continued administration of a function either by the federal government or from the use of the files by the new Territorial Government. A small number of photographs were located in the files during processing, however, these images have been left in their original files.

Additional accruals to this fonds make up another 10 meters of textual records and include the Northern Administration Branch records from the Fort Churchill district office dating from 1960 to 1970, and Western Arctic education records from 1964 to 1969. Another accrual of 7 meters of textual records documents the administration of trapping and hunting in the Northwest Territories, including correspondence, Superintendent of Game daily journals, game officer daily diaries and monthly reports, meeting minutes and materials, wildlife publications and reports, procedures, registered trapping area files, licence applications and licences, hunting and trapping returns, and fur export tax returns.

Other records of this fonds consist of: four ledgers kept between 1920 and 1967 documenting fur trapping and fur trading activities, four ledgers documenting fur and game take and value on registered trap lines, various licensing, and scientific research work; budget papers including estimates, expenditure statements and capital substantiation reports for 1966 to 1969; 2 supplementary readers, "Nuna" and "The Story of Papik an Eskimo Boy" compiled by the Curriculum Section of the Education Division from the journals of young Inuit children; and a 1954 report produced by C.C. Johnson, a Resident Engineer from Fort Smith. This report, entitled "Preliminary Report, Mackenzie Highway - Mills Lake Road" includes 31 corner mounted photographic prints and 16 black and white negatives. The report discusses plans to build a road to Mills Landing. In addition, there are copies of the Eskimo Bulletin dated from 1953-1959. The Eskimo Bulletin was produced by the Northern Administration and Land Branch in order to teach Inuit the English language.

Sans titre
Felix Labat fonds
375 · Fonds · 1954-1987

This fonds consists of 1141 colour slides of Fort Simpson, Fort Providence, Fort Smith, Fort Good Hope, Deline, Tulita, Norman Wells, Hay River, and Willow Lake River, as well as 5 colour negatives of Willow Lake (K’álǫ Tué) taken by Father Felix Labat OMI. Included in these are approximately 44 images taken by Sister Blanche Matte, sgm, particularly in Behchoko, Whati, Fort Good Hope, and Fort Providence. The photographs span much of Father Labat's career with the Roman Catholic Diocese of the Mackenzie, beginning in Deline in 1954 and stretching into the 1980s. Subject matter includes church services, weddings, first communions, and other church-related activities, transportation by barge, motorboat, canoe, dogsled, mooseskin boat, ski, snowshoe and snowmobile, portraits of Dene men, women and children, including students at Grollier Hall in Inuvik and Breynat Hall in Fort Smith, Dene arts and crafts, events, including the NWT Centennial Canoe Race and 1984 Pope's (cancelled) visit, and hunting and fishing activities.

Sans titre
David Sherstone fonds
403 · Fonds · 1973 -1975

This fonds contains photographs taken between 1973 -1975 during three distinct northern expeditions. Photographs taken from the first expedition, which took place in May 1973, documnent transport vehicles used by the team, sites and captured phenomenon related to Sherstone's glaciology work, and the townships of Fort Simpson, Norman Wells, and Inuvik. Photographs of the second expedition, taking place from May -June 1974, capture transport vehicles and other equipment used by Sherstone's team, notable homes and buildings in Yellowknife, Fort Good Hope, Fort Wrigley, Norman Wells, Tuktoyuktuk, Resolute Bay and Frobisher Bay [Iqaluit], and Sherstone's research sites and camp facilities during this expedition. Photographs of the third expedition occuring in May 1975 mainly feature aircrafts and landing sites, and natural phenomena viewed by Sherstone during this trip through Tuktoyuktuk and Norman Wells.

Sans titre
Thomas Albert Donnelly fonds
409 · Fonds · 1969-1977

This fonds consists of 597 col. slides. Slides feature Thomas Donnelly's travels throughout the Northwest Territories as a meteorologist. The communities highlighted in these slides include Yellowknife, Fort Smith, Inuvik, Fort Franklin (Délı̨nę), Lac La Martre (Whatı̀), Fort Good Hope, Norman Wells, Colville Lake, Rae (Behchokǫ̀), Cambridge Bay, Coppermine (Kugluktuk), Holman (Ulukhaktok), Hay River, Artic Red River (Tsiigetchic), and Fort Reliance.

