Affichage de 29 résultats

Description archivistique
Bill Stewart fonds
179 · Fonds · 1981

This fonds consists of 96 copy photographs and slides taken by Bill Stewart of the Mooseskin Boat Project in 1981. The photographs were selected out of 180 of Bill Stewart's photographs. The images include the different phases of the boat under construction, the people involved in the project and views of the boat's trip from the point of construction at the head of the Keele River to Fort Norman.

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Winona Orr Carruthers fonds
11 · Fonds · [197-?]

This fonds contains 0.6 cm of textual records, which consist of an 11 page photocopy of Winona Orr Carruthers' recollections of her time spent as a teacher at the Anglican Mission in Hay River, 1903-1909. These recollections were compiled by Linda deBalinhard and Karen Carruthers. Topics covered include descriptions of: the trip to Hay River from Edmonton by scow; Hay River; fishing; huskies; school life; the arrival of the annual steamer; and the Christmas season.

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17 · Fonds · 1952, 1969, 1972, 1982

This fonds consists of one 16 mm film entitled "Highway of the Atom," a copy of that film on Umatic videocassette, 3 VHS videocassettes of the productions entitled "To Move a Mountain" and "A Break in the Ice" and one photographs of a barge travelling the Mackenzie River. "Highway of the Atom" was created for the Northern Transportation Company (NTCL) in 1952 and illustrates the Radium Line of the NTCL transportation system by tracing the shipment of materials from Waterways, Alberta to Port Radium, on the "Radium Franklin" and the "Radium Gilbert." "To Move a Mountain," produced in 1969 and "A Break in the Ice," produced in 1972 are both promotional films that describe a typical transportation season.

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Peter Gordon fonds
34 · Fonds · 1961

This fonds consists of photographs of a canoe trip from Hay River to Fort Providence, Fort Simpson and Nahanni Butte. It includes portraits of Gordon Robertson and Dick Turner.

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Curtis Merrill fonds
174 · Fonds · 1954-1962

This fonds consists of 5 cm of textual records, 346 photographs (colour slides), 6 reels of film (16mm original masters), 13 pieces of film, and 1 Umatic videocassette (archival master). The textual records consist of two bound volumes, one a diary documenting research and survey work, and the other a vessel log. The textual records also include a folder containing narration intented for one or two of the film reels. The photographs depict members of the survey crew and the Local Aklavik Advisory Committee at work during the initial survey and the later construction at Inuvik. The slides also document various aspects of the survey work including clearing ground cover, drilling test holes and constructing roads. Additionally, the photographs depict various buildings being constructed at Inuvik and some close-ups of pile driving and the construction of the town's utilidor system. The slides are originals created by Curtis Merrill, with the exception of a few duplicate slides created by Roger Brown. These duplicate slides carry the notation "R.B.". The film reels and videocassette primarily feature Aklavik and the construction of the new settlement of Inuvik (initially known as East 3). One reel is believed to be from Merrill's 1949 film of an expedition to Foxe Basin. There is also footage of the South Slave Region, Great Slave Lake, and Nahanni Butte. The 13 pieces of film contain outtakes from the Aklavik/Inuvik footage.

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Kirk family fonds
378 · Fonds · 1943-1949

This fonds consists of 2.4 cm of textual records (one bound volume and one folder), two reels of 16 mm movie film (a large reel of 1000 ft and a small reel of 400 ft) and 317 photographs and negatives (198 of the Western Arctic and 119 of the Eastern Arctic). Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Inspector Cyril N.K. “Nordie” Kirk used the bound volume to record events during his time aboard the Hudson Bay Company supply ship the RMS "Nascopie” during its Eastern Arctic tour, summaries of RCMP inspections in New Brunswick, and activities during the holiday season between 1944 and 1945. He wrote and received the correspondence between 1945 and 1946 while living in Aklavik as RCMP Officer in Charge (OC). The letters detail daily life in Aklavik for his southern correspondents. CNK Kirk shot the film between July of 1947 and July of 1948. The large reel contains both black and white and colour footage of Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers, buildings, patrol boats, airplanes and travel by dog team as well as footage of Aklavik, Tuktoyaktuk and Herschel Island. The small reel of film contains all colour footage of RCMP patrols by aircraft to Fort Norman (Tulita), Norman Wells, Camp Canol, as well as shots of Aklavik, including the All Saints Anglican Mission church, hospital and school, Aklavik residents cutting and hauling ice. In addition, there is footage of Leona E. Kirk, wife of Nordie Kirk, Henry Larsen, skipper of the St. Roch, Mike Zubko, Bruno Wiedeman, Charlie Smith, George Roberts, Knut Lang, Dave Sharon Jones, Jim Edwards (Jim Sittichinli), Caroline Moses, Jimmie Jones, Walter Jameson, Phoebe Poole, Louis Cardinal, and several RCMP officers such as Walter Evan Bayne, D.J. (Tiny) Martin, Arthur E. McKinnon, Alfred Kendi, David A. Coleman, Alexander Scotty Stewart. Included in the 317 black and white photographs, which includes 32 negatives, are 198 images depicting life in the Western Arctic from the perspective of RCMP OC Kirk, who was posted to Aklavik from 1945-1948. The images include the communities of Aklavik, Fort Good Hope, Fort Smith, Fort McPherson, Herschel Island, Tuktoyaktuk, Fort Norman (Tulita) and Reindeer Station, as well as aerial views of the Richardson Mountains and images of the Firth River. There are also images of RCMP patrols, the "Distributor", aircraft, RCMP buildings and the Kirk family. The remaining photographs depict Royal Canadian Mounted Police patrols of the Eastern Arctic aboard the RMS "Nascopie" in 1943 and 1944 and include images of Arctic Bay, Cape Smith, Chesterfield Inlet, Fort Ross, Churchill (Manitoba), Lake Harbour (Kimmirut), Pangnirtung, Pond Inlet, Clyde River, Southampton, Wolstenholme and images of the "Nascopie".

