Dry Canyon from the alluvial fan at its mouth
Looking NE up head of Prairie Creek fan to Prairie Cr. Gate + Canyon beyond
[Transcribed from slide box 345:] - Prairie Creek Gate, Needle Rock + old infilled canyon + Prairie Cr. fan - Prairie fan with juniper-spruce-bearberry - views up + down Dry Canyon from near its mouth. - Hoodoos opposite Little Butte - First Canyon near Gunsight Reach. [Individual slides are also labelled with dates and details.]
Looking N along Headless Range over camp of Aug 18-19 to Second Canyon + beyond
Looking N across Second Canyon meander to spur and Headless Range
Vertical strata of "The Bookshelf" where North Headless fault cuts across head of Deadmen Valley
[Transcribed from slide box 344:] - Second Canyon or Fault Mt + Bookshelf - views of Deadmen Valley, Nahanni + Tlogotsho Plateaux, Dry + First Canyons, Little Valley - Second Canyon Meander + spur - hike with Steve Cooper on Headless Range - big slump on Scow Creek (Ford's Turbid Creek) - little pond where we camped on Headless Range - Prairie Creek Gate, Canyon, fan + The Hermitage [Individual slides are also labelled with dates and details.]
Looking up Hotsprings creek from its mouth
Looking up First Canyon from head of Patterson Creek fan
Looking W up Deadmen Valley from Little Butte
Head of First Canyon, Patterson Lake + Little Butte (right)
[Transcribed from slide box 343:] - vegtation on Prairie Creek fan - head of First Canyon, Little Butte + Patterson Lake - Deadmen Valley + First Canyon from Little Butte - George's Riffle - "Spring Snye" - Abandoned Meander Creek + Canyon - springs seeping out of bedding planes in limestone - Patterson Creek and Canyon - Kraus Hotsprings Creek [Individual slides are also labelled with dates and details.]
Looking E down First Canyon from N rim near its head
Looking into head of First Canyon from its N rim
Our route up onto Nahanni Plateau from about 7 km up W side Dry Canyon. First or more southerly of a pair of gulches
Looking Se across N abandoned meander of First Canyon showing sediment filled E + N side + flushed out W side
[Transcribed from slide box 342:] - fine views East over First Canyon, Splits + to Nahanni Range + South to Deadmen Valley - views in to N abandoned meander + First Canyon from rim - vuggy limestone ; differential erosion of limestone pillars along calcite beds ; erosional pillar remnants ; karst street - sweet-flowered androsace (Androsace chamaejasme) - views down Dry Canyon showing Plateau dip - route up onto Nahanni Plateau - lake sediments in N abandoned meander [Individual slides are also labelled with dates and details.]
Waiting out shower beside the tor E of Dry Canyon forks about 12 km up.
Looking ESE across karst street between Lafferty + Patterson Creeks + down Lafferty Cr.
Looking SSE down Patterson Cr. to First Canyon, Yohin Ridge