The content of the slides features Donnelly's travels throughout the north but heavily favours aerial views of the Mackenzie River and surrounding communities, weather stations, airports, air and float planes, churches and significant events such as the construction of the Dempster Highway and the visit of Governor General Michener to the community of Holman (Ulukhaktok).

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Archibald Fleming fonds
39 · Fonds · 1908-1950

This fonds consists of prints and negatives, including cellulose nitrate and one glass negative, formerly owned by Archibald Lang Fleming, as well as a program for the opening of the All Saints' Hospital in Aklavik in 1937, attended by Governor General Lord Tweedsmuir (John Buchan). The photographs include the communities of: Aklavik, Baker Lake, Cambridge Bay, Cape Dorset, Chesterfield Inlet, Clyde River, Coppermine, Eskimo Point, Lake Harbour, Pangnirtung, and Pond Inlet, among others. Images feature the portraits and daily activities of Inuit and Dene and Anglican churches and missions.

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Terry Garvin fonds
108 · Fonds · 1954-1983

This fonds consists of 261 photographs (19 black and white slides; 242 colour slides) taken by Terry Garvin between 1954 and 1982. Many of the images were taken during Garvin's work as a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer, although some were taken during trips he made after leaving the RCMP, including while working for the Arctic Pilot Project. Subjects include community views and buildings, scenic views, mines, people, Tlicho hand games, aircraft, and boats. Locations include but are not limited to Yellowknife, Behchoko, Arctic Bay, Grise Fiord, and Fort Smith.

Sans titre
312 · Fonds · 1966-2013

This fonds consists of approximately 29.49 meters of textual material, two reels of microfilm, 11 microfiches, 2 Betamax videocassettes, and 3 architectural drawings created by the NWT Housing Corporation. The bulk of the material consists of correspondence, minutes, reports and decision papers from the following committees and working groups: Board of Directors Human Resources Committee, Policy Committee, Finance Committee, Housing Committee, Prime Public Authority Steering Committee, Senior Management Committee, Advisory Committee, Housing and Services for the Aged and Handicapped Committee, Tripartite Management Committee, Planning and Monitoring Committee, Advisory Committee on Social Housing, Maintenance Management Review Committee, Staff Housing Infrastructure Review Committee, Retrofit 2 Review Committee, Informatics Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Social Envelope Committee, Maintenance Steering Committee, Harmonization Working Group, Harmonization Committee and Corporate Executive Committee. There are also minutes, reports and correspondence from District construction meetings, community consultation meetings including the community empowerment initiative and various inter-departmental committees.

The files from the policy and research programs relate to the development of a new Rent Scale Program, Homes for Seniors Program, and Northern Housing Program, and also include program delivery records for cost-shared programs with the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) such as the Rental Program, Emergency Repair Program, Homeownership Program and Residential Rehabilitation Program. There are also files related to a training education and development proposal, surveys and reviews of NWTHC programs, housing needs survey reports for the communities of Iqaluit, Kugluktuk, Yellowknife, Bay Chimo, Pelly Bay, Pond Inlet, Norman Wells, Wha Ti, Paulatuk and Snare Lake, as well as a case study on housing in Fort Good Hope. There is also material related to a review of the status of the Housing Corporation as a Crown Corporation and manuals and planning files related to the NWTHC Maintenance Management System, the Management Information System (MIS), Building and Learning Strategy and Core Need Income Threshold.

In addition, there are files relating to the relationship between the NWT Housing Corporation and district or regional housing authorities including files regarding the administration of the Local Housing Organization program, minutes of the meetings with regional housing authorities and signed management agreements with these regional housing authorities.

