This fonds consists of one meter of records of board meetings from the Board of the Dehcho Divisional Education Council dating from 1990 through to 2002.
Dehcho Divisional Education CouncilThis fonds consists of 1.26 m of records from the Dehcho Health and Social Services Authority. The files include board meeting records, senior management meeting records, board training records, correspondence, newsletters, program reports and bylaws.
Dehcho Health and Social Services AuthorityThis fonds consists of 3 m of textual material created by John H. Parker throughout his career spent in the Northwest Territories. Included are records related to the transfer of responsibilities from the federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs to the then fledgling Government of the Northwest Territories. There are also files on a variety of political subjects including constitutional development, devolution of responsibility from the Commissioner's Office to the elected Executive Council, and land claims and the division of the Northwest Territories. John Parker was also involved in many groups and associations. Records of the Legislative Assembly Building Society, the Science Institute of the Northwest Territories, the Fox Moth Society, and St. John Ambulance are found here.
Parker, John HavelockThis fonds consists of 374 images comprised of 167 colour slides, 115 colour photograph prints, 5 colour negatives (duplicates corresponding to 5 of the 115 prints in N-2009-006) and 87 b&w negatives. The photographs, taken by Foster, document several NWT communities in the 1970s and 80s, including Snare Lake (Wekweti), Holman, Fort Smith and Lac La Marte (Whati). There are also photographs from what is now Nunavut, including Iqaluit, Rankin Inlet, Lake Harbour (Kimmirut), and an outpost camp just outside Lake Harbour (Kimmirut). There are are 106 print photographs that document changes in Yellowknife's downtown core from 1978 - 2001. There are also several photographs from the Beaufort Sea which were taken while Foster was evaluating the impact of off-shore drilling on the nearby communities. Also included are nine colour photographs of the Lupin and Polaris mines at Resolute Bay, taken in 1980. Overall themes include mining, firefighting and fires, oil and gas exploration, community life, housing, fishing, aerial shots of communities, recovery of a float plane from Back Bay, the 1988 Yellowknife air show, tundra and foliage, and the 1972 solar eclipse in Rankin Inlet.
Foster, TerryThis fonds includes records from the Directorate, including Ministerial and Deputy Minister Chronos and briefing books. It also includes records concerning the financial impact of division, including: proposals, workbooks, records of committees and executive summaries prepared by consultants. Also included in Directorate records are files relating to the purchase and transfer of the Northern Canada Power Commission to the GNWT.
Also within this fonds are records from the Finance and Fiscal Policy Division. The files include records related to the financial negotiations between the federal government and the related stakeholders involved in the division of the Northwest Territories and the creation of Nunavut in 1999. Records also include files of the Division Special Committee Working Group and the Northern Representatives (NERN) Committee, transfer of financial responsibility of Arctic Airports and fire management programs from the federal to territorial government, files tracking the changes and negotiations regarding property, education and income taxation, as well as economic policy issue files.
Records from the Corporate Affairs Division include files related to financial aspects of self-government agreements, amendments to the Liquor Act and Financial Administration Act, GNWT debt and borrowing, and a 1997 strategic plan for the department.
Records from the Management Accounting Services division include an organizational review of the payroll and employee benefits functions and a report on the provision of payroll services to Boards of Education.
Records from the Internal Audit Bureau include meeting packages of the Audit Committee, which provides oversight for the Bureau.
As well, there are records from the NWT Liquor Commission, consisting of seven annual reports (38th to 44th, dated 1992-1998) from the Commission; correspondence regarding various issues with the public, appointments and revocations, and management of liquor warehouse and retail stores; reports related to surveys and planning; and correspondence and memos related to the transfer of administration of the liquor system to the territorial government. Records from the Liquor Licensing and Enforcement division include correspondence and notes from a public meeting in Yellowknife and a newsletter produced by the Liquor Licensing Board for licensees.
The fonds also includes records from the Finance Information Systems Steering Committee (1979).
Northwest Territories. Department of Finance (1975- )This fonds consists of a loose leaf diary of his trip to the NWT in 1929 and thirteen prospecting journals (field books). The diary consists of 25 loose leaf pages detailing Spud Arsenault's journey in 1929 to northern Alberta and the NWT. It includes descriptions of his travel by plane with Punch Dickens to the NWT including Fort Resolution and Fort Rae. The diary also includes descriptions of camp life, hunting, fishing, prospecting and work with Herb Dixon. The field books detail travel and prospecting activities in the Yellowknife area, the Great Bear Lake area, Watson Lake Yukon, northern Alberta and northern Saskatchewan with various mining companies from 1929-1946.
