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322 · Fonds · 1877-2023

The bulk of the textual records are made up of official records from the Legislative Assembly dated between 1951-2023 from the 1st through the 19th Legislative Assemblies/Councils of the Northwest Territories. Included in this material are Hansard (including indices and appendices), Tabled Documents, Motions, Written Questions, Return to Written Questions, Petitions, Committee Reports, Bills, Budget Addresses, Speeches, Debates (including some indices), Sessional Papers, Appropriations, Recommendations to Council, References for Advice, Information Items, Monthly Letters, Supplementary Notes, Legislation, a selection of Commissioner's Opening Addresses, and Votes and Proceedings summaries. There is also a copy of the Hay River-Enterprise Corridor Development Regulations from 1986.

The textual records are also comprised of signed minutes from the Northwest Territories Council (1921-1951), minutes from the Yellowknife Board of Trustees, bound minutes, ordinances and session papers from the Northwest Territories Council (1922-1950) and Orders in Council (1883-1932). Textual records also include correspondence, letters, biographical sketches of members of the Legislative Assembly, as well as promotional material collected by the Public Affairs Office concerning the 1979 election.

In addition, there are textual records related to the Advisory Committee on the Development of the GNWT, work of the Special Committee on Constitutional Development, the Special Committee on the Division of the NWT, Special Committee on the Northern Economy (SCONE), Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Special Committee on Housing and Standing Committee on Agencies, Boards and Commissions. There is also a small amount of textual records, including planning committee material, that deal with the opening of the Legislative Assembly building in 1993. Other records deal with special events and conferences hosted by the Legislative Assembly, including swearing-in ceremonies, the Circle of Northern Leaders, and 23rd Canadian Presiding Officers' Conference.

There are also pamphlets and brochures from the late 1970s and early 1980s on a variety of topics, including the Legislative Assembly's operations, symbology, projects, interest in the pipeline and talks of forming a new territory (Nunavut). There are published reports on priorities for the North, administrative structure for Nunavut, a spousal assault task force report, and a Denedeh government proposal for restructuring of the Government of the Northwest Territories. There are also rules of the preceding body, the Council of the Northwest Territories, as well as the rules of the Assembly from 1984 to 1991. Also included in this accession are ordinances dated 1888 and 1895 and bound ordinances dating 1950 through 1981. There is also a book of statutes from 1985.

The textual records from the Elections NWT office includes material concerning electoral boundaries, as well as guidelines, correspondence, poster and press releases related to the Nunavut Capital public vote and the public vote on the Guaranteed Equal Representation of Men and Women in the Nunavut Legislative Assembly. There are also Reports of the Chief Electoral Officer and the Official Voting Results reports for the 2003 and 2007 General Elections, Returns to the Writ from the 2003, 2007 and 2011 General Elections, Proclamations and Grants of Poll from the 2007 General Election, polling boundary descriptions from the 2003 and 2007 General Elections, and the original tallies of votes from the polling districts and boxes from the 2007 General Election.

The textual records from the office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly includes materials related to conflict of interest and the Conflict of Interest Commissioner, the Senior Management Team, the standing committee on legislation, task forces and working groups related to the Division of the Northwest Territories, a strategic planning workshop for MLAs regarding the government organization after division, a Circle of Northern Leaders meeting, communications protocol, and amendments to legislative Acts. Some meeting material for the GNWT Deputy Ministers' Senior Management Committee is also included.

The textual records from the NWT Human Rights Commission includes meeting agendas and minutes of the Commission Members, as well as notes from a strategic planning session, and an informational package given to stakeholders that outlines the mission, structure, processes and function of the Commission.

The bulk of the photographs and slides are dated between 1968-1993 and cover topics such as Legislative Assembly Opening Ceremonies, Sessions, Elections, Committees, Plebiscite on Division, Tours of Communities, Special Events, Conferences, Health Services and Scenery. The remaining photographs depict members of the Northwest Territories Council, the Legislative Assembly and Commissioners of the Northwest Territories from 1905-1975, as well as the activities of the Office of the Languages Commissioner, which date from 2002-2004.

The VHS videocassette entitled "One Land, Many Voices" - making the new NWT Mace" was produced by Lone Woolf Productions in 2000.

The audio reels contain recordings of the 7th and 8th NWT Council and the 9th and 10th Legislative Assembly.

The microfiche consists of a complete record of Tabled Documents, Committee Reports and Petitions from the 10th Legislative Assembly which covered the years 1984-1987 and a Tabled Document from the 8th Council, 56th Session. The 7 microfilm reels contain copies of the Northwest Territories Council Minutes from 1921-1951 and an index to the Minutes.

The scroll was presented by David Welch, Ontario's Minister of Citizenship, on behalf of Premier John Robart to the Commissioner and Council of the Northwest Territories to commemorate the Northwest Territories Centennial in 1970.

Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly (1905-present)
Arthur Boutilier fonds
440 · Fonds · 1963-2023

The fonds consists of records of Arthur Boutilier's professional and personal life. The records include records drawings, maps and planning documents related to his training and work in architecture, urban design and national park planning, land use and management plans, supplemented with posters, maps, drawings, and diagrams to support the process, a 1976 trip journal, writings about Arthur's life both written by him and others, and photographs taken by Arthur, supplemented by reflections on photography and memorabilia from some of his photography exhibits. The records are grouped into four series: Portfolios, Land Use and Management Planning, Writings, and Photography, with some overlap between them.

Boutilier, Arthur
311 · Fonds · 1953-2019

This fonds consists of records generated by Policy and Planning Division, Community Works and Capital Planning Division, Lands Division, Sport and Recreation Division, Community Planning and Lands Division, Community Governance, the Directorate, Public Safety and the Corporate Services Division of the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. The files from the Policy and Planning Division relate to Devolution, Privatization, Resource Community Policy, Resource Development Policy, Local Government Priorities, Assistant Deputy Minister (ADMS) Coordinating Committee, Ministers Speeches, as well as, Minister's Tours of the Baffin, Kitikmeot, Keewatin and Mackenzie Delta Regions.

The material from the Community Planning and Lands Division and Community Governance date from 1953-2012 and includes minutes and files from the following Committees: Land Use Advisory Committee, Senior Management Committee, Land Review Committee, Land Claims Working Group, Land Information System Working Group and the Federal/Territorial Land Committee. There includes files related to the Land Claims Working Group, self government negotiations and service to Status Indians, and property assessment and taxation. There is substantial documentation regarding MACA's responsibilities and efforts in Land Claims work, including a small number of cartographic records (Norman Wells only). In addition, there are various files relating to departmental acts/regulations, policies and procedures, and planning files. Also included are Annual Workplans for Community Planning (1986-1994); minutes of Community Planners Meetings (1986-1993); Annual reports re: Monitoring of the Planning Act (1990-1993) and the Lands division; copies of various policy and procedures manuals related to Community Planning; a set of completed surveys related to Solid Waste Disposal; records related to standards and criteria for capital planning, review and revisions to the water and sewage subsidy program. There is also a small group of community planning records and maps for Pond Inlet from 1987-1990. Other community planning and zoning records and maps relate to the Beaufort Delta, North Slave, Deh Cho, Sahtu, and South Slave regions. There are also operational evaluations of communities in the Beaufort Delta region. Records of a 2007 Lands Conference on the New Deal are also included.

The records from the Directorate date between 1988-2011 and consist primarily of manual, policy binders, handbooks and reports. The record include handbooks and manuals related to management of water and sanitation services, formula financing for communities, land administration training, municipal works training, local government manuals and treatment and handling of hazardous waste material, records relating to real estate licensing and the review of the territorial lottery process. Also included are transcripts of interviews with residents of Fort Rae, organizational charts for the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs and strategic planning documents for the department from 1989-1990, a service contract for Nunavut, and records relating to resource development. In addition, there are reports to the Directorate from the divisions, issue files, Social Agenda files, briefing notes, Senior Management Committee records, and Minister Responsible for Youth, Deputy Minister and Ministerial Chronos.

