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285 · Fonds · 1918, [194- to 197-]

This collection consists of copies of 282 photographs in print and negative format, 107 audio recordings and one folder of textual material collected by the Gwich'in Language and Cultural Project in 1983 and 1984. The photographs were loaned to the project by Fort McPherson residents: Effie Thomas, Doris Lester, Mary Wilson, Laura Firth, Mary Jane Kunnizzi, Mary Francis, Louise Snowshoe, Tabitha Nerysoo, and the Chief Julius School. The original images appear to date from the 1940s to the 1970s and feature people and locations in the Fort McPherson area. Most of the audio recordings are from the Committee for Original Peoples' Entitlement (COPE) collection, except for 18 recordings identified as "Land Research Series." All recordings date from 1972 to 1977. The two items of textual material were collected from the Chief Julius School, and along with photographs, made up part of a booklet produced for a class history project. The items are a copy of a 1918 letter from Reverend Alfred J. Vale, and a copy of the poem "The Mackenzie River Band." A photocopy of the booklet is available

Gwich'in Language and Cultural Project
Heather Metcalfe fonds
288 · Fonds · 1995

This fonds consists of 2 C-60 audiocassettes and 4 pages of text. The 2 audiocassette recordings contain an interview conducted by Heather Metcalf with Johnny Eyakfwo, a Dogrib elder. Francis Blackduck was the translator. The purpose of the interview was to record Dogrib traditional place names. The accession also includes a list of the place names recorded, English translations and official names. The Dogrib names are spelled using the standardized Dogrib orthography.

Metcalfe, Heather
George Blondin fonds
291 · Fonds · 1981, 1996, 2000

This fonds consists of stories and writings from George Blondin, a Sahtu Dene elder. The stories and writings relate to traditional medicine, medicine power, Yamoga, Yamoria, the Giant Wolverine, and wolverine medicine power.

Blondin, George
295 · Fonds · 1908-1978

The textual records are comprised of journals kept by Captain Lewis Royal Morton's during his travels along the Mackenzie and Athabasca Rivers, letters of reference, newspaper clippings of the tug 'Mabel's' freezing in on the Athabasca River and subsequent court case, and a 1938 Welding Review with story on 'Radium Queen' and 'Radium King'. There are also documents pertaining to his service with the Royal Engineers during World War I. The photographs are primarily of Northern Transportation Company and Hudson's Bay Company steamers that traveled the waterways of the Northwest Territories and northern Alberta.

Morton, Captain Lewis Royal
324 · Fonds · 1978-1979

This fonds consists of approximately 4 cm of textual material produced by the Status of Women Committee and the ad hoc committee. The materials include: minutes of meetings; correspondence; copies of department submissions; recommendations of ad hoc committee members; a copy of the Plan of Action report and the response of the Executive; and materials from the "Breaking New Ground" Conference.

Northwest Territories. Status of Women Committee (1976-1979?)
328 · Fonds · 1971-1984

This fonds consists of 1 cm of textual material comprised of one report prepared for the Northern Canada Power Commission in 1984 entitled "A Natural Boundary to Divide the Northwest Territories" and a copy of "NicPic News". The report examined a number of issues concerning the division of the Northwest Territories including: topography, natural resources and patterns of traditional use. "Nicpic News", the official newspaper of the Northern Canada Power Commission, is dated 1971, and reports on activities, programmes and staff happenings in the Northern Canada Power Commission.

Northwest Territories Power Corporation (1988-present)
330 · Fonds · 1963-1971

This fonds consists of 1.5 meters of textual material. The records include 1.3 meters of text from the Central Registry system (80 Block, 81 Block, 82 Block and 85 Block), dating from 1963 to 1971. These records cover a variety of topics including: directives and policies; arrangements for Council sessions; travel for Council members; Territorial Legislation Policy; elections, monthly reports from the regions; staff meeting; and ordinances. This fonds also contains reports from the 1970 and 1971 surveys conducted by the Labour Division and a booklet produced by the Department of the Territorial Secretary explaining Project Surname. The booklet was authored by Abe Okpik, the Project Director, with an introduction by Commissioner Hodgson. Three copies of the booklet are available, one in English, one in syllabics and one in Roman orthography Inuktitut.

