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Archival description
426 · Fonds · 1926-2018, predominant 1993-2018

This fonds consists of records documenting the activities of the Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute from its establishment in 1993 until its transition into the Gwich’in Tribal Council’s Department of Cultural Heritage in 2016. The fonds includes some records of the Department of Cultural Heritage from 2016 until 2018. The material has been arranged into 38 series based on seven functional categories:

  • Administration includes nine series documenting the governance and administration of the GSCI. The series included in this category are Gwich’in Tribal Council (426-S01); Governance (426-S02); Executive Director (426-S03); Research Director and General Administrative Materials (426-S04); Finance (426-S05); Correspondence (426-S06); Gwich’in Organizations, Communities and Events (426-S07); Other Organizations, Institutions and Associations (426-S08); and Website (426-S09). These series include meeting packages and minutes; strategic planning materials including GSCI’s five-year plans; annual reports; GSCI Executive Director files from 2004-2016; office, staff, project and other general administrative materials; financial statements and reporting materials; funding proposals, applications, reports, contribution agreements and service contracts; correspondence files; meeting materials, minutes, reports, proposals, presentation materials and informational materials related to Gwich’in and non-Gwich’in organizations, institutions and associations; website planning materials including funding applications, contribution agreements, financial statements and content planning materials; and general correspondence within each series.
  • Consultation with Government includes three series documenting GSCI’s consultation and interaction with the federal and territorial governments. The series included in this category are Government of Canada (426-S10), Government of the Northwest Territories (426-S11) and Government of Yukon (426-S12). These series include correspondence; proposals; reports; funding proposals and reporting materials; workshop and presentation materials; informational materials; and curriculum planning and development materials.
  • Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Policy and Regulation includes three series documenting the GSCI’s work in traditional knowledge policy development, land use planning and management and permitting and licensing. The series included in this category are Traditional Knowledge Policy (426-S13); Land Use Planning and Management (426-S14); and Researchers, Permits, Licences and Use Agreements (426-S15). These series include correspondence; proposals; funding and financial materials; workshop and presentation materials; discussion papers; reference materials; reports; policy copies; permit and licence applications and reports; research and data-sharing agreements; researcher files; and project materials provided to GSCI by researchers including planning materials, interview materials, photographs, videos and films, theses, reports and articles.
  • Repatriation includes two series documenting the GSCI’s work in repatriating Gwich’in heritage materials and knowledge through a number of projects. The series included in this category are Gwich’in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project (426-S16) and Repatriation Projects (426-S17). These series consist of project, planning and produced records including correspondence; funding proposals, contribution agreements and terms of reference; reports; copies of publications; audio and video recordings; and photographs, slides and negatives.
  • Recognition of Historic and Cultural Sites includes three series documenting the GSCI’s work for the recognition, protection and management of Gwich’in historic and cultural sites. The series included in this category are Gwich’in Territorial Park (426-S18); Burial Sites (426-S19); and Historic Sites and Heritage Rivers (426-S20). The series include correspondence; materials related to the GSCI’s work in developing a vision and management plan for the Gwich’in Territorial Park including terms of reference, meeting materials, planning materials and copies of the management plan; funding materials, reports, maps and audio recordings from projects GSCI conducting in the Gwich’in Territorial Park; GTC Burial Site Guidelines; notes and information from the Tsiigehtchic Graveyard Mapping Project; and materials related to the nomination and management of national and territorial historic sites and heritage rivers including nomination applications, funding materials and service contracts; interview recordings and transcripts; photographs; unveiling ceremony materials; and draft management plans.
  • Research and Programs includes 17 series documenting the GSCI’s research projects, programming and activities. These series include project, planning and produced materials, place name database and online mapping materials, conference materials and reference materials. The series included in the category are Oral History and Place Names Projects and Activities (426-S21); Archaeology (426-S22); Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board Traditional Knowledge Work (426-S23); Gwich’in Traditional Knowledge of the Mackenzie Gas Project Area (426-S24); Arctic Red River Headwaters Projects (426-S25); Elder’s Biography Project (426-S26); Gwichya Gwich’in Googwandak (426-S27); Tsiigehtchic Genealogy Workshop (426-S28); Gwich’in Ethnobotany (426-S29); Committee for Original Peoples’ Entitlement (COPE) Recordings (426-S30); Other GSCI Projects (426-S31); Partner Projects (426-S32); Archival Projects (426-S33); Science and Culture Camps (426-S34); Non-Project Publications and Posters (426-S35); Conferences, Workshops and Meetings (426-S36); and Reference Collection (426-S37). These series include correspondence; funding, financial and budget materials; project proposals interview materials; field notes; workshop and presentation materials; reports; GSCI publications including books, articles, brochures and posters; photographs, slides and negatives; audio and video recordings; transcripts; programming materials for science and culture camps; materials related to the documentation, preservation and update of the GSCI’s archival material; conference materials, notes and presentations; and reference materials including books, reports, journals, articles, research manuals, non-GSCI language materials and Gwich’in historical materials.
  • Language includes one series documenting the GSCI’s language work and activities outside of research projects. This series is titled Language Work (426-S38) and documents GSCI’s work and relationship with the Gwich’in Language Centre, the development of the Gwich’in Language Plan, GSCI language workshops and projects, and language materials produced by the GSCI. This series includes correspondence; funding and budget materials; workshop materials; immersion camp materials; and dictionary copies, language class materials and other language materials.
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute
Pierre Duchaussois fonds
121 · Fonds · [ca. 1929]

This fonds consists of 197 photographs of Dene, Inuit, and members of the clergy in group portraits, hunting with decoys, dogs hauling lumber and the Catholic Church mission boat Immaculata. Locations include: Arctic Red River, Slave River rapids, Bloody Falls, Aklavik, Fort Smith, Coppermine River, Fort Resolution, Herschel Island and St. Albert (Alberta).

Duchaussois, Pierre
354 · Fonds · 1972-2000

This fonds includes records of the Metis Nation (formerly the Metis Association of the NWT) for the period 1974-2000. The records include 981.0 cm, 11 8" floppy disks, and 58 3½" floppy disks of textual records, 9 maps, and 24 photographs of processed records relating to the Metis Association and Metis Nation. The records are divided into six series: Governance, Locals, Chronos, Administration, Membership/Enumeration, and Projects.

Yet to be processed: There are 4500 photographs of Metis Nation staff and events in colour print, b/w print, colour slide and negative formats. Many of the photographs are b/w prints stamped as being from archival institutions, such as the National Archives. Audio recordings include 1800 audio cassettes of oral histories and recordings of the annual general assemblies. Videos include 200 VHS and Umatic format videocassettes with footage of annual general assembly as well as videos produced for the Metis Nation.

Metis Nation
122 · Fonds · 1914, 1963-1990

Records are primarily the records of the Western Constitutional Forum and the Constitutional Alliance. These records document the organizations' administration, finances, community liaison and public relations activities, research activities and publications, and interactions with member organizations including the Dene Nation, Métis Association, Legislative Assembly, Tungavik Federation of Nunavut (TFN), Inuit Tapirisat of Canada (ITC), Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC), Committee for Original Peoples' Entitlement (COPE).

The records include incorporation records, terms of reference, bylaws, action plans and activity reports, correspondence, audio recordings and minutes of meetings, workshops and conferences, budgets and financial statements, funding agreements, job descriptions, press releases, newspaper articles, newsletters, research papers and reference materials, publications, including audio versions of the pamphlet series in North Slavey (Dene Kǝdǝ́), South Slavey (Dene Zhatıé), Chipewyan, Tłı̨chǫ, Gwich’in, Inuvialuktun, and Inuinnaqtun, speaking notes, presentation slides (textual and photographic), photographs of the signing of the Iqaluit Agreement, and maps showing tentative boundaries, and information relevant to division.

