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Bills 39-60
G-2023-076: 2-5 · File · 2020-2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Bills 39 to 60 for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including 39-19(2) An Act to Amend the Post-secondary Education Act, 40-19(2) An Act to Amend the Medical Profession Act, 41-19(2) Justice Administration Statutes Amendment Act, 42-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures) No. 2, 2021-2022, 43-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures) No. 2, 2021-2022, 44-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures and Borrowing Authorization) No. 4, 2020-2021, 45-19(2) Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures) 2022-2023, 46-19(2) An Act to Amend the Motor Vehicles Act, 47-19(2) An Act to Amend the Employment Standards Act, No. 2, 48-19(2) Arbitration Act, 49-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 3, 2021-2022, 50-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 3, 2021-2022, 51-19(2) Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures) 2022-2023, 52-19(2) Elevators and Lifts Act, 53-19(2) An Act to Amend the Liquor Act, 54-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 1, 2022-2023, 55-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 1, 2022-2023, 56-19(2) An Act to Amend the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation Act, 57-19(2) Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2022, 58-19(2) An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, 59-19(2) An Act to Amend the Elections and Plebiscites Act, and 60-19(2) An Act to Amend the Petroleum Products and Carbon Tax Act.

Bills 61-76
G-2023-076: 2-6 · File · 2020-2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Bills 61 to 76 for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including t, 61-19(2) An Act to Amend the Ombud Act, 62-19(2) An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act, No. 2, 63-19(2) An Act to Amend the Official Languages Act, 64-19(2) An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, 65-19(2) Builders' Lien Act, 66-19(2) An Act to Amend the Property Assessment and Taxation Act, 67-19(2) An Act to Amend the Fire Prevention Act, 68-19(2) An Act to Amend the Child Day Care Act, 69-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2022-2023, 70-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2022-2023, 71-19(2) Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures) 2023-2024, 72-19(2) Opioid Damages and Health Care Cost Recovery Act, 73-19(2) An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, No.4, 74-19(2) Forest Act, 75-19(2) Council of Women and Gender Diversity Act, and 76-19(2) An Act to Amend the Electoral Boundaries Commission Act.

G-2023-076: 10-5 · File · 2022-2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Tabled Documents for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including 915-19(2) Diversity and Inclusion Framework Document, 916-19(2) Learning from the Response to COVID-19 Report and Recommendations, 917-19(2) Plain Language Summary for Bill 81: An Act to Amend the Education Act., No. 2, 918-19(2) Plain Language Summary for Bill 82: Legal Profession Act, 919-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1402-19(2): Cooperation Between Income Support and Child and Family Services, 920-19(2) Plain Language Summary for Bill 83: Liquor Act, 921-19(2) Plain Language Summary for Bill 84: An Act to Amend the Northwest Territories Business Development and Investment Corporation Act, 922-19(2) 2022 Socio-Economic Agreement: Social Data Report, 923-19(2) Let’s Talk Agriculture: Have Your Say Online Survey Result, 924-19(2) Plain Language Summary for Bill 85: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples Implementation Act, 925-19(2) A Way Home: A Comprehensive Strategy to Address Homelessness in the Northwest Territories, and 926-19(2) Member’s Attendance Report.

G-2023-076: 10-8 · File · 2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Tabled Documents for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including 959-19(2) Housing Northwest Territories Energy Management Strategy 2030, 960-19(2) Housing Northwest Territories Energy Management Blueprint 2023-2026, 961-19(2) Housing NWT Renewal Policy and Program Review Action Update, 962-19(2) What We Heard: Housing NWT Energy Management Strategy, 963-19(2) Plain Language Summary of Bill 93: Practice of Engineering, Geoscience and Applied Science Technology Act, 964-19(2) Letter to Chair of Standing Committee on Social Development Regarding Government of the Northwest Territories Intervening in Supreme Court of Canada Case on the Report of Child and Family Services, 965-19(2) Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh 2023 Graduates, and 966-19(2) Summary of Members’ Absences for the period February 7 to March 30, 2023.

