[Indian Brotherhood of the N.W.T. meeting at Fort Norman (Tulita) school. L-R: Paul Baton (white t-shirt), Vital Bonnetrouge, Baptiste Cazon, Ed Fabian, James Wah-shee, Antoine Liske, Alec Charlo, Isadore Yukon. Published in Brotherhood Report newspaper on April 23, 1971 page 5]
[Alec Charlo in Inuvik]
[Aklavik cemetery in winter]
[Indian Brotherhood of the N.W.T. members stand outside of airplane in Aklavik. L-R: Vital Bonnetrouge, Antoine Liske, Baptiste Cazon, Jim Koe, and Alec Charlo. 1971]
[Indian Brotherhood of the N.W.T. consultation tour in Aklavik. L-R: Jim Koe, Ed Fabian, Baptiste Cazon, Vital Bonnetrouge, Antoine Liske, James Wah-shee, Alec Charlo, Andrew Stewart, Fred Greenland, and unidentified man]
[Antoine Liske and James Wah-shee (right) in Aklavik 1971]
[Unidentified woman and Johnny Kay/Kyikavichik in Fort McPherson home. Published in Native Press newspaper on February 8, 1972 page 6]
[Alberta Gas Trunk Line Company Operations Manager, Bill Deyell, shows planned pipeline route in Aklavik. Published in Native Press newspaper on May 22, 1971 page 4]
[Robert Norwegian, Norman Shingatuk, and Alberta Gas Trunk Line Company employee at community meeting in Aklavik]
[Alberta Gas Trunk Line Company demonstration for community in Aklavik. Julie Greenland (right side, wearing Aklavik sweater)]
[Indian Brotherhood of the N.W.T. meal in Fort McPherson. L-R: Unidentified woman, Baptiste Cazon, Antoine Liske, Ed Fabian, Jim Koe]
[Mother carrying child on back in Fort McPherson. Published in Native Press newspaper on April 4, 1972 page 14. Photographer: Harold Pfeiffer]
[Unidentified men listen during Alberta Grand Trunk Line pipeline presentation in Fort McPherson]
[Vital Bonnetrouge shakes hands with man in Fort McPherson]
[?, James Wah-shee, ? , Antoine Liske, and Alec Charlo in Fort McPherson]
[Portrait of Chief Hyacinthe Andre of Arctic Red River (Tsiigehtchic). Published in Native Press newspaper March 2, 1979, page 17.]
[Child inside Fort Good Hope home]
[Aerial view of Norman Wells]
[Community members in Fort Norman (Tulita) listen at Indian Brotherhood of the N.W.T. visit 1971]
[Indian Brotherhood of the N.W.T. members walking in Fort Norman (Tulita). James Wah-shee, Vital Bonnetrouge, Baptiste Cazon, Ed Fabian, Isadore Yukon.]