The records from the Corporate Affairs or Corporate Services Division date from 1977-2019 and relate to strategic planning, job action contingency planning, emergency measures, Community Empowerment, Municipal Community Assistance Program (MCAP), a 1995 Ministers of Local Government Conference and conference hosted by MACA and the NWT Association of Municipalities, Government of the Northwest Territories Steering Committee-Pine Point, aboriginal claims and briefing notes from the 1st Session, 7th Session and 8th Session of the Legislative Assembly. There are files concerning the delivery of the community development fund and a legislative proposal to amend the Municipal Statutes Act, as well as user pay/user say initiatives. In addition, there are files from the regional office in Inuvik related to the department's involvement with the Arctic Winter Games, policy and guidelines for the Fitness Leadership Certification Program, workshop material about the Staff and Volunteer Training Program, a copy of an organizational planning tool that was produced by the department and disseminated during workshops hosted by MACA, as well as memorandum of Understanding with Arctic College concerning the Recreation Leaders Program. In addition, there are student education plans and evaluations for the Recreation Leaders Program. Records also include decision papers, legislation files related to the Area Development Act and the Municipal Statutes Amending Act, and reports on conferences. There is also a small amount of information about Fire Prevention Week.

The records from the Surveys and Mapping Division date from 1987 and relate to a review of the division.

The records from the Sport and Recreation Division date from 1978 to 2007 and include training materials for communities to develop effective recreation committies and records related to recration facility development including community based project files and policy binders. Records also include meeting minutes from 2006-2007.

Records from the Fort Smith Regional Office consist of trip reports to communities conducted by MACA staff, training initiatives being delivered by the Department, local election files, briefing material, and an employee orientation manual.

Records from the North Slave Regional Office consist of meeting notes, planning documents, and correspondence relating to a functional review of regional operations, as well as correspondence and a presentation relating to a strategic planning workshop.

From the Public Safety division, there are planning and committee records relating to emergency response, search and rescue, forest fire fighting, disaster assistance, safety and preparedness, as well as Memoranda of Understanding with other agencies in relation to emergency response, and lottery licensing guidelines and Hamlet of Paulatuk Lottery Licensing Bylaw. Also included are assessment appeal tribunal files and a file related to legal gambling in the NWT. From the Public Safety division's Office of the Fire Marshal, there are fire fighting training course materials as well as files related to amendments to the Fire Prevention Act.

Records from the Community Development division relate to municipal land selection and land implementation, community transfer initiatives, and community based planning.

Records from the School of Community Government relate to training programs, occupational standards and certification, and the Community Development Fund.

There are also reports related to taxation, community planning and financing municipal government.

Northwest Territories. Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (1986-present)
426 · Fonds · 1926-2018, predominant 1993-2018

This fonds consists of records documenting the activities of the Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute from its establishment in 1993 until its transition into the Gwich’in Tribal Council’s Department of Cultural Heritage in 2016. The fonds includes some records of the Department of Cultural Heritage from 2016 until 2018. The material has been arranged into 38 series based on seven functional categories:

  • Administration includes nine series documenting the governance and administration of the GSCI. The series included in this category are Gwich’in Tribal Council (426-S01); Governance (426-S02); Executive Director (426-S03); Research Director and General Administrative Materials (426-S04); Finance (426-S05); Correspondence (426-S06); Gwich’in Organizations, Communities and Events (426-S07); Other Organizations, Institutions and Associations (426-S08); and Website (426-S09). These series include meeting packages and minutes; strategic planning materials including GSCI’s five-year plans; annual reports; GSCI Executive Director files from 2004-2016; office, staff, project and other general administrative materials; financial statements and reporting materials; funding proposals, applications, reports, contribution agreements and service contracts; correspondence files; meeting materials, minutes, reports, proposals, presentation materials and informational materials related to Gwich’in and non-Gwich’in organizations, institutions and associations; website planning materials including funding applications, contribution agreements, financial statements and content planning materials; and general correspondence within each series.
  • Consultation with Government includes three series documenting GSCI’s consultation and interaction with the federal and territorial governments. The series included in this category are Government of Canada (426-S10), Government of the Northwest Territories (426-S11) and Government of Yukon (426-S12). These series include correspondence; proposals; reports; funding proposals and reporting materials; workshop and presentation materials; informational materials; and curriculum planning and development materials.
  • Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Policy and Regulation includes three series documenting the GSCI’s work in traditional knowledge policy development, land use planning and management and permitting and licensing. The series included in this category are Traditional Knowledge Policy (426-S13); Land Use Planning and Management (426-S14); and Researchers, Permits, Licences and Use Agreements (426-S15). These series include correspondence; proposals; funding and financial materials; workshop and presentation materials; discussion papers; reference materials; reports; policy copies; permit and licence applications and reports; research and data-sharing agreements; researcher files; and project materials provided to GSCI by researchers including planning materials, interview materials, photographs, videos and films, theses, reports and articles.
  • Repatriation includes two series documenting the GSCI’s work in repatriating Gwich’in heritage materials and knowledge through a number of projects. The series included in this category are Gwich’in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project (426-S16) and Repatriation Projects (426-S17). These series consist of project, planning and produced records including correspondence; funding proposals, contribution agreements and terms of reference; reports; copies of publications; audio and video recordings; and photographs, slides and negatives.
  • Recognition of Historic and Cultural Sites includes three series documenting the GSCI’s work for the recognition, protection and management of Gwich’in historic and cultural sites. The series included in this category are Gwich’in Territorial Park (426-S18); Burial Sites (426-S19); and Historic Sites and Heritage Rivers (426-S20). The series include correspondence; materials related to the GSCI’s work in developing a vision and management plan for the Gwich’in Territorial Park including terms of reference, meeting materials, planning materials and copies of the management plan; funding materials, reports, maps and audio recordings from projects GSCI conducting in the Gwich’in Territorial Park; GTC Burial Site Guidelines; notes and information from the Tsiigehtchic Graveyard Mapping Project; and materials related to the nomination and management of national and territorial historic sites and heritage rivers including nomination applications, funding materials and service contracts; interview recordings and transcripts; photographs; unveiling ceremony materials; and draft management plans.
  • Research and Programs includes 17 series documenting the GSCI’s research projects, programming and activities. These series include project, planning and produced materials, place name database and online mapping materials, conference materials and reference materials. The series included in the category are Oral History and Place Names Projects and Activities (426-S21); Archaeology (426-S22); Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board Traditional Knowledge Work (426-S23); Gwich’in Traditional Knowledge of the Mackenzie Gas Project Area (426-S24); Arctic Red River Headwaters Projects (426-S25); Elder’s Biography Project (426-S26); Gwichya Gwich’in Googwandak (426-S27); Tsiigehtchic Genealogy Workshop (426-S28); Gwich’in Ethnobotany (426-S29); Committee for Original Peoples’ Entitlement (COPE) Recordings (426-S30); Other GSCI Projects (426-S31); Partner Projects (426-S32); Archival Projects (426-S33); Science and Culture Camps (426-S34); Non-Project Publications and Posters (426-S35); Conferences, Workshops and Meetings (426-S36); and Reference Collection (426-S37). These series include correspondence; funding, financial and budget materials; project proposals interview materials; field notes; workshop and presentation materials; reports; GSCI publications including books, articles, brochures and posters; photographs, slides and negatives; audio and video recordings; transcripts; programming materials for science and culture camps; materials related to the documentation, preservation and update of the GSCI’s archival material; conference materials, notes and presentations; and reference materials including books, reports, journals, articles, research manuals, non-GSCI language materials and Gwich’in historical materials.
  • Language includes one series documenting the GSCI’s language work and activities outside of research projects. This series is titled Language Work (426-S38) and documents GSCI’s work and relationship with the Gwich’in Language Centre, the development of the Gwich’in Language Plan, GSCI language workshops and projects, and language materials produced by the GSCI. This series includes correspondence; funding and budget materials; workshop materials; immersion camp materials; and dictionary copies, language class materials and other language materials.
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute
N-2022-003 · Accession · 1821, 1834, [ca. 1895]-2017

This accession consists of W.D. Addison's collection of material related to the Nahanni area, including his own photographs, trip journals, and maps, the annotated bibliography and literature review he compiled, oral-history interviews he conducted, transcripts and catalogues he compiled and edited, photographs, documents, and maps he gathered from various sources, and correspondence he conducted with Nahanni old-timers and others.