Northwest Territories. Department of the Territorial Secretary (1967-1971)
331 · Fonds · 1899-2014, predominant 1955-2014

This fonds consists of records documenting the activities of the Department of the Executive in the functional areas of leadership of the GNWT and support to Cabinet, oversight of the GNWT’s regional operations, indigenous and intergovernmental relations, human resource planning, and gender equity. There are also records from the Audit Bureau and the Bureau of Statistics, as well as publications and records of several special projects undertaken by the department.

Government leadership

Records from the Directorate include meeting minutes, correspondence, and other materials from interdepartmental Deputy Ministers’ committees, including the Social Agenda and the Committee for Aboriginal Rights, as well as meeting materials for the Department of the Executive Senior Management Committee, the Special Joint Committee on Non-Tax-Based Community Affairs, and the Special Committee on the Implementation of Self-Government and the Sunset Clause, and the Public Committees, Boards and Councils Handbook. There are also transcripts of meetings of the Electoral Boundaries Commission held in several NWT communities in 1989 and community reports, meeting minutes and files pertaining to community transfers generated by various regional GNWT departments throughout the NWT, including Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk, Tuktoyaktuk, and Arctic Red River (now Tsiigehtchic).

Records from the Cabinet Secretariat include minutes, agendas, and other materials from interdepartmental Deputy Ministers’ committees, including the Division Review Committee. There are also reports commissioned by the Corporate Review and Transition Project in 2002-2004, along with departmental responses to the review and recommendations. Files from the Protocol section document the 1994 Royal Visit and 2004 Deputy Commissioner's swearing-in ceremony.

The fonds includes chronos of the Government Leader/Premier and the Deputy Minister/Secretary to Cabinet, originating from both of the above divisions. There are also chronos of ministers holding various portfolios, particularly from the Minister of Renewable Resources, and files containing correspondence between officials of the Executive and the federal government.

Records from the Corporate Communications division include Senior Management Committee records, Deputy Ministers' Steering Committee on Trademark and Copyright Policy records, GNWT-wide communications plans and strategies, workshop material, related job descriptions, records relating to the Visual Identity Program, and briefing binders.

Records from the Legislation and House Planning division include Cabinet House Strategy and session preparation files, briefing materials for MLAs, legislative agendas and files related to the development of legislation, materials from the Legislation and House Planning Committee, and results of the Legislative Review Survey conducted by the Division Review Committee in preparation for the creation of Nunavut. The records date from the 11th through to the 15th Legislative Assembly.

Records from the Priorities and Planning Secretariat relate to GNWT policy and program development, land claims issues, parks development, Constitutional development, decentralization and natural resource projects. Some of these records are meeting minutes, correspondence and records of decision produced by the Priorities and Planning Committee, a committee within the secretariat which reviewed initiatives, policies and programs before they were put before the Executive Members and the Executive Council as a whole. There is also a report from the Program, Policy and Planning Division entitled "Government as Communicator."

Records from the Executive Secretariat date from 1967-68 and consist of copies of the transfer guideline documents concerning the formal transfer of responsibilities to the Government of the Northwest Territories and a copy of a Task Force Report on the organization of the Northwest Territories Public Service.

Regional operations

Records from the Regional Operations division consist primarily of minutes from settlement and hamlet meetings in the Mackenzie Delta, Western Arctic, Baffin and Great Bear Lake regions, monthly reports from regions and specific communities, minutes of regional council meetings, and records from regional associations such as the Keewatin Organizational Committee, Regional Management Committee in Inuvik, and the Inuvik Regional Health Board. There are also files relating to resource development projects, including the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, Nanisivik Mines, Polar Gas Project and Beaufort Delta Oil Project.

