This fonds consists of 34 photographs, one report from the Children's Aid Society of Yellowknife (1959) and two audio reels of an interview done by the NWT Archives with Mr. Richard Ross in 1984. The photographs were removed from an album that was put together by Mr. Ross for a display for the 50th anniversary session of the Mine Rescue. The audio reels contain an interview with Ross that includes a short biographical sketch, descriptions of the photographs in the album and some historical information on mining operations and Yellowknife.
Ross (family)This fonds consists of 65 cm of textual records relating to the administration of Hay River dating from 1931 to 1982. The records consist of mimeographed copies of typed minutes of meetings from the following: Local Board of Trustees of the Hay River Administrative District, from January 1952 to July 1953; the Council of the Municipal District of Hay River, from August 1953 to December 1963; and the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Hay River, from January 1964 to 1982. The material also includes by-laws, budgets, financial statements and reports. In addition, there are three bound ledger volumes. One volume is labeled "Motor Vehicle Opera[tors] Permits," but actually contains a daily record of water treatment, storage and consumption in Hay River between 1960 and 1971. The second volume is lettered "Applications for Mining Locations," and includes a listing of mining applications from 1931 and a listing of Land occupation permits for Hay River, 1946 to 1950. The third volume, lettered "Applications for Mining Locations - Northwest Territories and Yukon Branch," contains a listing of Land occupation permits for Hay River, 1944 to 1954. These ledgers would at one time have been controlled by the Northern Administration Branch of the federal Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. There are no minutes for 1969, 1971-1972, or 1974-1977.
Hay River (NT)This fonds consists of a loose leaf diary of his trip to the NWT in 1929 and thirteen prospecting journals (field books). The diary consists of 25 loose leaf pages detailing Spud Arsenault's journey in 1929 to northern Alberta and the NWT. It includes descriptions of his travel by plane with Punch Dickens to the NWT including Fort Resolution and Fort Rae. The diary also includes descriptions of camp life, hunting, fishing, prospecting and work with Herb Dixon. The field books detail travel and prospecting activities in the Yellowknife area, the Great Bear Lake area, Watson Lake Yukon, northern Alberta and northern Saskatchewan with various mining companies from 1929-1946.
Arsenault, SpudThis fonds consists of 43 black and white photographic prints taken in and around Yellowknife. The images show people including James Ayrhart, his wife Doris McGill, Geddes Webster and Cam Wallbridge, as well as places in Yellowknife such as the Liquor Store, Mining Recorders Office and Yellowknife Hotel. There are also images of prospecting camps and various views of Mr. Ayrhart's DC3, the Yellowknife Express. Also included in the accession are two autobiographical accounts of some of Mr. Ayrhart's experiences in the Northwest Territories. One contains identifications for some of the photographs; the other concerns the purchase and sale of the Yellowknife Express.
Ayrhart, JamesThis fonds consists of 14.5 cm of textual material, 1828 colour negatives and one DVD video documenting Ryan Silke's visits to various mine sites and locations between 1999 and 2010 including: Miramar Con Mine, Giant Yellowknife Mines, BHP Ekati Mine, Ptarmigan Mine, Akaitcho Mine, Discovery Mine, Thompson Lundmark, Hidden Lake, Ruth Mine, Walsh Lake, Viking Mine, Diversified Mine, North Inca Mine, Atlas Camp, AES Shaft (Giant Mine), Colomac Mine, Tundra Mine and Gordon Lake, Jackknife Camp, Cemetery Draw, Pet Claims, Grayling Lake, Ranney Camp, Burwash Mine, Lynx Camp, Kam Lake Camp, Yellorex Camp, Prosperous Lake, Pensive Lake, the Yellowknife River, Ryan Lake area (Ryanor and Goldcrest camps, Island Lake Core rack, and Crestaurum Mine), Aye camp, Rich YK camp, Keg Lake, Banting Lake, Oro Lake and vicinity, Garskie's Mine (Old Parr), Diavik, Great Bear Lake, Kam Point and the Old Mink Farm, Rayrock Mine, and Wool Bay area. As well, he has documented the activities of the NWT Mining Heritage Society. Includes the report "Ryan Silke's Site Visit Reports and Photographic Collection 2002-2003, Archaeological Investigations and Mine Site Documentation". The reports, typically illustrated, often include a short historical background on the mine or area, the anticipated goals of the visit, a travelogue, a site investigation report, a report on the various buildings and structures remaining, a report on equipment and machinery, a list of items salvaged, colour photographs, a list a photo identifications, hand drawn maps of the site or area, hand-coloured diagrams, copies of aerial photographs, and hand drawn renderings of buildings or floor plans.
