The fonds consists of records of Arthur Boutilier's professional and personal life. The records include records drawings, maps and planning documents related to his training and work in architecture, urban design and national park planning, land use and management plans, supplemented with posters, maps, drawings, and diagrams to support the process, a 1976 trip journal, writings about Arthur's life both written by him and others, and photographs taken by Arthur, supplemented by reflections on photography and memorabilia from some of his photography exhibits. The records are grouped into four series: Portfolios, Land Use and Management Planning, Writings, and Photography, with some overlap between them.
Boutilier, ArthurRecords include recordings and transcripts of interviews with northern musicians that were conducted by Pat Braden as part of a project supported by the Cultural Project Contribution Program of the Government of the Northwest Territories. The objective of the project was to interview northern 'pop' musicians in order to document their experiences and gain insight into the NWT music community between the 1950s and 1990s. The musicians interviewed included Archie Loutitt, Tony Buggins, Wilf Schidlowsky, George Mandeville, Albert Canadien, Angus Beaulieu, Herbie Beaulieu, Tom Hudson, John Tees, Alex Czarnecki, Gary Tees, Ted Wesley, Kevin Mackie, John Landry, Richard Lafferty, Pat Burke, and Allen Daniels.
Braden, PatThis accession consists of records from the Investment and Economic Analysis division of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. The records document various areas the division was involved with including arts and fine crafts, Agricultural Products Marketing Council (egg marketing), contracting with the Gwich'in Tribal Council, and business development. The records include correspondence, briefing notes, speaking notes, reference material, Art and Fine Crafts Marketing Strategy Options, copies of the Agricultural Products Marketing Act and Regulations, appointments to the NWT Egg Producers, Investment and Economic Analysis Division Annual Report 2004/2005, GNWT/Gwich'in Tribal Council Memorandum of Understanding Evaluation Framework Indicators (2004) and Evaluation Report (2007), and Canada-NWT Cooperation on International Business Development Memorandum of Understanding.
This accession consists of records relating to the establishment of the Business Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC) and NWT Arts rebranding and activities. BDIC records include correspondence, meeting materials, copies of the Act and draft Regulations, review materials, organizational charts, lists of functions affected by BDIC and implementation tasks, and a communication plan. NWT Arts records include Logo Branding Program Guidelines and a presentation.
Northwest Territories. Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. Investment and Economic Analysis divisionRecords consist of reports relating to a trade show and a business mission, as well as background information relating to an arts strategy and an arts policy.
Northwest Territories. Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. Investment and Economic Analysis divisionRecords document the evaluation process of a funding proposal submitted by the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre. Additionally, files contain a report produced by the division regarding the Open Sky Artist's Festival in Fort Smith.
Northwest Territories. Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. Investment and Economic Analysis divisionRecords include one file on arts strategy in the Northwest Territories, and one file of a program review of the NWT Community Futures Development Corporation.
Northwest Territories. Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. Investment and Economic Analysis divisionThe accession consists of records from the Investment and Economic Analysis division of the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. The records document various areas the division was involved with, including the establishment of the Business Development and Investment Corporation, arts and culture strategy, Northern innovation, the diamond industry, and manufacturing strategy. The records include correspondence, briefing notes, meeting and workshop materials, agreements, survey results, presentation slides and speaking notes, financial records, reports, planning documents, Decision papers, and reference material.
Records include a file on the development of an arts and crafts strategy (co-lead with the Department of Education, Culture and Employment) and a file on territorial parks usage statistics.
Northwest Territories. Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. North Slave Regional OfficeRecords include correspondence and drafts related to amendments to the Social Assistance Regulations, regulations under the Archives Act, and the Public Colleges Act, as well as an agreement between the Department of Education and the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre regarding the NACC facilities within Sir John Franklin High School.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Policy and Planning divisionThe collection includes records created by Elle Andra-Warner during research for an article for Aviator magazine about Erik Watt's play "Bush Pilots".
Records are comprised of program guides and promotional brochures for the Great Northern Arts Festival, an annual summer event held in Inuvik. The event features fine arts, arts and crafts and music by northern and southern artists.
Great Northern Arts FestivalThis fonds consists of 21 festival programs and eight promotional posters of the Folk on the Rocks Music Festival. The programs date from 1980-2001. There was no program produced for 1986. The majority of the programs are full-colour, although a few were printed on newsprint. The colour posters date from 1994-2001.
Folk on the RocksThis fonds consists of 0.6 cm of textual records, ca. 13,000 photographs (col. slides, col. negatives, and b&w negatives), and 31 reels of 16 mm film.
The textual records comprise two newsletters produced by Bern Will Brown and a series of letters written by Capt. C.T. Pederson. The newsletters give a brief overview of life in the community of Colville Lake during 1991 and 1992, including items of interest relating to various members of the community. The Pedersen correspondence is autobiographical, including reminiscences of C.T. Pederson of some of his activities in the north; the majority are addressed to Father Brown of Our Lady of the Snows Mission in Colville Lake, but one letter is addressed to Commander Ransom.
The photographs include images of a wide variety of subjects, particularly activities of the Catholic Church and traditional activities of the Dene, Inuvialuit and Inuit, including hunting, trapping and transportation. There are photos of many locations throughout the NWT as well as some locations in Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.
The films and videocassettes include footage of dog teams, life at Colville Lake, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Aklavik, Husky Lakes, Whitefish Station, Tulita (Fort Norman), Nahanni Butte, Fort Simpson, Bern Will Brown, various Catholic priests and bishops, fishing, children at play, aircraft, construction of the mission, reindeer, whaling, trapping, hunting, church services, many local families including: Kochon, Codzi, Masuzumi, Cotchilly, Oudzi and political visitors such as Governors-General.
Brown, Bern WillRecords include a script for a play entitled "Finding Franklin".
Valpy, BruceRecords date from 1990-1999 and include files related to the marketing and promotion of northern arts in crafts in North America, Japan and Europe, and the role of the department in the development of the Master of the Arctic exhibit. The bulk of the records consist of strategic planning materials concerning public relations for the department, business planning files related to arts and crafts development in the communities, program planning files and objectives from Natural Resources section, Trade and Investment Division, and Arts and Crafts section, as well as an annual report from the Inuvik Region. In addition, there is Deputy Minister correspondence concerning the relationship between Economic Development and Tourism, Business Credit Corporation and NWT Development Corporation, briefing notes, files from senior management meetings and Premier Panel Meeting, the Arts and Crafts Committee and internal newsletters.
Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. Investment and Economic Analysis divisionThis accession consists of one NWT Arts Council poster.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment (1992-present)Records include photographs taken by taken by Roberta McGregor when she was the adult educator at Sambaa K'e (Trout Lake). Photographs may have been used in "community book". There are a variety of scenic shots, community activities & handicrafts. Edward Jumbo is the man preparing a birch log for snowshoes making and working on preparation of tobaggon boards. The birch bark baskets were made by Norma Jumbo.
McGregor, RobertaRecords include NWT Arts Council meeting minutes and funding recommendations for Artistic Projects for 1996/97 and 1997/98.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Culture and Heritage division (1992-1997)The fonds consists of video recordings Ann Lynagh was involved in, including "Road to Rae", "Confessions of a Cabin Dweller", "Nunsense", and "Fall Follies".