Masonic Lodge [Group of men posing in church basement, December 1968]
Peace River Electric [Portrait of man]
Peace River Electric [Portrait of man]
Pysmenny [Mrs? Portrait of a woman 1968]
[Justice of the Peace Convention. Men holding picture. Mr. Justice W.G. Morrow is shown (left) accepting from Mr. A.E. Williams a portrait of Mr. Justice E. L. Welmore, one of the first judges in the North. The historic photograph will hang in the Courthouse in Yellowknife News of the North, May 2, 1968]
[Two airplanes, one a Wardair Twin Otter rammed into the right side of a Northwest Territorial Single Otter, dock in Old Town Yellowknife 1968]
Yellowknife Bar [Group of lawyers and judges in robes. Back row: Frank Smith, Ted Williams, David Searle, Brian Purdy, Orville Troy, Mark de Weerdt, Malcolm Fraser. Front row: William Morrow, Peter Parker. 1968]
Yellowknife Minor hockey [Young boys, all holding trophies, 1968][Yellowknife Minor Hockey Association award night. Back row: Greg Vaydik, Wayne Jeske, Dale Jeske, Victor Mercredi. Front row: Trevor Teed, Mike Mamchur, Brent Piwowar, Ronny Williams, Robert Taggart, Ray Case, Ronald Majacich [Majaesic], Roger Fraser. (News of the North, May 16, 1968)]
Yellowknife Inn [Exterior of building on 50 Avenue, Laing building under construction]]
Yellowknife Inn [Group of people at event, one standing on chair with microphone, 1968][Grand Opening of YK Inn expansion. The Deputy-Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, John Parker, addresses guests at the Yellowknife Inn's gala opening arty Saturday night. J.B. Cross (right) and Donald Cross of Territorial Hotels Ltd. stand behind Mr. Parker, News of the North September 19,1968]
John Anderson-Thomson
Arthur Laing Building [Exterior, Yellowknife 1969]
Arthur Laing Building [Opening, temporary satge with Commissioner Stuart Hodgson, dignitaries and uniformed RCMP officers, Yellowknife, June 1969]
Arctic Winter Games [People with box of AWG logo flags, 1969]
Bank of Montreal [Opening in Laing building, Yellowknife 1969]
Boutique [Woman on fashion show runway, 1969]
Board of Trade [Woman in parka standing at CBC microphone]
Caribou Carnival [Dog Derby, Dog teams racing on ice, Yellowknife 1969]
Caribou Carnival [Children in carved ice igloo 'Donated by inmates and staff'… Yellowknife 1969][“Snow sculptures by the inmates and staff of the Yellowknife Correctional Camp” (News of the North, April 3, 1969)]
Centennial [Four men (Fred Henne, Doug Finlayson) signing documents at small table, 1969][“Signing the official agreement to host the Arctic Winter Games in Yellowknife”. Bill Barrett of Anchorage, Ken McKinnon of Whitehorse and president of the Arctic Winter Games, Mayor Fred Henne, and Doug Finlayson (News of the North June 26, 1969)]