Records from the Corporate Services Division are primarily from the Keewatin Region and consist of minutes of meetings from the Executive Committee, Regional Director's Meetings, Annual Management Meetings, Senior Management Committee Meetings, various hamlet meetings and board meetings. Furthermore, there are minutes from the following Regional Councils: Baffin Regional Council, South Slavey Regional Council, North Slavey Regional Council, Deh Cho Regional Council, Shihita Regional Council, Kitikmeot Regional Council and the Keewatin Regional Council. There are also files relating to Commissioner's Tours and Ministerial Tours of the Baffin and Keewatin Regions. Records from the Finance and Administration section consist of policy and planning files and records relating to Regional Decentralization.

In addition, the fonds includes files containing correspondence from Regional Administrators concerning the administration and implementation of the Liquor Ordinance and alcohol abuse problems at Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit). There are also reports dating from 1971-1973 about the community of Port Burwell and the Kennuayuak Association .

Aboriginal affairs, intergovernmental relations, and strategic planning

Records from the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat and its successor, the Ministry of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs, date predominantly from 1974-1996. These records relate to land claims, including the Inuvialuit (COPE), Dene/Metis, Sahtu, Gwich'in, Tlicho, Deh Cho, Denesuline, Makivik, Hay River Dene, and Treaty 8 organizations, and the creation of Nunavut. The records also document self-government by Indigenous groups (including the creation of the Western Arctic Region Municipality (WARM) or Western Arctic Regional Government (WARG)), constitutional development (including involvement with the Constitutional Alliance and Western Constitutional Forum), intergovernmental relations, and devolution of airports, land, water, and resource management from the Federal government (see also Office of Devolution).

The fonds also includes newsletters and reports created by the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat and Equal Employment Directorate. The newsletters consist of 10 issues of Building Blocks, and discuss varied issues of devolution and compensation. There are three reports on equal employment, dating from the mid-1980s.

Records from the Office of Devolution date from 1993-2014, documenting negotiations between the GNWT and federal government over the devolution of lands and resources and implementation of the devolution agreement. Records include correspondence, committee records, briefing materials, reports, and communication plans.

Records from the Strategic Planning division and its predecessor, Intergovernmental Relations and Strategic Planning (IGRASP), include briefing packages, minutes, and other materials related to a variety of meetings and projects. These include meetings between the Premier and federal ministers, other Premier meetings, Intergovernmental and Arctic Circle meetings, and the Deputy Ministers’ Senior Management Committee, as well as planning materials for the National Aboriginal Women’s Summit (NAWS II). There are records from the Boards and Agencies review in 2004-2006, including meeting minutes, agendas, reports, drafts, and interviews with departments and agencies. Also included are files on the Living History Project, a project to reflect and celebrate NWT progress since the Berger Inquiry, and one file which outlines the activities and strategies of the Social Envelope section in 1997-1998. There are also files related to departmental policies and a proposed reorganization of intergovernmental affairs functions.

Human resource planning

Records from the Personnel Secretariat Division include reviews of personnel policies, reports on conferences, workshops and seminars, files on employment equity, the decentralization of the Highway Transport Board and Liquor Licensing Board and several files on the restructuring of various GNWT departments.

Records from the Corporate Human Resources division comprise annual reports on the Affirmative Action Policy for the GNWT, an evaluation report and guidelines for the Northern Graduate Employment Program, reviews of staffing services and employee benefit administration at departments and agencies, and a file relating to the creation and organization of the division.

Women’s Advisory

Records from the Women’s Advisory include reports, decision papers, briefing notes, correspondence, and policy statements documenting the roles and responsibilities of the Women’s Advisory, its relationship to the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, the restructuring of the Women’s Advisory in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the 5-year Action Plan on Equality for Women, and the implementation of Gender Based Analysis. There are also reports from the Status of Women Committee and from organizations funded by the Women’s Advisory, including the Status of Women Council, the Native Women's Association, the Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association and the Women's Community Action Team.

The fonds also contains two audio reels dating from 1974-1975, including a panel discussion on the Status of Women as a lead up to the International Year of Women (1975) and an NWTCC board meeting discussing housing, waste management, air transportation, and business/government relations.

Audit Bureau, Bureau of Statistics, special projects and publications

Records from the Audit Bureau consist of audit files for various Hamlets, Hunters and Trappers Associations and craft shops, as well as files relating to Audit Committee Meetings, Manager's Reports and organization charts.

Records from the Bureau of Statistics include population statistic and projection reports, Yellowknife apartment surveys, spatial price surveys, food price surveys, personal income statistics, labour force surveys, census results, a report on interprovincial/territorial trade and a business directory. It also includes an incomplete collection of volumes of the Statistics Quarterly, from volumes 1 through 26.

Also in this fonds are records generated by the History of Education Project that was undertaken by Norman McPherson and resulted in a book on the history of education in the Northwest Territories (Dreams and Visions: Education in the Northwest Territories from the Early Days to 1984). The records consist of original files and copies of reports from schools in many communities throughout the Northwest Territories, as well as copies of transcripts from oral history interviews.

There are also eight audiocassettes and a fifteen page summary report of a Traditional Knowledge Elders gathering held in October of 1993 at Fort Providence.

The fonds also includes a small group of miscellaneous documents and reports relating to auditing, management, cross-cultural training, the Beaufort Sea Drilling Program, and research subject headings.

Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive (1967-2017)
426 · Fonds · 1926-2018, predominant 1993-2018

This fonds consists of records documenting the activities of the Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute from its establishment in 1993 until its transition into the Gwich’in Tribal Council’s Department of Cultural Heritage in 2016. The fonds includes some records of the Department of Cultural Heritage from 2016 until 2018. The material has been arranged into 38 series based on seven functional categories:

