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Thomas Marsh fonds
98 · Fonds · [1893-1907]

This fonds consists of 69 black and white photographs that were either taken, or collected, by Reverend T.J. Marsh between 1893 and 1907. There is also a photocopy of a monograph entitled "Historical Sketch of the Origin and Work of the Hay River Mission, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories." Most of the images are stored in two photograph albums. The first album contains images taken by Reverend Marsh between 1893 and 1907. The second album contains photographs taken by C.W. Mathers, a professional photographer from Edmonton, who toured the Mackenzie River communities in 1901. There are also some loose images taken by Reverend Marsh. The images depict traditional Dene and Inuit lifestyles in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Subjects include mooseskin boats, scows, dog teams, skin tents and kayaks. Many of the images document the development of St. Peter's Anglican Mission at Hay River. There are photographs of the church, boarding school, mission staff and the students who attended the school. A number of images depict Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) posts and the steamers and scows that were used by the Hudson's Bay Company to transport goods in the north. Locations include Fort Good Hope, Fort McPherson, Fort Norman, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, Hay River and Peel River. The records have been arranged into three series: Series I - Reverend T.J. Marsh photograph album; Series II - C.W. Mathers album; Series III - Reverend T.J. Marsh.

Marsh, Thomas
Mac Smee fonds
96 · Fonds · 1941-1942

The photographs in this fonds document multiple trips down the Mackenzie River (Dehcho) on both the S.S. Mackenzie River and the S.S. Distributor. The images document the communities visited along the river, and in particular the barge supply route for the Canol Project from Waterways (Alberta) to Norman Wells (NWT) and members of the United States Army 388th Engineer Battalion working on the pipeline project.

Smee, Horace Herbert (Mac)
Maurice Beauregard fonds
95 · Fonds · [1942-1953], copied 1988

This fonds consists of 122 interpositive copies of the original photographs. Most of the images depict the Canol-Whitehorse winter road and Norman Wells. Also included are photographs of Arctic Red River, Aklavik, Fort Providence, Fort Smith and Fort Norman.

Beauregard, Maurice
Gordon Pritchard fonds
93 · Fonds · 1956-1963

This fonds consists of 1,261 colour slides, 110 black and white prints (originally contained in 7 albums and 2 folders), and 81 black and white negatives. Many of the images are of federal building projects that were undertaken in approximately 25 communities within the Northwest Territories. The collection documents construction of buildings during a period in which responsibilities for communities shifted from federal to territorial jurisdiction. Also included are portraits, images of Hudson's Bay Company buildings, Royal Canadian Mounted Police posts, Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line sites, churches and missions, scenery and wildflowers throughout the north and aerial photographs of the communities, including some in the Yukon and northern Quebec.

Pritchard, Gordon
Nap Norbert fonds
91 · Fonds · [1940-1959]

This fonds consists of 94 black and white interpositives copied from the original negatives. Most of the images depict scenes in and around Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River) and Aklavik. There are also photographs taken in Tuktoyaktuk, Hay River, Reindeer Station, Fort McPherson and Fort Simpson. The fonds contains images of Nap Norbert's children, his brothers and sisters. In addition, there are images of community buildings in Tsiigetchic, the hospital and school at Aklavik, and the community dance hall in Fort McPherson. There are also a number of images of barges and tugs, including the "Pelican Rapids" that operated on the Mackenzie River.

Norbert, Nap
John Day fonds
90 · Fonds · [1937-1939]

This fonds consists of one photo album containing 102 prints and 53 loose prints taken by John Day. Many of the images depict Day's 1938 trip by boat from Athabasca to Yellowknife. Other images show Yellowknife in the late 1930s, Negus and Cominco camps and construction crews, mine sites and locations such as Fort Fitzgerald and Fort Smith.

Day, John
89 · Fonds · 1946-1948

This fonds consists of 3 cm of textual material of correspondence and progress reports relating to the operations and closing down of Beaulieu Yellowknife Mines Ltd.

Beaulieu Yellowknife Mines
Edward Thorning fonds
88 · Fonds · [1940-1950]

This fonds consists of 94 photographs taken by Edward Thorning. The images show people, buildings, mine sites and businesses in Yellowknife during the 1940s, construction of the power lines, living quarters for the construction crew and images of wildlife.

Thorning, Edward
Ernest Cote fonds
87 · Fonds · 1936-1937

This fonds consists of 34 photographs taken by Ernest Cote during the summers of 1936 and 1937. The images include views of early construction in Yellowknife; bush pilots Stan McMillan and Matt Berry; Northern Transportation Ltd. boats, facilities and personnel; as well as Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) and Signals Corps personnel. Also included in the fonds is a copy of the Northern Transportation Company, Ltd. rates for the summer of 1937 and an illustrated Christmas card from Matt Berry.

Cote, Ernest
Rex Terpening fonds
86 · Fonds · 1930-1939

This fonds consists of 511 copy negatives, approximately 1 cm of textual material and 1 audiocassette. The negatives were copied from original prints that were originally contained in three photo albums, which were compiled by Rex Terpening during the early years of his career. Included among the images are portraits of airline personnel he encountered during his travels, photographs of aircraft operating in the north, and views of communities in the north. The textual material consists of a Spence McDonough Air Transport, Ltd. brochure and one copy of a radio tribute to Rex Terpening. The audiocassette contains an interview conducted by Rex Terpening with Charles Reiach, a trader who worked for the Hudson's Bay Company and lived in the Northwest Territories in the late 1920s and 1930s.

Terpening, Rex, 1913-2018
Conibear family fonds
85 · Fonds · [1920?-1940?]

