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This accession consists of two copies of the agreement, dated 20 September 1986, to establish Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve. One copy of the agreement was signed in the park at Tanquary Fiord; the other was signed at Resolute. The signed agreements are stored in their original official folders. Also included in this accession are 9 colour photographic prints documenting the community of Resolute, the signing of the agreement, images of Tanquary Fiord and post signing festivities at Resolute.

Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Tourism and Parks division

Included among the files is information concerning the development of a tourism strategy for the Northwest Territories, pamphlets outlining fishing and hunting regulations, reports on Commissioners' tours, general information about the communities and attractions in the Northwest Territories. The records were produced by the Government of the Northwest Territories, the federal government, outfitters, tour operators and lodges concerned with promoting travel in the Northwest Territories.

Records are from the Tourism series (61 Block) of the Central Registry system and include files on the development of the tourism industry in the Northwest Territories, such as administration, promotion, research and development. The files include copies of the Explorer's Guide, and records related to promotion efforts, fishing and hunting lodges.

The records include files from the Directorate series (60 Block) of the Central Registry filing system and include policy files, organization and evaluation files, training files, long-range planning files, reports for headquarters and regional offices, conference and committee files, settlement files, materials related to the Council of the Northwest Territories and Commissioners tours. In addition, there are records relating to organizations involved in economic development in the north and files related to the Mackenzie Highway Committee and the Mackenzie Pipeline initiative.

Northwest Territories. Department of Industry and Development (1967-1973)

Records include files from the Employment Division series (67 Block) of the Central Registry filing system and include committee records, community employment files, liaison with local industry files, liaison with other government agencies, local initiatives program files, Inuit relocation files, apprenticeship program files, Manpower Needs Committee files, Employment of Native Northerners files, training programme files and monthly regional reports.

Northwest Territories. Department of Local Government (1967-1986)

Records are from the Central Registry system, Economic and Industrial Series (62 Block) and include files relating to Co-operatives, Arts and Crafts, Business Development, Foods, Settlements, Project Operations, Companies, Forestry, Marketing, Agricultural and Industrial Development and Financial Planning.

Records include settlement files and files relating to departmental administration from the Directorate series (60 Block); files relating to camps and lodges from the Tourism series (61 Block); files relating to the operations of co-ops and arts and crafts projects, from the Economic and Industrial series (62 Block); and files documenting applications to the Eskimo Loan Fund from the Loans and Grants series (69 block). The bulk of the records concern the Keewatin region. These records were originally part of the Central Registry system and primarily administered by the Department of Industry and Development. The majority of the records were created by the Department of Industry and Development (1967-1972) and the Department of Economic Development (1973-1976), with the exception of the Eskimo Loan Fund files which were created by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism (1977-1995).

Records include policy files, reports and studies, correspondence, and case files related to tourism, co-ops, arts and crafts, community stores and other business, and loan programs. The files were held by the Central Registry and include some records created by the department's predecessors, including the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Industry and Development, and records from the federal government.

Records include meeting minutes, correspondence, and brochures from the NWT Hotels Association, Keewatin Tourism Committee, Northern Frontier Country Tourism Committee and the Arctic Coast Tourism Zone Association.

Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Tourism and Parks division

Records include files related to policy, public relations, and departmental organization; licensing of tourist lodges and outfitters; production and marketing of arts and crafts; and industrial establishments such as sawmills and the Hay River Furniture Plant. The files were managed by the Central Registry. Some records were created by the department's predecessors: the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Industry and Development, and related federal programs.

Records include files related to strategic planning, policy development, decentralization efforts, assistance to businesses, the Canada-NWT Economic Development Agreement, and planning for a credit union for the NWT. Also included are records from the Department of Renewable Resources, including departmental planning, funding agreements, and records related to forest fire management.

Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Directorate

Records include audit files related to Economic Development Agreement (EDA) contributions, as well as records related to the NWT Business Development Corporation and the NWT Business Credit Corporation. The accession also includes a file from the Department of Renewable Resource regarding the transfer of the Forestry program from the federal government.

Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Directorate

Records include Explorers Guides, issues of NWT Tourism Today magazine, and other promotional material and booklets related to canoeing, trail hiking, and parks. Some records were created while the division was part of the Department of Economic Development, and some were produced by arm's length agencies such as TravelArctic.

Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Tourism and Parks division
G-2003-015 · Accession · 1970-1996 (predominant 1988-1996)
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism fonds

Records include correspondence, designs, reports, contracts, and financial information relating to the development of signage, displays at visitor centres, and facilities at territorial parks.

Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Tourism and Parks division