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Frank Thomas Carter fonds
397 · Fonds · 1942-1943

This fonds consists of 76 b&w print photographs taken by Frank Thomas Carter; five of the photos are hand coloured. The photos document Carter’s voyage to Norman Wells up the Mackenzie as well as the early stages of construction of the oil storage tanks at the Canol Project in Norman Wells during 1942-1943. The photos are numbered on the back in the order in which they appeared on album pages by the donor, Donald A. Davidson, Carter’s stepson. Overall themes include the Mackenzie River, construction, boats, camp life and the Canol project.

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Lex Miller fonds
74 · Fonds · 1942, 1986

This fonds consists of copies of 72 photographs taken by A.K. Miller between 1940 and 1942 and one audio reel containing an interview with Miller conducted by the NWT Archives in 1986. The photographs document Miller's trip from northern Alberta down the Slave and Mackenzie Rivers. The images depict a vareity of water transportation, such as the S.S. "Radium King," S.S. "Distributor," M.S. "Liard River," S.S. "Mackenzie River" and different barges. As well, there are several images of CANOL crews and construction, including African-American servicemen. There are also images of Canadian Pacific Airways aircraft, camps and dog teams. The interview contains biographical information on Miller and an explanation of river transportation in the north.

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Mac Smee fonds
96 · Fonds · 1941-1942

The photographs in this fonds document multiple trips down the Mackenzie River (Dehcho) on both the S.S. Mackenzie River and the S.S. Distributor. The images document the communities visited along the river, and in particular the barge supply route for the Canol Project from Waterways (Alberta) to Norman Wells (NWT) and members of the United States Army 388th Engineer Battalion working on the pipeline project.

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Albert Faille fonds
38 · Fonds · [1940]-1973

The textual material includes correspondence from Albert Faille's son, a Nahanni Safaris brochure, and certificates belonging to Albert Faille. The photographs include images of the Nahanni Region, Albert Faille, Jean and Hal Bennett and Faille's son.

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Lindberg family fonds
117 · Fonds · [1940?-1963?]

This fonds consists of 135 photographs copied from two albums compiled by the Lindberg family. The photographs were taken during the 1940s and 1950s and show Lindberg family members, communities along the Liard River including Fort Nelson, B.C., Fort Liard and Fort Simpson, freighting and ferry operations.

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Carlton R. Appleby fonds
341 · Fonds · [194-?]

This fonds consists of approximately 3 cm of textual material and 10 black and white photographs. The textual material consists of a copy of a journal kept by Carleton Appleby during the summer of 1946, during a trip on the Athabasca and Slave Rivers aboard the boat 'Beaver Lake.' He also visited Yellowknife, Fort Fitzgerald and Fort Rae during his journey. The 10 photographs were probably taken that same summer and depict the communities of Fort Rae and Yellowknife, as well as individuals he met in Yellowknife and aboard the riverboat 'Dease Lake.'

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Richard Baines fonds
218 · Fonds · [ca. 1937-1944], 1963

This fonds consists of 394 photographs and 0.55 cm of textual material. The images depict the communities of Yellowknife, Fort Smith, Fort Resolution, Fort Hearne (Kugluktuk, Nunavut), and several communities in northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. In addition, there are photographs of the "Distributor" (ship) and the "Northland Echo" (ship), construction of the Alaska Highway, and logging and winter freighting, particularly the use of tractor trains in the Yellowknife area during the late 1930s. Also included are hand-coloured photographs of vessels, produced for Mackenzie River Transport. The textual material includes Mackenzie River Transport schedules of sailings for 1939 and 1941, a Mackenzie Air Service schedule from 1938, a typed manuscript for a travelogue magazine article by R.H. Baines of his trip from Edmonton to Coppermine (Kugluktuk), a letter of introduction for Baines from H. W. Hayter of Mackenzie Air Service, Ltd., correspondence from Vilhjalmur Stefansson, and documents relating to Baines' service with the United States Engineer Department during the construction of the Alaska Highway.

