[This accession consists of one cairn document in fragile condition. Very little of the penciled text message survives. Cairn was located near Franklin Pierce Bay (now) Nunavut by C.P.O. Steve Williams of the Joint Services Expedition to Princess Marie Bay, Ellesmere Island, 1980. See Accession file for coordinates]
Records date from 1999 and consist of the chronos from the offices of the President and Minister.
Northwest Territories. NWT Housing Corporation. Executive divisionThe textual records date primarily from 1967-1990 and relates to June Helm's work regarding the Indian Brotherhood, Caveat '73 and the Berger Commission or Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, with some annotations dating from 1999. The records related to the Indian Brotherhood consists of material from the land use mapping project including documentation of trails, routes and animal resources. This project was undertaken by June Helm for the Indian Brotherhood. The Caveat '73 material consists of documents related to the Caveat filed by the Northwest Territories Chiefs on March 24, 1973. In addition, there are copies of June Helm's testimony at the Caveat hearings. The Berger Commission (Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry) material consists of newspaper clippings, press releases and transcripts of the hearings. The blueprints, maps and charts date from the 1960s. The two blueprints consist of versions, some with annotations, of a Synoptic Chart of Contact Events. These diagrams illustrate first contact between Aboriginal peoples and the Europeans, development of missions, highways, railways, significant government buildings and the impact of disease within the Northwest Territories, as well as other locations. The four annotated maps show the Camsell River, Marian River, Hardisty Lake and the Yellowknife and Rae (Behchokǫ̀) area. The remaining item is a hand-drawn chart.
The textual records are comprised of transcripts of the interviews and research conducted for the films. The moving images include two videocassette masters of the films "I, Emile Petitot/Moi, Emile Petitot" [2000, Getaway Films]. The remaining 45 videocassettes are of raw film footage.
Records date from 1979-2006 and include 3850 colour slides, 2529 35mm black and white negatives, 1911 35mm colour negatives, 397 medium format black and white negatives, 64 medium format colour negatives and 2 medium format colour positives. The majority of the images were created by John Poirier in his capacity as staff photographer and darkroom technician and later Coordinator of Technical Services of the NWT Archives, located at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre (PWNHC), between 1986-2006. Other photographers unknown. Subjects include: staff members; permanent, temporary and visiting exhibits; events; and special projects at the PWNHC. Building construction and renovations, exhibit construction, PWNHC Open Houses, the Dogrib birchbark canoe project and the Dogrib caribou skin lodge figure prominently. Many of these images were used for publishing, promotional or exhibit purposes for various sections within the PWNHC.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Culture and Heritage division (2006-present)