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2 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Ross Laycock collection
N-2014-001 · Accession · 1963-1970

The photographs document the construction of a winter road between Fort Providence and Inuvik in 1963-1964. The 8 mm film appears to depict a flight from Calgary to Norman Wells. The 16 mm film depicts the loading and unloading of barges through various communities along the Mackenzie River, including Hay River, Fort Simpson, Fort Wrigley and Fort Good Hope. The cartographic booklet is comprised of maps of the Mackenzie River.

The materials formerly belonged to Ross Laycock, who worked on the first winter road up the Mackenzie Valley from Fort Providence to Inuvik in the 1960s.

Sans titre
Johnson, Dave
N-1992-045 · Accession · 1976

The textual records consist of two certificates of membership in the Polar Bear Chapter, Order of Arctic Adventurers, for having flown a radio controlled model airplane across the Arctic Circle. The images depict a Commanche 250 model airplane, David Johnson, his wife Gladys and their dog Joc.

Terry Keim collection
N-2013-020 · Accession · 1964-1967

The film was shot in Inuvik and the Mackenzie delta region circa 1964-1967. The filmmaker is Terry F. Keim. The film features the [196? and 1967] Inuvik Muskrat Jamboree, aerial views of Inuvik, various buildings in the townsite, airplanes and the Inuvik airport, and extensive footage of drum dancers in traditional costumes. A complete shot listing is located in the accession file.

Sans titre
Hartwell search and rescue map
N-1994-008 · Accession · 1972

This accession consists of a composite map used by Canadian Armed Forces Search and Rescue in the search for pilot Marten Hartwell, nurse Judy Hill and medivac patients David Pisurayak Kootook and Neemee Nulliayok following a plane crash on November 8, 1972.

The item is made of a series of aeronautical maps that were adhered together and annotated. Two sets of plastic overlays detailing search grids and the actual crash site are also annotated. The maps used depict the geographical area from Spence Bay southeast to Great Bear Lake and southwest to Great Slave Lake.

Edmonton Bush Pilots
N-1979-047 · Accession · [192-?-194-?], 1970

The accession consists of a commemorative album titled "The Edmonton Bush Pilots: Northwest Territories Centennial Flight, August, 1970" compiled on behalf of the City of Edmonton for the NWT Centennial. It is a tribute to the importance of aviation in the histories of both Edmonton and the Northwest Territories. The album contains: a list of bush pilots; a chronology of events from 1904-1970, relating to the Edmonton Industrial Airport (Blatchford Field) and the associated pilots; brief profiles of selected bush pilots; and 23 black and white copy photographs of aviation, dated primarily in the 1920s and 1930s.

Milton Watts photograph collection
N-2015-007 · Accession · [1958?]-[196-]

The slides depict airport radio stations and former Royal Canadian Corps of Signals stations. They were created by Milton Watts during his time as a radio technician in Norman Wells, Fort Smith, Wrigley and Fort Norman (now Tulita) in the 1950s and 1960s.

Sans titre
MacKenzie Air Service, Ltd.
G-1990-008 · Accession · 1940

This accession consists of one copy of a pamphlet from Mackenzie Air Service entitled, "Schedules, Tariffs: Serving All Mining Areas and Trading Posts in the Canadian Northwest from Edmonton to the Arctic".

Sans titre
Charles Reiach Interview
N-1997-022 · Accession · 1995

The sound recording documents an interview with Charles Reiach. The recording includes a narration of a film donated to the NWT Archives by Charles Reiach and his experiences as an HBC trader from 1926-1936.

Kinette Club of Yellowknife
N-1979-570 · Accession · 1963

This accession consists of one report entitled "Northerners of Renown". This report contains short biographical notes on Peter Baker, Archie McMullen, John H. Parker, Oliver Lawson Stanton, R. J. "Jack" Stevens, W. Leigh Brintnell, A. J. "Bert" Boxer, Gordon Ingraham, Henry Busse, George Pinsky, Arthur Umbach, Ernest Boffa, Norman W. Byrne, J. H. Sissons, J. Murray "Jock" McMeekan, and G. Gordon Latham.

Dickins, Punch
N-1992-120 · Accession · 1978, copied 1993

This accession consists of a sound recording of a lecture given by Mr. Dickins at the Ontario Science Centre in 1978. The lecture recounts a short history of flying in the north, reminiscences of some of his experiences, other important events in the history of the bush pilots, and the importance of the airplane to development in the north.

Sans titre
Moore photographs
N-2012-007 · Accession · 1945

Records include photographs of Yellowknife taken in 1945. The images were taken by a member of the Operation Musk-ox Expedition undertaken by the Canadian Army in the winter of 1945. The images, consisting of negative and print formats, show various views of Yellowknife including Con Mine, the school on School Draw, the Wildcat Café, the Yellowknife Hotel, a De Havilland Hornet Moth airplane and a Fairchild 71 airplane on skis.

Robert Love Photographs
N-1997-021 · Accession · 1943

The photographs were taken during Lieutenant Love's tour of Yellowknife in 1943 on his way to Watson Lake Yukon. Included are views of Old Town Yellowknife buildings, aircraft - US Army Beech 18, CF-BAU Norseman and CF-BTW Bellanca Air cruiser.

Sans titre
Klaus, Alfred
N-1992-008 · Accession · 1941, copied 1991

Records include photographs of aircraft in Yellowknife.

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Beaver Creek Pictures
N-1992-249 · Accession · 1992

The videocassette consists of "The City of Yellowknife", part of the series "Sketches of Our Town." The video, hosted and narrated by Harvey Kirck, was filmed in the fall of 1991. It depicts Yellowknife past and present, and includes archival material, and interviews with residents Michael Borden, Dave Lovell, Barb Cameron, Walt Humphries and pilot Jim McAvoy.
You can watch a version of this film on , as hosted by BeaverCreekProductions.

Rodger, Elsbeth, 1946-
N-1992-121 · Accession · 1979

The photograph depicts a painting by Elsbeth Rodger entitled "Alberta Aviation Pioneers." Included in the painting are Punch Dickins, Wop May, Fred McCall, Grant McConachie, and Cy Becker.

Will Rogers and Wiley Post photographs
N-1996-008 · Accession · [194-?]

This accession consists of 7 black and white photographic prints of Will Rogers and Wiley Post while on their ill-fated flight to Alaska in 1935. One of the images at least may be a copy of a photograph held in the National Archives.

Matt Tomasky Collection
N-1992-184 · Accession · 1946-1947

This accession consists of 17 cellulose nitrate negatives featuring various views in and around Yellowknife, including the old liquor store and Con Mine.

Sans titre
Yellowknife Ephemera collection
N-2003-027 · Accession · [193-?]

Photographs date from the 1930s, and depict views of the waterfront in Old Town, Yellowknife Drug Store, Canadian Bank of Commerce, paddle steamers, floatplanes, wreckage from a plane crash and the first gold brick poured in at Giant Mine in 1938. In addition, there are two prints of the Abasand Oil Ltd. Camp in Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Alex McDonald collection
N-2009-005 · Accession · [1940-1950]

The textual records are comprised of one cocktail and lounge menu from the Ingraham Hotel. The photographs mainly depict views of Yellowknife and float planes.