"Northwest Territories Official Travel Map," an illustrated map produced by TravelArctic, an agency of the Government of the Northwest Territories, with illustrations by Devlin Art Services.
One map entitled "British Colonies in North America" printed on May 20, 1797, by J. Wilkes. The map depicts an understanding of the day of lands presently known as Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. A small part of the Northwest Territories, and the northeastern states of the United States of America are also indicated on the map.
The map appears to have formed part of a series and is numbered XLIV. An unidentified individual has marked over the routes taken by Captain Parry in the "Hecla" and "Griper" in 1819, 1820, 1821, and 1822.
The maps show Mackenzie River and Great Slave Lake, and the Mackenzie Delta. These maps were originally part of Volume V of van der Maelen's "Atlas Universal de Geographie" published in 1827. According to the Public Archives, each map includes the total cartographic knowledge of each area available in 1825.
Sans titreThis accession consists of one map (no. 16) taken from the fourth volume of a six volume atlas compiled and published by Philippe van der Maelen in Brussels in 1827. The atlas is entitled "Atlas Universale de geographie, physique, politique, statistique et mineralogique sur l'echelle de 1/1641836 ou d'une ligne par 1900 toises". The lithographs were prepared by Henri Ode, also a member of the Royal Geographic Society of France. The map, which is entitled "Amer. Sep. Partie de la Nouvelle Bretagne No. 16", covers 60 to 66 degrees north and 98 to 114 degrees west. This covers the District of Keewatin and some of the District of Mackenzie - and includes Chesterfield Inlet, Baker Lake and Dubawnt Lake).
Sans titreThis accession consists of one map titled "Discoveries of the Expedition under the Command of Captain Franklin, R.N.: near the mouth of the Mackenzie River and on the Sea Coast East & West," compiled by E. N. Kendall. It was published in John Franklin's, "Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1835, 1826 and 1927".
Sans titreReproduction by Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources of a map drawn by J. Arrowsmith of British North America using documents from the Hudson's Bay Company. The boundaries are outlined in pink and the map also shows lakes, rivers, administrative districts, forts, and settlements.
This accession consists of one map entitled "Map of the North West part of Canada, Indian Territories & Hudson's Bay, 1857". It was compiled and drawn by Thomas Devine, Provincial Land Surveyor and Draftsman, by the order of the Hon. Joseph Cauchon, Commissioner of Crown Lands. The map is marked with the location of French Canadian forts existing at the time of conquest, and those that existed before 1713. Also included is an insert showing the profiles of various routes for the Pacific Railroad and a table of estimates for the Indigenous population of British North America.
This accession consists of a map titled "A Sketch Map of the Great Bear Lake Region in the Mackenzie District explored by J. Mackintosh Bell 1900", dated May 13, 1901 and apparently published by the Royal Geographic Society in its Geographical Journal of 1901.
Sans titreThis accession consists of one map entitled "Exploration in Northern Canada, and adjacent portions of Alaska and Greenland, 1904." The map documents the routes taken by explorers and expeditions along the coast and inland.
Map entitled "Exploration in Northern Canada, and adjacent portions of Alaska and Greenland, 1904." The map documents the routes taken by explorers and expeditions along the coast and inland.
This accession consists of two black and white copy photographs of maps entitled "Survey of the Western Part of the Dominion of Canada". Various information, such as estimated populations of Manitoba, Mackenzie District, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Yukon and British Columbia in 1907, is printed around the borders of these maps.
Surveyed by S. Fawcett.
Surveyed by S.D. Fawcett.
Approved by the Surveyor General, Department of the Interior.
Approved by the Surveyor General, Department of the Interior.
Approved by the Surveyor General, Department of the Interior.
Records consist of one bound volume containing the settlement plans (lots) for the communities of Fort Smith, Fort Resolution, Hay River, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, Fort Norman [Tulita], Fort Good Hope, Fort Liard, Fort Rae [Behchoko], Fort Wrigley, and Fort McPherson.
Sans titreApproved by the Surveyor General, Department of the Interior.
Approved by the Surveyor General, Department of the Interior.