There is also a small number of files from the Operations Division and Finance and Infrastructure Services, including guidelines and policies related to social housing and modernization improvement program, an Electrical Use Study, and several files concerning the Corporation's involvement and response to the GNWT Utilities Reduction initiative. From Finance and Infrastructure Services there are policies and procedures manuals documenting financial functions of the NWT Housing Corporation. There are also agreements between the Housing Corporation and the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the Nunavut Housing Corporation, and the Northwest Territories Mortgage and Loan Company. There are also briefing books, President and Ministerial Chronos, the Brishaw Report, strategic planning material, organizational reviews, housing demand studies, work plans and decision papers related to the proposed amalgamation of the NWT Housing Corporation, Department of Transportation and Department of Public Works and Services, correspondence, reports and decision papers regarding the harmonization of social assistance programs (Education, Culture and Employment) and public housing programs. Also included is the Housing Implementation Strategy and an agreement regarding staff housing program responsibilities. There are also two Betamax format videotapes entitled: "Homeownership Assistance Program" and "House Construction (Part 1) Homeownership Assistance Program".

The files from the Programs and District Operations division include records about the Alternate Housing Program, the Home Improvement Program, the Rental Housing Admission process, consultations on CHMC program review, records from the Homeownership Assistance Program (HAP,) and the HAP Allocation Committee, economic rent calculation, consultations and other records regarding Rent Scale, and policies and procedures for the Corporation. Also included is a small group of records about the Lease to Purchase Program, the Northern Territorial Rental Purchase Program, the Downpayment Assistance Program, the Minimum Downpayment Assistance Policy Program (MDAPP), the Direct Lending Program, the Rural and Remote Program, the Owner Build Program, the Remote Housing Program, the Rent Supplement Program, the Staff Housing Program, Harmonization of Social Housing and Income Support, and housing for seniors. Also included are assessments of Local Housing Organizations (LHOs) and rent scale reports.

The files from the Policy, Programs and Informatics division include records about the Rent Supplement program and copies of NWT Housing Corporation policies, directives, and procedures.

Sans titre
Bern Will Brown fonds
381 · Fonds · 1940-1999

This fonds consists of 0.6 cm of textual records, ca. 13,000 photographs (col. slides, col. negatives, and b&w negatives), and 31 reels of 16 mm film.

The textual records comprise two newsletters produced by Bern Will Brown and a series of letters written by Capt. C.T. Pederson. The newsletters give a brief overview of life in the community of Colville Lake during 1991 and 1992, including items of interest relating to various members of the community. The Pedersen correspondence is autobiographical, including reminiscences of C.T. Pederson of some of his activities in the north; the majority are addressed to Father Brown of Our Lady of the Snows Mission in Colville Lake, but one letter is addressed to Commander Ransom.

The photographs include images of a wide variety of subjects, particularly activities of the Catholic Church and traditional activities of the Dene, Inuvialuit and Inuit, including hunting, trapping and transportation. There are photos of many locations throughout the NWT as well as some locations in Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

The films and videocassettes include footage of dog teams, life at Colville Lake, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Aklavik, Husky Lakes, Whitefish Station, Tulita (Fort Norman), Nahanni Butte, Fort Simpson, Bern Will Brown, various Catholic priests and bishops, fishing, children at play, aircraft, construction of the mission, reindeer, whaling, trapping, hunting, church services, many local families including: Kochon, Codzi, Masuzumi, Cotchilly, Oudzi and political visitors such as Governors-General.

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308 · Fonds · [1951?-1990], 1977-1994