Addison, W.D.
389 · Fonds · 1973-2015

This fonds consists of approximately 1.4 m of text. Included are original and signed self-government agreements, framework agreements, agreements-in-principle (AIP), implementation plans and Chief Negotiator framework agreements concerning the negotiation of self-government agreements between the GNWT, Government of Canada and the Tłı̨chǫ First Nation, Beaufort-Delta (Gwich'in and Inuvialuit), Akaitcho Territory Dene First Nations, Salt River First Nations, Deh Cho First Nations, Sahtu Dene and Metis, and South Slave Metis. There are also copies of interim measures agreements from other jurisdictions such as the Fond du Lac First Nations, Black Lake First Nations, Hatchet Lake First Nations, Manitoba Dëne Sųłıné and Sayisi Dene First Nation. Many of the agreements are in both English and French.

Also included in this fonds are Deputy Minister (DM) Chronos for 1999-2000, 2003-2005 and Ministerial Chronos for 1999-2000, as well as Ministerial briefing binders for sessions of the Legislative Assembly between 2013 and 2015.

This fonds also includes briefing binders prepared by the Intergovernmental Relations and Strategic Planning Division (IGRASP) for the Premier for various high-level meetings, conferences and forums.

This fonds also includes records generated between 1976-1986 by the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat, formerly operating within the Department of the Executive. These records document the role of the secretariat and the GNWT in the Dene and Metis land claims agreement-in-principle signed on September 5, 1988 as well as claims agreements with the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, the Committee for Original People's Entitlement (COPE) and the Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut.

As well, this fonds contains records from the Intergovernmental Relations Division relating to the development of the Social Agenda, as well as records from the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat relating to GNWT and federal government positions on Aboriginal rights and claims.

Northwest Territories. Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (2006-2017)
Ernest Jarman collection
N-2013-018 · Accession · 1954-1956, 2005, 2015

Records include two narrated video slide shows created in 2005, and one self-published memoir created in 2015, which all include photographs taken during Dr. Ernest Jarman's time as Medical Officer for Indian Health Services at Faraud Hospital in Fort Rae (Behchoko) from July 1954 to June 1956.
The first video consists of 96 individual images and includes the following: Jarman family activities in Fort Rae, treaty payment, delivery of goods by air and by water, views of residences and buildings in Fort Rae. The second video consists of 50 individual images and includes various family activities, graveyards in Fort Rae, activities within the Faraud hospital, hunting, winter in Fort Rae. People included in the photographs in both videos include RCMP constables Ken Plumm [Kenneth Plomp], Buck Thomas and Terry Garvin, Indian Agent Kirkby, Oblate priests, Chief Jimmy Bruneau and Chief Jimmy Kia, and Naomi Murphy. Communities featured include Fort Rae (Behchoko), Yellowknife, Whatı̀ (Lac la Martre), Hay River and Fort Providence.

The text consists of a 54 page self-published memoir, "Through Dr. Jarman's eyes - going North in 1956: featuring Dr. Ernie Jarman's photos and slides of Fort Rae and surrounding area, Northwest Territories, Canada" by Dr. Ernie Jarman and Marnie Jarman Bethell, written in 2015.

Jarman, Ernest Arthur
411 · Fonds · 1978, 1993-2015

Records generated by the Directorate include Ministerial and Deputy Minister chronos for most of 2005-2012 and Briefing Notes for 2007-2010.

Records generated by the Investment and Economic Analysis division include files of the Senior Management Committee, both meetings and workshop retreats, an Economic Measures review of programming in the Sahtu and Gwich'in communities, as well as files of the restructuring of the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development into ITI and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Records also include files generated by intergovernmental committees and commissions and briefing notes drafted by the division. Records also document the division's review and disbursement of funding and including funding reviews and reports. Records also include the NWT Arts Strategic Plan, NWT Arts Logo Branding Program, Art and Fine Crafts Marketing Strategy Options, a program review of the NWT Community Future Development Corporation, operational guidelines and procedures for the Community Futures Program, reports relating to a trade show and business mission, records of the Agricultural Products Marketing Council (egg marketing), an MOU on contracting with the Gwich'in Tribal Council, an MOU on International business development, records relating to the Barren-ground caribou strategy, briefing material for the 2005 North American Fur & Fashion Exposition, GMVF Trappers Newsletters, as well as background information relating to an arts strategy and policy. Other records relate to the establishment of the Business Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC) and the history of the Business Incentive Program (BIP).

Records generated by the Policy, Legislation and Communications division consist of promotional material related to the promotion of sustainable opportunities in the energy, mines and petroleum resource industry and supporting industry, drafts of various newsletters, reports, booklets, brochures, sector profiles, website content, and fact sheets, communications plans, briefing notes, Visual Identity Guidelines for NWT Arts branding, and publicity records relating to the NWT's participation in Canada's Northern House at the 2010 Olympics. Records document regional promotional material and an overarching vision statement from the Minister. There are also records of the ITI Communications Committee, Senior Management Committee of the Department as kept by the division, 2005-2012, Executive Committee records from 2010-2012, Regional Superintendents Programs and Operations meeting records from 2006-2010, Deputy Ministers' Managing This Land Committee (2014-2015), Mackenzie Gas Project Joint Cabinet-AOC Pipeline Planning Committee (2002-2006) and Mackenzie Gas Project National Energy Board Proceedings weekly meetings from 2005. There are also records from the division that document the development of and amendments to the Tourism Act, amendment of the Territorial Parks Act and regulations, amendment of the Co-operative Associations Act, repeal of the Credit Unions Act, amendment of the Freshwater Fish Marketing Act, the administration of the Agricultural Products Marketing Act, amendment of the Animals Running at Large regulations, and negotiation of various socio-economic agreements. Policy, Legislation and Communications records also include job action contingency plans, records relating to the use of the NWT Opportunities Fund, records relating to the establishment of the Saoyú-Ɂehdacho National Historic Site, and RWED restructuring records, such as meeting minutes, presentations, draft plans and agreements, and communication tools, and decisions papers presented to the FMB and Executive Council.

Records generated by the North Slave office consist of development of an arts and crafts strategy (co-lead with the Department of Education, Culture and Employment) and a file on territorial parks usage statistics.

Records generated by the Tourism and Parks division consist of NWT Tourism correspondence, membership lists, meeting minutes and conference materials, Conversion Study for NWT Tourism's 2005/2006 Campaign Year, and Northwest Territories Tourism Branding Logo Standards and Guidelines; conference calls minutes and correspondence between Tourism headquarters and regional tourism offices; Tourism Marketing Advisory Committee meeting minutes and agendas; survey results and consumer request cards; and a tourism promotion project called the Deh Cho Travel Connection, a participatory tourism strategy to promote travel throughout the Northwest Territories as well as northern Alberta and British Columbia via highways. Records also include background research prepared for a revision of the Travel and Tourism Act, the Tourism Development Handbook, "NWT Tourism Inventory and Gap Analysis" report, "A Performance and Operations Assessment of The Northwest Territories Outfitted Sport Fishing Industry", and territorial parks usage reports. The records also relate to the Protected Area Strategy and its relationship to parks.

Records generated by the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Division (formerly the Minerals, Oil and Gas Division) include agreements, meeting materials from the Pipeline Steering Committee, Mackenzie Gas Advisory Group, Economic and Employment Development Committee, Diamond Review Committee, and NWT Geoscience Office Joint Advisory Committee, and publications focusing on oil and gas, minerals, and mining.

Records generated by the Industrial Initiatives Division include material relating to the negotiation of a socio-economic agreement for the Mackenzie Gas Project.

Records generated by the Geoscience Office relate to outreach activities like prospector training and community mapping programs.

Northwest Territories. Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (2005-)
317 · Fonds · [1955-2014]

This fonds consists of approximately 56.27 meters of textual records, 1,600 colour and black and white photographs, 26 audio recordings and 18 videos. The photographs depict medical facilities, medical personnel, procedures and health education activities. The audio materials are primarily related to health education, health studies and reports on healthcare in the north. The videos are primarily health promotion video related to nutrition and diet.