Silke, RyanThis fonds consists of 83 photographs primarily of Goldfields, Saskatchewan, Yellowknife and Gordon Lake. Images include the construction of Con Mine in Yellowknife and Camlaren Mines, Ltd. at Gordon Lake. Camp personnel are also featured. The photographs are arranged into four series: Goldfields, Saskatchewan; Yellowknife; Gordon Lake; and Miscellaneous.
Anderson, JackThis fonds consists of 12 purchase orders of the then named Eldorado Gold Mines Limited, dating from April 25 to November 23, 1939; and one manuscript, titled "The Eldorado Epidemiology Project Health Follow-Up of Eldorado Uranium Workers: Historical Description Appendices of Main Work Sites", Number 3, prepared for Eldorado Nuclear Limited, dated December 1982. The text is composed of four descriptions of events relating to Eldorado's history, by separate authors: E. H. (Ted) Nagle - "Gilbert Labine: Great Bear Lake 1929-30"; F. J. (Tiny) Peet - "Great Bear, Eldorado and Briefly Port Hope in the 1930s"; R. G. (Bob) Jenkins - "Port Radium and Beaverlodge"; and F. W. Melvanin - "The Port Hope Refinery." The 1939 purchase order book is annotated with the names of employees.
Eldorado Nuclear LimitedThe fonds consists of 23.5 cm of textual records and 117 maps created by Bear Exploration and Radium Limited in its exploration and development work in the gold mining industry around Yellowknife in the 1930s and 1940s. The records appear to be predominently those of BEAR's NWT Manager of Operations, Hugh Fraser, and include correspondence, reports, financial statements, drill records, licenses, payroll and employment records, prospector's agreements, assay certificates, certificates of work, and maps of maps of claims, drill holes, and geological features for several groups of claims in the Yellowknife area, including Jacknife, Yellowrex, Giant, Sevenore (Fort Rae Gold), Atlas, Admiral, Quyta, Greyling, G.E.M, Ace, Daw, Homer, Neptune, Turnback Lake, Akaitcho, Lucky, HGB, WO3, BYG, and Beulah Gold Mines.
Bear Exploration and Radium LimitedThis fonds consists of approximately 9 m of textual material and 12 colour photographic prints created by or related to the administration and operation of the Canadian Auto Workers Union Local 2304, formerly CASAW Local 4, in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Includes correspondence and reports originating from the Union's office, files relating to grievances, arbitration, the collective bargaining process with Giant Mine, joint occupational health and safety meeting minutes and case files, and legal documents largely related to the 1992 strike at the mine and subsequent civil lawsuits. Files relating to Giant Yellowknife Mines include correspondence, reports, policies and procedures, scientific studies relating to arsenic, cyanide, and asbestos, and operational records detailing the day to day operations of the mine. A separate set of records relate to the operation of the Salmita Mine, which was also owned by Giant.
