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Archival description

Records date from 1979-2006 and include 3850 colour slides, 2529 35mm black and white negatives, 1911 35mm colour negatives, 397 medium format black and white negatives, 64 medium format colour negatives and 2 medium format colour positives. The majority of the images were created by John Poirier in his capacity as staff photographer and darkroom technician and later Coordinator of Technical Services of the NWT Archives, located at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre (PWNHC), between 1986-2006. Other photographers unknown. Subjects include: staff members; permanent, temporary and visiting exhibits; events; and special projects at the PWNHC. Building construction and renovations, exhibit construction, PWNHC Open Houses, the Dogrib birchbark canoe project and the Dogrib caribou skin lodge figure prominently. Many of these images were used for publishing, promotional or exhibit purposes for various sections within the PWNHC.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Culture and Heritage division (2006-present)

Records date from 1986-1999 and include copies of agreements and support documentation between the Department and the federal government related to delivery of training programs, support and delivery of the Aboriginal and French language programs and exchange of information. There are also agreement files and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Department and various Boards of Education including the Beaufort Delta, Baffin, Sahtu, South Slave, Kitikmeot, Keewatin and Deh Cho. These files contain copies of the MOU between the Department and Boards. There is also MOU related to the transfer of Sir John Franklin High School to the Yellowknife Education District No.1 (YK 1). The remaining records relate to a regional operations review file, a Minister's conference on Education that focused on the departmental strategic planning document "Mapping Our Future" and a file containing participants notes and final reports from a Focus Group Workshop, “Foundations for the Future."

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Management Services division
G-2007-001 · Accession · 1989-1994
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources fonds

Records date from 1989-1994 and include records related to resource development projects such as proposals for tanneries in the NWT, divisional review and input on projects related to the NWT Power Corporation, departmental legislative initiatives such as the Environmental Protection Act, working agreement between the department and the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development on oil spills in the NWT and material from Director’s Meetings that include staff meeting minutes and divisional activity reports. The remaining material consists of committee or working group records from the following: Departmental Planning Committee, NWT Water Board Technical Committee, Environmental Assessment Review Panel (EARP), NWT/Federal Pesticide Review Committee which includes the Pollution Control Division input into the report, GNWT Land Use Planning Working Group and Commissioner's Land and Review Committee (CLRC), NWT Climate Advisory Committee, and the Renewable Resource Committee files on traditional knowledge.

Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources. Environmental Protection division
G-2006-020 · Accession · 1972-1998
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Health and Social Services fonds

Records date from 1972-1998, and mainly relate to legislative initiatives and amendments of Department of Health and Department of Health and Social Services legislation or acts. The files include options papers, draft proposals, and correspondence between legislative policy analysts and the department regarding the requested legislative amendments or initiatives. There are also files from the National Health Research and Development Program (NHRDP) related to the evaluation of NHRDP submissions, correspondence and minutes from the NHRDP Review Panel, as well as files identifying research needs in the NWT, development of health related workshops that would be delivered by the Department of Health, as well as program development in the NWT. In addition, the accession includes departmental strategic planning and reorganization files related to the amalgamation of the Department of Health and the Department of Social Services, as well as files related to the transfer of health services to the GNWT from the Federal Government. There are also records from the Community Transfer Initiative and how it impacted the transfer of health services to communities. There are also working drafts and development files for departmental reports such as the NWT Health Report, NWT Health Status Report, Ambulance Services Report, as well as program evaluation files about the AIDS project and Advanced Nursing Skills Program. The remaining files include management studies (Management for Results) for the various health boards, copies of MOU between the Department of Health and Social Services and Justice and Education, Culture and Employment, as well as files from the Vital Statistics Committee, Territorial Laboratory Standards Committee and Traditional Knowledge Working Group, in particular traditional knowledge activities at Stanton Hospital.

Northwest Territories. Department of Health and Social Services. Policy, Legislation and Communications division

Records are dated from 1992-1997, and the majority of the files relate to the EDA (Economic Development Agreement) and include work plans, rules and consultation plans for the arts and crafts, harvesting, community development, fishery and cultural industries streams of the EDA Agreement. The remaining records include files from a Deputy Ministers' meeting and a Dogrib Workshop that was hosted by the department.

Records date from 1983-1996 and primarily consist of project report files related to a variety of departmental programs and initiatives, in particular the forest fire management program. There are also records related to a departmental operational review, preparation for division of the NWT, strategic planning documents, policy development, and files created by departmental committees and working groups that involved representatives from the department such as Deputy Minister Land Use Planning Committee, Director's Meetings, Demonstration Project Review Committee, Environmental Assessment Working Group, Inuvialuit Environmental Review Board and the Polar Commission. There are also operations manuals for Fire Operations, Enforcement, Conservation Education, Resource Development, Fishery Management, Forestry Management, Pollution Control and Wildlife Management Divisions. The remaining records concern specific projects and initiatives that involved the Department. These records relate to the Bent Horn project, Kiggavik Uranium Mine, Colomac (Neptune) Mine, Upper Snare Hydro, Aklavik Fur Tannery Feasibility Study, Harvester Assistance Program and Community Freezer surveys.

Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. Policy, Legislation and Communications division

Many of the records were created while the division was part of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Records include contribution files related to visitor centres and interpretive programs; design of interpretive displays, signage, and tourist guides and maps; reports on visitor surveys; plans for development of parks and other tourist facilities; policies and information about the division; and publications related to Expo '86.

Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. Parks and Tourism division
G-2003-017 · Accession · 1959-1986
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources fonds

Some of the records were produced by the Canadian Wildlife Service. Records include maps and memos related to land use, correspondence from Hunters and Trappers Associations (HTAs), caribou studies, submissions to the Beaufort Sea Environmental Assessment Panel and outfitter reports.

Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources. Wildlife Management division
G-2003-015 · Accession · 1970-1996 (predominant 1988-1996)
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism fonds

Records include correspondence, designs, reports, contracts, and financial information relating to the development of signage, displays at visitor centres, and facilities at territorial parks.

Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Tourism and Parks division
G-2003-013 · Accession · 1987-1995
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources fonds

The records include evalutions from the Community Harvest Assistance Program (CHAPS), policy documents related to orphaned wildlife, proceedings from a conservation workshop and files from the department's internal Wildlife Legislation Committee.

Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources. Wildlife Management division
G-2003-008 · Accession · [1971]-1983
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Education fonds

Records include a booklet for prospective teachers, school calendars, and stories told by Tlicho and Chipewyan elders. The calendars include organizational charts, staff lists, and lists of Local Education Authorities. The booklet "Teaching in the Northwest Territories" was used to recruit teachers and contains information about the people, government, education system and living conditions in the North, as well as how to apply for a teaching position. The stories were likely used as a classroom resource or in developing curriculum material, and include Dogrib (Tlicho) legends and Chipewyan oral history stories, all handwritten in English. The Tlicho legends were told by Elizabeth Mackenzie, Nicholas [?] and Madeline Pea'a, translated and written by Virginia Football, and include legends about the bear, the mountain, Yamozaha, sign of a massacre, moon boy, Monla Jeezon, flint stone, Na-sy-dae, mother's story and Old Fort. The Chipewyan stories were told by John Jm. Beaulieu, Napolean Lafferty, Johnny Nataway, Francoise Nataway, Pierre Freezie and Helene Unka; they were written and translated by Dora Unka and include stories about the Metis, illness, war with Akaitcho, treaties and hunting.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education. Education Programs and Evaluation division

This accession consists of records from the Language Bureau library. Most of the records were created by ECE and its predecessors, the Department of Education and the Department of Culture and Communications, but the accession also includes records created by the Department of Information, the Department of Justice, and various workshops and literacy programs hosted or coordinated by ECE and its predecessors. Records include reports on bilingual education, the curriculum from the Inuit perspective, interpreting in the NWT Courts, and literacy and language projects, including the Dene Standardization Project, the Arviat Language Research Project, and the Rae-Edzo Literacy Project; an operational review of the Language Bureau; curriculum guides, teacher’s manuals, kits and posters for K-12 language teaching, including the Dene Kede curriculum and other materials in Inuktitut, Gwich’in, North Slavey, South Slavey, Dogrib (Tłı̨chǫ), Chipewyan, and Cree; a classroom assistant training manual; the Language Bureau’s newsletter, Dene Yati; teacher’s and student’s manuals for the Language Bureau’s Cree Language Program; a syllabus for teaching Dene languages literacy; audio cassettes and a course outline from a North Slavey course produced by Arctic College; training manuals, terminology lists, and program review materials from the Interpreter/Translator Program; Chipewyan and Dogrib (Tłı̨chǫ) language lessons from the Teacher Education Program; and training materials for legal interpreters.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Language Bureau

Records include Explorers Guides, issues of NWT Tourism Today magazine, and other promotional material and booklets related to canoeing, trail hiking, and parks. Some records were created while the division was part of the Department of Economic Development, and some were produced by arm's length agencies such as TravelArctic.

Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Tourism and Parks division
G-2002-009 · Accession · 1974-1991
Part of Northwest Territories. NWT Housing Corporation fonds

Records primarily consist of research files related to housing needs and include correspondence, reports, and studies. Also included are records from the Senior Citizens Housing Committee, including correspondence, proposals, meeting notes, and agreements.

Northwest Territories. NWT Housing Corporation. Policy, Programs and Informatics division

Records program review information, newsletters to licensed daycare centres and dayhomes, and files from the School Health Steering Committee and School Health Development Committee. Some files were created when the division was part of the Department of Education.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Early Childhood and School Services division