The accession also includes related records from the NCF and member groups of the Forums and Constitutional Alliance (Dene Nation, Metis Association, Legislative Assembly, Tungavik Federation of Nunavut, Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, COPE, and Dene/Métis Claims Secretariat) such as bylaws, meeting minutes, action plans and activity reports, annual reports, resolutions, financial statements, newsletters, discussion papers, correspondence, and press releases.

Constitutional Alliance of the Northwest Territories. Western Constitutional Forum
279 · Fonds · 1920-1978

This fonds consists of approximately 51 meters of textual records, approximately 116 photographs, and 31 maps created and accumulated by the Northern Administration Branch and its various predecessors, from 1920 to 1978. The material was generated by the Federal government's activities in administering the Northwest Territories. Most of the records (over 34 m of textual records) are composed of files transferred from Ottawa to Yellowknife beginning in 1967, and include administrative and operational files. The majority of these files date between 1949 and 1967 and incorporate: correspondence, reports, vital statistic information, financial data, minutes, and a wide variety of reference material kept by the department. The files were classified via a numerical block system. The block system consisted of primary, secondary and tertiary levels such that a composite file number (for example 311-105-93) would represent a progression from general subject matter to a specific subject and/or location. The following primary blocks arrange the files:

100 - Administration;
200 - Economic and Industrial Development;
300 - Engineering Projects;
400 - Forests and Game;
500 - Public Service;
600 - Education;
1000 - General files on settlements, associations, companies, provinces, foreign countries, Inuit affairs, and resources;
20 - Individual case files;
3 - Personnel and organizational files.

None of the 700, 800 or 900 block files were forwarded to the NWT Archives. Moreover, at the time of transfer from Ottawa, it appears that other records from the file blocks brought to Yellowknife were culled in Ottawa. In addition, not all government functions were transferred in 1967, and some files contain records generated after 1967 from the continued administration of a function either by the federal government or from the use of the files by the new Territorial Government. A small number of photographs were located in the files during processing, however, these images have been left in their original files.

Additional accruals to this fonds make up another 10 meters of textual records and include the Northern Administration Branch records from the Fort Churchill district office dating from 1960 to 1970, and Western Arctic education records from 1964 to 1969. Another accrual of 7 meters of textual records documents the administration of trapping and hunting in the Northwest Territories, including correspondence, Superintendent of Game daily journals, game officer daily diaries and monthly reports, meeting minutes and materials, wildlife publications and reports, procedures, registered trapping area files, licence applications and licences, hunting and trapping returns, and fur export tax returns.

Other records of this fonds consist of: four ledgers kept between 1920 and 1967 documenting fur trapping and fur trading activities, four ledgers documenting fur and game take and value on registered trap lines, various licensing, and scientific research work; budget papers including estimates, expenditure statements and capital substantiation reports for 1966 to 1969; 2 supplementary readers, "Nuna" and "The Story of Papik an Eskimo Boy" compiled by the Curriculum Section of the Education Division from the journals of young Inuit children; and a 1954 report produced by C.C. Johnson, a Resident Engineer from Fort Smith. This report, entitled "Preliminary Report, Mackenzie Highway - Mills Lake Road" includes 31 corner mounted photographic prints and 16 black and white negatives. The report discusses plans to build a road to Mills Landing. In addition, there are copies of the Eskimo Bulletin dated from 1953-1959. The Eskimo Bulletin was produced by the Northern Administration and Land Branch in order to teach Inuit the English language.

Canada. Northern Administration Branch
151 · Fonds · [18--]-2001

This fonds consists of 45 DAT audio cassettes, 125 audio cassettes, approximately 7.7 meters of textual material and approximately 1000 photographs.

These records, in the form of textual material, sound recordings and photographs have been divided into eight series: 1) Oral History Interview Transcripts; 2) Audio Recordings which consist of 45 DAT audio cassettes (archival masters) and 124 audio cassettes (original masters) of oral histories, and 1 audio cassette (original master) of Michif language excerpts from the 1994 Michif Language Conference; 3) Archives Photocopies; 4) Subject Files; 5) Family Files; 6) Administrative Files; 7) Photographs; 8) Miscellaneous.

