Alexis Arrowmaker is interviewed on the topic of making fish nets. Interviews are in Tlicho (Dogrib).
Madeline Judas is interviewed on the topic of making dog whips. Interviews are in Tlicho (Dogrib).
Leonard Fish is interviewed on the topic of making bone scrapers. Interviews are in Tlicho (Dogrib).
An interview with Joe Pea'a. Topics discussed include religion. Interviews are in Tlicho (Dogrib).
An interview with Joe Pea'a. Interview in Tlicho (Dogrib).
An interview and prayer with Joe Pea'a. Interview in Tlicho (Dogrib).
Rae [Behchoko] Dogrib [Tlicho] Tea Dance, feast, speeches, songs continued
[Behchoko] Rae. Morning conference of men at Chief Jimmy Bruno's house before Treaty meeting of 1967. 2 items.
Fort Resolution. Isadore Edjericon
Fort Resolution. Chipewyan kin terms.
Rae [Behchoko]. Naidzo session. 2 items.
Rae [Behchoko]. Dogrib [Tlicho] paradigms for linguist Robert Howren thru "after sleep, will saw wood'
Rae [Behchoko]. Detah [Dettah]. Fort Franklin [Deline] (Naidzo?). Elizabeth Mackenzie (Rae) three songs, general conversation-some on Mountain Indians. Grammatical exercise: Elizabeth Mackenzie; Alizetta Crapeau (Detah) last few Helen Tobie (Detah).
Rae [Behchoko]. Dogrib [Tlicho] Vital Thomas: First Treaty at Rae. Susie Abel - First Treaty at Fort Resolution.
Re-recording at University of Iowa. The story of Edzo and Akaitcho (and conversations) recorded on Jan 29, 1969 at the house of David Wetade in Rae [Behchoko].
Interview with Charles Reiach, a trader who worked for the Hudson's Bay Company and lived in the Northwest Territories in the late 1920s and 1930s. Topics discussed include the use of schooners on the Mackenzie River, the village of Kittiagsauit, Baille Island, whaling, the salvage operation for the "James," a journey from Herschel Island in 1934, and a recounting of a legend that involved a massacre that occurred at Arctic Red River.