  • Administration includes nine series documenting the governance and administration of the GSCI. The series included in this category are Gwich’in Tribal Council (426-S01); Governance (426-S02); Executive Director (426-S03); Research Director and General Administrative Materials (426-S04); Finance (426-S05); Correspondence (426-S06); Gwich’in Organizations, Communities and Events (426-S07); Other Organizations, Institutions and Associations (426-S08); and Website (426-S09). These series include meeting packages and minutes; strategic planning materials including GSCI’s five-year plans; annual reports; GSCI Executive Director files from 2004-2016; office, staff, project and other general administrative materials; financial statements and reporting materials; funding proposals, applications, reports, contribution agreements and service contracts; correspondence files; meeting materials, minutes, reports, proposals, presentation materials and informational materials related to Gwich’in and non-Gwich’in organizations, institutions and associations; website planning materials including funding applications, contribution agreements, financial statements and content planning materials; and general correspondence within each series.
  • Consultation with Government includes three series documenting GSCI’s consultation and interaction with the federal and territorial governments. The series included in this category are Government of Canada (426-S10), Government of the Northwest Territories (426-S11) and Government of Yukon (426-S12). These series include correspondence; proposals; reports; funding proposals and reporting materials; workshop and presentation materials; informational materials; and curriculum planning and development materials.
  • Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Policy and Regulation includes three series documenting the GSCI’s work in traditional knowledge policy development, land use planning and management and permitting and licensing. The series included in this category are Traditional Knowledge Policy (426-S13); Land Use Planning and Management (426-S14); and Researchers, Permits, Licences and Use Agreements (426-S15). These series include correspondence; proposals; funding and financial materials; workshop and presentation materials; discussion papers; reference materials; reports; policy copies; permit and licence applications and reports; research and data-sharing agreements; researcher files; and project materials provided to GSCI by researchers including planning materials, interview materials, photographs, videos and films, theses, reports and articles.
  • Repatriation includes two series documenting the GSCI’s work in repatriating Gwich’in heritage materials and knowledge through a number of projects. The series included in this category are Gwich’in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project (426-S16) and Repatriation Projects (426-S17). These series consist of project, planning and produced records including correspondence; funding proposals, contribution agreements and terms of reference; reports; copies of publications; audio and video recordings; and photographs, slides and negatives.
  • Recognition of Historic and Cultural Sites includes three series documenting the GSCI’s work for the recognition, protection and management of Gwich’in historic and cultural sites. The series included in this category are Gwich’in Territorial Park (426-S18); Burial Sites (426-S19); and Historic Sites and Heritage Rivers (426-S20). The series include correspondence; materials related to the GSCI’s work in developing a vision and management plan for the Gwich’in Territorial Park including terms of reference, meeting materials, planning materials and copies of the management plan; funding materials, reports, maps and audio recordings from projects GSCI conducting in the Gwich’in Territorial Park; GTC Burial Site Guidelines; notes and information from the Tsiigehtchic Graveyard Mapping Project; and materials related to the nomination and management of national and territorial historic sites and heritage rivers including nomination applications, funding materials and service contracts; interview recordings and transcripts; photographs; unveiling ceremony materials; and draft management plans.
  • Research and Programs includes 17 series documenting the GSCI’s research projects, programming and activities. These series include project, planning and produced materials, place name database and online mapping materials, conference materials and reference materials. The series included in the category are Oral History and Place Names Projects and Activities (426-S21); Archaeology (426-S22); Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board Traditional Knowledge Work (426-S23); Gwich’in Traditional Knowledge of the Mackenzie Gas Project Area (426-S24); Arctic Red River Headwaters Projects (426-S25); Elder’s Biography Project (426-S26); Gwichya Gwich’in Googwandak (426-S27); Tsiigehtchic Genealogy Workshop (426-S28); Gwich’in Ethnobotany (426-S29); Committee for Original Peoples’ Entitlement (COPE) Recordings (426-S30); Other GSCI Projects (426-S31); Partner Projects (426-S32); Archival Projects (426-S33); Science and Culture Camps (426-S34); Non-Project Publications and Posters (426-S35); Conferences, Workshops and Meetings (426-S36); and Reference Collection (426-S37). These series include correspondence; funding, financial and budget materials; project proposals interview materials; field notes; workshop and presentation materials; reports; GSCI publications including books, articles, brochures and posters; photographs, slides and negatives; audio and video recordings; transcripts; programming materials for science and culture camps; materials related to the documentation, preservation and update of the GSCI’s archival material; conference materials, notes and presentations; and reference materials including books, reports, journals, articles, research manuals, non-GSCI language materials and Gwich’in historical materials.
  • Language includes one series documenting the GSCI’s language work and activities outside of research projects. This series is titled Language Work (426-S38) and documents GSCI’s work and relationship with the Gwich’in Language Centre, the development of the Gwich’in Language Plan, GSCI language workshops and projects, and language materials produced by the GSCI. This series includes correspondence; funding and budget materials; workshop materials; immersion camp materials; and dictionary copies, language class materials and other language materials.
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute
Glick family fonds
429 · Fonds · 1925-1996, 2007

This fonds documents three generations of the Glick family over the course of the twentieth century: Jacob Isaac (J.I.) Glick and Sadie Glick, their son Harold Glick, his wife Zelda (Vinsky) Glick, and their children Leah, Murray, Jeffrey, and Marilyn Glick.

The records in Series 1-7 and 11 were predominantly created and maintained by Jacob Isaac Glick between 1925 and 1973. The records in Series 1 relate to his work as a fur trader and prospector in northern Ontario, his criminal trials and incarceration, and his military service during the Second World War. Series 2, 3, 4, 6, and 11 his postwar business activities in Yellowknife, including the Veterans Restaurant (Veterans Café), Central Real Estate, the Gold Range Hotel, Premier Electrical, Lizel Holdings, and La Gondola Restaurant. Series 5 and 7 document his personal and political activities and perspectives, including his membership in the Yellowknife Town Council and the Northwest Territories Progressive Conservative Association.

The records in Series 8-12 were predominantly created and maintained by J.I. Glick’s son Harold Glick between 1955 and 2007. They document local business activities including Yellowknife Radio Ltd, Williams Electronics, Lizel Holdings, the 50-50 mini mall, and mining interests, as well as travels and international trips taken by the Glick family through their work with YK Radio.