The archives photocopies from Series 3) consist of copies of archival documents such as petitions, treaties, government reports, significant government correspondence, and copies of extracts from books and articles. Photocopies of some of these were placed in subject files (Series 4) and family files (Series 5). These files contain information relevant to certain subjects (i.e. education, communities, Hudson's Bay Company) or families.

The administrative files in series 6 concern the administration of the Metis History Project from 1972 to 1979. As well, eight boxes of primarily administrative textual materials were donated when the Metis Nation ceased operations in 2001.

The materials in series 8 (Miscellaneous) consist of drafts of the Metis History book, index material for this collection and information on how to use this collection. Other textual material includes transcripts of interviews conducted by representatives of the Metis Heritage Association in 1992. Elders interviewed include Beatrice Daniels, Sam Norn, Albert Lafferty, Rene Mercredi, Joseph Masuzumi, Frank Laviolette, Dora Tourangeau, Len Heron, Helena Mandeville and Mable Heron. Also included within this series is the transcript of the Michif Language Conference, held on February 19-20, 1994.

Metis Heritage Association
Robert C. Knights fonds
24 · Fonds · 1956-1964

This fonds consists of 3-16 mm films and 649 photographs depicting the years Mr. Knights spent in the Northwest Territories. The footage on the videocassettes includes a boat trip down the Mackenzie River, dog team journeys and the removal of a body from the bush. Among the 649 photographs are images of buildings and surrounding areas of Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River), Sachs Harbour, Inuvik, Arviat (Eskimo Point), and Rankin Inlet. Many pictures show friends, Royal Canadian Mounted Police personnel and family at dances, parties, parades, water skiing and family gatherings. Hunting scenes are also included as well as Indigenous community members.

Knights, Robert C.
389 · Fonds · 1973-2015

This fonds consists of approximately 1.4 m of text. Included are original and signed self-government agreements, framework agreements, agreements-in-principle (AIP), implementation plans and Chief Negotiator framework agreements concerning the negotiation of self-government agreements between the GNWT, Government of Canada and the Tłı̨chǫ First Nation, Beaufort-Delta (Gwich'in and Inuvialuit), Akaitcho Territory Dene First Nations, Salt River First Nations, Deh Cho First Nations, Sahtu Dene and Metis, and South Slave Metis. There are also copies of interim measures agreements from other jurisdictions such as the Fond du Lac First Nations, Black Lake First Nations, Hatchet Lake First Nations, Manitoba Dëne Sųłıné and Sayisi Dene First Nation. Many of the agreements are in both English and French.

Also included in this fonds are Deputy Minister (DM) Chronos for 1999-2000, 2003-2005 and Ministerial Chronos for 1999-2000, as well as Ministerial briefing binders for sessions of the Legislative Assembly between 2013 and 2015.

This fonds also includes briefing binders prepared by the Intergovernmental Relations and Strategic Planning Division (IGRASP) for the Premier for various high-level meetings, conferences and forums.

This fonds also includes records generated between 1976-1986 by the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat, formerly operating within the Department of the Executive. These records document the role of the secretariat and the GNWT in the Dene and Metis land claims agreement-in-principle signed on September 5, 1988 as well as claims agreements with the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, the Committee for Original People's Entitlement (COPE) and the Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut.

As well, this fonds contains records from the Intergovernmental Relations Division relating to the development of the Social Agenda, as well as records from the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat relating to GNWT and federal government positions on Aboriginal rights and claims.

Northwest Territories. Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (2006-2017)
Archibald Fleming fonds
39 · Fonds · 1908-1950

This fonds consists of prints and negatives, including cellulose nitrate and one glass negative, formerly owned by Archibald Lang Fleming, as well as a program for the opening of the All Saints' Hospital in Aklavik in 1937, attended by Governor General Lord Tweedsmuir (John Buchan). The photographs include the communities of: Aklavik, Baker Lake, Cambridge Bay, Cape Dorset, Chesterfield Inlet, Clyde River, Coppermine, Eskimo Point, Lake Harbour, Pangnirtung, and Pond Inlet, among others. Images feature the portraits and daily activities of Inuit and Dene and Anglican churches and missions.