This fonds consists of approximately 8 meters of textual material, approximately 73,344 black and white and colour photographs in print, negative and slide formats including many duplicates, 224 audiocassettes, 165 audio reels, 5 DAT audiocassettes, 25 16-mm films, 15 videocassettes in Beta, VHS and Helical Scan videotape formats and 4 architectural drawings. The Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre and the Northwest Territories Archives generated the bulk of the textual material. The material consists of transcripts of interviews conducted by the Northwest Territories Archives with Father Louis Menez, Violet Beaulieu and Sven Johansson. Six of the audio reels contain stories that were recorded at the Miner's Mess restaurant as part of the Cultural Festival component of the 1990 Arctic Winter Games held in Yellowknife and feature storytelling by Claire Barnabe, Barb Bromley, Rene Fumoleau, Jim Green, Abe Okpik, Erik Watt, Lorne Schollar, D'Arcy Arden, George Blondin, Neil Colin, Mary Forrest, Pete Fraser, Joe Tobie and Jim Bourque. Other cassettes feature interviews with Ben Sutherland and Laura Loutitt. In addition, there are audiocassettes and English translations of an interview conducted by the Archaeology Section with Slavey Elder George Boots and video cassettes of "Drum Lake-Archaeology", "The Last Mooseskin Boat", and "Where Time Began". There are also records from the Northwest Territories Historical Advisory Board, the Northwest Territories Heritage Council and Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, including the NWT Arts Council. Included are operational and administrative files from the Archaeological and Historic Sites program, Education and Extension program, Territorial Plaque program, Exhibits program, Museum grants and Northwest Territories Archives. Records from the Culture and Heritage Division (Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre) consist of various administrative records concerning Land Use applications, minutes of various Culture and Heritage Division meetings, program reports, support for community heritage related efforts, promotional pamphlets, archaeology permit requests, museum policy development, and special Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre projects such as Trapline - Lifeline.

Also included are files on various conferences such as the Canadian Conference on Historical Resources, the Northern Museums Conference, and Committees such as the Interdepartmental Committee on Archaeology, the Canada-Northwest Territories Consultative Committee on Parks and the Museum Advisory Committee.

A small portion of the textual records were created by the Language Bureau including a Briefing Note for the Minister about the activities of the Language Bureau, a proposal from an consultant and input from the Language Bureau about an operational review of the division, an evaluation of the Language Bureau and comments on the NWT Literacy Strategy by the staff of the Language Bureau. The remainder of the files include records from the Athapaskan Language Steering Committee, the Dene Languages Committee and internal newsletters that were produced by the Language Bureau called Dene Yati, The Booth, Language Bureau Bulletin and one newsletter called Tusagatsait.

There are approximately 55,724 black and white and colour photographs in print, negative and slide formats that were generated or acquired by the Television and Radio Services Division, Department of Culture and Communications and by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The collection of photographs from Television and Radio Services document the Government of the Northwest Territories involvement in housing, education and training, arts and crafts, tourism, transportation and industry. There are also images documenting native land use, community activities, special events such as Expo '86 and Arctic Winter Games, public buildings and housing, Commissioners of the Northwest Territories, NWT Council, the Legislative Assembly and Members of the Legislative Assembly. The photographs from the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre include photographs taken at Pine Point, Fort Resolution and Pangnirtung, as well as photographs created by archaeological and historic site surveys, and photographs of the Aviation Gallery at the Heritage Centre. The 132 audiocassettes, 155 sound reels and 4 DAT audio cassettes consist of recordings that were produced and collected by the Radio and Television Services Division of the Department of Culture and Communications between 1970-1986 and by the Northwest Territories Archives and Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The recordings include soundtracks for films, interviews, speeches, special effect sounds, Inuit throat singing and government programs such as the series "Behind Closed Doors-A Series on Spousal Assault in the Northwest Territories" and "So You Want to Start Your Own Business." The 25 16-mm films include copies of "You Can't Grow Potatoes Up There"; "Koukdjuak Crossing: Caribou Tagging on Baffin Island"; "Bathurst Inlet Caribou" (may also be titled: To Have Forever: Hunting the Bathurst Caribou Herd); "Nikko Island", "Wood Bison"; "Kellett's Storehouse"; "Yellowknife"; "Caribou"; "Heritage Centre Spots"; "Kissiutiyeet"; "Gordon Lake"; "Decisions"; "Future"; and "Anik Info Spots" (air prints). The Beta videocassettes contain videos produced by the Language Bureau of the Department of Culture and Communications. The films are entitled "MLA," "Home Maintenance-Northwest Territories Housing Corporation," "Home Maintenance-Canadian Mortgage Housing Corporation" and "How the Fur Trade Works" which is in South Slavey. The two helical scan videos consist of a Keewatin Economic Development Conference and the film "Hire North." Another Betamax cassette is of "Rivers of Faith" documenting Pope John Paul II's visit to Fort Simpson in 1987. The architectural drawings were generated by a project through the Northwest Territories Archives in which the old Catholic Mission building in Fort Resolution was documented.

Also contained in this fonds are materials dating from 1986-1991 including 3 Baffin Bulletin newsletters, 2 spousal assault newsletters, a report on spousal abuse, a report on the traditional knowledge working group, a directory guide of Northern cultural and arts performers from approximately 1990, and various press releases.

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Charles Harrman fonds
234 · Fonds · [1950-1967]

This fonds consists of 36 cm of textual material and 124 colour slides. The textual material is made up of 12 volumes of Harrman's journals dated August 6, 1959 to November 11, 1967, a manuscript of an unpublished story entitled "Lucy Beavertail," numerous short stories, sketchbooks, cards and personal records, including accounts. The 124 colour slides feature Rae and the paintings of Charles Harrman.

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Miriam Leith fonds
73 · Fonds · [1959-1967]

This accession consists of 7.5 cm of textual records comprised of academic publications authored by Miriam Leith, as well as a large number of draft and research notes produced by Ms. Leith in her research on northern food and nutrition as well as housing programs. Files also contain correspondence and reports concerning northing housing programs. Related to Ms. Leith's work with the Adult Housing Education Program. Also included in the collection are copies of diet information and recipes distributed to the local people. Some of these materials are written in syllabics.

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Kirk family fonds
378 · Fonds · 1943-1949

This fonds consists of 2.4 cm of textual records (one bound volume and one folder), two reels of 16 mm movie film (a large reel of 1000 ft and a small reel of 400 ft) and 317 photographs and negatives (198 of the Western Arctic and 119 of the Eastern Arctic). Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Inspector Cyril N.K. “Nordie” Kirk used the bound volume to record events during his time aboard the Hudson Bay Company supply ship the RMS "Nascopie” during its Eastern Arctic tour, summaries of RCMP inspections in New Brunswick, and activities during the holiday season between 1944 and 1945. He wrote and received the correspondence between 1945 and 1946 while living in Aklavik as RCMP Officer in Charge (OC). The letters detail daily life in Aklavik for his southern correspondents. CNK Kirk shot the film between July of 1947 and July of 1948. The large reel contains both black and white and colour footage of Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers, buildings, patrol boats, airplanes and travel by dog team as well as footage of Aklavik, Tuktoyaktuk and Herschel Island. The small reel of film contains all colour footage of RCMP patrols by aircraft to Fort Norman (Tulita), Norman Wells, Camp Canol, as well as shots of Aklavik, including the All Saints Anglican Mission church, hospital and school, Aklavik residents cutting and hauling ice. In addition, there is footage of Leona E. Kirk, wife of Nordie Kirk, Henry Larsen, skipper of the St. Roch, Mike Zubko, Bruno Wiedeman, Charlie Smith, George Roberts, Knut Lang, Dave Sharon Jones, Jim Edwards (Jim Sittichinli), Caroline Moses, Jimmie Jones, Walter Jameson, Phoebe Poole, Louis Cardinal, and several RCMP officers such as Walter Evan Bayne, D.J. (Tiny) Martin, Arthur E. McKinnon, Alfred Kendi, David A. Coleman, Alexander Scotty Stewart. Included in the 317 black and white photographs, which includes 32 negatives, are 198 images depicting life in the Western Arctic from the perspective of RCMP OC Kirk, who was posted to Aklavik from 1945-1948. The images include the communities of Aklavik, Fort Good Hope, Fort Smith, Fort McPherson, Herschel Island, Tuktoyaktuk, Fort Norman (Tulita) and Reindeer Station, as well as aerial views of the Richardson Mountains and images of the Firth River. There are also images of RCMP patrols, the "Distributor", aircraft, RCMP buildings and the Kirk family. The remaining photographs depict Royal Canadian Mounted Police patrols of the Eastern Arctic aboard the RMS "Nascopie" in 1943 and 1944 and include images of Arctic Bay, Cape Smith, Chesterfield Inlet, Fort Ross, Churchill (Manitoba), Lake Harbour (Kimmirut), Pangnirtung, Pond Inlet, Clyde River, Southampton, Wolstenholme and images of the "Nascopie".