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36 · Fonds · 1937-1938

This fonds consists of photographs and text from the Archaeological and Geological Reconnaissance expedition that surveyed archaeological sites in Alberta, the Mackenzie Valley and the Upper Yukon, as well as the expedition journals and notes of Wesley Bliss, Joseph Maloney, Douglas Osborne, Thomas Cain, and [Alden?] Hayes. The photographs include images of archaeological sites and the communities of Fort Good Hope, Shingle Point (Yukon) and Aklavik.

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John Day fonds
90 · Fonds · [1937-1939]

This fonds consists of one photo album containing 102 prints and 53 loose prints taken by John Day. Many of the images depict Day's 1938 trip by boat from Athabasca to Yellowknife. Other images show Yellowknife in the late 1930s, Negus and Cominco camps and construction crews, mine sites and locations such as Fort Fitzgerald and Fort Smith.

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Sven Johansson fonds
243 · Fonds · 1935, 1966-1988

This fonds consists of 117 black and white copy negatives, 5 videocassettes in Umatic and Betacam format, 1 audio reel, 1 DAT audiocassette, 1 film reel, 1 blueprint and 1 folder of textual material. The fonds includes a variety of material relating to Sven Johansson's time in the north. These records include: a Umatic videocassette copy of Johansson's film entitled "Canadian Reindeer Project" and an audio reel containing narration for the film. The original audiocassette was copied to audio reel circa 1997. The audio reel is now the archival master. The 117 photographs show hunting and trapping activities and Johansson's boat the "North Star." In addition, there are 3 3/4" Umatic videocassettes documenting the Geological Survey of Canada charter of Johansson's boat the "North Star" in 1972 and one DAT audiocassette containing the narration for the videos. The textual material is made up of a manuscript for the choreography for the dance "Hunger," one photocopy of the typed manuscript "Canadian Reindeer Herd," both written by Johansson, as well as a copy of the Bill of Sale and Certificate of Record blueprint for the boat the "North Star." There is also a 16 mm black and white film entitled "Drum Dance" and a Betacam SP copy of "Drum Dance."

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Kraus family fonds
120 · Fonds · [ca. 1934]-1987

This fonds consists of 583 photographs, most of which depict images of the Kraus' daily activities and the visits of local residents and many travelers to their home, and a 16mm colour film. The pictures are from the Nahanni area and include views of the Kraus' residences at Kraus Hot Springs (now in Nahanni National Park) and Little Doctor Lake. There are also photographs of Darrell Pfeiffer sculpting busts of Gus and Mary Kraus.
The 16mm film, which is the original master and the Betacam copy, the archival master, depict pesonalities from the Nahanni Butte/Fort Simpson area in the early 1960s, including Gus and Mary Kraus, their son Mickey Kraus, Dick Turner, Father Posset and Albert Faille.

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Pierre Duchaussois fonds
121 · Fonds · [ca. 1929]

This fonds consists of 197 photographs of Dene, Inuit, and members of the clergy in group portraits, hunting with decoys, dogs hauling lumber and the Catholic Church mission boat Immaculata. Locations include: Arctic Red River, Slave River rapids, Bloody Falls, Aklavik, Fort Smith, Coppermine River, Fort Resolution, Herschel Island and St. Albert (Alberta).

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Knut Lang fonds
35 · Fonds · 1926-1934

This fonds consists of photographs, primarily of steamships on the Mackenzie river, including the "Northland Echo" and "Distributor" as well as views of Aklavik. There is also one undated map titled "Proposed Boundary--Mackenzie Territory."

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Ray Ross fonds
159 · Fonds · [1925-1926], [1937-194-?]

This fonds consists of 224 black and white photographs and 1 16mm film reel (original master) and 1 betacam SP videocassette (archival master). The photos were taken primarily in the Tree River area circa 1925. Images include Inuit, camps, ships, and buildings. Many of the images are unidentified; however, some are of people from the Tree River area. There are many images of boats such as the "Margaret A" and the "Aklavik." The film is of Wop May on Reid Island in the 1940s. Other photos, primarily of his son Raymer and daughter Patricia, were taken by Ross while at Holman and Read Island. These date from 1937 to the early 1940s.

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