Fleming, Archibald
374 · Fonds · 1973-2005

This fonds consists of records from the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs that were created when it was a division within the Department of the Executive and from the Self Government Division, Ministry of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs. The records include policy development files and procedures related to self government cost sharing, formula financing, and grants and contributions, strategic planning documents, files related to organizational structure of Aboriginal Affairs Division and reorganization when it separated from the Department of the Executive and became its own entity, a devolution framework agreement including a Memorandum of Understanding between Aboriginal Affairs and Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND), and self-government negotiations frameworks distributed to GNWT Departments. There are also meeting minutes and work plans from Director’s Meetings, Deputy Minister Meetings, Senior Management Committee Meetings, Premiers Chronos, Premiers speeches, Ministerial and Deputy Minister Chronos, Ministerial Briefing Notes, and Briefing Notes for the Intergovernmental Core Group, which included DIAND and Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs.

There are also records related to the negotiation of self government and land claims agreements including files concerning the Inuvialuit Land Administration Agreement, Inuvialuit land claim, Makivik negotiations, Dogrib self government, Beaufort/Delta self government, as well as a file related to amendments to the NWT Act and intergovernmental forum process planning meeting. In addition, there are records related to the implementation of the Nunavut Final Agreement.

The bulk of the records were created by committees and working groups where Aboriginal Affairs was the lead agency or represented the GNWT on Federal Committees. There are committee records from the following: Devolution Working Group, Community Transfer Committee, Operational Review Committee, Traditional Knowledge Interdepartmental Working Group that addressed Traditional Knowledge within the Ministry, Federal/Territorial Core Group that dealt with constitutional reform, land claims and devolution, Constitutional Development Steering Committee, Ministerial Committee on Aboriginal Rights (CARS), Constitutional Affairs Committee Working Group, Federal/Territorial Special Joint Committee on Internal Relations, and the Services Review Committee that reviewed GNWT services to Aboriginal people. The Ministry chaired this committee that also included DIAND and Dene Nation. In addition, files related to the Dene/Metis Land Claim negotiations were kept including correspondence and committee work (Inherent Right Committee) on negotiating the Agreement in Principle between the GNWT and Dene Nation.

In addition, there are records from workshops and meetings that were funded and organized by the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs including Land Claims Implementation interjurisdictional workshop, Dene Nation and Metis Nation Annual General Assemblies, and Northern Leaders Conference that was organized by the Ministry in order for stakeholders such as Committee for Original Peoples Entitlement (COPE), and Dene Nation to discuss and have input into Bill C-48 (Canada Oil and Gas Act), as well as devolution issues. There is a memorandum of understanding on Devolution of Power and Authority to the GNWT from Canada with the involvement of the Dene and the Metis.

The remainder of the records relate to committee and working groups that Aboriginal Affairs would have monitored and provided expert advice such as submissions for the Land Claims and Self Government interface, Territorial Interest Working Group, Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Self Government discussion paper, Provincial/Territorial Treaties and Self Government Working Group, Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, Nunavut Implementation Committee, and Wright Report on Devolution. There is also one file regarding the NWT Supreme Court Decision regarding the Indian Land application by Chief Francois Paulette.

Northwest Territories. Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
Henry Cook fonds
224 · Fonds · 1914, 1938-1979

Photographs include images of Inuit constructing igloos, a confirmation ceremony at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Yellowknife, a plaquing ceremony in Fort McPherson, the visit of Governor General Lord Tweedsmuir (John Buchan) to Aklavik in 1937, the communities of Aklavik, Fort Simpson, Coppermine (Kugluktuk) and Hay River, and images of Chief Johnny Kay [Kyikavichik], Chief Johnny Charlie, Andrew Kunnizzi, Terry Buckle, Robert Simpson, R. P. Malis, Bishop Archibald Fleming, and Bishop Stringer.

