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Tabled Documents
G-1999-063: 55-2 · File · June 11-22, 1973
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of an incomplete set of Tabled Documents from the 49th session of the 7th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The file includes 1-49 Report on Health Conditions in the Northwest Territories 1972, 2-49 Report of Orders and Regulations, 3-49 Report of the Board of Inquiry into Labour Standards and Labour Relations, 4-49 The Travel Industry in the Northwest Territories 1972, 5-49 Territorial Museum Program, 6-49 Proposed Water and Sanitation Policy for Communities in the Northwest Territories, 8-49 Letter from Canadian Arctic Resources Committee and clipping from Nature Canada, 9-49 Letter from Inuit Tapirisat and Brief to the Federal Government in Respect to Disallowance of Game Legislation of the Northwest Territories, 10-49 Report of the Standing Committee on Finance, 11-49 Report on the Standing Committee on Finance Supplementary Estimates No. 1, 14-49 Recommendations from the Community Development Conference, 15-49 Telex from the Canadian Construction Association regarding Report of Inquiry Concerning Labour Standards and Labour Relations Ordinance, 16-49 Letter from the NWT Status of Women, 17-49 Letter from Boeing Commercial Airplane Group regarding the ability of a 747 to land on sea ice, 18-49 A report to the people in the Central Arctic communities -- by your Territorial Councillor (Lena Pedersen), 19-49 Progress Report on the Implementation of the Main Recommendations of the Report of the Northwest Territories Council Task Force on Housing, 20-49 Decentralized Correctional Services, 21-49 A Discussion Paper for the Provision of Air Transportation Facilities in the Arctic, 22-49 Report of the Standing Committee on Development and Ecology, 23-49 Letter regarding the condition of the Ingraham Trail, 25-49 Inuvik Housing Project, 27-49 Resolution of Inuvik & District Chamber of Commerce regarding Settlement of Outstanding Indian [First Nations], Eskimo [Inuit], and Metis Claims, 28-49 Resolution of Inuvik & District Chamber of Commerce regarding Provincial Type Responsibilities for the Government of the Northwest Territories, and 29-49 Resolution of Inuvik & District Chamber of Commerce regarding Construction of Mackenzie Valley Natural Gas Pipeline.

Tabled Documents
G-1999-063: 54-6 · File · February 1-19, 1971
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of an incomplete set of Tabled Documents from the 44th session of the 7th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The file includes Tabled Document 2-44 Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation Annual Report 1969-70, 11-44 Mackenzie River Crossing Study, 13-44 Bill C-193 An Act to Amend the Northern Canada Power Commission Act, 14-44 Message From Northwest Territories Ski Team, 15-44 Letter and brief regarding "Northern Ownership Housing" proposal, 16-44 Resolutions Arising from Northwest Territories Association of Municipalities November 13, 1970, 17-44 Petition from Editor of The Honeybucket Newspaper, 19-44 Report on Storm Damage to Frobisher Bay [Iqualuit] and Pangnirtung, 22-44 Tender Deposit Requirements for NWT Government Contracts, 23-44 Petition for Legislation to Regulate Motor Toboggans, 25-44 Message from Cape Dorset regarding Employment of Local Citizens on Construction, 26-44 Return to Question W21-44 regarding Arctic Red River Sawmill, 27-44 Return to Question W13-44 on Private Housing Units Financed Under CMHC 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, and 1970, 28-44 Return to Question W14-44 on Cost of Houses Erected under Northern Rental Housing and Indian-Eskimo Housing Program, 29-44 Return to Question W15-44 on Cost of Freighting Housing Units to Settlements, 30-44 Message from Canadian Audubon Society Regarding Land Use Regulations, 31-44 Petition Opposing Annexation of Land by Town of Hay River, 34-44 Estimated Operating Costs by Settlement, 36-44 Extract from "Inuvik Drum" of July 2, 1970 regarding Inuvik Alano Club, 37-44 Letter regarding Inuvik Committee of Concern on Alcohol Problems, and 38-44 Resolutions on Behalf of COPE by Agnes Semmler.