Arsenault, SpudThis fonds consists of 67 cm of textual records, including material documenting the establishment of the NWTDC and its Act and Regulations and the Nunavut transition, chronos from the Minister, Chairperson, and President, briefing notes, governance directives, annual reports, corporate plans, board and committee terms of reference, board meeting materials and Investment Committee meeting materials.
Northwest Territories Development Corporation (1990-2005)This fonds consists of prints and negatives, including cellulose nitrate and one glass negative, formerly owned by Archibald Lang Fleming, as well as a program for the opening of the All Saints' Hospital in Aklavik in 1937, attended by Governor General Lord Tweedsmuir (John Buchan). The photographs include the communities of: Aklavik, Baker Lake, Cambridge Bay, Cape Dorset, Chesterfield Inlet, Clyde River, Coppermine, Eskimo Point, Lake Harbour, Pangnirtung, and Pond Inlet, among others. Images feature the portraits and daily activities of Inuit and Dene and Anglican churches and missions.
Fleming, ArchibaldThis fonds consists of approximately 1.4 m of text. Included are original and signed self-government agreements, framework agreements, agreements-in-principle (AIP), implementation plans and Chief Negotiator framework agreements concerning the negotiation of self-government agreements between the GNWT, Government of Canada and the Tłı̨chǫ First Nation, Beaufort-Delta (Gwich'in and Inuvialuit), Akaitcho Territory Dene First Nations, Salt River First Nations, Deh Cho First Nations, Sahtu Dene and Metis, and South Slave Metis. There are also copies of interim measures agreements from other jurisdictions such as the Fond du Lac First Nations, Black Lake First Nations, Hatchet Lake First Nations, Manitoba Dëne Sųłıné and Sayisi Dene First Nation. Many of the agreements are in both English and French.
Also included in this fonds are Deputy Minister (DM) Chronos for 1999-2000, 2003-2005 and Ministerial Chronos for 1999-2000, as well as Ministerial briefing binders for sessions of the Legislative Assembly between 2013 and 2015.
This fonds also includes briefing binders prepared by the Intergovernmental Relations and Strategic Planning Division (IGRASP) for the Premier for various high-level meetings, conferences and forums.
This fonds also includes records generated between 1976-1986 by the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat, formerly operating within the Department of the Executive. These records document the role of the secretariat and the GNWT in the Dene and Metis land claims agreement-in-principle signed on September 5, 1988 as well as claims agreements with the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, the Committee for Original People's Entitlement (COPE) and the Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut.
As well, this fonds contains records from the Intergovernmental Relations Division relating to the development of the Social Agenda, as well as records from the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat relating to GNWT and federal government positions on Aboriginal rights and claims.
Northwest Territories. Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (2006-2017)This fonds consists of 22 cm of text, 113 black and white and colour photographs, and 19 audiocassettes related to the life and activities of George Magrum, a noted barrenland trapper active in the Northwest Territories from the 1900s to the 1970s. The text includes diaries, correspondence, poetry, creative writing, and records related to trapping and prospecting. There are also 18 audiocassettes which appear to relate to Mr. Magrum's diaries. The photographs, which relate to trapping as well as his family, are both negatives and prints and do not appear to be copies of each other.
Magrum, George FrankThis fonds consists of approximately 2 meters of textual records. Records relate to the transfer of personnel from the federal government to the GNWT, policy manuals, directives and guidelines related human resource issues, publications for employees, a newsletter, manager's guides to performance review and planning and classification, and chrono files from the office of the Deputy Minister.
This fonds also includes records from the Equal Employment division, regarding the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, 1990-1991.
This fonds also includes an operational review of regional offices in 1990 by the Deputy Minister.
Northwest Territories. Department of PersonnelThis fonds consists of approximately 9.5 cm of bound comic books and published reports produced by the Department of Social Development. The material dates from 1971 to 1977 and includes four bound comic books of Captain Alcohol, produced by the Alcohol Education Program of the Department in 1973. There are also several published reports on various topics such as correction services, health services, human resource planning and a cost of living study.
