[Many people are gathered at an event during the 1979 Northern Games at the Samuel Hearne Secondary School gymnasium in Inuvik.]
[Many people are gathered at an event during the 1979 Northern Games at the Samuel Hearne Secondary School gymnasium in Inuvik.]
[Many people are gathered at an event during the 1979 Northern Games at the Samuel Hearne Secondary School gymnasium in Inuvik.]
[A large crowd is gathered around an outdoor stage in the field next to Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik during the 1979 Northern Games.]
[A large crowd is gathered in the field next to Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik during the 1979 Northern Games.]
[Several Dene men and women dance a square dance on an outdoor stage in the field next to Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik during the 1979 Northern Games.]
[Several Dene people dance a tea dance at the Samuel Hearne Secondary School gymnasium in Inuvik during an event at the 1979 Northern Games.]
[A crowd is gathered in the field next to Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik during the 1979 Northern Games.]
[A crowd is gathered around an outdoor stage in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik watching an event during the 1979 Northern Games.]
[A crowd is gathered around an outdoor stage in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik watching an event, possibly a dance, during the 1979 Northern Games.]
[Women stand next to seals during a bush skills competition in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School during the 1979 Northern Games in Inuvik. They are getting ready to start butchering. A large crowd watches them from behind a fence.]
[Men run towards a pile of firewood during a bush skills competition in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School during the 1979 Northern Games in Inuvik. A large crowd watches them from behind a fence.]
[Competitors during a bush skills competition, possibly tea boiling, in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School during the 1979 Northern Games in Inuvik. A man carries a kettle with a stick or axe, a campfire burns behind him.]
[Spectators watch as a young man is thrown in the air during a blanket toss in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School during the 1979 Northern Games in Inuvik.]
[Spectators watch as a young man is thrown in the air during a blanket toss in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School during the 1979 Northern Games in Inuvik.]
[Spectators watch as a young man is thrown in the air during a blanket toss in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School during the 1979 Northern Games in Inuvik.]
[Many people dance during a drum dance at an event at the Samuel Hearne Secondary School gymnasium for the 1979 Northern Games in Inuvik.]
[Men and women dance on an outdoor stage in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik during the 1979 Northern Games. A crowd watches.]
[Children dance on an outdoor stage in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik during the 1979 Northern Games. A crowd watches.]
[Women sit together around a piece of plywood during a duck plucking bush skills competition in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School during the 1979 Northern Games in Inuvik. Spectators stand behind a fence.]