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Wop May fonds
18 · Fonds · [1928-1948]

This fonds consists of 580 copy negatives (35 mm) and 196 prints which are duplicates of the negatives. These are copies of photographs which belonged to Wop May. Though many of the images are not dated, however, the original photographs appear to date from circa 1928 to 1948. Many of the photographs were taken in northern Alberta, but locations within the Northwest Territories include Aklavik, Fort Norman, Rae, Arctic Red River, Hay River, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, and Fort Resolution. The images include pilots, aircraft, and various aspects of air mail delivery.

This fonds also includes one map which appears to have been published in the Edmonton Journal. The map depicts Canada Post's inaugural air mail flight on December 10, 1929 between Edmonton and Aklavik piloted by Wop May.

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Norris Hunt fonds
366 · Fonds · 1968-1969

This fonds consists of 217 colour slides taken by Dr. Norris Hunt in 1968-1969. The photographs include images from Tuktoyaktuk, Aklavik, Arctic Red River (Tsiigehtchic), Holman Island, Cape Parry, Inuvik and the surrounding area. There are photographs of the DEW Line site and geological features such as pingos. There are images of nurses and physicians, medical evacuations, facilities and hospital patients, including images of Dr. Hunt instructing students in a classroom setting. There are photographs of the ski team and cross country skiers in Inuvik. There are photographs depicting events at the Miss Ice Worm pageant. There are aerial images of the area and photographs of typical housing and utilidors in Inuvik. There are unidentified photographs of people from the communities.

Sans titre
Emily Stillwell fonds
379 · Fonds · 1958-1984

This fonds consists of 619 colour transparencies, 36 b&w photographs and one colour photograph. Additionally, the NWT Archives created 340 digital files that were created from original 303 colour slides, 36 black and white photographs and one colour photograph that were initially loaned to the NWT Archives in 2005. The majority of the images depict the community of Aklavik and include images of the All Saints Anglican Mission and Church, All Saints Hospital, Royal Canadian Mountain Police buildings and boat "Aklavik", as well as aircraft, the Anglican school, Aklavik Post Office and many identified people from the community. Many of the images are of patients at the All Saints Hospital. There are also images of Inuvik that include buildings in the community such as the Federal School and Roman Catholic church, the hospital, Semler's store, and Mackenzie Hotel, as well as the unveiling of the Inuvik Monument by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. In addition, there are images of Fort Good Hope, Lutselk'e (Snowdrift), Detah (Dettah), Bathurst Inlet, Tuktoyaktuk, Fort Reliance, Fort Rae, Herschel Island, and Reindeer Station. The images taken in 1970's and 1980's are of Yellowknife and include images of the July 1 parade, art work at the Yellowknife Gallery, Yellowknife City Hall, exhibits at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Northern United Place, Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company (Con Mine), and Giant Mine.

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Rene Fumoleau fonds
12 · Fonds · [192-?-2000]

This fonds consists of approximately 15,538 photographs in various formats such as slides, prints and negatives, approximately 37 cm of text, 2 DAT audio cassettes, 25 audio reels, 6 films, 3 BetaCam videocassettes, 43 posters, 12 drawings and 2 maps. The photographic material dates between the late 1950s to 1995 and contains images of various communities and daily life of the Dene people of the North and South Slave regions. Eighteen photographs of Fort Good Hope collected by the donor likely date from the 1920s. By media type, there are roughly 10,700 colour slides, 1800 b/w negatives and 3000 colour negatives. The fonds also includes one colour print of Rene sitting on his snowmobile, which was later donated to the Collections section of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The textual material consists of the unedited, penultimate draft of the manuscript for "As Long As This Land Shall Last: A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939," which contains more detail than the published text. Also included are two transcripts of interviews conducted between Rene Fumoleau and Paul Vaudrack, a Gwich'in man. The first, a 25 page (3 mm) transcript of an interview conducted in French in 1955, concerns the Gwich'in equivalent of the Yamoria legend. The second, from October 1968 and typewritten in English, depicts Gwich'in life in the early-twentieth century. This manuscript discusses the influence of the English language, residential schools, and the outbreaks of influenza at that time. The bulk of the textual material are copies of court proceedings from the Benoit et.al. v. R. case of the late 1990s relating to Treaty 8 and a copy of the thesis dissertation by Marine Le Puloch entitled 'Le Traite no. 8 au Canada, beneficiaires et exclus' (1999), also relating to Treaty 8. There are 25 audio reels and 2 DAT audiocassettes that contain audio from "My Country, My People," "I Was Born Here" and "Dene Nation." In addition, the sound recordings contain music from "Our Land, Our Life," drum music from Fort Good Hope recorded in the 1957, Dene songs, Hareskin language and messages from the people of Fort Good Hope to friends and relatives in the hospital in Aklavik. There are 3 copies of the film entitled "Dene Nation" and 3 copies of the film "I Was Born Here", one of which is in French, entitled "Mon pays est ma vie". There are also 3 corresponding archival master BetaCam videocassettes for the films. The remaining material consists of 43 posters and 2 maps that date between 1977-1985. The posters relate to Native Rights, land claims, and Native Organizations such as the Dene Nation. There are also two maps entitled Canada's First People's and Centennial Map of the Northwest Territories. The fonds includes transcripts from eight interviews condcuted by Jane Kenny in 1984 with elders from Deline and documents related to the first two meetings of the Thebacha Association in 1967.

