The records date from 1968-2005 and include meeting minutes from the Community Planning division, Lands division, Surveys and Mapping division, and the Senior Management Committee (SMC). Other records related to Municipal Operations include land claims records, the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, the Community Transfer Initiative, Association of Municipalities, some general administration files from the regional offices, and policy updates. Lands division records include reports and recommendations on land information management, legal ownership of land and roadways, and granular material studies from various regions. Surveys and Mapping division records include flood risk records, records of the NWT Mapping Liaison Committee, and records related to remote sensing. The 7 videocassettes (VHS and Betamax) are of items produced by or for the Department.
Northwest Territories. Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. Lands divisionGNWT. Municipal & Community Affairs. ZONING. How to control development in your community. Duration: 13:13. Produced by Inuit Communications Systems Limited, An IBC Subsidiary.
Fort Franklin [Deline] Water Intake. Video Inspection. Slave Divers & Survival Equip[ment] [Likely raw video footage]
Mackenzie Intake Pipeline Repairs. Video Inspection. Fort Simpson. [Likely raw video footage]
Arctic Sports. Training and Resource Manual. [Produced by?] NWT Arctic Sports Association.
Community Works & Capital Planning Division of Municipal and Community Affairs. Slide Show. 8 minutes. English Version.
This accession consists of one VHS videocassette about the Territorial Experimental Ski Training (TEST) program. It was produced by Bjorger Pettersen.
Northwest Territories. Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. Sport, Recreation and Youth division