[Roofers working on the roof of Ciara Manor on School Draw Avenue.]
[Child coming down a slide at the snow castle. Other people are visible on the parapet above.]
[Childrens' soccer practice in the St. Patrick/Weledeh school field.]
[Snow castle on Yellowknife Bay. Several houseboats are visible in the background.]
[Two water bomber aircraft in flight.]
[Air Tindi plane C-FATO (DeHavilland DHC6-300 Twin Otter) coming in for a landing on a lake.]
[Red-orange sky with sihouetted trees.]
[Clouds over Yellowknife Bay.]
["Elon Muskox", a horticultural muskox sculpture, with summer flowers.]
[An overhead Emirates airplane leaving vapour trails in the sky]
[Fox curled up in its tail in a sunbeam.]
[Five birds sitting in a bare tree.]
[A kayak on Yellowknife Bay with houseboats in the background.]
[Magpie taking off from a tree on Twin Pine Hill.]
[Sign and the shadows of trees on the side of Ecole St. Patrick High School.]
[Cloud formations over Yellowknife Bay.]
[Sunrise over Great Slave Lake, looking east, with vivid colours.]
[Vehicle driving on the ice road between Yellowknife and Dettah with mist handing in the air.]
[Close-up view of a purple flower at the Adam Dental Clinic.]
[Air Tindi float base on Great Slave Lake.]