File consists of meeting agendas, reports, committee terms of references, minister's briefings, and correspondence arising from the work of the Interdepartmental Water and Wastewater Management Committee. Meeting materials pertain to meetings held May 2009, February 2011, May 2012, February 2013, December 2013, and March 2014.
File consists of correspondence, reports, meeting agendas, and meeting notes of the Deputy Ministers' Energy Coordinating Committee Norman Wells Gas Issue Working Group. The Department of Public Works and Services took the lead on technical analysis for this working group.
File consists of Property, Assets, Records, Contracts and IT Committee (PARCC) Funding Requests, work plans, meeting materials, and correspondence.
The file consists of meeting agendas and packages of meeting materials for meetings of the Deputy Ministers' Committee (April 2011-August 2011)
The file consists of meeting agendas and packages of meeting materials for meetings of the Deputy Ministers' Committee (August-October 2011, December 2011, February 2012).
One folder consisting of correspondence, business notes, meeting minutes and reports regarding the Gwich'in Tribal Council withdrawal from negotiations regarding Gwich'in and Inuvialuit Settlement Areas around Inuvik, and the impact on Public Works and Services work contracts in progress in that region.
One folder consisting of correspondence regarding the development of an agreement between the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) and the Government of the Northwest Territories for access and use of Inuvialuit Private Lands, as well as a briefing note on Inuvialuit Land Access Fees Arbitration relating to land access fees and projects in Kudlak Lake.
One folder consisting of meetings agendas, briefing notes, project reports and financial reports distributed at Senior Management Committee (SMC) meetings held December 2009, March 2010-December 2010, January 2011-March 2011, as well as SMC Managers Conference held June 8-10, 2010 in Yellowknife. File also includes SMC meeting-related correspondence from January 2006 and September 2009.
File consists of correspondence, briefing notes, decision papers, forecasted community statements and proposals regarding the privatization of the Petroleum Products Division of the Department of Public Works and Services and transfer of mandate and assets to the Northwest Territories Power Corporation.
File consists of speaking notes, agendas, and meeting materials for meetings of the Refocusing Government Strategic Initiatives Committee (Deputy Ministers Committee) held April 2010, May 2010, and December 2010, as well as correspondence from November 2009.
One folder consisting of meetings agendas, briefing notes, and variance reports distributed at Senior Management Committee meetings held May 2011, August 2011, October 2011, May 2012, September 2012, November 2012, and December 2012, as well as notes, agenda and meeting materials distributed at a Managers Conference in Norman Wells June 8-10, 2009.
This accession consists of records relating to Deputy Ministers Meetings, Senior Management Meetings (PWS), as well as the interdepartmental Drinking Water Management Committee, Devolution Properties, Assets, Records and Contractor Committee, and Refocusing Government Strategic Initiatives Committee. Also included are records arising from the following projects and initiatives: Petroleum Products Privatization, Expansion of Cell Phone Service, Apprenticeship Reviews, Inuvialuit Land Access Arbitration, Gwich'in Memorandum of Understanding, and Norman Wells Natural Gas project.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. DirectorateThe file consists of an introductory manual to the Department of Public Works and Services for employees.
The file consists of records relating to employee newsletters, including Bear Facts, The Works, and Getting Results. Records include copies of the newsletters, submissions, submission guide, a Health and Safety Program Information Guide, and correspondence.
The file consists of records relating to a revision of the Public Works and Services Procedures and Guidelines Manual, including sections of old manuals, drafts, correspondence, and FMB Submissions.
This accession consists of records from the Corporate Services division of the Department of Public Works and Services. The records include Procedure and Guideline Manual revisions, newsletters, and an employee guide.
The file consists of agendas and supporting material for briefing meetings with the Minister for January to December 2006.
The file consists of agendas and supporting material for briefing meetings with the Minister for January to October 2006.
The records include agendas and supporting documentation from briefing meetings with the Minister.
Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services. DirectorateThe file consists of the chronos (correspondence) of the Deputy Minister of Public Works and Services, D. Bruce Rattray, from October to December 2004. The file also includes some briefing material.