The textual material is derived from the various iterations of the divisions responsible for policy, planning and reporting; directorate and finance support activities, population health issues; community health issues; board support services, child protection and family services. The records cover issues such as legislative initiatives, departmental organization and strategic planning, the Territorial Hospital Insurance Service, the transfer of health services to the GNWT from the Federal Government, the decentralization of health services to the communities, health and social services matters in self-government negotiations, and significant reports including the Cuff Report (It's Time to Act), the NWT Health Report, NWT Health Status Report and Ambulance Services Report. The records include files related to the management of the department including: Senior Management Chronos, Executive Committee files, records from the Recruitment and Retention Committee, the Joint Senior Management Committee and Senior Management Committee files.

The textual material also includes correspondence with regional health authorities and boards, program development and delivery records, reports and promotional materials. These records cover programs such as Brighter Futures, Community Action Fund, Social Agenda Community Demonstration Projects, Traditional Knowledge, Community Wellness, nutrition, promoting nursing in the NWT, midwifery, clinical standards of practice, and many programs directed towards promoting healthy lifestyles. Included within these materials are records from various committees such as: the Community Wellness Committee, the Aboriginal Wellness Coalition, the Committee on Nursing Education, the Northwest Territories Pregnancy Risk Score Steering Committee, the NWT Clinical Practice Committee, The NWT Advisory Committee on Immunization, the Antimicrobial Steering Committee, the NWT Maternal and Perinatal Committee, the Childhood Fatality Review Committee, the Mental Health Task Team, Joint Standing Committee-Independent Seniors, the Addictions and Mental Health Committee, and the Traditional Knowledge Working Group.

Northwest Territories. Department of Health and Social Services (1995-present)
310 · Fonds · [1957]-2014

This fonds consists of approximately 29,000 photographs, 4.38 meters of textual material and one architectural drawing.

The photographs were taken, collected or purchased by the photographer for the Government of the Northwest Territories, who was employed by the Systems and Communications Division of the Department of Public Works and Services. The photographs are in slide, negative and print format and depict the following subjects: images of people, communities in the Northwest Territories, scenery, wildlife, traditional land use, hospitals, Royal Canadian Mounted Police buildings, schools, infrastructure of communities, water, air and land transportation, sports and recreation, hunting, fishing, traditional clothing, political leaders, government buildings, camps, mines, DEW line sites, events such as Arctic Winter Games, Expo '86, Canada Day, churches, airports, housing, dogsledding, fauna, arts and crafts and performing arts.

The architectural drawing is of Grollier Hall in Inuvik. It shows exterior views of the boys residence and dining hall and the girls residence and chapel. The drawing was produced for the Federal Department of Public Works and Services.

The textual records includes materials from the Minister's Office, the Directorate, the Corporate Services Division, Petroleum Products Division, the Asset Management Division, and the System and Communications Division.

Records from the Minister's Office include ministerial chronos.

Records from the Directorate include ministerial and deputy minister chronos, briefing notes, and briefing meeting material, as well as committee files on infrastructure development, drinking water management, and facility requirements post-division for the Government of Nunavut, reporting on activities related to land claims, records of workshops and conferences held by the department, and performance measurement reports.

Records from the Corporate Services Division include briefing notes, files from the Inter-departmental Committee on Capital Planning, records related to the Manuals Steering Committee, procedures for appeal hearings and filing grievances, Procedure and Guideline Manual revisions, newsletters, and an employee guide. There are also records from the Records Management section of Corporate Services, including policies and procedures of records services, Records Management Tips and Bulletins, administrative and operational manuals related to records management, meeting minutes of the Public Records Committee (PRC), Recorded Information Management Committee (RIMC) and one legal opinion file related to the retention of health records.

Records from the Petroleum Products Division include correspondence regarding the transfer of responsibilities of the petroleum products division to the NWT Power Corporation.

Records from the Asset Management Division include policy and reorganization files, records of the Project Management Conferences, and a Community Maintenance Management Survey.

Also included in this fonds are pamphlets on fire prevention in public buildings, technical evaluations of facilities, a guide on engineering practices in water and sewer systems, Office Space Standards and Guidelines, and files related to the Community Transfer Initiative.

Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services (1994-2017)
Northern Musicians Project
N-2005-014 · Accession · 2003-2014

Records include recordings and transcripts of interviews with northern musicians that were conducted by Pat Braden as part of a project supported by the Cultural Project Contribution Program of the Government of the Northwest Territories. The objective of the project was to interview northern 'pop' musicians in order to document their experiences and gain insight into the NWT music community between the 1950s and 1990s. The musicians interviewed included Archie Loutitt, Tony Buggins, Wilf Schidlowsky, George Mandeville, Albert Canadien, Angus Beaulieu, Herbie Beaulieu, Tom Hudson, John Tees, Alex Czarnecki, Gary Tees, Ted Wesley, Kevin Mackie, John Landry, Richard Lafferty, Pat Burke, and Allen Daniels.

Braden, Pat
331 · Fonds · 1899-2014, predominant 1955-2014

This fonds consists of records documenting the activities of the Department of the Executive in the functional areas of leadership of the GNWT and support to Cabinet, oversight of the GNWT’s regional operations, indigenous and intergovernmental relations, human resource planning, and gender equity. There are also records from the Audit Bureau and the Bureau of Statistics, as well as publications and records of several special projects undertaken by the department.

Government leadership

Records from the Directorate include meeting minutes, correspondence, and other materials from interdepartmental Deputy Ministers’ committees, including the Social Agenda and the Committee for Aboriginal Rights, as well as meeting materials for the Department of the Executive Senior Management Committee, the Special Joint Committee on Non-Tax-Based Community Affairs, and the Special Committee on the Implementation of Self-Government and the Sunset Clause, and the Public Committees, Boards and Councils Handbook. There are also transcripts of meetings of the Electoral Boundaries Commission held in several NWT communities in 1989 and community reports, meeting minutes and files pertaining to community transfers generated by various regional GNWT departments throughout the NWT, including Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk, Tuktoyaktuk, and Arctic Red River (now Tsiigehtchic).

Records from the Cabinet Secretariat include minutes, agendas, and other materials from interdepartmental Deputy Ministers’ committees, including the Division Review Committee. There are also reports commissioned by the Corporate Review and Transition Project in 2002-2004, along with departmental responses to the review and recommendations. Files from the Protocol section document the 1994 Royal Visit and 2004 Deputy Commissioner's swearing-in ceremony.

The fonds includes chronos of the Government Leader/Premier and the Deputy Minister/Secretary to Cabinet, originating from both of the above divisions. There are also chronos of ministers holding various portfolios, particularly from the Minister of Renewable Resources, and files containing correspondence between officials of the Executive and the federal government.

Records from the Corporate Communications division include Senior Management Committee records, Deputy Ministers' Steering Committee on Trademark and Copyright Policy records, GNWT-wide communications plans and strategies, workshop material, related job descriptions, records relating to the Visual Identity Program, and briefing binders.

Records from the Legislation and House Planning division include Cabinet House Strategy and session preparation files, briefing materials for MLAs, legislative agendas and files related to the development of legislation, materials from the Legislation and House Planning Committee, and results of the Legislative Review Survey conducted by the Division Review Committee in preparation for the creation of Nunavut. The records date from the 11th through to the 15th Legislative Assembly.

Records from the Priorities and Planning Secretariat relate to GNWT policy and program development, land claims issues, parks development, Constitutional development, decentralization and natural resource projects. Some of these records are meeting minutes, correspondence and records of decision produced by the Priorities and Planning Committee, a committee within the secretariat which reviewed initiatives, policies and programs before they were put before the Executive Members and the Executive Council as a whole. There is also a report from the Program, Policy and Planning Division entitled "Government as Communicator."

Records from the Executive Secretariat date from 1967-68 and consist of copies of the transfer guideline documents concerning the formal transfer of responsibilities to the Government of the Northwest Territories and a copy of a Task Force Report on the organization of the Northwest Territories Public Service.

Regional operations

Records from the Regional Operations division consist primarily of minutes from settlement and hamlet meetings in the Mackenzie Delta, Western Arctic, Baffin and Great Bear Lake regions, monthly reports from regions and specific communities, minutes of regional council meetings, and records from regional associations such as the Keewatin Organizational Committee, Regional Management Committee in Inuvik, and the Inuvik Regional Health Board. There are also files relating to resource development projects, including the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, Nanisivik Mines, Polar Gas Project and Beaufort Delta Oil Project.