The textual material includes a typed manuscript by Henry G. Cook of the prayers, creeds and blessings translated into the Slavey language, dated 1938 and a handwritten dictionary of the Slavey translations of English words, compiled by Bishop J.R. Lucas in 1914, and an 11-page typescript manuscript written by Mr. Cook entitled "Early Education in the North". Also included are ephemera collected by Rev. Cook including a program of a Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada plaquing ceremony held in Fort McPherson on July 7, 1977; programs, booklets, and correspondence related to Anglican clergy in the NWT; and booklets related to the history of the North, as well as copies of the Captain Al Cohol comic books produced by the Government of the Northwest Territories.

Cook, Henry G.
George Blondin fonds
291 · Fonds · 1981, 1996, 2000

This fonds consists of stories and writings from George Blondin, a Sahtu Dene elder. The stories and writings relate to traditional medicine, medicine power, Yamoga, Yamoria, the Giant Wolverine, and wolverine medicine power.

Blondin, George
Joan Ryan fonds
143 · Fonds · 1957-1960

This fonds consists of 154 duplicates of slides belonging to Joan Ryan. The original slides date from 1957-1960 and mainly feature Whatì [Lac La Martre], although Behchokǫ̀ [Fort Rae], Fort Smith, and Sugluk are also represented. Images include people of Whatì, and activities such as butchering moose, skin and hide preparation, and drying meat and fish.

Ryan, Joan
Miriam Leith fonds
73 · Fonds · [1959-1967]

This accession consists of 7.5 cm of textual records comprised of academic publications authored by Miriam Leith, as well as a large number of draft and research notes produced by Ms. Leith in her research on northern food and nutrition as well as housing programs. Files also contain correspondence and reports concerning northing housing programs. Related to Ms. Leith's work with the Adult Housing Education Program. Also included in the collection are copies of diet information and recipes distributed to the local people. Some of these materials are written in syllabics.

Leith, Miriam
Henri Posset fonds
105 · Fonds · 1957-1964, 1987

This fonds consists of 2 DAT audiocassettes, 2 audio reels and one centimeter of textual material. The two DAT audiocassettes and 2 audio reels contain recordings done by Father Henri Posset. The first recording was made in September 1957. It consists of drumming and chanting taped in Jean Marie River and Fort Franklin, fiddle music from Fort Franklin and various Slavey legends related by Johnny Betseda of Fort Simpson and Jean Marie Punch of Fort Providence. The second recordings with John Tsetso were made on April 1, 1964 in St. Margaret's Hospital at Fort Simpson. In this recording, Tsetso narrates, in Slavey, the first three chapters of his book, "Trapping is my Life", which was published in February 1964. He also relates two other stories about summer and winter. The fonds also contains two letters written by Father Posset which provide some biographical information on Johnny Betseda, John Tsetso and Jean Marie Punch. There is also a typed transcript of an interview between Father Posset and William Nerysoo, Sr., relating to Gwich'in personal names, which was conducted on November 23, 1987.

Posset, Henri
Wop May fonds
18 · Fonds · [1928-1948]

This fonds consists of 580 copy negatives (35 mm) and 196 prints which are duplicates of the negatives. These are copies of photographs which belonged to Wop May. Though many of the images are not dated, however, the original photographs appear to date from circa 1928 to 1948. Many of the photographs were taken in northern Alberta, but locations within the Northwest Territories include Aklavik, Fort Norman, Rae, Arctic Red River, Hay River, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, and Fort Resolution. The images include pilots, aircraft, and various aspects of air mail delivery.

This fonds also includes one map which appears to have been published in the Edmonton Journal. The map depicts Canada Post's inaugural air mail flight on December 10, 1929 between Edmonton and Aklavik piloted by Wop May.

