Records consist of curriculum material and are divided into two series: 1) material generated by the Programme Development Division and later the Linguistic Programmes Division of the Department of Education and 2) material generated by other sources. Series 1 consists primarily of workbooks, dictionaries and readers in Dene and Inuit languages. Some of the workbooks and readers are the result of work undertaken in 1974 to establish a common alphabet for the Dene languages. The material has been arranged chronologically to show the relationships between workbooks and readers whenever possible. Series 2 consists of a small portion of material gathered by the Department of Education from other sources including the Council for Yukon Indians and the Summer Institute of Linguistics Inc. in Calgary.
Records date from 1971-1989 and relate to the Policy and Planning function.
Records include financial information and correspondence regarding funding to schools, school districts, student residences, and education centres, as well as contracts for catering and other administrative services. Communities represented include Hay River, Rae-Edzo (Behchoko), Yellowknife, Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit), and the Adult Vocational Training Centre in Fort Smith.
The files were part of the Central Registry and include records from the Directorate and School Programs series. Records include correspondence, reports, and meeting minutes regarding departmental organization and staffing, curriculum development, teacher training, conferences, local education advisory boards, Continuing and Special Education programs, school policy, schools and residences and Superintendent of Education files for the regions, as well as general chrono correspondence files from the Directorate.
The majority of the records were created by the Continuing and Special Education division and include records relating to adult education centres and programs, vocational programs and on-the-job training programs, post-secondary education, and education for children with disabilities. Records also include files from the Curriculum Services and Administrative Services divisions.
Records include meeting minutes from the Apprenticeship and Trade Qualification Board, Electrician Trade Advisory Committee, Industrial Warehousing Advisory Committee, Millwright/Machinist Trade Advisory Committee and the Small Equipment Mechanic Trade Advisory Committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education. Advanced Education divisionRecords include a booklet for prospective teachers, school calendars, and stories told by Tlicho and Chipewyan elders. The calendars include organizational charts, staff lists, and lists of Local Education Authorities. The booklet "Teaching in the Northwest Territories" was used to recruit teachers and contains information about the people, government, education system and living conditions in the North, as well as how to apply for a teaching position. The stories were likely used as a classroom resource or in developing curriculum material, and include Dogrib (Tlicho) legends and Chipewyan oral history stories, all handwritten in English. The Tlicho legends were told by Elizabeth Mackenzie, Nicholas [?] and Madeline Pea'a, translated and written by Virginia Football, and include legends about the bear, the mountain, Yamozaha, sign of a massacre, moon boy, Monla Jeezon, flint stone, Na-sy-dae, mother's story and Old Fort. The Chipewyan stories were told by John Jm. Beaulieu, Napolean Lafferty, Johnny Nataway, Francoise Nataway, Pierre Freezie and Helene Unka; they were written and translated by Dora Unka and include stories about the Metis, illness, war with Akaitcho, treaties and hunting.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education. Education Programs and Evaluation divisionRecords date from 1972-1983 and relate to GNWT policy and program development, land claims issues, park development, Constitutional development, decentralization and natural resource projects.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Priorities and Planning SecretariatRecords from the division include a regional operations review; minutes from regional consultations regarding the consolidation and transfer of social assistance programs to the department; a decision paper and correspondence related to the establishment of two colleges after division of the Northwest Territories; and correspondence and reports related to the closing and future uses of Akaitcho Hall, Kivalliq Hall and Ukkivik residences, as well as a review of the management and operations of Akaitcho Hall produced by the Department of Education. Records from Aurora College include correspondence, decision papers, program review and evaluation files for the Apprenticeship and Trades Program, Early Childhood Education Program, Mill and Mining Training, and the Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program, as well as a Graduate Follow-up Survey report.