Northwest Territories. Department of Social Development (1967-1977)This fonds consists of approximately 14 cm of textual records, dating from 1982 to 1989.
Records consist of pamphlets and manuals produced by the Department, on such topics as flood safety, motorcycle operation and drivers' licensing. There are manuals on various topics such as records management, how to write a government manual, Canada Post in the north, and the Index to organizationial change in the government of the Northwest Territories: 1967-1987.
Records from the Motor Vehicles division include policies of the division, and files relating to newly created seatbelt legislation for the Northwest Territories, and research surrounding it.
Northwest Territories. Department of Government Services fonds (1980-1992)This fonds consists of approximately 9 m of textual material and 12 colour photographic prints created by or related to the administration and operation of the Canadian Auto Workers Union Local 2304, formerly CASAW Local 4, in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Includes correspondence and reports originating from the Union's office, files relating to grievances, arbitration, the collective bargaining process with Giant Mine, joint occupational health and safety meeting minutes and case files, and legal documents largely related to the 1992 strike at the mine and subsequent civil lawsuits. Files relating to Giant Yellowknife Mines include correspondence, reports, policies and procedures, scientific studies relating to arsenic, cyanide, and asbestos, and operational records detailing the day to day operations of the mine. A separate set of records relate to the operation of the Salmita Mine, which was also owned by Giant.
Canadian Auto Workers, Local 2304This fonds consists of audio reels, audiocassettes, microfilm and textual records that were created by linguist Dr. Robert Howren beginning in the late 1960s to 1982. The textual material is comprised of 28 notebooks containing his field notes. They are in several series: 1967, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1977, and 1982. The sound recordings, recorded mainly in Tlicho (Dogrib) but also in Chipewyan, Gwich'in, and North Slavey, include 114 audiocassettes and 231 audio reels, which, in the majority of cases correspond directly to the sound recordings. The audio reels range in date from the late 1960s to the late 1970s; the audiocassettes date mostly from 1982. The languages on the tapes and in the notebooks is mostly Tlicho (Dogrib), however, Dane-zaa (Beaver), Slave, North Slavey (Hare) and Sarcee are also included. The speakers on the tapes are mostly Vital Thomas, but also include: Madeline Ayah, Harry Bearlake, Alphonse Eronchi, Susie Abel, Rosa Mantla, Ernie Camsell, Elizabeth Mackenzie and John Mackenzie, among others. There are 6 reels of microfilm, five of which relate to Slave language grammars and lexicons that likely date from the 1950s or 1960s. The other reel, dated 1971, is marked only with the title Golla, V. Hupa.
Howren, RobertThis fonds consists of 0.1 cm of textual records, 859 photographs (242 black and white negatives, 300 black and white prints - original masters; 766 black and white digital files (TIFF), 15 colour digital files (TIFF) - archival masters; 55 black and white negatives, 23 black and white prints - original and archival masters), 15 8mm film reels (original masters), four 16mm film reels (original masters), 19 Betacam SP videocassettes (archival masters), and one 8mm film reel (original and archival master).
The textual records consist of a membership certificate. The majority of the photographs document Sam’s life prospecting, mining, and trapping between 1930 and 1950, while a smaller selection document Sam’s nuclear family life beginning in 1952. There are five main series of photographs: work in the Great Bear Lake region with the Northern Transportation Company and uranium mines in the early to mid-1930s; gold mining, camping, and prospecting in the Great Slave Lake area in the mid-1930s through the 1940s; work on the Canol project in 1942-1943; trapping on the barren lands (tundra) of the Keewatin region near Clinton-Colden Lake and the Back River area in the late 1930s to 1950; and Sam’s nuclear family life from 1952 onwards. Communities documented in this fonds include early images of Yellowknife’s Old Town and Latham Island, Fort Franklin (Deline), Cameron Bay camps, Norman Wells, Fort Resolution, and Fort Smith. The moving images document being on the land, prospecting, and hunting between 1930 and 1960, and town and family life between 1950 and 1970.
The digital files (TIFF) are scans of the original black and white negatives, black and white prints, and colour negatives, while the videocassettes are transfers from the original 8mm and 16mm film reels, all created by Sam Otto and loaned by his son Sheldon in 2000. The majority of the originally loaned items were returned by Sam Otto's daughter Lorraine in 2015, in addition to some newly offered materials.
