Entitled "Arctic Missions of the Mackenzie," the film is presented by the Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, and sponsored by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Produced by Rev. William Aloysius Leising in 1945,an hour long film documentary entitled "Arctic Missions of the Mackenzie", with the support of Cardinal Francis Spellman of New York. It tells the story Father Leising and the priests and nuns working in the Central Arctic. The film is narrated by Father Leising, then a missionary in the Vicarate of the Mackenzie.
Activities depicted in the film are a variety of missionary activities across the north including: the christening of the Sant' Anna boat and its portage, the use of dogsleds for a buffalo hunt, gathering of salt on the salt plains, farming including harvesting of crops by students in Fort Resolution, fishing in Great Slave Lake, seal hunting, woodcutting, the building of the church in Tuktoyaktuk, schooling at unknown locations including young women sewing and tufting, mooseskin preparation by Mrs. Todzi, a picnic in an unknown southern location, silver berry bead gathering and rosary making by nuns, mass at Stony Rapids and Fond du Lac, funeral of a child in an unknown location, a double wedding officiated by Father Gamache, a caribou hunt in Stanton including Billy Thrasher piloting boat, and fox trappers gathering in spring near King's Bay including the use of large caribou skin tents. Most footage seems to be from the early 1950s but some black and white footage may be earlier.
This accession consists of one VHS videocassette entitled God's Explorers, an examination of the role of missionaries, especially the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) in the development of the North. The documentary was produced by Susan Cardinal of Westmount Productions and executive produced by Tom Cox. Produced in 2001, it runs 95 minutes in length. Featured are Bishop Denis Croteau and Father Rene Fumoleau.
This accession consists of 1 photographic print of R.P.P. Girard, O.M.I. dressed in his regimental uniform, signed by Rev. Girard and containing his address on the back.
Records are comprised of photocopies of documents found among Father LeMeur's papers shortly after he died. Included are English translations of Father LeMeur's Inuvialuktun radio program broadcast over CFCT Tuk Radio, a manuscript entitled "True Experiences- Men of the North," a notebook in Inuvialuktun and miscellaneous papers most of which are also in Inuvialuktun.