Canadian Auto Workers, Local 2304This fonds consists of 71 photographs, 47 colour slides, one photocopy of a map showing the settlement of Hay River in 1945, 6 original sketch maps of various other communities also from 1945, and one report entitled "Report on Physical Geography Study of the Western Arctic, 1947." The photographs show various communities across the north including, Hay River, Fort Smith, Fort Simpson, Fort Providence, Pine Point, Tulita, Inuvik, Aklavik, Port Radium, Rankin Inlet and Yellowknife. The photographs of Hay River show dwellings and tents; however, there are also images of the meteorological station, airfield and Hudson's Bay Company. The images of Yellowknife are primarily aerial images of the town, images of Old Town, residential areas and places of business. There are also photographs of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) barracks, Con Mine, Gordon Lake Mine, Negus Mine and commercial gardens. The photographs of Port Radium show the Eldorado uranium mine. Other photographs show pipeline activity at Inuvik. The slides are also mainly aerial images, and document communities throughout the NWT and Nunavut, including Yellowknife, Fort Smith, Fort Good Hope, Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, Aklavik, Hay River and the Mackenzie river. Nunavut locations documented on slides include Cambridge Bay, Baffin Island, Mansel Island, Prince Charles Island, Boothia Peninsula and Arctic Bay. One colour slide is a picture of Tom Doornbos of Yellowknife, carrying his water pails. The report was generated from personal observations by Robinson during a visit to the western arctic in August of 1947. The majority of the report focuses on observations about Victoria Island, Prince of Wales Island, Somerset Island and the Boothia Peninsula; however, there are also notations concerning the topography from Yellowknife to Bathurst Inlet. The report includes a diary of the trip and contains discussions of the topography, mapping, geology, ice conditions, vegetation and animal life. The report was originally produced for the Federal Government, Lands and Development Services Branch, Northwest Territories and Yukon Services.
Robinson, J. LewisThis fonds consists of 118 black and white copy negatives. The images include locations such as Aklavik, Baker Lake, Bathurst Inlet, Chesterfield Inlet, Coppermine, Shingle Point (Yukon), and Herschel Island (Yukon). Images feature Inuit, buildings (including igloos), boats and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) personnel.
Cook, AlfredThis fonds consists of 152 photographs documenting Alma Guest's travels to and within the Northwest Territories. The images feature the construction, launch and voyages of the S.S. "Distributor," the fur trade, scenes and communities along the Slave and Mackenzie rivers and the Inuit, Gwich'in, Dogrib and Metis people. Communities depicted in the photographs include Fort Providence, Fort Smith, Fort Norman and Fort Resolution.
Guest, AlmaThis fonds consists of 2 cm of textual material relating to the operation of Alternatives North. Included in the textual material are a statement of principles, minutes, incoming and outgoing correspondence, members lists and pamphlets and flyers from Alternatives North. The records are dated from April to October 1977.
Alternatives North fondsThis fonds consists of approximately 11 photographs, 1 cm of textual records and 17 reels of microfilm of the Anglican Church of Canada, Diocese of the Arctic.
Two b&w photographic prints are portraits of Archdeacon Robert McDonald of Fort McPherson and Bishop Archibald Lang Fleming.
9 photographs are glass slides depicting people in Shingle Point and possibly Aklavik.
The textual records consist of one report by Canon Alfred J. Vale on his winter trip from Hay River to Fort Resolution in 1919; and a manuscript entitled "Memoranda of the Mission to the Mackenzie River Eskimo, 1895-1929". The manuscript is attributed to C.E. Whittaker and discusses the history of Anglican missions along the Mackenzie River including Fort Simpson, Fort McPherson, Aklavik, Herschel Island and missions in the Mackenzie Delta region. Also documented in the text are the arrivals and departures of various missionaries. A typed copy of the manuscript is retained on the accession file.
The microfilm represents approximately 4.5 meters of text dating from approximately 1927 to 1949. The records consist of files from Bishop A.L. Fleming's term as Bishop of the Arctic. They include: clergy files; women workers files; mission station files; and diocesan files. The clergy files include: correspondence, mission reports, requisitions, cables, architectural drawings, maps, statistical reports, photographs and other materials related to male mission workers. The women workers files include: mission reports, cables, candidate applications and statistical reports from women who worked as nurses, teachers, deaconesses and house matrons. The mission station files include: correspondence, annual reports, budgets, requisitions, architectural plans, statistical reports and photographs. The diocesan files include: correspondence, architectural plans, maps, minutes of the Arctic Mission Committee and subject files.
Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of the ArcticThis fonds consists of one photocopy of the typescript version of Alfred E. Preble's journal of his trip from Athabasca Landing to Fort Wrigley back to Athabasca Landing. Included in the journal are descriptions of the flora and fauna observed and collected. There are also descriptions of Fort Resolution, Hay River, Fort Simpson and people he met during the journey. Also included are some photocopies of black and white photos taken by Preble during this trip.
Preble, AlfredThis fonds consists of approximately 30 cm of textual material from the Arctic Public Legal Education and Information Society. The material dates from 1987-1996 and includes minutes of board meeting, minutes from the Annual General Meeting, annual budgets, auditor reports and staff reports about the activities of the organization. In addition, there is information about workshops and programs delivered by the organization.
