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Gateway Gold material
N-2021-003: 1-1 · File · 1934-1956
Part of Ernest Milton Johnston fonds

This file contains materials produced and distributed by Gateway Gold, primarily repots to its shareholders and general promotional information, alongside occasional geological reports.

N-2021-003: 1-6 · File · 1953-1968
Part of Ernest Milton Johnston fonds

This file contains materials further relating to Johnston’s prospecting work into the 1950s, including materials relating to his work and claims carried out after his death. Material ranges from membership to the Alberta and Northwest Chambwer of Mines, including membership lists and annual reports, to correspondence regarding his mineral claims and shares in mining companies that were handled by his wife Dorothy after his death in 1959.

[Correspondence 1975]
N-1994-007: 1-1 · File · [197-?]-1975
Part of Western Arctic New Democratic Party fonds

Folder contains agenda and minutes of the NWT NDP Convention June 8, 1975, the resolutions posited at the convention, and a copy of the constitution of the NWT New Democratic Party pre-dating 1975.

[Correspondence 1979]
N-1994-007: 1-3 · File · 1979
Part of Western Arctic New Democratic Party fonds

Minutes of the NWT NDP Convention held on Tuesday, April 3, 1979 as well as minutes from executive meetings of the NWT NDP held throughout 1979. Also includes minutes of a meeting of the Hay River Chapter of the NDP held on June 1, 1979.

N-1994-013: 1-6 · File · 1992-1993
Part of Commission for Constitutional Development fonds

The file consists of a meeting package for the March 15, 1993 meeting, including an agenda, minutes of the November 24, 1992 meeting, correspondence, a copy of the Societies Act Application and Bylaws, speaking notes, and the Working Toward a Common Future commission report.