Tabled Documents
G-1999-063: 54-1 · File · June 16-27, 1969
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of an incomplete set of Tabled Documents from the 39th session of the 6th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The file includes Tabled Document 1 - Aviation: Rankin Inlet, 2 - Petition regarding Rankin Inlet Water Supply, 3 - Letter regarding Adult Education, 4 - Report to Council on Federal-Territorial Financial Agreement for 1969-70, 5 - Brief for the Continuation of the Experimental Teacher Education Programme in the Forthcoming Year of 1969-70, 6 - Program for the Explorers Club 65th Annual Dinner, 7 - Newspaper article "Eskimo [Inuit] Canapes Are His Big Dish", 8 - Territorial Housing Construction Study, 9 - Statement to Council Under Section 16(3) of the Financial Administration Act, 12 - Brief on Christian Education Presented by the Parents of Fort Simpson, and 13 - Letter regarding Centennial celebrations.

Tabled Documents
G-1999-063: 53-3 · File · March 6-April 10, 1967
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of Tabled Documents from the 34th session of the 5th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Ottawa, Ontario. The file includes Tabled Document 1 - Comments on Report of a Board of Inquiry on Labour Standards in the Northwest Territories, 2 - Telegram regarding Transport Tenders, 3 - Petition regarding Game Management Regulations, 4 - Petition for Mr. Chow Fat Kung to Enter Canada, 5 - Letter regarding compensation for Henry Beaulieu's house, 6 - Development of the Soviet Union, 7 - Letter regarding Polar Bear Quota, 10 - Operational Plan for Civil Emergencies, 11 - Brief regarding Off-Premise Beer Sales, 12 - Effects of Restrictions Imposed Upon the Mackenzie Hotel in Inuvik, 13 - Letter regarding Muskoxen, 14 and 16 to 18 - Petitions regarding Off-Premise Beer Sales, 15 - Petition regarding Medical Services in Gjoa Haven, 19 - Letter regarding Fur Prices, 20 - Telex regarding Inuvik Preschool, 21 - Report of Committee of the Whole to Consider Replies to the Commissioner's Address, 22 - General Report and Minutes of the Keewatin Eskimo Regional Council, 23 - By-Laws of the Frobisher Federal Building Residents Association, 24 - Letter regarding recommendation from the General Meeting of the Indian and Metis People of Fort Smith, 25 - Minutes of the Indian and Metis Conference, 26 - Telex regarding Fish Plants in West Channel Hay River, 27 - Letter regarding Land Tenure and Game Laws, 28 - Co-operatives in the Canadian North, 29 - Matters Requiring the Commissioner's Attention, 30 - Letters regarding Opposition to Establishment of a Government Lottery, 31 - Planning Report and Development Plan Fort Simpson.

