This accession consists of one Betamax videocassette entitled "Rivers of Faith" produced by Pido Production Ltd. with the Department of Culture and Communications, GNWT. The 33 minute video documents Pope John Paul's visit to Fort Simpson in 1987.
Sans titre"Koukdjuak Crossing: Caribou Tagging on Baffin Island" was produced in 1984 and is 18 minutes long. It explains the caribou-tagging program, as it existed on Baffin Island up to that date. The film shows Paul Kraft and crew ear-tagging caribou on the Koukdjuak River, and then explains how this has contributed to knowledge of caribou movements on south Baffin. This film is available in English (:0001) and Inuktitut (:0002). "To Have Forever: Hunting the Bathurst Caribou Herd" was produced in 1986 and is 26 minutes long. This film shows the importance of the Bathurst herd to three different cultures: Inuit, Dene and non-natives. Hunters are shown in summer, fall and winter, and different meat handling techniques are compared and contrasted. This film is available in English (:0003) and Innuiaqtun (:0004). The Innuiaqtun version is available on VHS videocassette only.
Sans titre