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This item consists of part one of an eight-part consultation meeting held on February 15, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development and members of the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) and Renewable Resource Council (RRC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0001B, 0002A, 0002B, 0003A, 0003B, 0004A, and 0004B. The presenters introduce the proposed legislation, why it is being developed, the development and approval process, scope of the Wildlife Act, and enforcement and penalties. There are questions and comments from the members of the HTC and RRC.

This item consists of part two of an eight-part consultation meeting held on February 15, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development and members of the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) and Renewable Resource Council (RRC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0001A, 0002A, 0002B, 0003A, 0003B, 0004A, and 0004B. The recording continues with presentation and discussion of the Wildlife Act, including tags, harvest reporting, licences, and hunting on private and crown land. There are questions and comments from the members of the HTC and RRC.

This item consists of part eight of an eight-part consultation meeting held February 15, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development and members of the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) and Renewable Resource Council (RRC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0001A, 0001B, 0002A, 0002B, 0003A, 0003B, and 0004A. The recording continues with presentation and discussion of the new Wildlife Act, including fish wastage. Next, the Species at Risk Act is presented and discussed, including purpose of the proposed legislation, how would it work, creating lists of species at risk, protection and recovery, which species to cover, composition of committee, sources of knowledge, how to decide need/use of management tools, creating a list of criteria, applying management principles, procedure for recovery plan approval, decision making, consultation, plan implementation, stewardship on private lands, how to encourage stewardship, and offenses (intentional and unintentional harm). The recording concludes with mentions of upcoming public meetings, the production of a discussion paper, drafting of a promised MOU with the Minister, and the desireability of having an RWED representative at meetings. There are questions and comments from the members of the HTC and RRC.

This item consists of part one of a nine-part consultation meeting held February 22, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development and members of the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0006A, 0006B, 0007A, 0007B, 0008A, 0008B, 0009A, and 0009B. The presenter describes the consultation and approval process, why a Wildlife Act is necessary, where to get additional information, why the Species at Risk Act is being proposed, and the purpose of the Wildlife Act. The recording continues with presentation and discussion of the Wildlife Act, including scope (which species the Act should apply to), what animals can be hunted, and tags. There are questions and comments from the members of the HTC.

This item consists of part two of a nine-part consultation meeting held February 22, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development and members of the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0005A, 0006B, 0007A, 0007B, 0008A, 0008B, 0009A, and 0009B.The recording continues with presentation and discussion of the Wildlife Act, including how people are treating the land, habitat protection, whether baiting should be allowed, and the responsiveness of officers. There are questions and comments from the members of the HTC.

This item consists of part seven of a nine-part consultation meeting held February 22, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development and members of the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0005A, 0006A, 0006B, 0007A, 0007B, 0008A, 0009A, and 0009B.The recording continues with presentation and discussion of the Wildlife Act, including defensive kills (compensation, responsibility of government), offences and penalties (fines and jail time, categories of crimes, time allowed before charges must be laid), and response times by resource officers. There are questions and comments from the members of the HTC.

This item consists of part of nine of a nine-part consultation meeting held February 22, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development and members of the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0005A, 0006A, 0006B, 0007A, 0007B, 0008A, 0008B, and 0009A.The recording continues presentation and discussion on the proposed Species at Risk Act, including offenses (intentional and unintentional harm, neglect), notification of public about recovery plans, and purpose of the SAR Act. The meeting concludes with the presenters emphasizing the importance of community involvement and consultation and describing next steps (public open house and presentation, discussion paper). Questions and comments are made by HTC members.

This item consists of part one of a three-part consultation meeting held February 23, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the public in Tuktoyaktuk on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0010B and 0011A. The meeting is an open house style, so only the conversation nearest the recorder is captured clearly. The conversation is mainly a discussion between two RWED employees and a representative of the Inuvialuit Land Administration (ILA) discussing how access permissions to Inuvialuit private land are supposed to work. The ILA representative describes the misconception that Hunters and Trappers Committees can grant land access, when that is actually a responsibility of the ILA, and difficulties in getting outfitters and hunters to comply with getting permits for land use from the ILA. The RWED employees make comments and ask a number of follow-up questions.

This item consists of part three of a three-part consultation meeting held February 23, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the public in Tuktoyaktuk on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0010A and 0010B. The meeting is an open house style, so only the conversation nearest the recorder is captured clearly. The recording is a continuation of a discussion between two RWED employees and a representative of the Inuvialuit Land Administration (ILA) on topics including facilitating access to Inuvialuit land by RWED officers and an access rules and revision in progress. Another person approaches and starts a new conversation with the RWED representative and they discuss who attended the Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) meeting the previous day, the total allowable harvest and how it is determined, how Species at Risk will help address problems with declining numbers, determining numbers of animals harvested (mandatory reporting), how RWED deals with offences and enforcement, problems with continuity in HTCs and RWED officers, ways to submit comments on the Act, and the timeline and process for creating the new Wildlife Act.

This item consists of part five of a five-part consultation meeting held on April 4, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Tsiigehtchic Renewable Resources Council on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0012A, 0012B, 0013A, and 0013B. The meeting consists of presentation and discussion of the proposed Species at Risk Act, including development process, committee (composition), purpose of legislation, what species should be covered (including habitat), information and criteria used to assess status, approval of criteria and list, recovery process (team, strategy, approval, implementation, review), delisting, application to private land (stewardship, land appropriation or exchange), prevention (education, reporting, good management on lower risk species), offences (intentional or unintentional harm), request for input, and informing the public. Questions and comments are offered by the RRC members.