Statements to Council
G-1999-063: 49-1 · File · March 6-April 10, 1967
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of Statements to Council for the 34th session of the 5th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Ottawa, Ontario. The file includes Statement to Council 1- Local Industries, 2 - Shooting of Beaver and Increasing Beaver Quota, 3 - Air Navigation Aids in Keewatin, 4 - Administration of Ethnic Funds, 5 - Tourist Development, 6 - Producer Co-operatives, 7 - Quality of Housing Construction, 8 - Control of Sports Fishing by Government of the Northwest Territories, 9 - Study of Large Scale Exile Schools, 10 - Discrimination by Departmental Personnel, 11 - Variation of Distributing Costs for Liquor, 12 - Storage Space in Eskimo [Inuit] House, 13 - Prospectors' Assistance Program, 14 - Community Freezers, 15 - Mackenzie Valley Roads, 16 - Territorial Housing Paper, 17 - Local Housing Responsibilities and Home Location, 18 - Integrated Housing Programs and Housing Funds, 19 - Research in the Northwest Territories, 20 - Travel and Licence Office, 21 - Salaries for Social Workers, 22 - Air Facilities Map, 23 - Progress Report on the Study of the Economic Aspects of the Inland Freshwater Fishing in the Northwest Territories, 24 - Road to Lac La Martre, 25 - Eskimo [Inuit] Arts Council, 26 - Northern News Service, 27 - Garbage Collection - Resolute Bay, 28 - Keewatin Street Lighting, 29 - Waiting Period - Frobisher Bay [Iqaluit, Nunavut] Liquor Store, 30 - Eskimo [Inuit] Orthography, 31 - The Grade Limit of Settlement Schools, 32 - The Commissioner's Award, 33 - Industrial Development - Smelting, 34 - Assistance to Igloolik Community Centre, 35 - Temporary Use of Trapping Areas, 36 - Film Distribution, 37 - Social Assistance, 38 - Arctic Water Systems, 39 - C.B.C. Arctic Transmission, 40 - Seal Hunting - Firearms, 41 - Installation of Fire Alarm - Aklavik, 42 - Tax Statistics for the Northwest Territories, 43 - Native Culture and School Curricula, 44 - Assistance for Fall Fairs, 45 - Recruiting of Game Officers and Game Management Services, 46 - Medical Services Revenue - Aklavik, 47 - Caribou Research, 48 - Equal Community Services - Rankin Inlet, 49 - Arctic Fitness, 50 - Pension Plan Legislation, 51 - Unemployment Insurance Office for Yellowknife, 52 - Mackenzie Delta Whaler's Transport, 53 - Education in Game Management, 54 - Wage Standards - Northwest Territories, 55 - Eye Services - Keewatin and Arctic Areas, 56 - Radio Communication - Anderson River and Peel River, 57 - Commemoration of Canada's Centennial, 58 - Medical Personnel and Services, 59 - Services at Sachs Harbour, N.W.T., 60 - Fire Protection - Arctic Region, 61 - Caribou Transplant, 62 - Scheduling of Sessions of Council of the Northwest Territories, 63 - Eskimo [Inuit] Arrests, 64 - Court Room Interpreters, 65 - Government Projects - Employee Contracts, Fort Franklin, N.W.T. [Deline, NWT], and 66 - Spence Bay [Taloyoak, Nunavut] Water Supply.

Information Items
G-1999-063: 46-9 · File · June 14-25, 1971
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of Information Items for the 45th session of the 7th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The file includes Information Item 1-45 Nurses' Training Program - NWT Native Girls, 2-45 Protection of Hunting and Trapping Rights of Indians and Eskimos (including associated documents on environmental management and pipelines), 3-45 Standardization of Sizing and Patterns, 4-45 Tourism Promotion of Wood Buffalo Park, 5-45 Nursing Station Trailer at Pelly Bay [Kugaaruk], 6-45 Adjustment of Welfare Rates, 7-45 Research into "Arctic Hysteria" or "Cabin Fever", 8-45 Unemployment Insurance Administration in the NWT, 9-45 Increased Program of Organized Hunts, 10-45 Specialists with Admitting Privileges to Charles Camsell Hospital, 11-45 Appointment of Deputy Game Wardens on Polar Bear Hunts, 12-45 Funds to be Provided to Trappers Councils to Conduct Caribou Spotting, 13-45 Recommended Trappers Conferences - Inuvik Region during Spring of 1971, 14-45 Rates Proposed by NCPC for Supply of Power to the Town of Hay River, 15-45 Fire Extinguishers in Homes in the Baffin Region, 16-45 Inventory of Local Labour Force, 17-45 Information Re: Training-On-The-Job Program, 18-45 Private Enterprise to Provide Municipal Services, 19-45 Delay in Issue of Workmen's Compensation Cheques, 20-45 Non-Payment of Unemployment Insurance Benefits, 21-45 Insurance Regulations - Ministry of Transport, 22-45 Establishment of Post Offices at Pelly Bay [Kugaaruk] and Gjoa Haven, 23-45 N.W.T. Public Library Services, 24-45 Adult Education - Inuvik Region, 25-45 Adult Education Program to be Widened, 26-45 Eskimos [Inuit] and Indians [First Nations] and Housing Educators, 27-45 Entitlement to Furnishings - Employee Accommodations, Frobisher Bay [Iqaluit], 28-45 1-Financing Aklavik Fur Garment Co-operative 2-Study of Tannery Industry, 29-45 Relocation of Headquarters of "G" Division in Yellowknife, 30-45 Nursing Home for Senior Citizens at Fort Simpson, 31-45 Post Office and Services - Fort Resolution, 32-45 Polar Bear Sport Hunting - Mr. Brian Davies, 33-45 Game Management Transceiver Radios, 35-45 Package Tour Development - Tourism, 36-45 NCPC Reduction in Rates, 37-45 Training Programs - Department of Industry and Development, 38-45 Amendment to N. C. P. C. Act, 39-45 Industrial Development Projects Primary Forest Production - Fiscal Year 1970-71, 40-45 Tourism Promotion of Wood Buffalo National Park (Complementary to Information Item No. 4-45), 41-45 Coppermine [Kugluktuk] Airstrip Extension, 42-45 The Federal-Provincial Conference on Family Planning March 22-23, 1971, 43-45 Closed Season on Polar Bear Hunting, 44-45 Manufacture of Fibre Glass Water Tanks - Fort Providence, and 45-45 Hospital Committees.