Records in Series 13-15 document the personal (non-business) life of the Glick family. The records in Series 13 document the personal life of the Glick family, including correspondence between family members and from friends and family across Canada and internationally. Records also include sound recordings made by family members in Montreal for J.I. Glick and Sadie Glick in Yellowknife, as well as recordings of an interview (oral history) with Harold Glick by his grandson Jeremy Glick in 2007. Series 14 includes extensive documentation of schooling in Yellowknife in the 1960s-1980s, including yearbooks and school newsletters distributed by Yellowknife Public School, William McDonald Junior High, St Patrick’s High School, and Sir John Franklin Territorial High School. Also included is some documentation of extracurricular activities of the Glick children from the 1960s-1980s. Series 15 contains a collection of souvenirs maintained by the Glick family, including programs and flyers from community, musical and sporting events held in Yellowknife, as well as NWT tourism guides, and souvenirs from trips abroad.

437 · Fonds · [ca. 1974-1980]

The fonds consists of records created by the federal Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Lands and Forest Service prior to responsibility for forests being transferred to the territorial government in 1987.

The records include a forest inventory of the Slave River Valley, a binder on Fireline Organization, and fire prevention posters featuring the mascot Tuktu.

Northwest Lands and Forest Service
Ernest Milton Johnston fonds
427 · Fonds · 1920-1968

This fonds consists of records collected or created by Ernest Milton “Milt” Johnston during his prospecting career. The records are a mix of personal and professional, including personal correspondence with his wife Dorothy, as well as records relating to his prospecting work with CM&S, and his professsional memberships.

Johnston, Ernest Milton
Rene Fumoleau fonds
12 · Fonds · [192-?-2000]

This fonds consists of approximately 15,538 photographs in various formats such as slides, prints and negatives, approximately 37 cm of text, 2 DAT audio cassettes, 25 audio reels, 6 films, 3 BetaCam videocassettes, 43 posters, 12 drawings and 2 maps. The photographic material dates between the late 1950s to 1995 and contains images of various communities and daily life of the Dene people of the North and South Slave regions. Eighteen photographs of Fort Good Hope collected by the donor likely date from the 1920s. By media type, there are roughly 10,700 colour slides, 1800 b/w negatives and 3000 colour negatives. The fonds also includes one colour print of Rene sitting on his snowmobile, which was later donated to the Collections section of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The textual material consists of the unedited, penultimate draft of the manuscript for "As Long As This Land Shall Last: A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939," which contains more detail than the published text. Also included are two transcripts of interviews conducted between Rene Fumoleau and Paul Vaudrack, a Gwich'in man. The first, a 25 page (3 mm) transcript of an interview conducted in French in 1955, concerns the Gwich'in equivalent of the Yamoria legend. The second, from October 1968 and typewritten in English, depicts Gwich'in life in the early-twentieth century. This manuscript discusses the influence of the English language, residential schools, and the outbreaks of influenza at that time. The bulk of the textual material are copies of court proceedings from the Benoit v. R. case of the late 1990s relating to Treaty 8 and a copy of the thesis dissertation by Marine Le Puloch entitled 'Le Traite no. 8 au Canada, beneficiaires et exclus' (1999), also relating to Treaty 8. There are 25 audio reels and 2 DAT audiocassettes that contain audio from "My Country, My People," "I Was Born Here" and "Dene Nation." In addition, the sound recordings contain music from "Our Land, Our Life," drum music from Fort Good Hope recorded in the 1957, Dene songs, Hareskin language and messages from the people of Fort Good Hope to friends and relatives in the hospital in Aklavik. There are 3 copies of the film entitled "Dene Nation" and 3 copies of the film "I Was Born Here", one of which is in French, entitled "Mon pays est ma vie". There are also 3 corresponding archival master BetaCam videocassettes for the films. The remaining material consists of 43 posters and 2 maps that date between 1977-1985. The posters relate to Native Rights, land claims, and Native Organizations such as the Dene Nation. There are also two maps entitled Canada's First People's and Centennial Map of the Northwest Territories. The fonds includes transcripts from eight interviews condcuted by Jane Kenny in 1984 with elders from Deline and documents related to the first two meetings of the Thebacha Association in 1967.