This fonds consists of 17 photographs copied from original prints, one file of correspondence and a draft article on the Athabasca River Transport by S.C. Ellis. The photographs show people and activities in the Fort Smith region.

Conibear (family)
83 · Fonds · [1952-1978]

This fonds consists of 10 cm of textual material, 1 microfilm reel, 2 film reels, and 1 Umatic video. The textual material includes dictionaries and grammars compiled by Father LeMeur and Father Metayer. In addition, there are two reels of the film "Arctic Missions of the Mackenzie," and a copy of the film on one Umatic videocassette. This fonds also includes one reel of microfilm containing a volume of Dene family genealogies.

Oblates of Mary Immaculate
Cree family fonds
82 · Fonds · [1934?-1963]

This fonds consists of 72 photographs of Fort Simpson, including many images of the May 1963 flood. Also included in the fonds are a variety of memorabilia such as licences for the trading post, invitations to state functions, notices of school graduation ceremonies and a short history of the trading post at Fort Simpson.

Cree (family)
James Jerome fonds
79 · Fonds · [196-] - 1979

This fonds consists of approximately 9000 black and white negatives, four colour negatives, and a small number of black and white and colour print photographs taken by James Jerome in the 1960s and 1970s and 5 cm of reports and correspondence. The majority of the photographs date from the period 1977-1979. Many were taken in the Fort McPherson and Peel River region, and document life on the land, fur trapping, winter and summer camps, fishing camps and fish preparation and drying activities of the Gwich'in. In addition there are many portraits, a selection of self-portraits, family photographs, transportation and recreation photographs. Many of the print photographs are copies of the negatives. Photographs of Inuvik include the 1979 Northern Games, while photographs of Yellowknife include music concerts. The textual material includes a project description of Jerome's proposed 'Portraits and History of the Dene Elders of the NWT' publication as well as handwritten and typewritten notes on the project, and correspondence.

Jerome, James
Lex Miller fonds
74 · Fonds · 1942, 1986

This fonds consists of copies of 72 photographs taken by A.K. Miller between 1940 and 1942 and one audio reel containing an interview with Miller conducted by the NWT Archives in 1986. The photographs document Miller's trip from northern Alberta down the Slave and Mackenzie Rivers. The images depict a vareity of water transportation, such as the S.S. "Radium King," S.S. "Distributor," M.S. "Liard River," S.S. "Mackenzie River" and different barges. As well, there are several images of CANOL crews and construction, including African-American servicemen. There are also images of Canadian Pacific Airways aircraft, camps and dog teams. The interview contains biographical information on Miller and an explanation of river transportation in the north.

Miller, Lex
Miriam Leith fonds
73 · Fonds · [1959-1967]

This accession consists of 7.5 cm of textual records comprised of academic publications authored by Miriam Leith, as well as a large number of draft and research notes produced by Ms. Leith in her research on northern food and nutrition as well as housing programs. Files also contain correspondence and reports concerning northing housing programs. Related to Ms. Leith's work with the Adult Housing Education Program. Also included in the collection are copies of diet information and recipes distributed to the local people. Some of these materials are written in syllabics.

Leith, Miriam
G.H.U. Bayly fonds
71 · Fonds · [1973]

This fonds consists of a diary written by G.H.U. Bayly during a canoe trip from Campbell Lake to Beverly Lake via the Thelon Game Sanctuary. All members of the party were experienced canoeists and some had completed trips in the Northwest Territories on previous occasions. One of the aims of the trip was to record via 16 mm movie camera and sound recorders the sights and sound of their experiences with particular emphasis on natural aspects of the route, including wildlife and terrain. Included in the details of the diary are weather reports, observations of wildlife, including caribou and various bird species, and observations on topography. The diary also contains photocopies of photographs of including members of the party, maps, and excerpts from appropriately related reading materials (i.e. re: John Hornby). Included at the end of the diary is an index, equipment list and list of temperatures.

Bayly, G.H.U., [1907]-1998
Jamadam Records fonds
70 · Fonds · 1983-1984

This fonds consists of one VHS video tape (sound only) safety master of the "Yellowknife Album"from 1984 and one 45 rpm record from 1983 with the songs "Bombs Over Heaven" by Pat Buckna and the "Infinite Edge" by Moon Joyce and a lyric sheet autographed by Moon Joyce to Rene Fumoleau. The record was recorded to protest the Canadian government's decision to permit the testing of cruise missiles in the arctic.

Jamadam Records
Edward Lloyd fonds
69 · Fonds · 1871-1921

This fonds consists of one microfilm reel of Edward Lloyd's correspondence, travel diaries and various other family letters. He travelled extensively across the country including a trip (ca. 1897-1899) from Edmonton, to Hay River via the Peace and Hay Rivers, down the Mackenzie River through communities such as Wrigley and Fort Good Hope to Fort McPherson, across the Yukon to Old Crow and on to Alaska.

Lloyd, Edward
68 · Fonds · 1963-1964

This fonds consists of two DAT audio cassettes and 12 audio reels that constitute an incomplete collection of oral history interviews recorded in Gwich'in. Included among the people interviewed are: John Francis; Peter Thompson; John Vaneltsi; Andrew Koe; Charles Koe; Remmy Tsell; Otto Natse; Amos Nidichie; Abraham Francis; John Charlie; William Nerysoo; Johnny Kay (Kikavichick); Abraham Alexis; George Vittrekwa; Joe Natsi; Andrew Kunnizzie (Kunizzi); Peter Vittrekwa; Ronnie Pascal; Lazarus Sittitchinli; Ben Kunnizzie (Kunizzi); and Edward Snowshoe.

Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada