Lorne Penny "Bear proofing" Deep Bay Camp March 1989 [A Renewable Resources officer stands outside leaning against a shack. He holds a large piece of wire fencing and a tool in his right hand.]
Rescue of NWT Gowe[Gov't?] Dept "Bombi" About 1988 [A yellow Bombardier snowmobile sits behind a cat train on a frozen lake. A second Bombardier snowmobile (navy blue) sits in the background on the right.]
Wildlife Jim Beaulieu & Al Homes rescuing Bombardier unit "Bombe" Lorne Peny Inspector Since D.O.T. [Department of Transportation] [Three men stand outside on a frozen lake. A yellow Bombardier snowmobile, a navy blue Bombardier snowmobile, and a cat train sit between and behind the men. An ice fishing hole is marked with a branch and two orange tape flags on the left of the frame.]
August 1988 [A crew of at least six works on a fishing boat. A seventh crew member approaches the boat on the left in an inflatable boat. Extra plastic crates sit on top of the boat's cabin.]
Aug/88 [August 1988] [A crew of at least four works on a fishing boat. Multiple flags fly from the stern. Extra plastic crates and an inflatable boat sit on top of the boat's cabin. A gull can be partially seen on the right side of the frame.]
Aug [August] 88 [A crew of approximately six works on a fishing boat. Multiple flags fly from the stern and an inflatable boat is towed behind the fishing boat.]
Gt [Great] Slave Lake Wool Bay Fish Plant "Capt" Marly Johnson Sept 1986 Fish Packer to Yellowknife "Tomico LuAnn" Ken Roberts [Two men stand on a fishing boat next to a wooden dock. The man on the left holds a rubber tire. The man on the right is putting on or taking off (likely taking off) waterproof gear. A skiff sits on top of the cabin of the fishing boat. Blue plastic crates can be seen on the boat's deck.]
Gt [Great] Slave Lake Sept 1986 Freshwater Fish Wool Bay Plant Fish Packer "Tomico Arn" Ken Roberts [Men hold the ropes attached to a fishing boat at a wooden dock. A man on the boat handles a rubber tire. Stacks of blue plastic crates sit on the right of the frame.]
Dredge & tug "San Sault" Hay River August 1986 [A dredger and a tugboat sit at docks in the Hay River shipyard. A large warehouse can be seen in the distance on the right.]
Marius McCollem crew at South Croubery S. Windy Bay Great Slave Lake. Ken Roberts [Two men gut fish at a work table on a shoreline. Plastic crates sit in front of and behind them. A boat also sits on the shore behind the men.]
Marius McCallium at Wool Bay Camp Freshwater Fish Gt. [Great] Slave Lake Ken Roberts [Two men stand facing each other in a double motor boat wearing hip waders. Red plastic crates filled with fish and ice sit between the two men.]
FFMC [Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation] Simpson Island Camp Ken Roberts [Fishing boats sit at docks. The only visible dock, in the centre of the frame, holds stacks of blue plastic crates and other supplies. Two-toned buildings can be seen on the right of the frame.]
F.F.M.C. [Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation] Simpson Island Camp Gt [Great] Slave Don Sinclair Boat Ken Roberts [A fishing boat (the Debra-Lynn) sits tied to a wooden dock. A group of flags sits in her stern.]
F.F.M.C. [Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation] Simpson Island Camp Fisheries Yellow cabin Fisheries Camp Ken Roberts [A yellow shack, crates, and a barrel sit on a rocky shoreline on the left. Boats sit tied at docks along the shoreline on the right.]
Obre Lake Lodge 1972 Obre Lake - N.W.T. [A shack or shed and a larger building sit near the shoreline of a lake. A motorboat sits pulled up on shore in front of each building. A house can be seen in the distance atop a hill.]
Obre Lake Camp N.W.T. Obre Lake Camp N.W.T. [Aerial photograph of three buildings, a dock, and boats both tied at the dock and pulled up on shore.]
Great Slave Lake Jan. 25, 1971 Fishery officer Dale Archibald. Archibald sneaking up on fisherman. Ken Roberts [A man crouches near an ice fishing hole. A second man pulls a fish from the fishnet he is holding.]
Hyd[?] net pullr [puller] Gt. [Great] Slave Lake Ken Roberts [Two men stand on either side of a shack next to an ice fishing hole. A slide extends from the shack to the fishing hole. A fishing net sits on top of the slide.]
[on recto] Talthelei Narrows GSL [Great Slave Lake] July 1961 BEECH - CF-NCL [on verso] Great Slave Lake Taltheleii Narrows July 1961 Plummer Sport Fishing Camp Plumer Beachcraft CF-NCL [A Beechcraft X airplane (call number CF-NCL) and a boat sit tied along a shoreline lined with multiple small docks. A collection of approximately 10 buildings, most of them identical to one another, line the top of the hill above the plane and boat.]
Simpson Islands July 1961 Cedus[?] Carter & "Ivonne" Ken Roberts [A man stands holding two large fish by the gills, likely on a dock. Wooden crates and barrels can be seen behind the man.]