Information Items
G-1999-063: 46-4 · File · October 6-November 11, 1969
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of Information Items for the 40th session of the 6th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories and Baker Lake, Northwest Territories [Nunavut]. The file includes Information Item 1 - Hand Clean-up of Seismic Lines and Roads, 2 - Legal Aid Expenditure - 1966-1969, 3 - Centennial Stamp, 4 - Training of Fire-fighters and Fire Protection in the N.W.T., 5 - Territorial Senior Liason Officer - Ottawa, 6 - Indian [First Nations] and Eskimo [Inuit] Translation - Unemployment Insurance Information, 7 - Rates for Boarding Homes for Pupils, 8 - Review and Adjustment of Welfare Rates, 9 - Organization and Operation of Employment Selection and Placement Services in the N.W.T., and 10 - Weather Reporting and Air-to-Ground Communication Between the Mackenzie and the Central Arctic.

Information Items
G-1999-063: 46-6 · File · June 8-18, 1970
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of Information Items for the 42nd session of the 6th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The file includes Information Item 1 - Translation of Ministers Papers into Eskimo [Inuktitut] and Indian [First Nations] Languages, 2 - Dragline for Aklavik Road Construction Turning Over of Transit Units with Region, 3 - Placement of Graduates of Experimental Teacher Education Program, 4 - Hiring of Native People by Oil Companies, 5 - Inform News Media - Polar Bear Hunting and Conservation, 6 - Housing Situation Study, 7 - Home Owner Grants, 8 - Opening of an Unemployment Insurance Office in Yellowknife, 9 - Exemption from Proposed 5% Tax on Air Fare, 10 - White Paper on Taxation, 11 - Burials of N.W.T. Residents Who Die in Southern Canada, 12 - Permission to Build Two Panaloc (Round Houses) under Housing Program, 13 - Turning Over Transit Centres to Private Enterprise - Cambridge Bay and Coppermine [Kugluktuk, Nunavut], 14 - Eskimo [Inuktitut] Language, 15 - Establishment of Welfare Advisory Committees, 16 - Canada Assistance Funds Used for "Work for Welfare", 17 - Increase in Water and Sanitation Allocation, 18 - Business Practices of Co-operatives, 19 - D.P.W. Replies to Council, 20 - Hardships at Snowdrift [Lutselk'e], 21 - Employment of Northern Residents - Oil Industry, 22 - Housing Report - Local Government, 23 - Vote at Rankin Inlet, 24 - Polar Bear Sport Hunting Program, 25 - Buffalo-Non-Residents Sport Hunting, 26 - Wolf Bounty Claims, 27 - Trapper's Assistance and Fur Marketing Service, 28 - Unemployment Insurance Office, and 29 - Big Game Surveys.

