Madame Vanier beside two Chipewyan infants at Fort Churchill. June 12, 1961
L-R: RCMP Inspector Carl Rainier Dewey (head of the Fort Smith sub-division) Governor General and Madame Vanier at Fort Smith June 14, 1961
Mr. Jasper Piktautar, an Inuk, presenting a miniture ivory kayak sculpture of his to Governor General Vanier, Akudlik (Churchill), June 13, 1961
Governor General Vanier talking to a Boy Scout, Akudlik (Churchill), June 13, 1961
Governor General and Madame Vanier at Fort Smith airport talking to crowd of people, June 14, 1961
Governor General and Madame Vanier surrounded by children, Akudlik (Churchill), June 13, 1961
Governor General and Madame Vanier with Monseigneur Piche and Monseigneur Falaise at St. Joseph's Parish at Fort Smith, June 15, 1961
Governor General Vanier (centre) with Monseigneur Piche (right) at Fort Smith, June 15, 1961
Governor General and Madame Vanier at a reception at J.B. Tyrell school Fort Smith, June 15, 1961
Mrs. M. Maclean (in polka-dot dress and pearls) with her Grade One students at J.B. Tyrell school Fort Smith, June 15, 1961
[Governor General Vanier sits on pallet of half chicken cans being moved with forklift] L-R: Governor General Vanier, unknown, ADC to Governor General, M.J. Burkhart of Northern Transportation Company Ltd. And RCMP Inspector C.R. Dewey at NTCL dock at Fort Smith, June 17, 1961
Governor General Vanier with Monseigneur Falaise and another R.C. clergyman, RCMP Inspector C.R. Dewey on extreme left. At Fort Smith, June 15, 1961
Classroom students J.B. Tyrell school Fort Smith, June 15, 1961
Governor General and Madame Vanier at a reception at J.B. Tyrell school Fort Smith, June 15, 1961
[Logs floating near dock and chute, two men in boat nearby] Logging operations at Fort Fitzgerald. June 16, 1961
[Governor General Vanier sits on pallet of half chicken cans being moved with forklift] Centre: Governor General Vanier, then to his left, M.J. Burkhart of Northern Transportation Company Ltd. then RCMP Inspector C.R. Dewey at NTCL dock at Fort Smith, June 17, 1961
[L-R: Mr.Wilson R.(Red) McBryan and Governor General Vanier on his arrival to Hay River], June 17, 1961
Back left: RCMP Inspector C.R. Dewey, unknown, Governor General Vanier. Front centre: M. Baptiste Cazon, Chief of Fort Simpson Band. Fort Simpson NWT, June 19, 1961
Left of table: Madame Vanier, M. Baptiste Cazon, Chief of Fort Simpson Band. Back at right side of table: RCMP Inspector C.R. Dewey, Governor General Vanier. Fort Simpson NWT, June 19, 1961
Governor General and Madame Vanier at the Trefiak Fishery Plant Hay River, June 19, 1961