G-2023-076: 10-9 · File · 2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Tabled Documents for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including 967-19(2) Supplementary Estimates (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2023-2024, 968-19(2) GNWT Response to Motion 74-19(2) Reconciliatory Review of Housing NWTs Collection Approach, 969-19(2) GNWT Response to the Motion 77-19(2) Review of Territorial Land Lease Policy and Procedures, 970-19(2) GNWT Response to Committee Report 40-19(2) Report on Bill 61 An Act to Amend the Ombud Act, 971-19(2) GNWT Response to Committee Report 50-19(2) Strengthening Community Supports, Lifting Youth Voices Recommendations for Suicide Prevention, 972-19(2) GNWT Response to Committee Report 51-19(2) Report on Indigenous Representation in GNWT Public Service, 973-19(2) 2024-2025 Capital Estimates, 974-19(2) Supplementary Estimates Operations Expenditures, No. 3, 2023-2024, 975-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1333-19(2): Interoperability of Government of the Northwest Territories Systems, 976-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1340-19(2): Indigenous Employment Policy, 977-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1451-19(2): Northern Resident Travel Deduction, 978-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1474-19(2): Audit Report and Unspent Funds on Internet Connectivity, 979-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1488-19(2): Government of the Northwest Territories Indigenous Language System, 980-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1557-19(2): Land Leases, 981-19(2) Final Report on the Mandate of the Government of the Northwest Territories 2019-2023, 982-19(2) Letter to Prime Minister regarding MLA Concerns Respecting Cosmos 954 Effects on Health and Safety, 983-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1321-19(2): Housing Crisis in the Northwest Territories, 984-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1464-19(2): Federal Day School, 985-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1541-19(2): Government of the Northwest Territories Committed to United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Implementation, 986-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1510-19(2): Searching for Frank Gruben, 987-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1515-19(2): Transparency of Corporate Registries, 988-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1519-19(2): Resurfacing Fort Smith Airport Runway, 989-19(2) Letter dated July 14, 2023, to Intergovernmental Council Secretariat regarding Bill 29: Resource Royalty Information Disclosure Statute Amendment Act, 990-19(2) Letter dated July 14, 2023 to Non-Intergovernmental Council Indigenous Governments regarding Bill 29: Resource Royalty Information Disclosure Statute Amendment Act, 991-19(2) Information and Privacy Commissioner Review Report and Order, May 26, 2023, 992-19(2) ITI Decision Letter dated June 26, 2023, 993-19(2) Observations on ITI ATIPP Meeting Summaries (revised August 2023), and 994-19(2) Revised GNWT-Chamber of Mines Meeting Summaries with Additional Information.

G-2023-076: 10-12 · File · 2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Tabled Documents for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including 1011-19(2) Government of the Northwest Territories Seniors’ Strategic Framework, 1012-19(2) 2023-24 Health and Social Services Authority Budgets, 1013-19(2) Request for Proposals for Environment and Climate Change - NWT 2023 Wildfire Response Review, 1014-19(2) Child, Youth and Family Services Strategic Direction and Action Plan 2023-2028, 1015-19(2) NWT Department of Health and Social Services 2022-2023 Annual Report, 1016-19(2) Canada Energy Regulator’s 2022-23 Annual Report of Activities under the Northwest Territories’ Oil and Gas Operations Act, and 1017-19(2) Regional Economic Development Plan – Dehcho.

Collected Writings
N-2023-008: 2-5 · File · 1977-2023
Part of Arthur Boutilier fonds

The file consists of writings by and about Arthur Boutilier. The records include reflections on quotes by others, an introduction, personal thought diagrams, The Story of My TIAs (November 2019), The Summit Condos - Our Forever Home (January 2017), My Story by Matthew Mallon (Edge Magazine, July 2015), Further Reasons Why Yellowknife is So Special and Why It's Our Home (July 2015), The Story of my Life (January 2015), Some Thoughts on Retirement (June 2011), The Buckminster Fuller Challenge (October 2007), A Shy Canadian Comes In From The Cold (submission for "The Big Book" of Alcoholics Anonymous, January 1999), My Own Path (submission to Harvard Graduate School of Design publication, June 1994), Memo to File (Parks Canada Atlantic Region, August 1977), thought diagrams on land use planning, planning documents for a proposed display, Yellowknifer wants to be Canada's man in space by Dawn Wickstrom (Yellowknifer, September 14, 1983), Key Principles learned from, and used in Regional Land Use Planning (May 2000), a resume (2020), copies of business cards, draft obituary, and Artist Story.

G-2023-076 · Accession · 2020-2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

This accession consists of the records produced by the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session. Records include Hansard, Votes and Proceedings, Ministers' Statements, Bills, Committee Reports, Motions, Petitions, Written Questions and Return to Written Questions, Tabled Documents, Budget Addresses, and the Opening Address given by Commissioner Margaret Thom.