Supplementary Notes
G-1999-063: 45-5 · File · November 13-25, 1967
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of Supplementary Notes for the 35th session of the 6th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The file includes Supplementary Note 1 - Cambridge Bay Fishery, 2 - Capital Assistance for Vocational Education Construction Purposes, 3 - Delays in Printing and Distribution of Debates of the 34th Session, 4 - Economic Development in the Northwest Territories, 5 - Education Facilities at Rocher River, 6 - Clipping from Ottawa Citizen Issue of October 13, 1967 "'Mistaken identity' hits Eskimo [Inuit] sealskin trade", 7 - Fort Resolution Advisory Council - Curfew Recommendations, 8 - Fort Resolution and Rae [Behchoko] Co-operatives, 9 - Musk-ox Hunting, Grise Fiord Area, 10 - Radio Equipment for Trappers Peel and Anderson River, 11 R.C.M. Police Letter on Allegations Concerning Corporal J. Armstrong, 12 - Acknowledgement of Above Letter by Minister's Special Assistant, 13 - Salaries for Medical Staff, 14 - Y.W.C.A. Resident Youth Hostel Yellowknife, and 15 - Water Supply - Rankin Inlet.

Sessional Papers
G-1999-063: 40-3 · File · November 13-25, 1967
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of the Sessional Papers for the 35th Session of the 6th Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The file includes Sessional Paper 1 - Commissioner's Opening Address, 2 - Implementation of the Standard Eskimo [Inuit] Orthography, 3 - Radio Communication - Anderson River and Peel River, 4 - Public Library Services in the Northwest Territories, 6 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police Air Division Activities, , and Recommendation to Council 2 - Territorial Utility Corporation.

Sessional Papers
G-1999-063: 37-4 · File · July 27-31, 1959
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of Sessional Papers for the 17th Session of the 3rd Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Chesterfield Inlet, Northwest Territories [Nunavut]. Includes Sessional Paper 1 - Commissioner's Address, 1A - Report of Committee on Commissioner's Opening Address - L.H. Nicholson, 2 - Annual Report of the Commissioner, 3 - Annual Report - Workmen's Compensation, 4 - Annual Report - Liquor System, 5 - Statement of Revenue and Expenditure 1958-59, 6 - Orders and Regulations Tabled at the July, 1959 Session, 7 - Airstrips at Local Communities, 8 - Manufacture of Home Furniture, 9 - Eligibility for General Hunting Licences, 10 - Zoning of the Northwest Territories for Game Purposes, 11 - Sale of Moose Meat, 12 - Licences for Big Game Hunting, 13 - Predator Control in the Northwest Territories - July 1, 1958-May 31, 1959, 14 - Report on Vegetable Growing at Aklavik, 15 - The use of Aircraft in Caribou Hunting, 16 - Moose Hunting, 17 - Current Barren-Ground Caribou Situation, 18 - Motor Vehicle Insurance, 19 - Liquor Privileges for Indigents, 20 - Gratitude to the Queen, 21 - Resolution Concerning the Application of the Game Ordinance of the Northwest Territories to Eskimo [Inuit], 22 - Indians and Intoxicants, 23 - An Ordinance to Amend the Business Licence Ordinance, 24 - An Ordinance to Amend the Hay River Municipal District Ordinance, 25 - An Ordinance to Provide Hospital Insurance for Residents of the Northwest Territories, 26 - An Ordinance to Authorize the Commissioner to Borrow a Sum not Exceeding Four Hundred Thousand Dollars from the Government of Canada and to Authorize the Commissioner to Execute an Agreement Relating Thereto (1959), 27 - An Ordinance to Amend the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance, and 28 - An Ordinance Respecting Additional Expenditures for the Public Service of the Northwest Territories for the Financial Year ending the 31st day of March, 1960.