Fumoleau, Rene
2 · Fonds · 1947-1986

This fonds consists of 60 cm of textual business records from the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce, which was also called the Yellowknife Board of Trade. The records date from 1947 through 1986 and include minutes from the Chamber of Commerce, project files, briefs prepared and presented on behalf of its members on topics such as taxation, winter roads, water and railway transportation, community development and road construction. There are also correspondence files containing letters to and from people interested in employment opportunities and living conditions in Yellowknife, as well as newspaper clippings about the activities of the Chamber of Commerce. In addition, there are three black and white photographs from a Chamber of Commerce dinner that took place in 1969.

Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce
60 · Fonds · [1890]-1970

This fonds consists of 171 copy negatives of prints that were contained in photo albums. The images include: views of the Fort Providence mission buildings; class photographs; portraits of Oblate missionaries and Grey Nuns; general views of Fort Providence; and construction activities. The images were copied and the original albums were returned to the Grey Nuns.

Catholic Mission (Fort Providence, NT)
Fred Jackson fonds
33 · Fonds · 1919-1945

This fonds consists of 262 photographs, a 1921 article written by Fred Jackson for the Hudson's Bay Company publication "The Beaver" about the first planes in Fort Simpson, notes by John Berens on the 1924 wreck of the "S.S. Northland Trader" and barge "Bell Rock" and Jackson's 1921 radiotelegraphy (telegraph) licence. The photographs include two albums titled "From the Land of the Midnight Sun" and feature various Dene and Inuit communities in northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Also featured are steam ships, the Hay River Mission and school children.

Jackson, Fred
Albert Faille fonds
38 · Fonds · [1940]-1973

The textual material includes correspondence from Albert Faille's son, a Nahanni Safaris brochure, and certificates belonging to Albert Faille. The photographs include images of the Nahanni Region, Albert Faille, Jean and Hal Bennett and Faille's son.

Faille, Albert
June Helm fonds
21 · Fonds · [180-?]-2003

The fonds consists of six series: Correspondence; Printed Material - Works by Helm; Printed Material - Works by others; Research and field notes; Photographs; and, Sound Recordings.

Helm, June
Elizabeth Cass fonds
102 · Fonds · 1959-1960, [1980?]

This fonds consists of one DAT audio cassette and 5 cm of textual material. The DAT audio cassette contains a recording of Dr. Cass in early 1980, dictating letters for her secretary. She discusses her health and her recent trip to Brazil with the International Society of Geographic Opthalmology. The textual material consists of transcripts that contain Dr. Cass' personal observations on the Gwich'in. These observations were made in 1959. Her recollections cover such topics as puberty, religious beliefs, burial customs, personal hygiene, marriage, music and dancing. She has also recorded many of the Gwich'in stories and legends that were related to her by such individuals as Paul Bonnetplume (Aklavik), Annie McPherson (Fort McPherson), Peter Lord (Old Crow, Yukon), Lazarus Sittichinli, Peter Moses and Edward Snowshoe. Although many of the legends relate to medicine men, Dr. Cass also recounts stories about the Willow Man, the Ungrateful Indian, Sakeethuck the "Trickster," the Crow Who Lost His Beak, the Lazy Boy, three stories about Bushmen [Hare and Slavey Indians] and a two hour saga about two brothers as told to her by Edward Snowshoe. The remaining textual material consists of reports written by Dr. Elizabeth Cass. The reports examine blindness and eye problems amongst children and adults in the Northwest Territories. There are charts and graphs included in the reports.

Cass, Elizabeth
Robert Bouchard fonds
103 · Fonds · [1950-1956]

This fonds consists of 81 cm of records created by Robert Bouchard. Although the records are mainly his client files, some of his personal business records are included. The papers include legal actions for murder, rape, incest, divorce, maintenance, transfers of mining claims, and various motor vehicle offenses. Each file appears to contain copies of related incoming and outgoing correspondence, including Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) reports. There are also a number of transcripts of murder trials held in the NWT. The papers have been arranged into three series: client files; community files; and administration and miscellaneous files.

Bouchard, Robert