Arctic Public Legal Education and Information SocietyThis fonds consists of approximately 1600 photographs. The majority of the images are 35 mm black and white negatives, however there are some colour slides. The images feature people and scenes in Fort Simpson, Snowdrift, Fort Norman and Fort Franklin. Many of the images are portraits of Dene people. There is also a series of colour slides showing a caribou being butchered. The fonds also includes a number of images of the Dene National General Assembly, held in Fort Good Hope, from July 22 to July 30, 1980.
Blondin, JohnThis fonds consists of a three page excerpt from Carroll's log on Fort Enterprise. It includes a sketch of the site. Fort Enterprise was built by Sir John Franklin during his 1870 expedition.
Carroll, JohnThis fonds consists of 271 photographs in print, slide and negative formats, approximately 25 cm of textual material and two audiocassettes. The photographs document the people and communities that Beryl Gillespie visited while doing fieldwork as an anthropologist for the University of Iowa. There are also photographs documenting the Mooseskin Boat Project, which was conducted in 1981 in which Beryl Gillespie participated. In addition, there is a typewritten account documenting her participation in the Mooseskin Boat project. The bulk of the textual material consists of copies of Gillespie's field notes from Fort Norman, Detah, Yellowknife, Rae, Fort Norman and Fort Franklin between 1968-1972. The field notes contain observations and stories collected from many individuals and families in those communities. In addition, there are ten hardcover journals that contain transcripts of entries from Hudson's Bay Company journals. The original journals are housed at the Hudson's Bay Company Archives. There are also three journals that contain entries from the Roman Catholic Church at Riviere Courtre Jaune [Yellowknife River] and from the Fort Norman Mission. This material is comprised of genealogical information, as well as marriage, death and baptismal data, from the 1800s through the 1930s. Some of the information from the journals is written in French. The two audiocassettes appear to contain interviews with Gabriel Etchinele from 1972 and a story told by Fred Andrew on October 25, 1972 about the Ehbaotine and Mountain Indian Conflict.
Gillespie, BerylThis fonds consists of 754 photographs, 95 postcards, 23 audio reels and 2 audio cassettes, 29 maps and 8.2 meters of textual records created and accumulated by Robert "Bobby" Porritt from the 1920s until his death in 1984. The records include correspondence, Porritt's notes, accounting records, banking records, other business records, records pertaining to the Northwest Territories Legislative Council (consisting primarily of copies), memorabilia, Jock McMeekan's records, a few annual reports and newsletters, some posters and ephemera, newspaper clippings, maps and plans, sound recordings, and photographs. In particular, the records document Porritt's occupational and political activities, his personal interests and his relationships with many friends and family members.
The correspondence, in particular is an excellent record of the economic, social and political aspects of life in Hay River from the late 1940s to the early 1980s. Porritt appears to have maintained intense personal contacts with the majority of the people in the Hay River area, including considerable correspondence with aboriginal hunters and trappers, who had become friends of Porritt. Also well documented is the Fort Resolution community in the 1930s, through correspondence and business records of the Fort Resolution Lumber Company. Since Porritt was Member of the Legislative Council for Mackenzie South, the records include correspondence with various other members of Council (e.g. Commissioner Ben G. Sivertz and John Goodall) and members of parliament. These letters contain discussion about political and bureaucratic issues facing Council before the move of the territorial government to Yellowknife in 1967. Unusually active in local organizations, Porritt's papers contain correspondence on behalf of these organizations. His interest in all aspects of his community, the north, and the world in general, are revealed in the magazines, ephemera, posters and other types of items he collected. The photographs taken and collected by Porritt cover a wide variety of subjects and dates. Photographs of family members, friends, business colleagues, communities and special interests such as aircraft and marine transportation are predominating.
In 1986, the NWT Archives received some 70 linear meters of records of Bobby Porritt, which included newspapers and government publications. Although the records had survived a flood and subsequent repacking, virtually no original order was discernible. Arrangement of series is by type of record, with the correspondence arranged in somewhat more detail than most other series. The photographs were sorted according to several subject categories.
Porritt, Bobby