Otto, SamThis fonds consists of 0.6 cm of textual records, ca. 13,000 photographs (col. slides, col. negatives, and b&w negatives), and 31 reels of 16 mm film.
The textual records comprise two newsletters produced by Bern Will Brown and a series of letters written by Capt. C.T. Pederson. The newsletters give a brief overview of life in the community of Colville Lake during 1991 and 1992, including items of interest relating to various members of the community. The Pedersen correspondence is autobiographical, including reminiscences of C.T. Pederson of some of his activities in the north; the majority are addressed to Father Brown of Our Lady of the Snows Mission in Colville Lake, but one letter is addressed to Commander Ransom.
The photographs include images of a wide variety of subjects, particularly activities of the Catholic Church and traditional activities of the Dene, Inuvialuit and Inuit, including hunting, trapping and transportation. There are photos of many locations throughout the NWT as well as some locations in Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.
The films and videocassettes include footage of dog teams, life at Colville Lake, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Aklavik, Husky Lakes, Whitefish Station, Tulita (Fort Norman), Nahanni Butte, Fort Simpson, Bern Will Brown, various Catholic priests and bishops, fishing, children at play, aircraft, construction of the mission, reindeer, whaling, trapping, hunting, church services, many local families including: Kochon, Codzi, Masuzumi, Cotchilly, Oudzi and political visitors such as Governors-General.
Brown, Bern WillThis fonds consists of twelve 60-minute audiocassettes, two (VHS) videocassettes, nine colour photographs and approximately 4 cm of textual material dated from 1992-1994 that were created as part of a project called Northern Women. The sound recordings are of interviews that Lyn Hancock conducted between September and November 1994 in the Deh Cho; the women interviewed include: Anna Lindberg, Mary Louise Norwegian, Mary Kraus and "Granny" Celine Lafferty. There is approximately 4 cm of textual material comprised of transcripts from the sound recordings and nine colour photographs taken by Lyn Hancock of the women interviewed. The transcript for Mary Kraus includes the 1994 interviews with Lyn Hancock and also includes rewritten transcripts from interviews with Kraus in 1972 that are part of N-1979-091 (Parks Canada fonds). There are also two transcripts from oral history interviews with Bella and Ted Trindell and with Adeline Hardisty that were part of sound recordings from G-1992-033. These transcripts were going to be used by Lyn Hancock as part of the "Northern Women" project. The videocassettes were recorded in 1992 and show Granny Celine Lafferty at the launching of the boat "MV Lafferty", a helicopter flight over Ram Plateau and Little Doctor Lake, and discussions with Mary Louise Norwegian in Fort Simpson. There may also be footage of Mary and Gus Kraus, Edwin Lindberg and Frank Schober.
Hancock, LynThe textual material includes correspondence from Albert Faille's son, a Nahanni Safaris brochure, and certificates belonging to Albert Faille. The photographs include images of the Nahanni Region, Albert Faille, Jean and Hal Bennett and Faille's son.
Faille, AlbertThis fonds consists of 619 colour transparencies, 36 b&w photographs and one colour photograph. Additionally, the NWT Archives created 340 digital files that were created from original 303 colour slides, 36 black and white photographs and one colour photograph that were initially loaned to the NWT Archives in 2005. The majority of the images depict the community of Aklavik and include images of the All Saints Anglican Mission and Church, All Saints Hospital, Royal Canadian Mountain Police buildings and boat "Aklavik", as well as aircraft, the Anglican school, Aklavik Post Office and many identified people from the community. Many of the images are of patients at the All Saints Hospital. There are also images of Inuvik that include buildings in the community such as the Federal School and Roman Catholic church, the hospital, Semler's store, and Mackenzie Hotel, as well as the unveiling of the Inuvik Monument by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. In addition, there are images of Fort Good Hope, Lutselk'e (Snowdrift), Detah (Dettah), Bathurst Inlet, Tuktoyaktuk, Fort Reliance, Fort Rae, Herschel Island, and Reindeer Station. The images taken in 1970's and 1980's are of Yellowknife and include images of the July 1 parade, art work at the Yellowknife Gallery, Yellowknife City Hall, exhibits at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Northern United Place, Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company (Con Mine), and Giant Mine.
Stillwell, Emily