Bills 1-38
G-2023-076: 2-4 · File · 2020-2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Bills 1 to 38 for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including 1-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 3, 2019-2020, 2-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 4, 2019-2020, 3-19(2) An Act to Amend the Public Highways Act, 4-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 1, 2020-2021, 5-19(2) Interim Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), 2020-2021, 6-19(2) An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, 7-19(2) Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures) 2020-2021, 8-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2020-2021, 9-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 1, 2020-2021, 10-19(2) Temporary Variation of Statutory Time Periods (COVID-19 Pandemic Measures) Act, 11-19(2) Legislative Assembly Officers Standardization Act, 12-19(2) An Act to Amend the Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupational Certification Act, 13-19(2) An Act to Amend the Interpretation Act, 14-19(2) An Act to Amend the Securities Act, 15-19(2) Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2020, 16-19(2) An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act, 17-19(2) An Act to Amend the Corrections Act, 18-19(2) An Act to Amend the Legal Profession Act, 19-19(2) An Act to Amend the Student Financial Assistance Act, 20-19(2) An Act to Amend the Employment Standards Act, 21-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2020-2021, 22-19(2) Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), 2021-2022, 23-19(2) An Act to Amend the Public Utilities Act, 24-19(2) An Act to Amend the Revolving Funds Act, 25-19(2) An Act to Amend the Education Act, 26-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 3, 2020-2021, 27-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 3, 2020-2021, 28-19(2) Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures) 2021-2022, 29-19(2) Resource Royalty Information Disclosure Statute Amendment Act, 30-19(2) An Act to Amend the Aurora College Act, 31-19(2) An Act to Amend the Pharmacy Act, 32-19(2) An Act to Amend the Northern Employees Benefits Services Pension Plan Act, 33-19(2) National Indigenous Peoples Day Act, 34-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 1, 2021-2022, 35-19(2) Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 1, 2021-2022, 36-19(2) An Act to Amend the Territorial Court Act, 37-19(2) An Act to Amend the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and 38-19(2) Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2021.

G-2023-076: 9-8 · File · 2021-2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Tabled Documents for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including 850-19(2) Waste Reduction and Recovery Program 2021-2022 Annual Report, 851-19(2) Information for Return to Written Question 55-19(2): Public Access to Forestry Decisions and Decision-Making, 852-19(2) Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 1338-19(2): Outfitter Licenses, 853-19(2) Government of the Northwest Territories Response to Committee Report 33-19(2): Report on the Review of Bill 52: Elevators and Lifts Act, 854-19(2) Institute for Research on Public Policy Publication - Early Learning and Child Care in Canada: Where Have We Come From, Where Are We Going?, and 855-19(2) Mineral Resources Act Regulations Targeted Engagement with Mining Industry Presentations - Date Range 2021 07 08 to 2022 01 26.

G-2023-076: 10-2 · File · 2022-2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Tabled Documents for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including 871-19(2) Socio-Economic Agreement Program Review Summary Report, 872-19(2) Northwest Territories Tourism 2023/24 Marketing Plan, and 873-19(2) NWT Department of Health and Social Services 2021-2022 Annual Report.

G-2023-076: 10-13 · File · 2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Tabled Documents for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, including 1018-19(2) Regional Economic Development Plan – North Slave, 1019-19(2) Regional Economic Development Plan – Sahtu, 1020-19(2) Regional Economic Development Plan – South Slave, 1021-19(2) Regional Economic Development Plan – Beaufort-Delta, 1022-19(2) Government of the Northwest Territories Public Service Announcement dated September 27, 2023 titled “Public Service Announcement – Have your say on the delivery of an Indigenous Environmental Studies and Sciences Diploma Program”, 1023-19(2) Integrity Commissioner Investigation Report of Complaints that MLA Great Slave Breached Members' Code of Conduct, 1024-19(2) Reclaiming the Capable Person: We Are All Capable Persons When We Have Community – A Strategic Framework for Addressing Family Violence in the Northwest Territories, 1025-19(2) Correspondence Dated March 1, 2023 from the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association re: Modernizing the Dental Auxiliaries Act for Increased Access to Preventative Healthcare, 1026-19(2) Correspondence Dated March 7, 2023 from the British Columbia Dental Hygienists Association re: Modernizing the Dental Auxiliaries Act for Increased Access to Preventative Healthcare, 1027-19(2) Correspondence Dated March 29, 2023 from the Ontario Dental Hygienists Association, 1028-19(2) 2022-2023 Annual Report Director of Child and Family Services, 1029-19(2) Report on NWT Medical Travel Services: 2021-202 and 2022-2023, and 1030-19(2) Priorities for Critical Minerals in the NWT.

Tabled Document 1031-19(2)
G-2023-076: 10-14 · File · 2023
Part of Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly fonds

The file consists of Tabled Document 1031-19(2) Operating Plans for the Northwest Territories Education Bodies for the 2023-2024 School Year Ending June 30, 2024 for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories.