[Dettah, hockey, Chief Isadore Tsetta (frames 7-8), wife Elise (frame 7), baby, Paul Betsina (son of Ernest and Mary Jane Betsina, frames 9-21), Ernest Betsina (frames 20-21), Mary Jane Betsina (frames 22-23), sewing]
[Dettah, children, baby, Melissa and Matilda Charlo (cousins, frames 3-4, 6-7), Melissa Charlo (frame 5), Angela Charlo (frames 6-7), Elder, July Charlo and grandchildren (frames 16-17), Celine and Angela Charlo (mom and daughter, frames 19-20)]
[Lutselk'e, portraits, children, Elders, South Slave regional meeting]
[Lutselk'e, dance, jigging, children, guitarists, fiddler, band, ribbon dance]
[Lutselk'e, dance, children, guitarists, fiddler, band, portraits]
[Lutselk'e, views of community, scenery, dogs, children, interior of a house]
[Yellowknife, Northern United Place, Dene Nation meeting, translation booths, bus depot?, child, scale, Luselk'e, drummer, views of community]
[Lutselk'e, South Slave regional meeting, scenery, views of community, tipi frame, dog, interior of a house]
[Lutselk'e, South Slave regional meeting, banner, dancing, band, guitarists, fiddler]
[Behchoko, Jimmy Drybones, caribou hide, radio]
[Yellowknife, Northern United Place, Beaufort Sea Environmental Assessment Review Panel hearing, George Barnaby, Georges Erasmus]
[Norman Wells, Interprovincial Pipe Line (IPL) Training Program, trainees, equipment sled, tying cables, side booms, pipe]
[Norman Wells, Interprovincial Pipe Line (IPL) Training Program, pipe, side booms, trainees, cutting wood]
[Yellowknife, Cecelia Flunkie, sewing, mittens, toys, Native Communications Society staff, Dan Mandin, Harold Barnaby, Cathi MacQuarrie, Anita Grey Wolf, Matt Sanger, J.F. Pitre, Marilyn Tuccaro, Peter Squirrel, Nancy Austin, William Greenland, Barb Hungie, Sandra, Sandra Dolan, Lee Selleck, Dorothy Chocolate, Jane Lewington]
[Behchoko, Margaret Lafferty, sewing, children, Ave Marie Simpson (2 years old), hockey, Yellowknife, street scenes]
[Behchoko (frames 1-15), cemetery, Chief Bruno Apples' burial, fire, burning belongings, Yellowknife (frames 16-36), regional indoor soccer competition, Behchoko team,
[Fort Good Hope, checking the nets at Winter Camp (frames 1-5), views of community, downtown (frame 8), Territorial election (frames 9-12), Bella and Florence (returning officers), school, students, children, Grade 8-9 class (frames 13-14), Chester Kakfwi (frame 15), Timothy Cook (frame 16), Dwayne Barnaby (frame 17), teachers, Grade 1 class (frames 18-20), Grade 6-7 class (frames 21-22), mixed grade class (frames 23-24), Grade 5 class (frames 25-27), evening pool game at the drop-in centre (frame 28), moon coming up over school (frame 30), Adult Education (frames 31-34), language research, Antoine Mountain (frame 35)]
[Yellowknife, Native Communications Society office, staff or meeting, aerial views, downtown, interior of airplane, pilot]
[Yellowknife (frames 0-5, 14-18), Gail Cyr, Behchoko, Edzo Air, ariplanes, C-GWDY Cessna 180, Cessna 206 Turbo, pilot, Carl Clouter, Native Communications Society office, staff, Dorothy Chocolate]
[Behchoko, view of community, dog, baby swing, baby, children, sliding, hockey]