The photos were created between 1927 and 1930. Most of the images depict the day-to-day life of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers in and around the communities of Fort Norman (now Tulita), Fort Good Hope, Fort Franklin (now Deline), and Fort Simpson. There are also a number of images of scenery along the South Nahanni River.
The photographs depict John Denison, famed builder of northern ice roads. One, taken in 1939, shows Denison in his RCMP dress uniform. The other is a traditional portrait of him in suit and tie.
Denison, JohnThis accession consists of one VHS videocassette entitled Lord of the Nahanni - Memorial to Poole Field. Field Poole (1880-1948) was a former Royal Northwest Mounted Police officer who lived for many years in the Ross River and Nahanni River area and worked as a trader and prospector. The video was produced by the Albert Faille Wilderness League and was written and directed by Dr. Norman Kagan of Minnesota.
Albert Faille Wilderness LeagueThe three films document movement on the Mackenzie River, as well as activities in the Beaufort Delta and in Tsiigehtchic (then Arctic Red River). Footage includes airplanes, boats, maktak drying, pingos, sled dogs, fishing, creating stick fish, sawing ice, running dog teams, spring break up, the NWT Mace, and the transportation of a dead body (not available online).
Records include a bound volume titled "Northwest Territories Police Court Record and Cash Book." The book contains the following information: No. of Docket, Date, Defendant, Offence, Days Imp't, Fines, and Costs for the court in Fort Providence. The book is dated beginning March 4, 1957 and ending November 13, 1961. The magistrate presiding is also noted.
Records include a booklet titled The Story of Discovery, Northwest Territories, produced by the Discovery Women's Institute, which offers photographs and a history of the townsite and its residents. This accession also contains a program titled Commemorating the Dawson Patrol February 16-March 14, 1970 and a promotional pamphlet for the town of Yellowknife produced by the Yellowknife Board of Trade.
Subjects include the Mackenzie River, Slave River, Great Slave Lake, Keewatin and Ungava.
Records include photographs of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) banquet held in Pine Point. Images include large group portraits of people attending the banquet.
Photographs are portraits of Chief Johnny Kay [Kyikavichik] and Lazarus Sittichinli.
Records include photographs taken primarily during John A. MacRae's time with the RCMP in the Northwest Territories. The images include: (:0001) [John A. MacRae] in winter clothing; (:0002) John A. MacRae in standard RCMP uniform; (:0003) Henry A. Larsen and John A. MacRae by the St. Roch; (:0004 & :0005) native woman and child.
The material consists primarily of administrative records relating to the maintenance of the post at Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River) and the duties of the officer. The records include: patrol diaries (1927-1953, 1944-1948 missing); patrol reports (1926-1934); some annual reports (1927-1931); financial records (1926-1943); requisitions (1926-1954, with gaps); shipping invoices (1929-1933); ledgers; fur export tax receipts and returns (1929-1943); hunting and trapping permits and returns (1926-1943); game licenses (1926-1942); trading post permits (1929-1942); radio receiving license receipts and returns (1927-1953); crown timber returns (1926-1943); liquor permits (1929-1939); income tax returns (1929-1942); marriage licenses (1951-1953); vital statistics records (1926-1943); some hunting and trapping records pertaining to the Yukon (1929-1954); administrative records such as instructions of various kinds (192?-1950); correspondence (1926-1953); a file on the administration of estates (1926-1948); and two maps containing hunting and trapping information.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Tsiigehtchic postThis accession consists of photographs relating to the 1932 search for Albert Johnson, the "Mad Trapper". The images include: Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) personnel - Sgt. R. F. Riddell, Sgt. Earl Hersey; Jack Bowen; Wop May; and Albert Johnson after death.
Ten of the photos appear in Schwarz's book "Elik: and other stories of the Mackenzie Eskimos" and are portraits of the storytellers. These include Archie (Headpoint) Erigaktuk, Kenneth Peeloolook, Sarah Raddi, Jessie Olorgrak, Susie Tiktalik, Felix Nuyaviak, William Firth, Elizabeth Blake, Alik Alubuk Stefansson, and Alex Kakianen. Other images are of Herbert Schwarz and the gravemarker for Constable R. O. H. Taylor of the "Lost Patrol."
Schwartz, Herbert T.The images are of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Sergeant Cook in Hay River, taken in 1924, and of Matt Berry, Val Patriarche, Jim Hall, and Ken Murray at Fort Rae in 1930. They were collected by the NWT Historical Advisory Board.
This accession consists of records from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The records include the RWED Operations Manual, ENR Field Operations Manual Standard Operating Procedures, Summary of Hunting Regulations July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, and presentation slides, project information sheets, manuscript abstracts, articles and reports, and an Internal Project Summary Proposal for a 2007 Research Day.
Northwest Territories. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (2005-)Accession consists of Northern Rental Housing Program Operations & Maintenance Costs from 1969 to 1972. There is also a Regional Income Analysis of Northwest Territories Fishing Lodges released by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in 1982. The accession also consists of Policing Agreements in the Northwest Territories dating from 1975. Additionally, there is a 1987 report of the Canada/USSR Arctic Science Exchange Programme documenting the visit by Soviet Delegation in 1987 with Ethnography and Education as the theme and Contemporary Social Change as the topic. There is also an Interdepartmental Committee on Federal-Territorial Financial Relations Report on the Northwest Territories from 1967.
Records date from 1976-1985 and include files from departmental committees such as Status of Women and Gun Control.
Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Legal divisionRecords include minutes, correspondence discussion papers and proposals from the Legislative Initiatives Committee, Aboriginal Justice Committee, Criminal Justice and Corrections Communications Committee and the Community Supervision Working Group. In addition, there are records created by the GNWT Law Enforcement Study that includes terms of reference, a discussion paper and a report on police services in the NWT. There are also reports on community justice in the NWT, program review report on legal aid services, departmental strategic planning and business planning documents, a copy of the Justice presentation to the Standing Committee on Social Programs, as well as Deputy Minister Chronos.
Northwest Territories. Department of Justice. DirectorateRecords include discussion papers and agreements related to the transfer of Corrections and the Land Titles function to the Department. There are also minutes, activity reports and annual reports from the Legal Services Board, correspondence and reports from the Special Advisor on Gender Equality in the Justice system that conducted a gender equality review for the Department of Justice, as well as discussion papers, and notes from public consultations in the Baffin and Hay River that were held about gender equality. In addition, there are several negotiation, policy and meeting files related to the service agreement between the Government of the Northwest Territories and Royal Canadian Mounted Police. There is also discussion paper about Victims of Crime, Ministerial briefing notes, issue files and research material concerning the Task Force on Legal Aid and development of Human Rights legislation in the NWT.
Northwest Territories. Department of Justice. Policy and Planning divisionThe majority of the files contain copies of proposals or submissions made under the Victims Services Contribution Agreement Program. These files also include financial records, final project reports, and copies of the Contribution Agreements between the Department of Justice and various non-government organizations who received funding in order to deliver services in their communities such as healing workshops, parenting workshops, drug and alcohol counseling, and traditional camps. The remaining files include program implementation and evaluation files for the Community Constable Program, Victims Impact Statement program, as well as discussion papers about the Community Justice program, strategic framework for the Victims Services Program, and an evaluation report on the Community Constable Program in the NWT that was prepared by the Department of Justice.
Northwest Territories. Department of Justice. Community Justice division