Votes and Proceedings
G-1999-063: 1-9 · File · August 29-September 8, 1955
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of the Votes and Proceedings of the 9th Session of the 2nd Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories.

Please note that the Inuit are referred to as Eskimos in these records.

Votes and Proceedings
G-1999-063: 1-15 · File · July 14-18, 1958
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

One folder consisting of the Votes and Proceedings of the 15th Session of the 3rd Council of the Northwest Territories, sitting in Ottawa, Ontario.

Please note that the the Inuit are referred to as Eskimos in these records.

G-1979-042: 14-7 · File · 1951
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of the sessional papers of the regular session of the Council of the Northwest Territories held on May 29, 1951. This file includes minutes, an agenda, and attachments organized by agenda item. See also the official meeting file in G-1979-042: 10-19.

Please note that many of the Council minutes contain outdated and pejorative terms; paternalistic, racist, ableist, or otherwise offensive attitudes; and/or discussions of sensitive topics. We have reproduced these terms and comments in the digitized documents because they are a part of the original historical record.

G-1979-042: 14-5 · File · 1948-1950
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of the sessional papers of the 196th to 199th and special sessions of the Council of the Northwest Territories. This file includes attachments, meeting packages, agendas, and minutes. See also the official meeting files in G-1979-042: 10-6 to 10-14.

Please note that many of the Council minutes contain outdated and pejorative terms; paternalistic, racist, ableist, or otherwise offensive attitudes; and/or discussions of sensitive topics. We have reproduced these terms and comments in the digitized documents because they are a part of the original historical record.

G-1979-042: 14-6 · File · 1950-1951
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of the sessional papers of the regular session of the Council of the Northwest Territories held on February 15, 1951. This file includes minutes, an agenda, and attachments organized by agenda item. See also the official meeting file in G-1979-042: 10-18.

Please note that many of the Council minutes contain outdated and pejorative terms; paternalistic, racist, ableist, or otherwise offensive attitudes; and/or discussions of sensitive topics. We have reproduced these terms and comments in the digitized documents because they are a part of the original historical record.

G-1979-042: 14-4 · File · 1949
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of the sessional papers of the 188th to 195th and special sessions of the Council of the Northwest Territories. This file includes attachments, meeting packages, agendas, and minutes. See also the official meeting files in G-1979-042: 9-4 to 10-4.

Please note that many of the Council minutes contain outdated and pejorative terms; paternalistic, racist, ableist, or otherwise offensive attitudes; and/or discussions of sensitive topics. We have reproduced these terms and comments in the digitized documents because they are a part of the original historical record.

G-1979-042: 13-13 · File · 1926-1927
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of the sessional papers of the 6th Session of the NWT Council, as kept by the Secretary. This file contains copies of the minutes, several original attachments, and a meeting package, including a copy of the minutes of the fifth session. See also the official meeting file in G-1979-042: 1-6.

Please note that many of the Council minutes contain outdated and pejorative terms; paternalistic, racist, ableist, or otherwise offensive attitudes; and/or discussions of sensitive topics. We have reproduced these terms and comments in the digitized documents because they are a part of the original historical record.

G-1979-042: 14-3 · File · 1929-1930
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of the sessional papers of the 11th Session of the NWT Council, as kept by the Secretary. This file contains attachments (some original) and meeting packages, including minutes for the 10th session. Some attachments for later meetings are also included. See also the official meeting file in G-1979-042: 1-11.

Please note that many of the Council minutes contain outdated and pejorative terms; paternalistic, racist, ableist, or otherwise offensive attitudes; and/or discussions of sensitive topics. We have reproduced these terms and comments in the digitized documents because they are a part of the original historical record.