May, Wop
284 · Fonds · 1886-1916, 197-

This collection consists of copies of books, articles, maps, photographs and other materials, created by or about Father Emile Petitot. The material was accumulated by Donat Savoie in the 1970s during his employment with the federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. The materials include approximately 2 meters of textual records, over 150 photographs, 13 maps and other ephemera. The textual materials consist of photocopies of writings of Petitot and articles, notes and bibliographies on Petitot's works by other authors. There are copies of letters by Father Jean Sequin, who was at Fort Good Hope with Father Petitot, and Donat Savoie's notes on the Metis taken from Petitot's works. The photographs consist primarily of images of engravings and drawings by Petitot, and a few by other artists, depicting the Dene, Metis, Inuit, and their cultures. Many of the illustrations appear in Petitot's and Savoie's books. Also included are photographs of Petitot and the Fort Good Hope church. There are additional images of a 1975 plaque ceremony honouring Emile Petitot at Mareuil-les-Meaux, France and Anglican Church photographs collected by Savoie. The maps consist of copies of maps by Emile Petitot, 5 maps produced for Annexe 2 'Inventaire toponymique: Cartes geographiques d'Emile Petitot' of "L'Occupation territoriale chez les amerindiens du nord-ouest canadien au XIXe siecle selon Emile Petitot: Land Occupancy by the Amerindians of the Canadian Northwest in the 19th Century, according to Emile Petitot" by Rachelle Castonguay and another 4 maps related to volume two of that publication. The latter represent Petitot's interpretation of native land use and occupancy in the Athabasca-Mackenzie region up to the 1880s and illustrate: Indigenous toponymy; land occupancy; native activities and native groups in various areas. Additional materials in this collection include copies of birth certificates for Emile Petitot and members of his family and copies of newspaper clippings on Petitot.

Father Emile Petitot Research Collection
Norris Hunt fonds
366 · Fonds · 1968-1969

This fonds consists of 217 colour slides taken by Dr. Norris Hunt in 1968-1969. The photographs include images from Tuktoyaktuk, Aklavik, Arctic Red River (Tsiigehtchic), Holman Island, Cape Parry, Inuvik and the surrounding area. There are photographs of the DEW Line site and geological features such as pingos. There are images of nurses and physicians, medical evacuations, facilities and hospital patients, including images of Dr. Hunt instructing students in a classroom setting. There are photographs of the ski team and cross country skiers in Inuvik. There are photographs depicting events at the Miss Ice Worm pageant. There are aerial images of the area and photographs of typical housing and utilidors in Inuvik. There are unidentified photographs of people from the communities.

Hunt, Norris
231 · Fonds · [196-? - 1981], 1988

This fonds consists of two maps, 465 photographs, 43 DAT audiocassettes and 17 audio reels. The majority of the material consists of a collection of oral histories and photographs accumulated by the Fort Good Hope Community Council via their Dene Language and Historical Research Project. The oral histories were created because of the Dene Language and Historical Research Program. The photographs, collected from individual photographers, represent an artificial collection of historical photographs. Photographers include: Mr. Cassien Edgi, Brother Mahe and Alphonsine McNeely. The maps consist of town plans dealing with land use and development in the municipality of Fort Good Hope. One plan contains the text of the Fort Good Hope Community Plan. The second plan indicates zoning and focuses on the Jackfish Creek Redevelopment.

Fort Good Hope (NT)
363 · Fonds · 1984-1996, 2012

This fonds consists of textual material from the Office of the Language Commissioner. The material includes five copies of the brochure "The Languages of Our Land" which contains basic information about the purpose and content of the NWT Official Languages Act. The brochures are in the languages of English, French, Cree, Tlicho (Dogrib), Chipewyan, Gwich'in, North Slavey, South Slavey, Inuinnaqtun and Inuvialuktun. In addition there is a copy of the report "The Richness that Language and Culture Brings" which is an Impact Study of Canada-NWT Languages Agreements (1984-1996) and the Aboriginal Languages Directory (2012) and its accompanying References and Citations Companion.

Northwest Territories. Office of the Languages Commissioner