Records from the Corporate Services Division are primarily from the Keewatin Region and consist of minutes of meetings from the Executive Committee, Regional Director's Meetings, Annual Management Meetings, Senior Management Committee Meetings, various hamlet meetings and board meetings. Furthermore, there are minutes from the following Regional Councils: Baffin Regional Council, South Slavey Regional Council, North Slavey Regional Council, Deh Cho Regional Council, Shihita Regional Council, Kitikmeot Regional Council and the Keewatin Regional Council. There are also files relating to Commissioner's Tours and Ministerial Tours of the Baffin and Keewatin Regions. Records from the Finance and Administration section consist of policy and planning files and records relating to Regional Decentralization.

In addition, the fonds includes files containing correspondence from Regional Administrators concerning the administration and implementation of the Liquor Ordinance and alcohol abuse problems at Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit). There are also reports dating from 1971-1973 about the community of Port Burwell and the Kennuayuak Association .

Aboriginal affairs, intergovernmental relations, and strategic planning

Records from the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat and its successor, the Ministry of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs, date predominantly from 1974-1996. These records relate to land claims, including the Inuvialuit (COPE), Dene/Metis, Sahtu, Gwich'in, Tlicho, Deh Cho, Denesuline, Makivik, Hay River Dene, and Treaty 8 organizations, and the creation of Nunavut. The records also document self-government by Indigenous groups (including the creation of the Western Arctic Region Municipality (WARM) or Western Arctic Regional Government (WARG)), constitutional development (including involvement with the Constitutional Alliance and Western Constitutional Forum), intergovernmental relations, and devolution of airports, land, water, and resource management from the Federal government (see also Office of Devolution).

The fonds also includes newsletters and reports created by the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat and Equal Employment Directorate. The newsletters consist of 10 issues of Building Blocks, and discuss varied issues of devolution and compensation. There are three reports on equal employment, dating from the mid-1980s.

Records from the Office of Devolution date from 1993-2014, documenting negotiations between the GNWT and federal government over the devolution of lands and resources and implementation of the devolution agreement. Records include correspondence, committee records, briefing materials, reports, and communication plans.

Records from the Strategic Planning division and its predecessor, Intergovernmental Relations and Strategic Planning (IGRASP), include briefing packages, minutes, and other materials related to a variety of meetings and projects. These include meetings between the Premier and federal ministers, other Premier meetings, Intergovernmental and Arctic Circle meetings, and the Deputy Ministers’ Senior Management Committee, as well as planning materials for the National Aboriginal Women’s Summit (NAWS II). There are records from the Boards and Agencies review in 2004-2006, including meeting minutes, agendas, reports, drafts, and interviews with departments and agencies. Also included are files on the Living History Project, a project to reflect and celebrate NWT progress since the Berger Inquiry, and one file which outlines the activities and strategies of the Social Envelope section in 1997-1998. There are also files related to departmental policies and a proposed reorganization of intergovernmental affairs functions.

Human resource planning

Records from the Personnel Secretariat Division include reviews of personnel policies, reports on conferences, workshops and seminars, files on employment equity, the decentralization of the Highway Transport Board and Liquor Licensing Board and several files on the restructuring of various GNWT departments.

Records from the Corporate Human Resources division comprise annual reports on the Affirmative Action Policy for the GNWT, an evaluation report and guidelines for the Northern Graduate Employment Program, reviews of staffing services and employee benefit administration at departments and agencies, and a file relating to the creation and organization of the division.

Women’s Advisory

Records from the Women’s Advisory include reports, decision papers, briefing notes, correspondence, and policy statements documenting the roles and responsibilities of the Women’s Advisory, its relationship to the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, the restructuring of the Women’s Advisory in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the 5-year Action Plan on Equality for Women, and the implementation of Gender Based Analysis. There are also reports from the Status of Women Committee and from organizations funded by the Women’s Advisory, including the Status of Women Council, the Native Women's Association, the Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association and the Women's Community Action Team.

The fonds also contains two audio reels dating from 1974-1975, including a panel discussion on the Status of Women as a lead up to the International Year of Women (1975) and an NWTCC board meeting discussing housing, waste management, air transportation, and business/government relations.

Audit Bureau, Bureau of Statistics, special projects and publications

Records from the Audit Bureau consist of audit files for various Hamlets, Hunters and Trappers Associations and craft shops, as well as files relating to Audit Committee Meetings, Manager's Reports and organization charts.

Records from the Bureau of Statistics include population statistic and projection reports, Yellowknife apartment surveys, spatial price surveys, food price surveys, personal income statistics, labour force surveys, census results, a report on interprovincial/territorial trade and a business directory. It also includes an incomplete collection of volumes of the Statistics Quarterly, from volumes 1 through 26.

Also in this fonds are records generated by the History of Education Project that was undertaken by Norman McPherson and resulted in a book on the history of education in the Northwest Territories (Dreams and Visions: Education in the Northwest Territories from the Early Days to 1984). The records consist of original files and copies of reports from schools in many communities throughout the Northwest Territories, as well as copies of transcripts from oral history interviews.

There are also eight audiocassettes and a fifteen page summary report of a Traditional Knowledge Elders gathering held in October of 1993 at Fort Providence.

The fonds also includes a small group of miscellaneous documents and reports relating to auditing, management, cross-cultural training, the Beaufort Sea Drilling Program, and research subject headings.

Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive (1967-2017)
401 · Fonds · 1997-2014

Records from the Directorate and Corporate Services division include ministerial and deputy minister's chronos, briefing books, minutes and supplementary materials from the Deputy Ministers' Human Resources Committee and other interdepartmental committees, meeting materials from the departmental Senior Management Committee, and notes and reports regarding employee surveys and human resource processes and procedures.

Records related to the Labour Relations and Compensation Services Division include meeting minutes of human resource professionals chaired by a representative of the Executive, as well a meeting minutes and supplementary materials from deputy ministers' committees and inter-departmental committees in regards to the process of amalgamating all human resources into a singular Department in 2005.

Records from the Corporate Human Resources and Human Resource Strategy & Policy divisions, predecessors of the Strategic Human Resources division, include files related to the Premier's Awards, Public Service Annual Report, and a proposed diversity strategy.

Northwest Territories. Department of Human Resources
350 · Fonds · 1967-2013

A portion of the material dating from 1992-1996 deals with the Northern Management Program (NMP) administered by the Department of Transportation in conjunction with Arctic College. The files consists of general correspondence and materials explaining the origin and purpose of the Northern Management Program.

Also included in this fonds are records from the Planning and Policy division, including Minister's Briefing Notes, Senior Management Committee meeting files, correspondence, decision and discussion papers and draft agreements concerning the negotiation between the Department of Transportation and Tulita District Land Corporation for the exchange of land at Canyon Creek.

As well, this fonds contains files from the Airports Division relating to the transfer of the Arctic Airports from the Federal Government to the GNWT. Included in these files are copies of agreements, decision papers, briefing notes and material from the Transfer Management Committee. There are also two items, a brochure celebrating the completion of highway 3 from Yellowknife to Frank's Channel, and a Department of Transportation strategy report, dated 2006 and 1990 respectively, files relating to airport safety, and electronic records regarding the management and operations of the CARS program.

Records from the Corporate Services division include files on departmental organization, personnel policy, staffing policy, an information technology strategy and a review of the department's finance and administration functions, internal publications and Senior Management Committee records. DOT submissions regarding the NWT Public Service Vehicles Act, the National Transportation Agency Review Commission and the Royal Commission on National Passenger Transportation are also included. Also, Briefing Books for the Deputy Minister for Main Estimates and the Standing Committee on Finance, as well as Briefing Notes and Options Papers are included. Departmental publications are also present in these accessions.

Records from the Directorate consist mainly of Minister and Deputy Minister chronos, as well as files relating to Senior Management Committee minutes, Transfer Management Committee minutes, the transfer of GNWT airports to communities under the Community Transfer Initiative, policies, Briefing Notes, Northern Roads Policy, Negotiated Transportation Contracts Policy, transfer of responsibilities from the federal government to the GNWT, transfer of responsibilities from the GNWT to Nunavut for division, and department strategies.