This item consists of part one of a four-part consultation meeting held on April 6, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Fort McPherson Renewable Resources Council on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0015B, 0016A, and 0016B. The meeting consists of presentation and discussion of the Wildlife Act, including what it should include (species, habitat), restricting moose hunting to bulls only, access to crown land and private land, number of tags issued, no-hunting corridors along highways, use of hunting equipment and vehicles, baiting, and harassment. Questions and comments are offered by the RRC members.

This item consists of part two of a five-part consultation meeting held on June 14, 2000 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Paulatuk Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0018A, 0019A, 0019B, and 0020A. The meeting consists of presentation and discussion of the new Wildlife Act, including baiting of big game for sport hunting, wildlife harassment, residency requirements, hunting rights of Indigenous people from out of territory, numbers of animals that can be taken, buddy hunting, and minor's permits. Questions and comments are offered by HTC members.

G-2021-013: 0021A · Item · September 10, 2001
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development fonds

This item consists of part one of a four-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held on September 10, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Fort McPherson Renewable Resources Council (RRC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0021A, 0021B, 0022A, and 0022B. The meeting consists of an introductory presentation outlining purpose for developing legislation, previous and remaining steps, timeline, and encouragement to give feedback. THe meeting continues with presentation and discussion of the proposed Species at Risk Act, including examples of species at risk, guiding principles, proposed recovery cycle (assessment/reassessment, categorization, listing/delisting, automatic prohibitions, recovery plan and implementation), SAR committee and composition, categories of risk, immediate protection, recovery team and strategy, implementation, reassessment of status, emergency listing, options for protecting threatened habitat, intentional and unintentional harm, and penalties and enforcement. Questions and comments are offered by RRC members.

This item consists of part one of a two-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held on October 10, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Inuvik Renewable Resources Council (RRC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes item 0024B. The meeting consists of presentation and feedback on the proposed Species at Risk Act, including guiding principles, how the recovery cycle works, committee composition and responsibilities, listing/delisting, re-evaluation timeline, automatic prohibitions, composition and responsibilities of recovery team, emergency listing by Minister, protecting critical habitat, enforcement and penalties, public education, and stewardship. Questions and comments are offered by the RRC members.

This item consists of part two of a two-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held on October 10, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Inuvik Renewable Resources Council (RRC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes item 0024A. The meeting consists of presentation and feedback on the proposed Species at Risk Act, including habitat protection, and on the new Wildlife Act, including licencing, harvesting rights, and residency requirements. Questions and comments are offered by the RRC members.

This item consists of part two of a four-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held October 15, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0025A, 0026A, and 0026B. The recording covers the end of the Species At Risk Act presentation, including penalties and fines for intentional or unintentional harm, monitoring compliance, and stewardship on private land. It also covers part of the presentation and discussion on the Wildlife Act, including out of territory Indigenous hunters, licencing, residency requirements, hunter training, outfitting and use of guides, and guide training and certification. Questions and comments are offered by the HTC members.

This item consists of part three of a four-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held October 15, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0025A, 0025B, and 0026B. The recording covers discussion of elements of the Wildlife Act, including licencing, buddy hunting, number of tags issued, mandatory reporting, hunting moose, wolf, and wolverine, issuing tags to non-resident hunters, trapping, harvesting methods, big game baiting, traditional harvesting methods, wildlife harassment, harassment by aircraft, waiting time between fly in and hunt, minors hunting, and no hunting corridors beside highways. Questions and comments are offered by the HTC members.

This item consists of part one of a four-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held October 18, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0027B, 0028A, and 0028B. The meeting consists of presentation and discussion of the proposed Species at Risk Act, including composition of the committee, responsibilities of the recovery team, automatic prohibition, recovery implementation, status reassessment, current Order in Council covering some species, quota systems, emergency listings, critical habitat definition and examples, enforcement and penalties, acts causing harm (intentional or unintentional), monitoring compliance, and stewardship. After a break, the meeting resumes with presentation and discussion of the Wildlife Act, including introduction, use of traditional and scientific knowledge, what the Act should apply to (species and habitat), and licencing (particularly General Hunting Licences). Questions and comments are offered by the HTC members.

This item consists of part four of a four-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held October 18, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0027A, 0027B, and 0028A. The meeting consists of presentation and discussion of the Wildlife Act, including export permits, possession of live wildlife, live export, and fines and penalties (possible 3-tier system). Questions and comments are offered by the HTC members.

This item consists of part one of a two-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held October 22, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Inuvik Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes item 0029B. The recording includes an introduction of the remaining legislation development process and timeline. The proposed Species at Risk Act is presented and discussed, including list of current endangered and threatened species, guiding principles, species assessment, listing/downlisting/de-listing, recovery teams, recovery strategy and timeline, SAR Committee composition and size, immediate prohibitions, emergency listing by Minister, protecting habitat, fines and penalties and enforcement, stewardship, and appropriation of land and compensation. The new Wildlife Act is also presented and discussed, including purpose for a new Act, how to improve consultations, and enhancing the role of traditional knowledge and wildlife management. Questions and comments are offered by the HTC members.