Northwest Territories. Aurora CollegeRecords date from 1986-1999 and include copies of agreements and support documentation between the Department and the federal government related to delivery of training programs, support and delivery of the Aboriginal and French language programs and exchange of information. There are also agreement files and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Department and various Boards of Education including the Beaufort Delta, Baffin, Sahtu, South Slave, Kitikmeot, Keewatin and Deh Cho. These files contain copies of the MOU between the Department and Boards. There is also MOU related to the transfer of Sir John Franklin High School to the Yellowknife Education District No.1 (YK 1). The remaining records relate to a regional operations review file, a Minister's conference on Education that focused on the departmental strategic planning document "Mapping Our Future" and a file containing participants notes and final reports from a Focus Group Workshop, “Foundations for the Future."
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Management Services divisionRecords include correspondence and reports related to reviews of Divisional Boards of Education, correspondence regarding scholarships, and minutes from Directors and Superintendents meetings and divisional meetings.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Board Operations divisionRecords include minutes and correspondence related to Directors and Superintendents Meetings and Educational Development Branch Meetings, a district review of the Sahtu Divisional Board of Education, a Lester B. Pearson College scholarship, and the Governor Generals Award Program.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Board Operations divisionRecords include minutes and reports from the Language Bureau's Keewatin regional office, minutes of departmental language coordinators' meetings, and minutes and correspondence from Community Education Committees in Trout Lake, Fort Providence, and Wrigley.
Records program review information, newsletters to licensed daycare centres and dayhomes, and files from the School Health Steering Committee and School Health Development Committee. Some files were created when the division was part of the Department of Education.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Early Childhood and School Services divisionRecords include minutes from the Senior Management Committee, Directors and Superintendents meetings, the Executive Committee and the Building and Learning Strategy Committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords were created and accumulated by the School Programs Development division, and its predecessors: Program Services division, Programs and Evaluations Branch, Education Programs and Evaluation division and Linguistic Programs division of the Department of Education.
This accession consists of records from the Language Bureau library. Most of the records were created by ECE and its predecessors, the Department of Education and the Department of Culture and Communications, but the accession also includes records created by the Department of Information, the Department of Justice, and various workshops and literacy programs hosted or coordinated by ECE and its predecessors. Records include reports on bilingual education, the curriculum from the Inuit perspective, interpreting in the NWT Courts, and literacy and language projects, including the Dene Standardization Project, the Arviat Language Research Project, and the Rae-Edzo Literacy Project; an operational review of the Language Bureau; curriculum guides, teacher’s manuals, kits and posters for K-12 language teaching, including the Dene Kede curriculum and other materials in Inuktitut, Gwich’in, North Slavey, South Slavey, Dogrib (Tłı̨chǫ), Chipewyan, and Cree; a classroom assistant training manual; the Language Bureau’s newsletter, Dene Yati; teacher’s and student’s manuals for the Language Bureau’s Cree Language Program; a syllabus for teaching Dene languages literacy; audio cassettes and a course outline from a North Slavey course produced by Arctic College; training manuals, terminology lists, and program review materials from the Interpreter/Translator Program; Chipewyan and Dogrib (Tłı̨chǫ) language lessons from the Teacher Education Program; and training materials for legal interpreters.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Language BureauRecords include photographs of school children having a picnic outside of the school in Fort Good Hope. The photos were taken in 1959. One of the photographs shows an unidentified woman setting up an x-ray machine outside of the school building. The photographs were taken by Monica MacDonald who was a teacher in Fort Good Hope.
This accession consists of two newsletters entitled "Norman News" which were published by the students at the Federal Day School in Fort Norman (Tulita). The newsletters (dated October 1958 and February 1959) contain school-related items and items pertaining to the community. There are lists of community events for the upcoming months, birth announcements, stories, crossword puzzles and a column titled hunting news. The reporters listed in the October issue are: Richard Hardy, Randy Stowell, Faye Eliason, Sandra Clement and George McDonald.
Federal Day School (Fort Norman, NT)Please note that the Inuit are referred to as "Eskimos" in these records.
This block contains the following series:
- [600-609] [Education] General
- [610-619] Teachers
- [620-629] Curriculum
- [630-639] Schools Administration
- [640-649] School Supplies & Equipment
- [660-669] Professional Organizations
- [670-679] Recreation and Welfare (Schools)
- [680-689] Vocational Training
- [690-699] Adult Education