Records from the Environmental Affairs section include environmental projects and studies and reports for airports, roads, industrial projects, and contaminated sites.

Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation (1989-2017)
312 · Fonds · 1966-2013

This fonds consists of approximately 29.49 meters of textual material, two reels of microfilm, 11 microfiches, 2 Betamax videocassettes, and 3 architectural drawings created by the NWT Housing Corporation. The bulk of the material consists of correspondence, minutes, reports and decision papers from the following committees and working groups: Board of Directors Human Resources Committee, Policy Committee, Finance Committee, Housing Committee, Prime Public Authority Steering Committee, Senior Management Committee, Advisory Committee, Housing and Services for the Aged and Handicapped Committee, Tripartite Management Committee, Planning and Monitoring Committee, Advisory Committee on Social Housing, Maintenance Management Review Committee, Staff Housing Infrastructure Review Committee, Retrofit 2 Review Committee, Informatics Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Social Envelope Committee, Maintenance Steering Committee, Harmonization Working Group, Harmonization Committee and Corporate Executive Committee. There are also minutes, reports and correspondence from District construction meetings, community consultation meetings including the community empowerment initiative and various inter-departmental committees.

The files from the policy and research programs relate to the development of a new Rent Scale Program, Homes for Seniors Program, and Northern Housing Program, and also include program delivery records for cost-shared programs with the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) such as the Rental Program, Emergency Repair Program, Homeownership Program and Residential Rehabilitation Program. There are also files related to a training education and development proposal, surveys and reviews of NWTHC programs, housing needs survey reports for the communities of Iqaluit, Kugluktuk, Yellowknife, Bay Chimo, Pelly Bay, Pond Inlet, Norman Wells, Wha Ti, Paulatuk and Snare Lake, as well as a case study on housing in Fort Good Hope. There is also material related to a review of the status of the Housing Corporation as a Crown Corporation and manuals and planning files related to the NWTHC Maintenance Management System, the Management Information System (MIS), Building and Learning Strategy and Core Need Income Threshold.

In addition, there are files relating to the relationship between the NWT Housing Corporation and district or regional housing authorities including files regarding the administration of the Local Housing Organization program, minutes of the meetings with regional housing authorities and signed management agreements with these regional housing authorities.

There is also a small number of files from the Operations Division and Finance and Infrastructure Services, including guidelines and policies related to social housing and modernization improvement program, an Electrical Use Study, and several files concerning the Corporation's involvement and response to the GNWT Utilities Reduction initiative. From Finance and Infrastructure Services there are policies and procedures manuals documenting financial functions of the NWT Housing Corporation. There are also agreements between the Housing Corporation and the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the Nunavut Housing Corporation, and the Northwest Territories Mortgage and Loan Company. There are also briefing books, President and Ministerial Chronos, the Brishaw Report, strategic planning material, organizational reviews, housing demand studies, work plans and decision papers related to the proposed amalgamation of the NWT Housing Corporation, Department of Transportation and Department of Public Works and Services, correspondence, reports and decision papers regarding the harmonization of social assistance programs (Education, Culture and Employment) and public housing programs. Also included is the Housing Implementation Strategy and an agreement regarding staff housing program responsibilities. There are also two Betamax format videotapes entitled: "Homeownership Assistance Program" and "House Construction (Part 1) Homeownership Assistance Program".

The files from the Programs and District Operations division include records about the Alternate Housing Program, the Home Improvement Program, the Rental Housing Admission process, consultations on CHMC program review, records from the Homeownership Assistance Program (HAP,) and the HAP Allocation Committee, economic rent calculation, consultations and other records regarding Rent Scale, and policies and procedures for the Corporation. Also included is a small group of records about the Lease to Purchase Program, the Northern Territorial Rental Purchase Program, the Downpayment Assistance Program, the Minimum Downpayment Assistance Policy Program (MDAPP), the Direct Lending Program, the Rural and Remote Program, the Owner Build Program, the Remote Housing Program, the Rent Supplement Program, the Staff Housing Program, Harmonization of Social Housing and Income Support, and housing for seniors. Also included are assessments of Local Housing Organizations (LHOs) and rent scale reports.

The files from the Policy, Programs and Informatics division include records about the Rent Supplement program and copies of NWT Housing Corporation policies, directives, and procedures.

Northwest Territories. NWT Housing Corporation (1972-present)
342 · Fonds · [1952]-2012

The textual material was generated by the activities of the Directorate, Education Committees, the Language Bureau, Board Operations, Early Childhood and School Services Division, Culture, Heritage and Languages Division, Policy and Planning Division - later known as Strategic and Business Services, the Education Programs and Evaluation Branch (predecessor of the School Services Division), Education Operations and Development Division, Income Support programs and the College and Careers Development Division.

The material created by the Income Support Division consists of records related to reforms to the Income Support program, the redesign of the Student Financial Assistance program, internal audits of regional offices, a study on welfare use in the NWT and financial support related to energy and utilities.

The material created by the Directorate includes records related to departmental committees and meeting records from the Senior Management Committee, Executive Committee, Directors and Superintendent meetings, Minister and Chair meetings, Building and Learning Strategy Committee, the Strength from Culture Guiding Committee, School Finance Committee and Strategic Planning Committee, Information Steering Committee, the Subcommittee for Human Resource Planning for Division, the Nunavut Implementation Committee, the Residential School Interagency Committee and Traditional Knowledge Committee. In addition, there are records related to the Senior Secondary Community Schooling Policy, the Seniors Fuel Subsidy Program and the operation and administration of Arctic College. As well, there are Deputy Minister chronos [1994-2010], Ministerial chronos [1997-2010] and Ministerial correspondence [2001-2002].

The material created by the Education Committees consists of reports and minutes from the Fort Smith Region, including the Trout Lake Community Education Committee, Fort Providence Community Education Committee, and Wrigley Community Education Committee. The files that were created by the department's Board Operations Section includes material related to Senior Management Committee meetings, Directors and Superintendents meetings, Educational Development Branch meetings, the Sahtu Divisional Board of Education, the Building and Learning Strategy Steering Committee, Lester B. Pearson College and the Governor Generals Award Program.

The files from the Early Childhood and School Services Program include program review material, newsletters produced by the division for licensed childcare facilities and material from the School Health Steering Committee. In addition, there are division planning and program implementation material for the Aboriginal Language Program and Child Care User Subsidy Program, minutes and agendas from Subject Advisory Committee, Director's Meetings, Staff Meetings, Regional Board Meetings and Student Presidents' Meetings, correspondence and meetings with the Education Boards, files related to the development of health curriculum, the Special Committee on Health and Social Services, and Student Support Consultant related files. The remaining files relate to development of goals and objectives for the division, professional development for staff, planning and delivery of the Child Daycare Program Symposium, as well as copies of agreements and memorandum of understanding between the Department and the Federal Government and provinces for the Western Canadian Protocol, and Minority Language and Second Language Instruction.

The material from the Education Programs and Evaluation Branch and its predecessor the School Services Division consists of curriculum and lesson plan material such as Inuuqatigiit and Dene Kede, and material developed for use in the classroom such as alphabet and number posters in Gwich’in, Dogrib, South Slavey, North Slavey and Chipewyan. In addition, there is material from the Linguistic Programmes Division that includes Inuktitut language development and Slavey language development material.

The files from the Language Bureau include the newsletter Dene Yati, language terminology lists and training material for the Interpreter/Translator program that was delivered by Artic College but produced by the Language Bureau, as well as files from Language Coordinators Meetings and Language Bureau Meetings. There is also material related to french language service models, aboriginal language task force, and the Community Language Leaders Award. There are minutes from various languages' standardization committees, the advisory committee for the Canada-Northwest Territories Co-operation Agreement for French and Aboriginal Language, and the advisory committee for the Interpreter/Translator program.

The textual material from the Culture, Heritage and Language Division was created by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The files date from 1980-2003 and the bulk of the material consists of minutes of meetings from Section Heads Staff Meetings, Cultural Affairs, Collections Committee, Exhibit Committee and Senior Management Committee (ECE). In addition, there are files from the Public Records Committee and the Records Management and Deputy Ministers Committee, which includes comments from the NWT Archives. There are also promotional and development files from Education Services for events such as Heritage Day, Amazing Sundays and Open House, as well as files from the Geographic Names program. Other material consists of policies, Heritage Training Assessment from the Museum Advisory Management section, a file concerning the reorganization of Culture and Heritage Division, strategic planning files and an Audit Bureau report on the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. In addition, there is a file concerning the development of a brochure for the museum, policy and procedures for the community display area, files related to exhibit development and gallery renovation, a guide to the Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge exhibit, and a guide on oral traditions research. As well, there are policies, directives and meeting minutes relating to the NWT Arts Council. There are records from the Heritage Advisory - Community Programs section, as well as administrative files detailing the Division's activities relating to various land claims agreements. There are records which relate to the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre (PWNHC) retrofit, addition and renovations, which took place between 2003 and 2006. These include a geotechnical report, needs analysis, upgrade and renovations project brief, and an implementation strategy. There are also sound recordings consisting of an interview with Darcy Arden and stories told by George Blondin. As well, there are 8753 images from the office of Technical Services at the NWT Archives that date from 1979 to 2006, which document staff, exhibits, events, and projects at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre.

The material from the Strategic and Business Services Division - previously the Policy and Planning Division - includes records related to department-specific acts and regulation amendments, job and program evaluations and strategies, and briefing binders. Copies of various agreements between ECE and other government agencies are included. Also included are meeting minutes and reports from senior management conferences and meetings, Executive Committee meetings, Directors/Superintendents meetings, Aurora and Arctic College Board of Directors meetings and correspondence, audited financial statements from the various school board divisions and Business Plans developed by the division. Files also include material related to the revision of the Education Act and the Student Financial Assistance program, as well as reports and communications plans. This material dates from 1983 to 2003. Further accessions contain Deputy Head Chronos dated 1996, correspondence and planning documents relating to Education Act and Student Financial Act Amendments, strategic planning reports on the Towards Excellence initative and the Healthy Children initiative, planning and correspondence for the Minister's Forum on Education, Executive Committee minutes and correspondence, Memorandum of Undertanding between the GNWT and the NWTTA and YK#1, minutes from the Constitutional Affiars Committee, correspondence and planning documents regarding the South Slave Divisional Education Council, correspondence and planning pertaining to the Pension Plan, and correspondence and meeting minutes from the Inuvialuit Communications Society Committee Meetings, the Native Communications Society, the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, and the Advisory Committee on Educational Television. This material dates from 1987 - 2003. This material also includes a Memorandum of Understanding and related correspondence between the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment and Minister of Health and Social Services regarding the Social Assistance program transfer dating from 1995 - 1997.

The material from the Education Operations and Development Division includes records related to departmental organization, correspondence with divisional boards of education, reports and statistics on residences and correspondence regarding the community action fund. It also includes a file on the transfer of responsibilities of Sir John Franklin school to YK District #1, as well as a review of options for schooling of children in Ndilo.

The material from College and Career Development Division includes records related to the delivery and development of programs that includes correspondence, copies of program development material such as policy, framework documents, action plans, manuals and final reports. In addition, there are program review files related to the Student Financial Assistance Program and Income Support reform. The remaining files relate to strategic initiatives for the division including the integration of income support and career development, results of consultations that were done regarding the consolidation and transfer of social assistance programs to the department and division of the Northwest Territories and its impact on the College and Career Development Division and establishment of two colleges. In addition, there are reports related to the closing and future uses of Akaitcho Hall, Kivalliq Hall and Ukkivik Residence. There are also committee and working group records such as reference material, reports, correspondence, terms of reference and minutes from the Postsecondary Education Review Steering Committee, NWT Standing Committee on Teacher Training, NWT Teacher Qualification, Adult Basic Education Curriculum Development, Teacher Induction, GNWT Training Group, Secondary Diamond Industries Working Group, and the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Steering Committee.

The remaining textual material was generated by a variety of sources including community literacy projects, Teacher Education Programs, Arctic College, the Baffin regional ECE office, and the Labour Standards Board. The files from Arctic College includes correspondence, decision papers, program review and evaluation files for the Apprenticeship and Trades Program, Early Childhood Education Program, Mill and Mining Training, and a report on Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program. There is also one file that contains a copy of an Arctic College Graduate Follow-up Survey report. There is also a package of material that was produced by the Department of Education and the Arctic Public Legal Education Society to aid in students learning to interpret and translate trials. The Baffin regional office files include meeting minutes of the Keewatin Divisional Board of Education from 1990-1992 and the Baffin's service delivery plan for 1995/96. One box of text was generated through the Nunavut Unified Human Resouce Development Stategy, in which the GNWT Dept. of Education, Culture and Employment played a lead role in various committees and projects. The files from the Labour Standards Board include meeting minutes, policies and procedures, and an annual report.

The bulk of the photographic material is in slide format and depicts community buildings (schools, churches, hospitals), people, scenery, activities and special events in the following communities: Hay River, Fort Simpson, Fort Norman, Rae, Port Radium, Lac La Martre, Fort Good Hope, Fort Franklin, Fort McPherson, Tuktoyaktuk, Yellowknife, Coppermine, Jean Marie River, Fort Liard, Nahanni region, Aklavik, Fort Resolution, Fort Smith, Fort Providence, Wrigley, Fort Fitzgerald, Arctic Red River, Reindeer Station, Whale Cove, Norman Wells, Iqaluit and Rocher River. A portion of the photographic record documents the activities of the Language Bureau from approximately 1973 to 1994 and includes groups shots, individuals at work and a 1975 Interpreter's Conference. Photographs of school openings, special needs children, departmental outreach programs such as literacy, internal departmental functions, and school and college graduating classes are in various formats. In addition, there are blueprints, photographs and negatives, as well as textual material that was generated by the renovation project of Our Lady of Good Hope, Roman Catholic Church in Fort Good Hope.

There are also approximately 2400 colour and black and white slides from the Tuktoyaktuk Traditional Knowledge Project, that document elders, locations and traditional ways of life.

The 35 films, primarily produced by the Government of the Northwest Territories, deal with subject matter such as prohibition in the north, education and the Mackenzie River Bridge.

The majority of the 1971 videocassettes were produced by or acquired by the Radio and Television Services Division. Most of the productions were developed between 1981 and 1995 from the Department's studio location in Yellowknife. Featured programs include "The Tube" and "The People." In addition, there are a variety of unique productions about northern subjects, traditional knowledge, and coverage of major political and social events in the Northwest Territories, both as finished programming and as raw footage. The remaining videos consist of master copies and raw footage from the Caribou Skin Tent Repatriation Ceremony, as well as documentation of the Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge Project. There are also electronic records consisting of 379 digital images and textual material pertaining to this project, as well as two sound CDs containing narration, which was used during production of the Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge video.

The eleven 8mm tapes and 7 DVDs from the Tuktoyaktuk Traditional Knowledge Project consist mainly of interviews with elders regarding toponyms and establishing shots of the region and town.

The audio material consists of audio cassettes that originated from the Language Bureau of the Department of Education, Culture and Employment and contains sound recordings of an Elder's Conference held in Yellowknife in 1991 and meetings about Traditional Knowledge that were held in 1990 and 1993. In addition, there are four audiocassettes that contain North Slavey language lesson material. There are lesson plans that accompany the sound recordings. The bulk of the sound recordings consist of audiocassettes from three projects coordinated by the Geographical Names Program. The first series of recordings includes interviews with elders from Paulatuk about traditional geographical names in the area. The second series are interviews conducted in 1987 by Alice Legat and Territorial Toponymist Randy Freeman, with Sachs Harbour elder William Kuptana. The remaining series contains recordings from the Dogrib Names Study. The recordings include extensive elders interviews conducted in Rae and Lac La Martre between 1989 and 1990. There are also a number of sound recordings that relate to Radio and Television Services video productions from the 1980s and 1990s. The vast majority of the audio cassettes relate to interviews done by the Tuktoyaktuk Traditional Knowledge Project from 1991-1993. The interviews with elders are about place names and traditional lifestyle of the people.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment (1992-present)
392 · Fonds · 1947-1954, 1978-2012

This fonds includes records from the Directorate, including Ministerial and Deputy Minister Chronos and briefing books. It also includes records concerning the financial impact of division, including: proposals, workbooks, records of committees and executive summaries prepared by consultants. Also included in Directorate records are files relating to the purchase and transfer of the Northern Canada Power Commission to the GNWT.

