This file contains materials produced and distributed by Gateway Gold, primarily repots to its shareholders and general promotional information, alongside occasional geological reports.
This file contains materials further relating to Johnston’s prospecting work into the 1950s, including materials relating to his work and claims carried out after his death. Material ranges from membership to the Alberta and Northwest Chambwer of Mines, including membership lists and annual reports, to correspondence regarding his mineral claims and shares in mining companies that were handled by his wife Dorothy after his death in 1959.
Folder contains agenda and minutes of the NWT NDP Convention June 8, 1975, the resolutions posited at the convention, and a copy of the constitution of the NWT New Democratic Party pre-dating 1975.
Minutes of the NWT NDP Convention held on Tuesday, April 3, 1979 as well as minutes from executive meetings of the NWT NDP held throughout 1979. Also includes minutes of a meeting of the Hay River Chapter of the NDP held on June 1, 1979.
Folder contains minutes for a Norhtwest Territories New Democratic Party General Meeting held in Fort Providence on June 4 and June 5, 1983 and related correspondence.
Includes voting sheets, list of resolutions, attendance list, financial statements.
File contains internal correspondence, informal meeting minutes and meeting agendas.
File contains a diversity of record types, including documents related to the organization of a banquet, a President and Treasurer report from 1986, and executive meeting minutes]
The file consists of correspondence, extraordinary resolution, statutory declarations, minutes of the November 12, 1992 and March 15, 1993 meetings, and a copy of the Societies Act Application and Bylaws.
The file consists of correspondence and a copy of a bank draft.
The file consists of a meeting package for the March 15, 1993 meeting, including an agenda, minutes of the November 24, 1992 meeting, correspondence, a copy of the Societies Act Application and Bylaws, speaking notes, and the Working Toward a Common Future commission report.
The file consists of correspondence, "How Can We Live Together?" public discussion paper, news releases, conference program, phone lists, general public recommendations, and a chronology of the Evolution of the Northwest Territories (1869-1974).
The file consists of correspondence to and from Commission Chairman Jim Bourque, including some submissions for the Commission.
The file consists of a list of mail to and from the Commission for April 18-December 18, 1991, including date, originator, and subject. The file also contains the correspondence listed and attached records.
The file consists of correspondence and attached records sent by fax.
The file consists of correspondence and a draft agreement for Ben Hubert and Associates (Executive Director).
The file consists of correspondence, wall chart notes from January 1992 workshop, a draft contract, a draft contribution agreement, and reference material.
The file consists of a notebook, likely kept by Norma Goit, containing a mail log and phone bill accounting.
The file consists of contract change orders, correspondence, Contribution Agreement Listing, draft and signed Contribution Agreement with GNWT.
The file consists of lists of organizations funded and payments made.