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Tom Alföldi fonds
413 · Fonds · 1971

The fonds consists of 343 photographs (b&w negatives) of various Northwest Territories communities and events, taken by Tom Alföldi during the summer of 1971. The images include ground views and aerial views of Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, Hay River, Yellowknife, and Tsiigehtchic. There are also images of the Northern Games which were held in Inuvik, showing dancing, drumming, rat skinning, seal skinning, tea making, blanket toss, and spectators.

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Terry Lines fonds
402 · Fonds · 1966-1976

This fonds contains photographs of a variety of northern communities, landmarks, activities and wildlife encountered by Terry Lines during his career as Game Officer and Superintendent of Fish and Wildlife between 1966 -1976. All photographs are colour, the mastercopies are slides.

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Terry Foster fonds
393 · Fonds · 1972-2001

This fonds consists of 374 images comprised of 167 colour slides, 115 colour photograph prints, 5 colour negatives (duplicates corresponding to 5 of the 115 prints in N-2009-006) and 87 b&w negatives. The photographs, taken by Foster, document several NWT communities in the 1970s and 80s, including Snare Lake (Wekweti), Holman, Fort Smith and Lac La Marte (Whati). There are also photographs from what is now Nunavut, including Iqaluit, Rankin Inlet, Lake Harbour (Kimmirut), and an outpost camp just outside Lake Harbour (Kimmirut). There are are 106 print photographs that document changes in Yellowknife's downtown core from 1978 - 2001. There are also several photographs from the Beaufort Sea which were taken while Foster was evaluating the impact of off-shore drilling on the nearby communities. Also included are nine colour photographs of the Lupin and Polaris mines at Resolute Bay, taken in 1980. Overall themes include mining, firefighting and fires, oil and gas exploration, community life, housing, fishing, aerial shots of communities, recovery of a float plane from Back Bay, the 1988 Yellowknife air show, tundra and foliage, and the 1972 solar eclipse in Rankin Inlet.

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Terrance Hunt fonds
42 · Fonds · 1948-1956

This fonds consists of 368 colour slides taken by Dr. Hunt between 1948 and 1956. The images were taken in the communities he visited in his capacity as a dentist. Communities depicted include Aklavik, Fort Rae, Fort Resolution, Fort McPherson, Fort Simpson, Tuktoyaktuk, Wrigley, Fort Smith, Coppermine and Old Crow. The images depict residents and buildings in these communities. Buildings depicted include Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachments, Hudson's Bay Company posts, Anglican Churches and Roman Catholic Churches. The fonds also includes images of Gwich'in, Dogrib, Inuvialuit, and Slavey peoples. There are some images of Inuvialuit dancers and drummers. A number of images were taken in Dr. Hunt's dental office and include close-ups of his dental equipment. There are also a number of images of reindeer herding and reindeer corrals in the Mackenzie Delta, and a buffalo hunt in Wood Buffalo National Park.

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