Also within this fonds are records from the Finance and Fiscal Policy Division. The files include records related to the financial negotiations between the federal government and the related stakeholders involved in the division of the Northwest Territories and the creation of Nunavut in 1999. Records also include files of the Division Special Committee Working Group and the Northern Representatives (NERN) Committee, transfer of financial responsibility of Arctic Airports and fire management programs from the federal to territorial government, files tracking the changes and negotiations regarding property, education and income taxation, as well as economic policy issue files.

Records from the Corporate Affairs Division include files related to financial aspects of self-government agreements, amendments to the Liquor Act and Financial Administration Act, GNWT debt and borrowing, and a 1997 strategic plan for the department.

Records from the Management Accounting Services division include an organizational review of the payroll and employee benefits functions and a report on the provision of payroll services to Boards of Education.

Records from the Internal Audit Bureau include meeting packages of the Audit Committee, which provides oversight for the Bureau.

As well, there are records from the NWT Liquor Commission, consisting of seven annual reports (38th to 44th, dated 1992-1998) from the Commission; correspondence regarding various issues with the public, appointments and revocations, and management of liquor warehouse and retail stores; reports related to surveys and planning; and correspondence and memos related to the transfer of administration of the liquor system to the territorial government. Records from the Liquor Licensing and Enforcement division include correspondence and notes from a public meeting in Yellowknife and a newsletter produced by the Liquor Licensing Board for licensees.

The fonds also includes records from the Finance Information Systems Steering Committee (1979).

Northwest Territories. Department of Finance (1975- )
416 · Fonds · 2001-2013

This fonds consists of 2.30 m of textual records, 1 audio cassette, photographs, and 5 CDs and 1 USB stick of digital records, including some created by the WSCC's predecessor, the Workers' Compensation Board. Records include meeting materials from the Governance Council and the Audit Committee, Minister's and President's Chronos (correspondence), and meeting materials for meetings between the Nunavut and Northwest Territories Ministers responsible for the WSCC. The records also include financial statements, agreements, strategic planning workshop material, survey results, records relating to legislation, and a memorandum on the release of employer safety records under ATIPP.

Records from the Prevention Services division include investigation reports on fatalities and an evaluation of the Safe Advantage Program.

Records from the Safety Advisory Committee document consultation with businesses and organizations on the Safety Regulations.

Northwest Territories. Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission
410 · Fonds · 1985, 1987-2012

This fonds consists of 9.89 m of textual records, 2 drawings, 16 CDs, 1 zip disk, and 1 USB flash drive, including records from the Directorate, Corporate Management division, Policy, Legislation and Communications division, Environment division (and earlier from the Pollution Control division), Wildlife division, Protected Areas Strategy Secretariat, and Inuvik Region.

Records from the Directorate include ministerial and deputy minister chronos, briefing materials, meeting materials of the Senior Management Committee, Managing This Land Strategic Initiative Committee, Deputy Ministers' Land Use Steering Committee, Joint Climate Change Committee, Energy Coordinating Committee, Deputy Minister's Subcommittee on Science, Arctic Energy Alliance, as well as terms of reference of the Gwich'in Forest Management Steering Committee and correspondence and briefing notes regarding the forest management component of the Gwich'in Land Claim agreement. Records also include meeting materials of the Giant Mine Oversight Committee and the Informatics Steering Committee, land and water framework working groups, meeting materials regarding the restructuring of ENR's predecessor, the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, into ENR, material relating to the Territorial response to the Dehcho Land Use Plan, and workshop materials for the Development of a Land Use Framework workshop and a Water Strategy workshop. The records also include a memorandum of agreement with the Canadian Wildlife Federation and records relating to an amendment of the Wildlife Act.

Records from the Corporate Management division's Policy, Legislation and Communications unit (known for a time as the Policy and Strategic Planning division) include policy committee meeting materials, Senior Management Committee materials, Deputy Ministers Land Use Steering Committee materials, Natural Resources Conservation Trust Fund material, plans for organizational change in the early days of ENR, protocols documenting shared resources with the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, and records relating to enforcement of legislation, land use and protected areas, caribou management, the Mackenzie Gas Project, forest management, and department-wide training. Other records relate to the revision of the Wildlife Act, creation of the Species at Risk Act, and amendment of the Forest Management regulations, including meeting materials, reports, drafts, discussion papers, and records relating to public consultations. Records also include preliminary screening of land use permits, land lease applications, and water licence applications that were reviewed by the department and its predecessor, the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, as mandated by the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA). Records also include IRMA (Interim Resource Management Assistance) files, as well as Interim Measures Agreement files (IMA) as managed by DIAND and copied to RWED, who later became the lead on such files after devolution in 2014. Records also include communications on department programs and initiatives, agreements and memoranda of understanding, policies and directives, and records relating to human resources and a possible job action.

Records from the Environment Division include proceedings of the utilities management committee, program results from partnership with Ecology North, and legal opinions on environmental issues and case files in conjunction with the Department of Justice. Records also include agreements related to spills in the NWT.

Records from the Wildlife Division include files from the revision of the Wildlife Act, Species at Risk Programs, various publications, study information, briefing notes (2005-2006), and committee material for the Deputy Ministers’ Sub-Committee on the Science Act, Seismic Guidelines Steering Committee, and West Kitikmeot/Slave Study Society Board.

Records from the Forest Management Division relate to timber supply and NWT Forest Industry Conferences and Workshops (2005-2006).

Records from the Protected Areas Strategy Secretariat include material from the Implementation Advisory Committee, Steering Committee, working groups, Secretariat, funders, forums, and workshop, material related to activities in the Akaitcho, Gwich'in, Sahtu, and Deh Cho regions, agreements, and communications materials.

Records from the Inuvik region include RWED Operations Manual, ENR Field Operations Manual Standard Operating Procedures, Summary of Hunting Regulations July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, and material for a 2007 Research Day.

Northwest Territories. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (2005-)
Ryan Silke fonds
368 · Fonds · 1999-2010

This fonds consists of 14.5 cm of textual material, 1828 colour negatives and one DVD video documenting Ryan Silke's visits to various mine sites and locations between 1999 and 2010 including: Miramar Con Mine, Giant Yellowknife Mines, BHP Ekati Mine, Ptarmigan Mine, Akaitcho Mine, Discovery Mine, Thompson Lundmark, Hidden Lake, Ruth Mine, Walsh Lake, Viking Mine, Diversified Mine, North Inca Mine, Atlas Camp, AES Shaft (Giant Mine), Colomac Mine, Tundra Mine and Gordon Lake, Jackknife Camp, Cemetery Draw, Pet Claims, Grayling Lake, Ranney Camp, Burwash Mine, Lynx Camp, Kam Lake Camp, Yellorex Camp, Prosperous Lake, Pensive Lake, the Yellowknife River, Ryan Lake area (Ryanor and Goldcrest camps, Island Lake Core rack, and Crestaurum Mine), Aye camp, Rich YK camp, Keg Lake, Banting Lake, Oro Lake and vicinity, Garskie's Mine (Old Parr), Diavik, Great Bear Lake, Kam Point and the Old Mink Farm, Rayrock Mine, and Wool Bay area. As well, he has documented the activities of the NWT Mining Heritage Society. Includes the report "Ryan Silke's Site Visit Reports and Photographic Collection 2002-2003, Archaeological Investigations and Mine Site Documentation". The reports, typically illustrated, often include a short historical background on the mine or area, the anticipated goals of the visit, a travelogue, a site investigation report, a report on the various buildings and structures remaining, a report on equipment and machinery, a list of items salvaged, colour photographs, a list a photo identifications, hand drawn maps of the site or area, hand-coloured diagrams, copies of aerial photographs, and hand drawn renderings of buildings or floor plans.

Silke, Ryan